MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 29

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Xiao Yan knows what the consequences of his choice will be.

He is not as forgetful as he imagined, he will always remember Lily's eyes at that moment, and then he will never sleep.

He remembers that his father once said that we can fear death, because whether we are afraid or not, death will come. But we can't be ashamed, it will cover a lifetime, more difficult to conquer than death.

For a weak woman, Xiao Yan knows how stupid his decision is.

But she is not just a ‘a weak woman’, she is a woman I have been in love for a long time.

Xiao Yan ran to Lily's direction. When he entered the Central Academy of Sciences at the age of seventeen, academics and research were never the world he was eager to pursue. Lily, maybe she is superficial and weak in reality, but she is the most beautiful expectation in her mediocrity.

She curled up in the wall in horror and cried with her knees. Not far away, the zombies are coming.

Xiao Yan picked her up and said to her with a very fierce expression: "You **** me up!"

Lily looked at Xiao Yan with a stunned look and didn't believe he would come back!

Waiting for death will only be more fearful, and Xiao Yan would rather run with all his strength, even if he exhausted.

There were countless zombies coming behind them, and they held Lily’s arm and held Xiao Yan’s shoulder. Closing his eyes, Xiao Yan fell to the ground, Lily clasped his wrist tightly but did not cry like a panic.

They hold their breath and wait for the most painful moment.

The pain of being bitten did not come. Xiao Yan only felt a cold wind sweeping through his ears, and looked up to the sharp edge of Hai Yin’s hand.

"Go, this time, if you can't keep up, I won't stop."

In the eyes of Haiyin Burton, some kind of anger is suppressed, and Xiao Yan is always in a hurry. He is the **** who holds the power to kill and kill, and is calm and fearless. Xiao Yan was surprised at that moment, and Hai Yin’s return was tantamount to compromise. The hatred in his eyes was unexpectedly clear, and even confided without any disguise.

Lily looked up and couldn't breathe when she touched the eyes of Hai Yin.

Xiao Yan saw some unshakable determination in Hai Yin’s eyes. This man never gave up at the last moment, Xiao Yan was upset for the first time, and it was too early to give up!

Easily giving up is not a time-critical situation, but a weakness!

It was rushing all the way, the front was the channel that was blown up, and the rear zombies had already caught up. Hai Yin clenched the double-edged sword and blocked it in front of Xiao Yan. "You go first!"

He wants to break.

Xiao Yan looked at each other's back, no trace of shaking, no trace of fear. No matter what happens, this man will live, and he will never question his power!

Seeing that a zombie was about to hit Xiaoyan's shoulder, he did not hesitate to turn his back and swayed Lily forward. Haiyin slashed his right hand and several zombies fell.

As they ran, the passage under the foot was slowly sloping, and Xiao Yan frowned. He knows the ground structure of all the bases. Most of the bases are connected by t-type. The down-track is most likely because the t-nodes are destroyed by ground-helical missiles, causing the building to lose support.

It was another bang, and the **** of the ground under the feet was more serious.

"Lily!" Xiao Yan suddenly stopped in front of Lily, he suspected...

At that moment, the entire passage seemed to break open, and Xiao Yan and Lily fell to the ground and slammed down along the angle of inclination. It all came too fast, they were unprepared, until the moment when they were about to slide completely, Xiao Yan grabbed the raised part of the cracked metal floor, and the feeling of fingers and muscles being cut open was heartbreaking! But Lily fell, and at the last moment she fell, she grabbed Xiao Yan's leg!

Underneath they were the ground floor of the base. Numerous fallen zodiacs waved their arms and jumped to try to catch them.

No energy to fear, Xiao Yan's face is red, his fingers are white, blood falls down his arms, and his shoulders are red.

"Lily - you must catch it! Do not understand it! If you let go, I will let go!"

Lily looked up and looked at Xiao Yan’s completely trembling shoulders and swallowed her mouth. She said very seriously, completely different from what she had just said: “I have to let go, Xiao Yan, be prepared! You have to climb up!”

