MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-~ 56 Jinjiang Shuangfa

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Xiao Yan entered the terminal and entered the whole process of Wenn's handling of the zombies into the system. Wenn only took a minute, and all these zombies were solved. Xiao Yan entered the pre-designed code and completed the setup.

From this moment on, Xiao Yan can simulate the battle mode of Wenn through the system, and the reaction of each action will be reproduced in the system.

After another half, Wenn specially selected a number of armed forces soldiers who had not officially entered the special mission force as Xiao Yan’s fighting practice objects.

"Xiao Yan, you have always faced me and Mark, but you know that we are different from you, no matter how fast or reactive, it is impossible for your body to reach our level..."

"So you and Mark have to slow down to match my practice, and be careful not to hurt me."

Wenn didn't want to say the truth too directly, but Xiao Yan calmly let him be surprised.

"It is true that the military's request to our researchers is only to protect themselves when dealing with single or a few zombies. But I also want to see how much difference between myself and other armed forces." Xiao Yan twisted Twisting the wrist, making a squeaking sound, a look of eagerness.

Wenn laughed. "The gap will be great."

"Of course, I only accepted training for a few months."

But obviously Wenn’s "great gap" is exactly the opposite of Xiao Yan’s imagination.

One morning, Xiao Yan singled out the 12 soldiers of the armed forces, winning a big victory. In addition to being beaten by the eyelids and taking a punch at the corner of his mouth, he was incredible for his own record.

Many special forces have come around to watch, and they have argued that Xiao Yan is a recruit who will be recruited by Wen En into a special mission.

"This guy is very powerful, I don't know which team to score in the future!"

"Mr. Wenn is looking at him! Maybe he can be with Colonel Burton like Mark and Liv!"

"Oh... no... I remember how he was a researcher at the Central Academy of Sciences! I have never heard of the technical soldiers willing to join the special mission force..."

Wenn showed a smug smile, Xiao Yan but he cultivated it.

Leaving the scene, Xiao Yan looked at his palm and felt incredible.

"There are three main reasons why you can have today's record." Wenn reached out.

"Which three reasons?"

"First, train your elite in the special mission force elite."

Xiao Yan smiled. "Really, don't say that Mark spent a lot of thoughts on me. I practiced in the brain every night as a simulation object by Major Wenn, even..."

Even Haiyin Burton personally directed him.

"The second thing I want to say is that you have a very clever head. The elements of experience and responsiveness can never be obtained as long as you stay in Shire. But you designed it for yourself... How do you say it? The incredible system, the actual simulation in the brain, although your fists can not match the strength and speed of the soldiers from the armed forces, but in a sense, you are more experienced than them."

"Thank you for your affirmation of my work. So what about the third point?"

"The last point is also the most customary never gave up." Wenn took Xiao Yan's shoulder and bowed his head to his eyes. "I never admired any technical soldier. They all Self-esteem is always immersed in your own world, measuring everything with their unrealistic standards. Xiao Yan... I have a hunch, you will go higher and farther than they, but I hope that you can always As it is now, it will not be changed by success."

"I will not succeed, I will not know what will happen in the future. But you are my teacher and brother, this will not change because of anything."

Wenn licked his nose, and the young major finally had a few expressions that matched his age. "Go! Starve me! Go and have a good meal."

That night, Xiao Yan stayed in the lab for a very late night.

When he quits the terminal and picks up the terminal connector, the man sitting in front of him makes him breathe.

"Burton... Colonel..."

Heiner Burton had a high demand for work and rest time. In order to ensure the quality of training, he did not support Xiao Yan staying up late.

At this moment, his eyes were cold and cold, and it seemed that there was a sound of freezing. The eyes were dumb and captive. Xiao Yan’s ability to think, constantly squeezing his heartbeat, until Xiao Yan couldn’t stand it, his eyes were about to be The air pressure is broken.

"What's going on with your face."

"Ah..." Xiao Yan reached out and touched the corner of his lips. This reaction came. "It’s morning and several soldiers of the armed forces..."

I haven't seen Hai Yin for a while. Xiao Yan desperately suppressed Wen's impulse to ask about the recent situation of Hai Yin. He used training and research to fill all the time, but when the other party suddenly appeared in front of him, The feeling of blood pulsation is clear to Xiao Yan's inability to suppress.

