MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 16 Maya's two requirements

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Basically at that moment, Hai Yin came to the bottom of the aircraft, and all three shots hit the same position. The right side of the aircraft suddenly fell. Xiao Yan suddenly realized that Hai Yin hit the cockpit of the aircraft. .

At the same time as the flight altitude is getting lower and lower, the aircraft madly launches a laser missile, and the entire land is blown into the air. Fortunately, Mark stares at Xiao Yan, otherwise he is afraid of being blown up now!

Hai Yin seized the opportunity of a few tenths of a second, hitting the opponent's right engine with a shot. Before the aircraft touched the ground, the hatch opened and more than a dozen killers dressed in dark gray combat suits jumped out of the hatch.

Xiao Yan took a breath, this is his first time to face the killer from the tide organization, and before that, the understanding of this type of characters, Xiao Yanjin stayed in the full-screen news of the central square of Shire, they were indifferent Ruthless killings, once sneaked into Charles and assassinated many military high-level and political leaders.

Just when these killers have not yet landed, Liv has released countless "silver wings."

They evade sensitively in midair, and even if they are stabbed, they are not important parts.

Hai Yin’s team has eight people, but the enemy has more than ten people.

They seem to understand that the most difficult thing to deal with is Hai Yin. There are actually three people besieging Hai Yin. If Hai Yin can't get rid of these killers as soon as possible, there will be more killers coming soon.

"Maya, you and Mark and Lifu take Xiaoyan out!"

Hai Yin’s order, Maya did not have the slightest love, and Xiao Yan was on the shoulder, and the other hand held the blade to separate the enemy’s attack and rushed to the direction of the 47th platform. Mark and Liv followed. His side.

As they ran farther and farther, Xiao Yan finally saw that the sharp edge of Hai Yin penetrated the chest of a killer, followed by a spine to open another killer.

"Are we leaving like this?"

Maya chuckled. "A fool, he is Haiyin Burton. The person who can kill him has not yet been born into this world."

They finally entered a forest zone, and Xiao Yan could feel Maya's shoulders tense.

A cold flash of light flashed over the head, and the four killers fell from the thick foliage.

Mark turned and blocked the two killers, and Liv dexterously released the "Silver Wings", followed by a series of complex and rapid attacks, quickly pushing them away from Maya.

Two more killers appeared, and they were waiting for them to enclose them.

It seems that the surging killers have long thought that they will rush to the platform No. 47, so they are waiting here.

"I want to put you down, but you promised that I will follow me closely." Maya's voice was low, and there was no half-joking tone in the weekdays.

Xiao Yan swallowed, he had no time to think about life and death. He only knew that he really became cumbersome this time, but he couldn’t do it like those third-rate movies, "Don’t worry about me, you go," because he knows himself. It will definitely die very badly.

A killer shoots a gun from the waist, and if faced with humans, guns are still the most effective weapon.

He fired several shots, and Maya's movements were amazing. He pressed Xiao Yan's head a moment ago, and then buckled Xiao Yan's shoulder to push him in the other direction. He thought Xiao Yan thought he was about to fall. At the time of the land, Maya smashed Xiao Yan again.

At the moment of the electric light flint, Maya seemed to throw a "silver wing", smashing the angle, cutting off the opponent's muzzle, ejecting and sliding over the other's chin.

"Ah--" The guy grabbed his chin, but soon the blood stopped and his wounds healed.

It is clear that the killers of the tidal organization also used the x virus.

"Here are us! You take Xiaoyan to the destination! Everything is good if you have an aircraft!"

Liv has been very calm, and Mark nodded in agreement.

Maya snorted coldly, grabbed Xiao Yan with his arms, ejected the rope, and slid out like lightning.

"I originally wanted to take you through the buildings in the city, but I was interrupted by Hai Yin! You see, I will finally take you with you!" Maya smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Several black weapons like silver wings cut the air and hit the back of Maya.

"Be careful -" Xiao Yan screamed.

Maya's wrist was rotated on the rope, the rope was cut, and Maya squatted on the trunk, followed by another rope to the far side.

Behind them is a killer who catches up.

"By the way..." With a deep smile on the lips of Maya that Xiao Yan shuttled through the woods.

The killer who has been chasing after him suddenly seems to have collided with something. His body has been cut and dropped into pieces. Under the light of the sun, Xiao Yan seems to see the **** filaments.

That is the unique weapon of Maya!

“Do you think I am particularly handsome?” Maya squeezed her eyes.

"You are handsome." Xiao Yan learned Liv's expression and turned his eyes, but his admiration for Maya was as rising as the exponential function.

Along the way, Maya met several zombies again. They are just ordinary level0. Maya can easily solve them, and the 47th platform is in sight.

Maya stopped and frowned.