"No! I will let go if you let go! I haven't reached the point where I can't keep going!"

Lily smiled. "I think death is actually very fast, no fear."

At that moment, Xiao Yan felt that the weight of his leg suddenly lost, Lily let go and fell.

"Lily--" Xiao Yan's heart is about to burst open.

The zombies widened their eyes, revealing a bloodthirsty and cruel expression, and Lily looked at Xiao Yan, as if she could bravely accept everything.

A rope slammed down, wrapped around Lily's waist, and took her away when the zombies were about to catch her.

Xiao Yan looked up and saw a figure standing on a high place under the light, and came to the blood.

Lily slammed on the ground and the rope around her waist momentarily pulled away.

At the moment when Xiao Yan lost his strength, one hand clenched his wrist. In Xiao Yan’s eyes, Haiyin Burton’s figure in front of him was half-baked in his face. He was picked up.

When Xiao Yan crashed into the other's arms, he had the illusion of fate.

Without any words, Hai Yin will take the sharp edge into the sheath, and Xiao Yan and Li Li will be put on their shoulders, and they will step back three or four steps.

When Lily understood what Haiyin was going to do, she screamed loudly.

Xiao Yan’s heart was unexpectedly calm.

Hai Yan’s running is the speed that Xiao Yan never experienced. The moment he vacated, Xiao Yan remembered the time when he touched the blue ocean and the wind that was completely free.

His eyes are clearly crazy zombies, but it seems to be a picture that has nothing to do with it.

Xiao Yan knows that this man will never let him fall, just like every time he used to vacate.

Haiyin steadily landed on the other side of the fracture channel, and the vibrations when landing caused them to hold their breath. Hai Yin threw down Xiao Yan and Lily. Lily swayed and stood up, she couldn't believe that Haiyin Burton had two people jumping over the distance of four or five meters!

"Before you die, we must enter the refuge."

Hai Yin bowed his head and glanced at Xiao Yan's **** hands, indifferently taking steps.

Xiao Yan at the moment only felt painful, but he shook his head and Li Li shook his head, and the two continued to follow Hai Yin.

Finally, they came to the refuge channel. The first door opened and they rushed in. Several zombies followed in when they closed, but they were solved by Hai Yin in an instant.

He licked the sharp blade in his hand and took it into the sheath.

Everything was isolated from the door, and Lily was shocked.

Xiao Yan arrived at the door and looked at Hai Yin's straight back. As if he saw him for the first time, he was so proud and determined.

The inner door opened and Liv and Mark rushed out.


"Yeah." Hai Yin responded, suddenly picking up Xiao Yan's wrist and throwing him to Liv, "handle the wound for him."

Mark looked at Xiao Yan and showed an incredible expression. "Hey... you are for this stupid rookie..."

Liv hit the mark, "Enough Mark!"

"Handling the wound? How to deal with it? Is it necessary to kiss him or..."

Mark’s words were not finished yet, and Liv squatted on the side of his knees. The big guy almost didn’t fall to the ground.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and stepped into the underground of the 14th base.

He is still alive.

He is still breathing, his eyes can still see the back of the person, his brain is still thinking.

Xiao Yan’s body was a little shaken, and in front of him were countless officers who were busy dealing with the attack.

Shen Bing's forehead is also bloody, but has stood in front of the holographic screen to command everything in an orderly manner.

Hai Yinzheng and his men plan to deploy the action plan. His side face is Xiao Su's breath, and even the sight is touching.

Liv sat in front of Xiao Yan, disinfected him, and wrapped a special bandage around his palm. This bandage is completely transparent, and the moment of contact with the wound will adhere to the skin, which can isolate various harmful bacteria without impeding oxygen permeability.

"Is it still hurting?" Liv asked with a chuckle.

"The most painful time has passed." Xiao Yan pulled up his lips.