Hai Yin’s fingers stretched out, and the moment the knuckles touched his chin, Xiao Yan’s eyes were the side of the sea slowly approaching.

The warm eyebrows, like the **** of the eyelashes, form a quiet beauty between light and shadow.

When Xiao Yan's upper lip was caught, the other's tongue tip slowly entered, and Xiao Yan's breathing suddenly tightened.

His tongue was caught, and with the increase of strength, Xiao Yan raised his head subconsciously, swallowing the other's body fluid, systemic cell tremors, all sensory nerves were mobilized, and Xiao Yan subconsciously longed for the man in front of him.

Although the other party's kiss is mechanically full of abstinence, Xiao Yan feels some kind of warm impulse, constantly suppressing himself if he can't get a response.

Trapped by a force, Xiao Yan stood up and took the palm of his hand to buckle the cheeks of Hai Yin. It seemed that after a long thirst, he finally found the water source and lost his sense of tempering, but the more he got, the more he was thirsty. He kissed the other hard, constantly sucking to get everything from the mouth of Hai Yin.

Hai Yin stepped back step by step, and Xiao Yan madly kissed until Hai Yin's back was on the cold wall. Xiao Yan's kiss was more and more forceful, almost pressing the back of the sea on the wall.

Xiao Yan's arms bypassed Hai Yin's shoulders. Hai Yin only slightly turned his face and wanted to end it all. Xiao Yan followed, as if Hai Yin's mouth was his territory, and he would not give up for a moment.

Hai Yin's brow slowly picked up, and the arm of the calmly falling arm gradually tightened. At some moment, he raised his hand to hold off Xiao Yan's shoulder and slammed him away.

Xiao Yan gasped, and the rushing thoughts gradually returned to their original position. When he looked up at Shanghai Yin’s eyes, he was like a thunder.

What did he do!

"Is sorry for..."

God, he kissed Hein Burton! The drunken one, he just kissed each other's cheeks and palms, but this time he... he put his tongue in... and stirred it for a long time!

But at the moment, Xiao Yan's heart is not afraid. He is no longer worried that Hai Yin will break his arm. He is even more embarrassed about how this man will react.

Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan's shoulder.

At this time, Xiao Yan remembered that the person who started the kiss was Hai Yin and not himself.

The pain in his lips has disappeared, and even the swelling in the bruises of the eyes is not felt.

It turned out that all this was like when I was killed by the killer. Hein Burton only used the x virus in his body to enhance his healing ability. Xiao Yan admits that there is something in her heart... the unexplained loss...

"I'm all right."

"You should rest."

"Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan returned to his room behind Hai Yin as a wandering soul. When he was lying in bed, he woke up.

I would be so out of control and even be killed by Hai Yin, because the x virus doubled his senses. But Hai Yin is sober, why not stop himself? Let him be as arrogant as he is...

Holding a forehead and sighing, Xiao Yan found that he could not read Hai Yin Burton more and more. Xiao Yan confirmed that this is not the first time he stepped on the bottom line of Hai Yin, but as Maya said, Hai Yin's tolerance to him is completely beyond the scope of Xiao Yan's knowledge. Xiao Yan believes that this is not a wishful thinking.

Xiao Yan turned to the side and saw the hermit crab on the table. It was quietly squatting in the same place. Suddenly, Xiao Yan understood.

The back of his hand was lifted up, blocked in front of him, and he sighed long.

In the end, in the heart of Hai Yin, like the hermit crab, he can only hide in the fragile shell and be carefully held in the palm of his hand.

Even if this man who looks strong can only look up, he is more afraid to crush him.

Xiao Yan, you can't expect yourself to find a hard shell that must be really strong.

Thinking is constantly discretizing, and between Xiao, Xiao Yan has another idea. If you can design a mechanism that mimics the human body to metabolically attenuate the x virus, and then inject the attenuated virus into the human body, maybe you can retain the x virus. The super-powerful effect can reduce the damage to the human body. However, the activity of x virus retained in sea worms is very high, but why is the virus in □ only attenuated?

With such problems, Xiao Yan entered sleep.

The next day, Xiao Yan once again found Wen En. He needed to re-acquire Wenn's fighting data and increase the difficulty coefficient. Wenn saw that Xiao Yan was eager to improve his ability, so he agreed very quickly, but he did not expect Xiao Yan to exaggerately release twenty zombies in the training room.

"Brother, are you too hot?"

