MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 36

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He finally got rid of the temptation of Jane Wallis.

Until Jane left, Casey clasped Xiao Yan's fingers and squeaked. Xiao Yan did not doubt that he would fracture if he continued this way.

"Don't be tempted, don't let yourself be addicted." Casey's voice was heavy.

"I know."

"Jane Wallis... is a hedonist, I don't want you to be a tool in his short life to fill the void."

"I know."

"Any researcher who has slept with him will not leave him in the lab again."

Because the personal feelings of Jane Wallis will affect the researcher's objectivity.

"I know..." Xiao Yan frowned, and finally he couldn't stand it anymore. "Can you let me go... my wrist is broken!"

Kathy let him go.

Xiao Yan knows that Casey’s words are absolutely serious.

After leaving the institute that day, Xiao Yan went to the blue tulip. Although Kathy is a genius, he is not deeply involved in the world. He does not understand men like Jan Wallis. Of course, Xiao Yan does not understand. It’s just that Xiao Yan can feel that he has become a prey for Lieutenant Colonel Wallis’s boring moments. If he still wants to stay in Casey’s research room, he must solve it all outside the study.

A man like Jane Wallis, the innate pride that makes him not force anyone, what Xiao Yan needs to do is let the other party know his decisions and positions. With the x-virus to lure an unwilling researcher, Xiao Yan believes that Jane Wallis will get a sense of accomplishment.

The blue tulip is the most extravagant bar in Shire, and as long as you enter it, you will have to spend a lot of money. Kathy is right, Jane Wallis is a pure hedonist.

The treatment of each special soldier is astonishingly high, but most of them have not had time to spend half of their treatment until they die, so Xiao Yan has no position to criticize Jane's luxury.

Walking to the door of the bar, Xiao Yan was stopped. His salary at the Academy of Sciences absolutely cannot afford the expenses here, and the security guard at the entrance of the bar saw his dress and knew that he did not bear the strength of the consumption in this bar.

"Sorry, sir, you can't go in."

"I came to Jane Wallis. If you can't go in, please let him know, I have been here."

Xiao Yan just turned and left, but the security guard apologized to him. "I am sorry, I don't know if you are a friend of Lieutenant Colonel Wallis. Please come in."

"You didn't confirm my identity to Jane Wallis and let me in?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis said that anyone who enters the blue tulip in his name will pay for each other."

Xiao Yan has the urge to scream in the sky, what is Jane Wallis in the end?

Entering the bar, there are not many guests here. Elegant and awkward music, the liquid flowing in the glass, the lovers who are eager to hear, is like a luxurious feast. With the rotation of the clock hands, the soul is separated.

Under the soft and soft light, Jane's eyebrows are more and more tempting. His slightly elevated chin is not arrogant, but rather a few lazy. The left hand is holding a young boy's waist, enjoying the Margaret he fed to himself, and his right hand on the shoulder of a blonde.

Xiao Yan sighed. Did this guy make his own appointment to show off?

Jane's Yu Guang passed Xiao Yan and provoked a smile. He did not let go of the beauty in his arms. He just leaned forward and looked at Xiao Yan with a playful look. "Hey, you are still here."

"I heard that as long as you give your name, will you pay for him?"

"Yes. Anyway, people can't spend money after they die, and my money can't be spent." Under the eyes of Jane's smile, it's the unique charm, but this moment is in the Xiao There is a bit of desolateness in the eyes of the rock.

The same is the money to spend more, Xiao Yan suddenly very curious what Haiyin Burton is like?

Xiao Yan’s fingers knocked on the bar. “Hey, trouble a cup of Croatia, remember it in the account of Lieutenant Colonel Wallis.”

"Where do you want to go tonight?" Jane's hand had already stopped Xiao Yan's waist, his fingers continued to slide down his spine, and Xiao Yan smiled and walked back halfway.

"I want to spend it tonight. I am here to tell you that Lieutenant Colonel Casey has his own principles. Anyone who has a relationship with a research subject must leave his research room."

"So what is the purpose of your visit here? Not just for a cup of Croatia?"

"Yes, this is the real purpose of my coming here, the most expensive bartending in Xiaya - Croatia. I thought I had no chance to drink in my life, thank you, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis." Xiao Yan toasted A smile, gently sip a liquid with a pale golden ripple in the brown.

"Reject me, you will regret it. You will miss my kiss day and night." Light and shadow flowed between Jane Wallis's eyebrows, which was totally different from Colonel Burton's cold and powerful. Hai Yin is more like a mountain in the clouds, while Jane is a mist that confuses people.

"I will miss the x virus, and then I will study it more fully. I want to help Casey make x-, so I can't leave the lab anyway." Xiao Yan looked at each other's handsome facial features, in him. In my heart, this is a man's conversation with a man. He hopes to get the approval of Jane Wallace, who can respect him as much as respecting his comrades.