"I really didn't expect the head to save you. When the danger comes, his duty should be to ensure the safety of the chief commander of the base."

Xiao Yan has a slight glimpse.

"Don't show such an expression. This does not mean that the colonel has compromised his principles or forgotten his duties. If you are trapped by me or Mark, the head will do the same."

So I don't have to be self-satisfied with self-satisfaction?

"So this means that you are not a person who can be abandoned at will for the head."

Xiao Yan’s heart was knocked on by the cockroach, and it won’t come back for a long time.

Li Fu stopped talking and silently took care of Xiao Yan's wounds.

From the speech of the surrounding people, Xiao Yan learned that from the moment, the base 14 will give up the aboveground part and enter the underground. Charles will dispatch an aircraft to replenish the No. 14 base and construct the underground biological circulation system. Hai Yin’s troops will also cruise around the base.

After the wound was finished, Liv stood up and clicked on his cheek.

Xiao Yan reached out and found that it was the blood of the zombies. The sticky feeling between the fingers was unpleasant.

"There are disinfection rooms over there, you can wash them. Their contents are in contact with the skin for a long time and are corrosive."

"Thank you."

Li Fu didn't say it was okay, and Xiao Yan felt that the face was very itchy.

Xiao Yan entered the disinfection room, and the entire space was covered with milky white mist, and the field of vision was vast. The entire disinfection process is very simple, just walk through the disinfection room, not only remove all harmful substances, but also clean the clothes.

The feeling of itching on Xiao Yan's face gradually subsided. As soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the zombies madly appearing in front of him, and every time Hein Burton turned back.

His fingers were still shaking, clenching his fists and licking his heart.

Going one step further, he hit someone.

"Oh, brother, sorry! I didn't expect anyone else here!"

Xiao Yan glared at his forehead, and the person in front slowly turned around.

Knife-like facial lines, except for Haiyin Burton?

Xiao Yan stunned, "... Colonel Burton..."

Hai Yin’s face is soft and unreal in this mist. Only the cold scorpion reminds Xiao Yan that this person is Hai Yin Burton. Yes, there is a clean seaweed in order to save Xiao Yan from a lot of zombie mucus, he will of course come to the disinfection room to clean up in the first moment.

"I'm sorry... Colonel!" Although the other party is still compelling, Xiao Yan's words in his heart can't help but say it.

"Where are you sorry for me?" There is no doubt in the tone of the tile. It seems that Xiao Yan’s apology has no meaning for Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and found that he could not say a word.

Sorry, I chose Lily.

Xiao Yan feels that this answer is stupid, because he chose Lily or others have nothing to do with Haiyin.

Still sorry, I wasted your chance to save me?

Or sorry, I let you go back and forth again, even questioning your ability to protect me from harm at all?

Just as Xiao Yan hesitated, Hai Yin had turned and his figure gradually fell into white fog.

Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and smiled helplessly, but there was a desire to flap his wings.

He wants to go higher and further behind the man, he wants to be strong, and even if Hein Burton never looks back, he knows that he is behind him!

The figure in the white fog stopped.

"If I didn't catch you, would you let go?"

The soundless lines seem to cut this layer of mist.

Haiyin stood in a place not far from Xiaoyan, and the five senses in the white mist seemed beautiful and beautiful.

"No one wants to die..." Xiao Yan did not think that Hai Yin would ask himself this question.

Hai Yin walked two steps forward, his arms raised, and the slender and elegant fingers were buckled on Xiao Yan's neck, and he could crush his neck bone with a little force.

"Then you remember, except me, you can't die in the hands of other people, and you can't die anywhere else."

In a simple and unwavering sentence, Xiao Yan felt that something had been imprinted in the depths of his mind, and he could not heal it no matter how hard he tried.

"And, the next time you ask me to let go, I will definitely break your neck."

Between the vagueness, Xiao Yan felt that there were many unspeakable things in the indifference of Hai Yin. He clearly saw his shadow in the other's eyes.