"Since you are called a major, I believe in your strength."

It is undeniable that Xiao Yan still has a bit of darkness. He wants to know how much Wenn has reached as a major.

There are no sharp weapons, completely freehand, and these zombies, which are quick and unpredictable for ordinary people, are awkward in front of Wenn. In less than three minutes, all the zombies were twisted off by Wenn.

The young major leaned against the wall leisurely, throwing a kiss in the direction of Xiao Yan, and his face was bright.

Unfortunately, it is not a beauty, or Xiao Yan has already rushed.

“Is it all recorded? I have shown my most exciting fighting techniques!”

Xiao Yan smiled and recorded all the data into the system for editing. Indeed, in just three minutes, Wenn broke the arm of each zombie and even killed them in different ways, which is crucial for the establishment of the model. Xiao Yan had to go through thousands of simulations, and his brain was able to keep up with Wenn's speed and judge and act with Wenn's experience.

After this training, Xiao Yan’s fighting objects have all been zombies, and even the two zombies Xiao Yan can win at the same time.

Even Mark had to feel, "How do I feel embarrassed to call him a rookie again?"

Wenn snorted coldly. "Don't see who taught him!"

"Yeah, saw him with his elbow to break the zombie's neck? It's really imaginable with you!"

Wenn showed his smug expression and then began to meditate again.

"What's wrong?" Mark's elbow arrived at Wenn.

"I... I just think these researchers are terrible. Obviously we have to go through countless battles and even the experience gained at the expense of life, but they can get it more efficiently in a risk-free way..."

"Is all the researchers horrible, or is this guy?" Mark's laughing expression also calmed down.

"...Who knows? Maybe, Xiao Yan or one of the many researchers, there is always a veil that can uncover the x virus."

At this point, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, don't look at the door and see a figure holding his arm and looking at him coldly.


Wenn and Mark turned back.

Hai Yin slowly left the wall that leaned on. "He will take part in the final test next week."

"Xiao Yan has no problem." Wenn is very confident.

Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan and made a "come" posture in his right hand.

Is this Hein Burton's test of himself?

Xiao Yan suddenly got nervous.

Wen En nodded to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes. He knew that he was not an opponent of Hai Yin, but the opportunity to play against Hai Yin was precious. Usually, this guy disdains to cope with a rookie like Xiao Yan.

He took the courage and rushed to Hai Yin. Every step felt that he was approaching an unattainable ice peak. He swung his fist, but received a punch in midair, and his side was elbowed to the side neck of Hai Yin.

Hai Yin just raised his hand slightly, clasped his elbow, and suddenly lifted up, turning Xiao Yan in a moment.

"Oh..." Xiao Yan had a pain, and Hai Yin slowly released him.

"Come back."

Xiao Yan licked his shoulders, and Hai Yin’s power was perfectly controlled, and he did not hurt Xiao Yan.

The next shot of Xiao Yan’s knees hit Hai Yin’s lower abdomen. Hai Yin’s backhand folded over Xiao Yan’s thigh and instantly turned him over to the ground. Xiao Yan couldn’t move because Hai Yin’s knees were pressed against his waist. On the top, his wrist was screwed behind him.

Xiao Yan’s face pressed against the ground, and when he looked up slightly, he saw Mark’s laughing and laughing on the ground.

Bastard Mark! One day I will let you taste this!

Hai Yin let go of him, and slowly lowered his wrist, and pulled him up again.

This gives Xiao Yan an illusion that the other person is afraid of his injuries, including pain. Otherwise, how can Xiao Yan not be hurt a little, such a decisive, rapid and fatal attack?

Sure enough, for him, it is a hermit crab that can be easily crushed...

"Come back."

Only his expression was so condensed that Xiao Yan could not see any emotions.

This time, Xiao Yan's head was controlled by Hai Yin between his hands. Xiao Yan couldn't find other descriptions except for the surprise of Hai Yin's movement. Everything has nothing to do with speed and strength. Every action of Hai Yin is thoughtful. But it reacts instantly, just like calculating the precise terminal, always predicting the trajectory at the moment when Xiao Yan's muscles are exerted or before Xiao Yan's action.

"If I am a person from a tidal organization, your head has been broken."

Xiao Yan's breathing stayed in the chest, feeling the breath of Hai Yin's speech slipping through his ears, and everything that made people want to rely closer and involuntarily wanted to escape. He even had the illusion that the place where his neck had been kissed by the other side was brutally ill.

