MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 74

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"Of course not just because of your fighting ability." Xiao Yan's heart faintly produced a speculation.

Jane laughed, the shallow smile on the corner of his eye was similar to that of Valentin Sheen, the only difference was the grace. Jane has some kind of temperament, and Valentin Sheen is unpredictable.

“Talk about your conjecture. Give you a hint that everything is related to Valentin Sheen’s so-called eternal life.”

Xiao Yan thought for a moment, "Everyone here is an individual that has been deliberately selected to breed, regardless of physical fitness or intelligence on ordinary humans. But embryos infected with x virus are not so easy to survive, so you are all It is the perfect breeding body after the elimination of x virus. And your gene comes from Valentin Sheen itself."

Xiao Yan looked at Jane. He didn't know if he could discuss it all safely here.

The next moment, Jane pressed Xiao Yan on the wall, "hold me."


A sliding door opened on the wall, Xiao Yan fell down, it was a vertical space, full five or six meters high, the moment of landing, Xiao Yan was held steady and steady, even the tremor did not feel.

This is a simple room. Apart from the bed and desk, there is only a full-length bookcase, and there are countless paper books on the bookshelf.

“Welcome to my world. I love the feeling of flipping pages more than the vast endless information base. We are still very similar about this hobby.”

Jane put Xiao Yan on his bed, half-squatting in front of him, and his slightly reclined face was almost pure and handsome under transparent white light.

"Now, you can continue to talk."

Here is Jane's room, and Xiao Yan curiously looks around and opens.

"The x virus does not make people indestructible. Valentin Sheen's eternal life is just to replace the damaged or aging organs. No matter the skin, internal organs or even the limbs, he can use his own genes to cultivate a fusion of individuals. Then he took the request, but he could not replace his brain..."

"Well, give you another hint. The x virus in my body is close to the peak."

"So... your body is at its best! He doesn't want a part of your body, but... all of your body."

"Yes, he will take his brain out and implant it into my skull to control this young and powerful body. If there is no accident, he has gained at least ten years of vigor from my life. For him, I am not a 'child' at all, but a petri dish, even a lamb that he is captive. You think I should let this God dominate everything about me... Is it right, should I say that I have taken everything away?"

"……what do you want to do?"

Jane Wallis will never let anyone slaughter, even if that person is his "father."

"I need your strength. The main control system here can only invade your brain. I want you to shut down all operating systems except the oxygen supply system, including fire control. Valentin Sheen There is a potion that limits my ability. This is the real 'magic power' that controls everyone."

Sure enough, Xiao Yan had long thought that Valentin Sheehan had cultivated so many "children" who had extraordinary intelligence and possessed the capabilities of special forces. There must be a more favorable control method than the so-called relatives. Otherwise, freedom is the nature of mankind. He cannot be forever. Take control of them.

"Do you want to steal medicine?"

Jane shook his head. "The person who steals the pharmacy is you, not me."


"All thinking will leave traces in the system. Valentin Sheehan is unlikely to keep the pharmacy, he will only temporarily prepare when needed. When he infected us with x virus, he specially left a virus for this virus. The suffix, attacking our heart, every once in a while, we have to inject his formulated remedy to resist this suffix, knowing that losing the heart and losing the brain is as serious. I need to completely remove the virus suffix, do you understand?"

Aha, Xiao Yan rushed up and laughed.

His world changed too fast. In the past few days, he was robbed by Jane Wallis. At this moment, this guy is asking for help.

"Would you like to join, or are you not willing?"

"If it fails, I will lose my brain, right." Xiao Yan looked at the other person's eyes very hard and wanted to know how successful this guy was.

"If you don't do anything, sooner or later, he will lose patience and take your brain." But Jane still smiles indifferently, as if the plan is not exposed.

"So if we succeeded?"

"I said, I want to run away with you."

His fingers swept over Xiao Yan's nose, and the meaning of petting, what they are about to do, is a matter of life and death! This guy is still a bit like this!

Xiao Yan left his head and thought for a moment. "If you want me to help you, I need your blood."

"What do you want my blood to do?" Jane stared at Xiao Yan.

"You and my blood type are the same, I can infect x virus by inputting your blood. I don't want to have no resistance when I encounter Valentin's carefully trained assassin. If we can get out of here, I will be myself. Synthesizing x-2, I will also decode the suffix virus and then eject it. If you give it to me, we will deal."

"I can't give you my blood."