"So you don't have to be complacent." This sentence is very light, so light that Xiao Yan can't understand the meaning.

"Maybe you will die." Xiao Yan wanted to look forward to seeing each other's expression, but the pressure of Hein Burton's oppression was heavy, and his legs were pinned in place.

Since you are indifferent to everything, why would you save me?

"We will all die, sooner or later."

There seems to be nothing in the world that will make him feel scared, and death will surrender to his feet.

Xiao Yan sadly found that he could not stop his sight, even if he knew that the angry Hai Yin could kill himself at any time.

He loosened the finger that grabbed Xiao Yan's neck and slowly lifted Xiao Yan's cheek. Xiao Yan could feel the almost touching touch between the fingers.

The other's body leaned forward slightly, and the golden brown hair fell as if caressing Xiao Yan's line of sight. He knew that he should turn around and avoid it, but when it was cold and the face of no desire was close to himself, it seemed that something was burning wildly.

Haiyin's tongue is looming between the lips, until it touches Xiaoyan's upper lip, slowly picking it up, Xiao Yan takes a breath, is about to retreat, the other's fingers are deep into his hair, forcefully His back brain is stuck and he can't move.

When Haiyin's lips were completely covered, it was extremely powerful to occupy everything in his mouth, as if no matter how hard he sucked, he could not be satisfied and oppressed Xiaoyan's lips and tongue, depriving him of the air. Xiao Yan's skull is like this. The pain was squeezing, and Hai Yin continued to bite Xiao Yan's lips with a kiss, and everything went quickly in an uncontrollable direction. This is like a prelude to a brutal plunder, and Xiao Yan knows the result but can't resist.

He will die! He will definitely die!

Liv’s once jokes sounded in Xiao Yan’s ear, and when he reached out and frightened against Hai Yin’s shoulder, he suddenly realized that he only touched the air.


The pull force generally went back two steps. Xiao Yan realized that I didn't know when Hai Yin had already reached the end of the disinfection room.

Rubbing his eyes hard, Xiao Yan held his forehead.

Oops... it’s the illusion...

Hai Yin has left the disinfection room, and the whole space is quiet.

Xiao Yan walked slowly toward the exit. His hand touched the sliding door of the disinfection room. The continually rushing in his mind was the picture of Hai Yin’s slashing. This kind of desperation was not to perform a certain task, but to save him. .

Everything is like a delusion. In this delusion, Xiao Yan finds himself to be very important to the man who is strong and indifferent.

"Ha..." Xiao Yan opened the sliding door and went out. He looked up and he was very determined every step.

Because he knows that he will never be able to escape the desire to chase the man deep inside, so he only has to make himself stronger!

The underground space of the base is very tight, and the private space is completely extravagant.

Xiao Yan and several other students are completely useless here. Everyone has their own position, busy and busy, but they can only sit in a corner, quiet and silent.

Lily sat next to him, bowed her head, maybe too dull, and she finally whispered, "Fortunately... your face is fine."

"Just splashing a little zombie pus."

Lily was still upset, Xiao Yan saw that she was fiddling with her fingers, and then reached out and put on the back of her hand and said, "Everything will be fine."

"thank you……"

No thanks, who told me that I have been crushing you for a long time.

In my heart, Xiao Yan did not say anything after all, because Lily already has a boyfriend, Major Denzel of the Military Discipline Division - a young and promising military officer. Many times, paying is not just for a certain result.

"I think Colonel Burton is a little scary." Lily looked into the distance, and Hai Yin sat silently in a corner, adjusting the ordnance she carried with her.

His expression focused on the cold, and the hanging eyes pressed Lily's heart.

"But he saved us." Xiao Yan pulled the corner of his lips and comforted.

Lily shook her head. "He is not saving us, we are only you."

The author has something to say: I have to vomit blood, I will update it tomorrow night, and I will never write so much more. I rolled away. 2k novel reading network

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