MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 2 Come back alive

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Xiao Yan lowered his head, holding a green leaf in his hand, gently sniffing it in his nose, and a pure fragrance. This is a completely different taste from the zombie's suffocating gas. He entered his lungs along his breath. , quietly spread into every cell of his.

The female special commander sitting at the front turned back and saw Xiao Yan covering the green leaf on her face. Her eyes seemed to be thinking about something or the expression in the brain, showing a hearty smile. You are so strange!"

"Where is it strange?" Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked at each other.

"They are frightened and rushed into the cabin. Do you still have time to spare the leaves?"

"Our aircraft crashed and all research materials were scrapped. This leaf is the only harvest, a very precious sample." Xiao Yanchong blinked.

The other person's face turned red. "Don't try to play handsome here. Class B students don't have any attraction for me!"

"It seems that in order to pick up the girl, I should also try to raise my research level to a."

"Less come, it is not an effort but a gift." The other side stunned Xiao Yan.

"Well, what is your name?"

"What is the meaning of knowing my name? Maybe someday my name is engraved on the monument, you don't know that it is me."

After humans entered Shire, it took nearly fifty years to study the "comet" virus, successfully extracting the most complicated segment of the viral gene chain, and creating the x virus. After entering the human body, the virus can quickly combine with human genes, so that all aspects of the infected person can be rapidly improved. The self-healing ability of the infected person is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary humans, but it does not lose the brain's judgment and become a living dead like a zombie. But this is not a super power, but an "overdraft." Humans who are generally injected with x virus will not live for more than a decade. The reason why the special mission force's combat capability is so strong is precisely because of this virus.

"Although I am not a class A researcher, my memory is good. Are you sure that I don't want to remember your name? I am thinking, maybe one day when I hang my old hair and white, sitting in the garden and basking in the artificial Nikko, I have a lazy cat like me in my arms. Although there are no children to accompany me, I will tell the lazy cat a whole day. I describe it to me once. The girl with a good impression, I clearly describe her dark brown hair and bright eyes and the heat of the body, but unfortunately I don't know her name."

Xiao Yan’s body leans forward, he knows that his appearance is not good, but there are always women who comment that his smile is very attractive, even his friend Kathy is really real with Xiao Yan, as long as he reveals Lai’s smile. Kathy also did not take him.

"... Liv." When the other person said his name, the whole face was red.

"Liv, I remember." Xiao Yan licked his right eye, and Liv snorted and didn't go too far.

At this time, the broadcast sound came, and once you heard it, it was the voice of Mark.

"Hey, the rookies - I am sorry I can't send you back to the base right away, because we still have a mission to complete!"

The students in the cabin heard the news calm.

"We have to go to a nuclear power plant more than two hundred years ago to take some nuclear materials."

As the population of the Shire grows, the lack of energy has become a problem. Xiao Yan has long heard that the military intends to explore nuclear power plants and other energy facilities two hundred years ago, and bring all available resources back to Charles.

Mark is still going down in the tone of the Great Lara.

"There were two technical soldiers who followed us. Who knows that when they see the zombies, they panicked and chased around and chased them back - and they were eaten by the zombies!"

Everyone’s shoulders shrugged and he took a breath.

How does Mark’s tone sound happy, and it is doubtful that the guys were watching the drama when the two technical soldiers were killed?

"We are all rough! We won't dismantle any nuclear reaction devices. Who are you going to? Let's take a trip! Go back early as soon as possible!"

"Is this guy joking? There must be zombies in the nuclear power plant -"

"Those zombies will definitely eat us! Say nothing!"

Everyone has been talking about it and experienced the wreck just now. Who will go to die?

The aircraft has arrived over an abandoned nuclear power plant.

Looking down from the sky, a piece of steel covered the desolate, as if sleeping and waiting to wake up.

In the dusty room, a few zombies could be seen wandering, and the engine sound of the aircraft caused them to raise their heads. The original eyes were bloodthirsty.

"Hey, we have to prepare for the task! Do you have anyone to follow along!"

The cabin was dead.

"Ha? No one! Just pick it up!"

Mark opened the door of the cab and turned to the white captain of his peers. "You must follow it! You have a rank here!"

Captain White was silent and did not refuse, and his face was very tight.

"Another one... Who is it?"

Everyone is sitting in jeopardy, Liv white took a look at Mark. "You are so boring!"

"Then you!" Mark's finger pointed to a senior student. "Your look looks smart!"

"I... I won't go..."

"Don't go?" Mark's face suddenly became fierce. "That will throw you down from here! We can go back without waste!"

" are abusing your authority! It is a threat!"

"What about threatening you?" Mark snorted. "It’s just a trick to throw you all down!"

"I'm not going!"


Mark left the cockpit directly, came to him, his safety device was opened, Mark lifted him up and slammed into the door.