Hai Yin let go of Xiao Yan. "You still have a lot to learn."

Like every time, Hai Yin left with everyone's eyes.

Xiao Yan bowed his head, and Hai Yin's skills were different every time he was subdued. Every moment was fleeting, so that Xiao Yan had a eager desire to follow Shanghai.

"You are really lucky, and the head rarely teaches you personally." Wenn looked at the back of Hai Yin with an extremely envious expression. "I want to know the few things I have just had, and I have no experience for other special forces."

Xiao Yan admits his own surprise. He thought that Hai Yin should always point to other special forces, but Wenn’s expression told him not to suspect that Hai Yin was alienated from others.

He must bravely move forward. At least I can look at the same angle and understand Hai Yin’s guidance to myself.

That night, Xiao Yan was sitting in the study room. He did not enter the simulation system, but played a bottle of solution in his hand.

This bottle of solution is the result of his first exposure to virology, the numerous encounters with zombies, and even the numerous cases of x virus analysis. It is not perfect. It is just the beginning of another exploration. Xiao Yan has always been skeptical, but at this moment he has the courage to move forward.

As if determined, Xiao Yan put the solution into the injection gun, put on the sensing device, and went to the training room.

Two special forces followed him, this time, Xiao Yan asked them to wait outside the training room.

Putting the gun's muzzle against his thigh, Xiao Yan closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. His heart jumped very fast. If the special forces outside the door failed, he couldn't save him, but if they told them they were doing one. For dangerous experiments, they will definitely stop him.

Opening his eyes, Xiao Yan's expression was firm and cold. He pressed the switch and five or six zombies rushed out of the door.

His brain was so clear at that moment, the tiny sound was multiplied, and he even felt the blood flowing from his heart to his fingertips when he punched.

He repeated the movements of the sea, these zombies were extremely fragile, and Xiao Yan quickly broke their limbs and unscrewed their heads.

Looking at the timer and killing the six zombies, he only used thirty-six seconds, which was the speed that I never thought of before.

Just as he exhaled a breath, someone violently pushed him to the wall, fierce to the almost killing momentum, Xiao Yan body bones almost to be embedded in the wall.

The ice blue eyes are extremely angry.

"What have you done?"

The plain voice was suppressed to the extreme tone of the moment.

Xiao Yan's collar was picked up. He was picked up by the other side. He lowered his head and his eyes fell into the eyes of the other party, as if they were going to be killed.



Although there is no red-eyed cheeky expression, the man in front of him is in anger.

The most unlikely thing to produce such an emotion is the man in front of him - Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, but the throat could not squeeze out a word.

What is the anger of Hai Yin at this moment, which is indifferent to everything?

"I... I just want to give it a try..."

"Try what? x virus?"

"x virus?" Xiao Yan looked at the zombies who were the result of their own, and then realized that Hai Yin thought that his ability to surpass ordinary people was due to x virus, of course, anyone would think so.

But even if he really injected x virus for himself, why should Hai Yin be so angry?

"You are a researcher and tell me how long life is left after receiving the x virus."

"ten years."

"It seems that you know the answer, but you still use this virus for yourself. Is it the only glorious thing in your heart to kill the zombies?"

He was questioning him. In Xiao Yan's memory, Hai Yin always said everything in a tone of truth. He had few doubts, even if he asked.

In the ice-blue mirror of Hai Yin's eyes, it seems that a crazy beast is brewing, and at any time, he can't help but bite and tear Xiao Yan.

For a long time, Xiao Yan asked: "You don't want us to become strong in these technical soldiers... I will not trouble you in the future tasks... I can solve them in a dangerous situation. Isn't that good?"

"Those technical soldiers can do it, but you can't."

Low to the sound that Xiao Yan couldn't breathe, Hai Yin's gaze made Xiao Yan feel the pain, and this man who could never be shaken finally broke the hard and indifferent shell in front of him, revealing a different expression.

He still wants to see another point, and then see him lose control, even... fear.

"Why can't I?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: The colonel is fierce to me... obviously the people who injected themselves x-2

Fat winter melon: What is x-2?

Xiao Yan: It is an incomplete x-virus. It is time-sensitive and will be metabolized by the human body. It can improve the healing ability and combat ability of ordinary people in a short time.

Fat winter melon: Oh... it feels like a stimulant...

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