Xiao Yan gave him a glance, this guy really was out of his mind, if he believed that he was a fool of ten.

"In case I fail and you have a chance to leave, the suffix will also kill you. But I can get a sample of x virus for you."

Jane’s expression is very serious, which makes Xiao Yan feel a little moving.

But Xiao Yan’s move is faster, and he will not forget the reason why he is in this ghost place.

"It’s ridiculous. I didn’t want you to be infected with the x virus when I died.” Jane’s lips are self-deprecating smiles.

"Because now I am not the original. The x virus is no longer a deadly myth."

Jane smiled and lowered her head.

"But before that, we need to dispel the doubts of Valentin Sheehan."


Daddy, Jane stepped onto the mattress and pressed Xiao Yan down.

"You bastard!" Xiao Yan's nerves are tight, and this guy has never been a gentleman!

Jane smiled and kissed Xiao Yan's cheeks and neck, deliberately making a squeaking noise, and forced him to almost **** his blood out.

"Jane Wallis - you are going to die!"

"Even if you are infected with x virus, it is not my opponent!"

This sentence is really **** owe!

Half an hour later, Xiao Yan walked coldly in the passage, and Jane smiled behind him.

Oncoming Kathy saw the red marks on the neck of Xiao Yan, making a snoring snoring. When he passed Jane's side, he lowered his voice and said, "You should explain to your father why he was taken away from surveillance."

“Do you like to be stared at by many people when you like to be intimate?”

Kathy licked her lips and did not speak.

That night, Jane, who was carrying the plate into the room, saw Xiao Yan still sitting in the corner of the wall, her hands hanging on the side of her legs, and her empty eyes staring at the deep sea outside the glass window.

“Do you know that this behavior means you are vulnerable and insecure?”

"I only know that the feeling of relying on the back makes me think more focused."

Xiao Yan stared at Jane's plate.

"Okay, okay, I want you to bring you something. But before that, you have to eat the rice."

Jane put the plate on Xiao Yan’s knee. Xiao Yan stabilized the plate and felt something on his lap.

That is a miniature injection gun!

The cells that felt the contact surface shivered and the virus solution entered his body.

"You need physical strength."

From that moment on, Xiao Yan’s heart suddenly tightened, and the blood ran wildly in the body. Even the breathing seemed to be suppressed in the throat and could not be released.

"How? Still can't eat anything? I don't think this is because of Casey's nerve anesthetic, but your mood is not good. The seabed is really a place where people feel depressed, but you have to adapt."

A spoonful of oatmeal was sent to Xiao Yan's mouth.

It seems that he had long expected that he would not be able to eat anything, and he simply prepared a liquid food. Strongly resisting the discomfort of the stomach, Xiao Yan will drink the oatmeal all night.

"Do you need me to be here with you?"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and did not speak.

He once heard that Liv had mentioned that the process of being eroded by the x virus was extremely painful. It was painful and there was no painkiller to stop it, as if all the bones were reorganized after being interrupted.

Xiao Yan clenched his fingers and his shoulders trembled. He can't shout, can't scream, can't even frown, because Valentin Sheen may be watching!

Xiao Yan's body has a lot of cold sweat, and his legs are constantly groaning because of pain.

"It will be fine, it will be good soon."

Throughout the night, Xiao Yan trembled in Jane's arms until the pain reached his peak in the middle of the night. He could only keep recalling everything about Hai Yin. For the first time, I accidentally went to Hai Yin in an abandoned nuclear power plant. His desperate memories are short-lived and only a moment of touch, which is the most embarrassing experience in his life and the experience of no regrets no matter how many times.

Xiao Yan's fingers gripped the bed, he couldn't struggle and couldn't tremble. He told himself that the pain was not as good as the one that had broken his shoulders. The bones pierced the flesh and blood and the pain was crushing the nerves.

He can squat in the past, he must be able to smash it in the past!

The sweat soaked his back, and the phalane that fastened the sheets almost crushed himself. Jane's hand was covered on Xiao Yan's back and forced to cover his trembling. But in the long endurance, Xiao Yan did not try to fasten Jane's hand.

All this is like his alone fighting alone.

"You won again, Xiao Yan!"

Jane loosened Xiao Yan and leaned in, their cheeks close together.

"You are more cruel than Valentin."

Finally, Xiao Yan’s shoulders slowly relaxed, and the pain was far away after a long endurance. His cheeks slid to one side and his breathing gradually lengthened.