"Do you want to fall free? Or go with us?"

Mark was full of excitement, and the other side was intimidated.

"Please don't do this! They are still trainees!" Captain White held up and held Mark.

In the cab, the cold voice sounded, "Mark, don't play."

Inexplicable strength, people have to comply.

Mark snorted and slammed the student back, then said to Captain White: "Then you pick one to follow?"

"I...I will go if I don't want to go..." Although Captain White is afraid, he knows that these students have no experience, and even if they go, they may not be of much help.

"If you are dead? Who will take out the nuclear materials for us?" Mark seems to fear that the world is not chaotic, the more afraid these students are, the happier he is.

"..." White did not know how to answer.

"Come on pick one!" Mark really lost patience.

At the moment when Captain White turned back, everyone was not looking down and not looking away.

Xiao Yan looked out the window, as long as a living person enters the area, the zombies will inevitably come. When the group of special forces are afraid to be overwhelmed, it is hard to say whether they can protect them.

No one was looking at the captain of White, and the sound of the heart beating was close to the ear. No one wanted to hear his name from White's mouth.

"That... Xiao go with me..."

Xiao Yan didn't squirt blood out of his throat. He looked at White's eyes with amazement. Why is he?

It’s the turn of White’s turn to go.

Xiao Yan remembered that he had played a bridge with him two days ago. I am afraid that among these students, he can only name Xiao Yan.

what is this? Is it a mistake to have a little friendship with you? It’s hard to rob the rest of his life. He shouldn’t have a bath in the base room and then come to a bar to order a glass of blood. Mary squints and enjoys life?

"Yes! That's it!" Mark raised his hand and sighed, "Go!"

What is "justified"? No one has ever asked his opinion?

Others did not look at Xiao Yan with sympathetic eyes. It was not for themselves that they were lucky. The senior student who was scared to incontinence actually sat back in the same place as if nothing had happened.

what is this? What kind of?

Xiao Yan has the urge to jump out directly.

At this time, the commanding voice of Hai Yin came from the cockpit. "Li Fu, you are responsible for driving the aircraft. Mark, let's go."

"Yes!" Liv looked back at Xiao Yan and said to him with a mouth shape, "Go back alive!"

Before I had time to react, the hatch was opened, and Captain White was smashed by Mark and lay back. The two men fell out and the sound of the rope slid. The mark had long tied the rope to the door.


The screams of Captain White’s screams came from the air.

The cold wind poured in and wrinkled everyone's face.

Xiao Yan’s heart was frightened.

Haiyin Burton came to him. "If you make any shouts, I will directly twist your neck."

His gaze is like a gust of silence in the darkness, sweeping through Xiao Yan's nerves, leaving only a moment of chill.

Xiao Yan had not had time to digest this sentence. Hai Yin’s arm swept over his waist and leaped away, leaving the cabin. At that moment, Hai Yin’s arm was tightened instantly, and the strength between the muscles caused Xiao Yan to create the illusion that the bones would be crushed in an instant.

The ear is the sound of the roaring wind, the soul dragging the body, Xiao Yan closed his eyes, not to yell, even the breath is in the throat.

The body suddenly trembled, Hai Yin had landed, his hair was raised due to inertia, Xiao Yan saw his five senses at close range.

Never thought that a man's eyebrows can be so delicate and delicate, every inch is just right, every depression is exciting.

The arm in his waist was loose, and Xiao Yan landed violently, his face squatting on the ground, causing a painful suffocation.

"Follow me, follow my orders, if you become cumbersome, I will leave you."

Hai Yin turned and walked with her hands to the back, pulling the sharp edge out of the sheath, and the cold light flashed. Xiao Yan quickly got up and followed behind Hai Yin.

The two zombies opened their mouths, the dirty saliva kept falling, and the swaying body suddenly rushed over to them.

Xiao Yan’s pupils shrank for a while, and he seemed to see his torn picture in their eyes, and his legs could not move.

Hai Yin rushed to the past, and the action of raising his hand was so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to distinguish. The movement of a sword, the heads of two zombies fell, and everything stopped.

Xiao Yan swallowed saliva.

too fast!

This is Hein Burton, and it is no wonder that so many special forces have worshipped him as a **** worship.

Xiao Yan suddenly had a hunch that nothing could hurt him as long as he followed this man.

Hai Yin has already gone far, but Xiao Yan has not had time to keep up.

A zombie jumped from a height and fell straight to Xiao Yan.

With a soft leg, Xiao Yanzhen sat on the ground, and the zombie’s open mouth was about to bite his forehead.


Xiao Yan is not sure if he should remember his life in his mind, but one thing he is sure is that it is too hard to be killed by the zombies!

A figure appeared on his side, and a sharp knife tip pierced the throat of the zombie and penetrated its brain. 2k novel reading network

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