At least one-fifth of the platform was blown up, and it was obvious that it was attacked not long ago.

"I... don't think there are aircraft in the platform of the 47th... or... there are aircraft that can be used..."

"Ha..." Maya closed her eyes and finally showed an irritable expression. "But my mission is to enter this platform to find the aircraft."

"...I saw that the zombies have entered the platform..." Xiao Yan showed a blank expression.

"The terminal system there may not be completely paralyzed. We can contact the No. 2 base through the system and let them send the aircraft."

"Okay." Xiao Yan nodded.

"I must go with you. The colonel's order is for me to take you. Even if you become a corpse, I must take you." Maya bowed her head slightly.

Xiao Yan stunned, and he suddenly understood that he belonged to the military.

"Well, I am going with you. I will be killed by the surging killers or eaten by the zombies when I stay here."

"I will protect you, Xiao Yan." Maya chuckled and put her arm on Xiaoyan's shoulder. "If this time we can all live back to Shire, would you like to be with me?"

" still don't want to protect me."

"Follow me."

Maya picked up Xiao Yan and rushed to the platform at the fastest speed.

Several zombies jumped up and tried to throw them down. Maya slammed across the blade and the zombies were cut off by the waist. Maya came to the wall of the platform and laid down Xiao Yan.

The entrance of the platform remains closed, and Maya can only enter with Xiao Yan from the place where it was blown open.

Maya solved more than a dozen zombies and they finally entered the platform.

The parking channel was opened and there was no trace of the aircraft. The troops stationed here may have left the aircraft after the attack.

"Let's go to the control center."

Maya grabbed Xiao Yan's arm and did not relax for a moment.

They followed the passage all the way, just turned the node, Xiao Yan was scared by the scene in front of him and almost fell.

Along the way is the torn human body wreckage, **** and fuzzy, more than ten meters away, a level1 is smashing on the ground to tear a body, licking the corpse's internal organs frantically eating.

When it came face to face, the **** eyes were creepy, and the moments of Maya and Xiao Yan were seen, showing an extremely excited expression, slamming up and rushing toward them.

"do not move!"

Maya suddenly lowered her body and slid out suddenly. She slipped through the j1j of level1, and the blade flew. The legs of the zombies were completely cut off. Maya got up, and the sharp edge of the other side penetrated its neck and wrist. Forcefully, it will fall off its head.

"Call--" When Xiao Yansong breathed a sigh of relief, a sharp blade swayed behind Maa, "Maya!"

The sharp tip pierces the flesh and blood of Maya's neck, and the blood splatters out.

Xiao Yan's breathing stayed in the same place. The next moment, Maya turned to the front of Xiao Yan. He grabbed his side neck and blood flow was decreasing.

"Good insurance! Good insurance! If the head is cut down, it can't be recovered!"

This guy can still talk, so the other person just cut the flesh and blood of his neck, did not hurt the neck bone.

But no one breathed a sigh of relief, because the two killers took the edge and stepped toward them step by step.

Maya stepped back half a step, and one hand pressed Xiao Yan behind him.

"I dragged them, you go to the control room. Will you use the terminal?"

Xiao Yan couldn't see Maya's expression, but he could hear it from his voice. These two killers are definitely not good.

"Quasi-school... Do you look down on the reserve technical soldiers?"

Maya smiled softly. "These two people are very troublesome."

“How much trouble?”

Although there are two people on the other side, they did not immediately rush, but they were slowly approaching and looked cautious. It seems that for them, Maya is not an easy person to deal with.

"The two guys have killed my instructor."


Not to mention that Maya is already a quasi-school. His hand Xiao Yan has not seen it. He can be his instructor. Naturally, he is also a first-class master in the special task force, but he died in the hands of the two killers. Say……

"But I am sure that you can go to the control room smoothly. You have to promise me two requirements." Maya guarded Xiao Yan and retreated with the enemy approaching.

"any request?"

"First, we must communicate our situation to Base 2."

"Understand, quasi-school."

"Second, no matter what happens, lock the door of the control room, unless you rescue someone, you will never open the door."

This order gives Xiao Yan a very bad premonition.

"Do you understand or not?" Maya's hand clenched the double-edged blade in his hand, his nerves tightening his arrow on the string.

"Understand, quasi-school!"


As soon as the voice fell, Maya suddenly released the "Silver Wing" and attacked each other. The actions of the two killers quickly became as if they were phantoms, but they appeared in front of Maya.

Maya slammed them apart with a double-edged blade and yelled: "Go!"

Xiao Yan didn't know where the courage came from, and rushed out from under Maya's arm. He could feel the blade of a killer passing over his head, and he was touched by the moment of his brain. The blade was lifted and several hair strands belonging to Xiao Yan were cut off. 2k novel reading network

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