Jane's fingers swept his sweaty forehead and held him tightly in his arms.

Xiao Yan has been asleep until the heartbeat in his ear is getting clearer.

He slammed up and stared at the bright but oppressive room.

The hearing is infinitely magnified, and he can almost feel the sound of the ocean creatures on the other side of the glass wall, the lower the choking, and the glass resonates slightly.

Bowing his head, Jane kept his head on his side and his eyes fell on him. The accountant left a whole shadow on Xiao Yan's back, but he looked up at the direction of the light.

“Would I like to say congratulations to you and become my kind?”

"We were the same kind." Xiao Yan put the pillow on Jane's face. "I am ready, what about you?"

He didn't want to see this tempting face. Once there was a moment, Xiao Yan was forced to almost surrender to this man. The x virus makes Xiao Yan's memory of anything more profound than before, and Jane's kiss becomes the starting page of this memory.

"just now."

After that, Jane buckled Xiao Yan’s wrist and moved the pillow. He turned over and put a white coat on Xiao Yan’s face. “Let’s go.”

"What? Monitoring is..."

"Monitoring has been going on for a long time."

Jane took Xiao Yan back to his own room and took out a terminal there.

Xiao Yan took a breath.

Jane pressed his shoulders, and the cynical expression was all over the air. He sighed with a stern tone that he had never had before: "You must stop the stop at the fastest speed. Once Valentin Sheen When you find out, he will pierce your subconscious mind mercilessly, destroying all the support of your thinking, and you will never wake up again."

Xiao Yan’s briefness means that you guys don’t say the danger factor of this matter earlier.

But for Xiao Yan, even if he is destined to wake up, he has no retreat. Valentin Sheen will definitely find everything that Jane has done. What kind of result this guy will have, Xiao Yan doesn't care, but for him there is no better chance to leave than this!

Without any resilience, Xiao Yan resolutely entered the main control. All the information seemed to be the dust being knocked open by his thoughts. The exploding thoughts of the universe jumped into the sky. In an instant, the whole base fell into a darkness. Through the invasion of the master, he finally spy on the whole picture of the submarine base in zero and one second, including the submarine's location, and how to reach the channel, he began to search for the traces of thought left by Valentin's preparation of the agent. But no matter how search is futile, he even began to suspect that Valentin did not pass the terminal but used the most primitive manual method to match the drug. At this moment, he felt that a force was following the outer edge of his thinking. Entering his brain, Xiao Yan’s heart trembled and suffered! Must be Valentin Sheen!

The thought that has accumulated more than two hundred years has captured Xiao Yan with ease and intensity.

"Three billion trillion brain intervention speed is really the best person to invade the master. I think this is the purpose that Jane brought you to me."

In my mind, it is the whisper of Valentin Sheen, as if it was a curtain call.

Xiao Yan's thinking was squeezed and split, which seems to be a long process, but in reality it is only a moment.

The troposphere has no effect on his obstruction. Valentin Sheehan’s subconsciousness into Xiao Yan is effortless, and his spiritual world is gradually falling apart.

"I don't remember what I said to you."

Cool and no ups and downs of the tone to pick up Xiao Yan's broken thoughts.

"Unlike the real world, the broadness of thinking is beyond your imagination."

Now he is not training to prevent brain invasion, but the battle of life and death!

When Valentin Sheen finally came to Xiao Yan's subconscious, he found that it was a dark and empty place, and the direction was no longer meaningful.

Everything in the real world will also have similar expressions in the world of thinking, such as gravity. In this space, he is just floating, and even the direction of evacuation does not exist. Xiao Yan used his brain to subvert everything in reality, and breaking through the stereotype of thinking is often the key to the breakthroughs of research scholars.

Valentin Sheen pulled up her lips for more than two hundred years, and he finally waited for a funny opponent.

Just as he was preparing to extend his mind infinitely, he realized that someone was interpreting his own mind!

At this time, Casey had entered the terminal and entered the brain while Valentin invaded Xiao Yan, continually extracting information greedily.

Valentin Sheehan must withdraw from Xiao Yan's thinking. He constantly diverges and extends his thinking, breaking through Xiao Yan's thinking boundary. He finally retreated.

At this time, he was shocked. From the beginning to the end, he stayed in Xiao Yan's thinking troposphere. He thought he had reached the other side's subconscious mind, but that was just the scam that the young man built for him!