"Are you sure? My night is only open this time." Jane slightly over the head, his eyes rushing from the narrow eyes like a stream to Xiao Yan, this guy knows how to draw the hearts of others.

At that moment, Xiao Yan was slammed on the bar, his fingers crossed his cheeks, the knuckles scraped through his auricles, and the very provocative kiss fell, and the world swayed at the other's tongue. Rock could not find its own direction. The warm palm stroking his back constantly, then squeezing in along the edge of the trousers, licking his hips arrogantly.

Xiao Yan took a breath.

wide awake! Xiao Yan! wide awake! This is not really happening! These are all... the illusion you have created by Jane Wallis!

Xiao Yan squeezed his fist, and the moment the finger licked the palm of his blunt pain, his saga was fortunately little by little. The x virus, like gravitation, evokes the most primitive nature of mankind, and Xiao Yan knows that he must break free from this gravitation.

He stepped back a little, and Jane Wallis was still sitting leisurely on the high stool, half-squinting, elegant and lazy.

Sure enough, everything just happened is an illusion.

Xiao Yan raised his glass and drunk Croatia. His face was cold and it seemed that his negotiations had not worked. A technical soldier who wants to win respect from a special soldier can never do it in three or two sentences.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Lieutenant Colonel. It's very late now, I still have work to finish tomorrow."

At the moment he turned, his wrist was buckled.

"Are you sure you don't enjoy me tonight?" Jane looked up slightly, and he had a confusing face, but everything just made Xiao Yan more aware of his identity.

"I don't mean to be your pastime. Moreover, your night is precious, and every minute is worth taking seriously."

At that moment, the figure of Haiyin Burton appeared in Xiao Yan’s mind. He stood on the edge of the cliff, and he was dangerous, but never fell.

Xiao Yan licks his lips. He occasionally thinks that Jane Wallis's heart is very similar to Hai Yin. They are all indifferent and alienated. His bohemianism is more like a mockery of the world, but Xiao Yan will not delve deeper. Because he knows that this man will take off his disguise at some point, cruel. At this moment, Xiao Yan is funny for his innocence. Not everyone understands the position and dedication of others like Hai Yin and his men.

Xiao Yan put down the wine glass and walked out of the bar under the eyes of everyone.

"Jane? What's wrong with you?" A teenager wrapped his arms around Jane's neck and kissed his forehead intimately.

Jane’s shoulder trembled as if waking up from a dream.

"It's nothing."

"This man is really boring. Would you like me to accompany you tonight?"

"...I have a task tomorrow, I have to be a child to go to bed early today." Jane got up and stretched out.

As he passed the bar, his eyes subconsciously swept through the glass left by Xiao Yan, then he lowered his eyes and went out.

There was a lot of regrets coming from the bar.

When Xiao Yan walked out of the bar door, the applause sounded and a figure slowly approached from the darkness.

“Few people retreat from Jane Wallis! He is notorious for his special missions.”

Xiao Yan’s eyes are not going to be the trouble for Danzel to send someone to find himself.

As the figure got closer and closer, Xiao Yan’s eyes lit up.

The long brown hair was softly draped in the back of the head. The uniform of the military uniformed the other side, and the smile was so beautiful. Xiao Yan wanted to forget that he couldn’t forget it!

"Oh my God! Maya! Maya!" Xiao Yan opened his arms and jumped up to hug each other.

And Maya took advantage of Xiao Yan to catch up, patted his back and smiled and said: "You kid! If I don't come to you, I guess you will forget me to go out!"

"How is it possible!" Xiao Yan looked at Maya carefully. He had to marvel at Charles's prosthetic repair technique. Maya's hands and feet could not be seen and installed.

"Is it the same as true?" Maya raised her hand and moved her fingers freely. "Although it is a prosthetic, it can subtly convey all the feelings, your temperature, your touch, I have experienced it." It’s clear! It doesn’t prevent me from enjoying everything in bed!”

"That's great!" Xiao Yan sighed sincerely and automatically ignored the last sentence of the other party.

"Dear, should we go for a drink!" Maya picked her eyebrows and deliberately used the expression of Xiao Yan to seduce it. But Xiao Yan did not produce any impulses and hallucinations. Maya was joking. Xiao The rock responded naturally to him.

"That is of course, long nights, no you are by my side, I will not sleep." Xiao Yan deliberately used the expression of the wind to pick up the eyebrows of Ma Ya, and Maya Mingming is much higher than Xiao Yan but still A small bird was pulled by Xiao Yan's arm.

"Really? I will definitely make you cool tonight."

"Hey! You are really disgusting! What a cool!"

“Drinking beer and drinking is cool!” Maya showed a very innocent expression. “Brother, you are getting less and less pure!”

At this time, the cynical expression on Jane Wallis's face under the streetlight suddenly disappeared, and the chill in the sputum slowly spread.

Xiao Yan and Maya went to a theme bar. There were more than a dozen holographic displays in the bar, all of which were baseball games. Xiao Yan and Maya drank a glass of wine, and soon his lips were a circle of white beer. foam.

"Haha! I heard that you have been following the head! How are you feeling?"

"Everyone is very good to me." Xiao Yan remembered the last time they baked bird meat on the top of the mountain rock, could not help but show a smile. Now think about it, the previous thrilling seems to be more interesting than staying in the research room, but there is a problem that has always been put in his mind, and there is no answer in Casey, maybe Maya can answer him.

"Maa... I ask you if I occasionally fantasize about a special soldier..."

Maya spurted out a beer, "What? Fantasy? What fantasy?"

"Well, kiss your mouth." Xiao Yan broke the can, and if he was holding it in front of Maya, this guy would only laugh at himself.

"What is going to bed! It's really beautiful!" Maya seemed to think of something, haha, laughing. "I know! Liv! When I used to seduce you, Liv was righteously stopping me! Now think about it, Must be selfish!"

Xiao Yan's face is black, how do he think his fantasy object is a woman... No, it should be said that his fantasy object can not be a woman!

"Actually, my fantasy object is Colonel Burton." Xiao Yan deliberately said it in a relaxed tone, with the elbow on top of the top of the Maya.

He thought that Maya would laugh even more. Who knows that Maya’s expression is serious. "Are you telling the truth? If so, the head has an idea for you... Xiao Yan, this is dangerous, you You can't enjoy it in the head, you will be killed!"

The words of Maya made Xiao Yan's back a cold. Do you die? Liv’s words of intimidation when he was joking again poured into his mind.

"Hey! What is your expression! Hahaha!" Maya finally broke the power. "I just tease you! You are relieved! The head definitely can't see you! The head can't see anyone!"

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, what is the reason for his own hallucinations? These problems are still not solved!

"Hey, don't take the lead again to make a joke next time. Don't you think it's cold when you mention him?" Maya hit the glass of Xiao Yan and made him come back.

"... Maya, I ask you... are ordinary people who have kissed you, will you continue to fantasize about you?" Xiao Yan always guessed that he had eaten the mouthwash of Hai Yin.

"My kissing technique is at the level of the gods! Of course they will continue to fantasize!" Maya slowly moved to Xiao Yan, so that Xiao Xiao could not help but lean back, just when she almost fell from the bar chair, Maya Haha laughed and took Xiao Yan back.

"Don't make trouble! I ask you very seriously!"

"Did you learn the basic characteristics of x virus when you were a student? The x virus in saliva is not replicable. They will be metabolized after 10 to 20 minutes after entering the normal person's body via saliva. Kissing This behavior does not make people fantasizing, but many x viruses are addictive, you understand..."

"This is the case..." Xiao Yan has not and will never have the kind of deep "communication" with Haiyin Burton.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Maya frowned and slammed Xiao Xiaoyan's head. "Look at your expression, it's not really any special forces who are pursuing you? Jane Wallis?"

"Ha... don't mention that name! I have a headache!" Xiao Yan pressed his head hard.

That night, Xiao Yan almost spit, but Maya is still in the spirit.

He left the bar with Xiao Yan and stopped a magnetic levitation vehicle.

"Hey, Xiao Yan! Where is your officer's apartment address?" Maya reluctantly patted Xiao Yan's head, but the guy muttered for a while but couldn't say a complete sentence.

"You don't talk anymore, I will take you home!" Maya licked Xiao Xiao's head.

"Well... um..." Xiao Yan just whispered twice.

"You guys... don't fight if you don't drink! You can never fight for the special forces!" Maya shook her head. "And there is no sense of crisis! Fortunately, when you are a brother, Otherwise, you are not dead in bed tonight!"

At that moment, Maya felt that she was really great.

Bring Xiao Yan back to his officer's apartment, Maya feeds Xiaoyan and drank some water. This guy slept and squatted and occupied the whole bed.

"Fortunately, I am not clean! If the head is here, you must be squashed and killed!" Maya lay in bed and arched Xiao Yan to the other side.

The liaison on the wrist suddenly popped open, and Mark's sly smile appeared in front of Maya.

"Haha, Maya! It’s so cool for you to be a kid in Charles!"

Maya's eyebrows were picked. "Are you not out of the task? How can I have a leisure time to talk to me in the middle of the night?"

"This task is a piece of cake! We have to go back to the base! I haven't even stretched my bones! It's really boring!"

"So come to harass me?"

"Haha, yeah! We are blowing cold air. You enjoy the warmth in Charlie. How do you think it is unfair!" Mark’s eyes on the screen slanted and saw a man lying next to Maya. "Oh! Ma Ya! Who is this guy with you going to bed? You shouldn’t kill someone else!”

Maya pulled out a smirk. "He is sleeping right now. Do you want to see who he is?"

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