He was actually cheated by a young man!

The moment of being fooled is smooth, and what he has to do now is to take out the little thief who is trying to steal something from his brain!

But Valentin never imagined that Xiao Yan’s thinking was counter-attacking, and he continued to climb the thoughts that he could not fully withdraw. His ability to analyze and interpret information was unimaginable, when Valentin resigned his mind. On the body, Casey has already received the opportunity to quickly evacuate the terminal.

“Have you got it?” Jerry asked with a smile.

"You said it." Casey picked up his lips.

Suddenly the alarm sounded and all channels were locked.

At this time, Xiao Yan, who exited the terminal, entered a code command. This is a virus he recorded in the research lab of Shire. The information carried in combination with the code in the main control system terminates the channel lock. command.

Jane picked up Xiao Yan, "Let's go!"

"But I haven't got it yet..."

"No need."

Jane runs with Xiao Yan in the channel. Valentin will not let the main control system stay in the embarrassing state. They are racing against time!

Several men in black combat uniforms rushed to them and pulled out the sharp edge.

They are all first-class masters, and Xiao Yan also realized the true strength of Jane for the first time. The last time I had a confrontation with Hai Yin, this guy definitely had reservations.

Before the moment, his elbow smashed the wrist of one of them to the wall. Xiao Yan only heard the sound of "磕啦", and at the last moment, he simply emptied and lifted his leg and broke another person's head.

At this time, there were five or six surging assassins rushing up.

"Jane Wallis - you traitor!"

Jane’s lips were a bad smile, and blinked at Xiaoyan’s eyes. “Let me see what Haiyin Burton taught you.”

One of the blades slashed to Xiao Yan's shoulder, and the body naturally responded without thinking. Xiao Yan turned to the side, his wrists raised his blade upwards, the other hand screwed his arm, stepped over and slammed him against the wall, waiting for the other to restore balance, Xiao Yan The elbow was cracked against the other's spine, and then his blade was taken back and his head was cut down.

Blood splattered on his coat, and Xiao Yan stepped back in two steps.

This is his first kill. Xiao Yan swallowed her mouth and did not have timidity out of control. The sympathy of the unclear occasion will only kill oneself, and the person who kills him will not be half-pity.

Jane has already produced three people.

The remaining two watched them with vigilance.

"Good job."

Xiao Yan originally thought that his movements were slow, but in fact, the series of combination attacks he completed almost in one second.

Looking forward to the blockers, step by step, and they step back.

The killing scent is like a shadow.

"Let it go, or die here."

The two men looked at each other and immediately clenched the blade and rushed with the determination to die.

Xiao Yan was ready, but Jane stepped on the wall and took a leap. The elbow of the right hand cracked one of the neck bones. The moment of turning over avoided the blade that was turned to the front. The wrist twisted his bones and slammed the blade back into his throat.

"Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice."

Jane looked down at them and didn't have the slightest pity.

"let's go!"

Xiao Yan keeps up with Jane.

"where are we going!"


"What about your pharmacy?"

Jane turned back and licked his left eye, the iconic action. "Nothing is more important than you."

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, "This is not romantic!"

When they rushed into a turning zone, they briefly pulled Xiao Yan back, and jumped up through Xiao Yan's shoulders. The guy who was about to come forward, did not expect the other party to hide.

"You are not likely to pass through here. Jane, you are too disappointed with your father. He gave you everything."

The four killers were in front of them, and the whole body exudes an unusual momentum.

Xiao Yan can feel that these four people are absolutely different from the guys who have just been the result of them!

Jane’s nose squeaked and shook his eyes at Xiao Yan. “Baby, I forgot to introduce you, this is the famous ‘Ghost Knight’ Sheldon.”

Xiao Yan’s brows trembled, and Sheldon’s name was louder than the witch Claire. The guy in front of him was pale, which was completely different from Jane’s white, very sick, silver-gray hair falling, full of killing eyes. Still projected from the hairline. But Xiao Yan had to say that the guy's facial features had aristocratic elegance, and people unconsciously remembered the vampire in the movie.

Sheldon slowly opened his mouth: "Jane Wallis handed it to me. Xiao Yan will hand it over to you. Just break his hands and feet, as long as he doesn't break his head."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I am also infected with the x virus now, but I am confident to develop x-2 for myself!

Hai Yin: When we return to Shire, we will be jealous.

Xiao Yan: ... 2k novel reading network

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