MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 172 Boys should protect themselves outside

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In the next few days, An's father and An's mother didn't have a good face towards Gu Fei, but in the end they didn't object.

But it is impossible to treat him as politely, close and friendly as before. It may take a year and a half to completely change the attitude.

Even Yu Qingtong suffered, and almost lost her good sister for many years. In order to retain this friendship, she exhausted all her martial arts to ask Song Shuman for forgiveness, which was more difficult than pursuing the target.

For this reason, Gu Fei has been scorned by Yu Qingtong a lot these days. It is because of a stinky boy like you that this old lady has been reduced to this situation, humbled to the dust in front of her good sisters.

Fortunately, in the end, Song Shuman finally forgave her.

As for An Jing and An Lingkang's plan, put a sack and take Gu Fei into an alley and beat him up. This has not been realized, and it is not realistic. At that time, Gu Fei will be injured. In the end, he still feels distressed. Not Yan Yan?

Yan Yan was not the one who blamed them?

Although An's father and An's mother did not have a good face towards Gu Fei, they still treated An Qingyan very well. After all, he was the youngest son of his heart and soul. He was fed delicious food every day. Three pounds.

At that time, when I go back to the crew, I am afraid that I will not be able to take part in the play.

"Yan Yan, why do you eat so little tonight? No appetite? Mommy cooks what you like."

"I have to go back to the crew tomorrow. I have to keep my body in shape and I can't eat any more."

"It's not bad. What kind of meat can you grow after eating one meal? You'll be going back tomorrow, and you don't know when you'll be able to go home." Song Schuman persuaded, and put a beef ball in his hand. In the bowl of the younger son, "Eat it, it's alright."

An Yu: "Come on, the cola chicken wings that my brother likes."

An Jing: "And this braised pork ribs."

An Lingkang: "Come on, braised prawns, Dad has peeled them for you."

An Qingyan: "…"

Well... Mom is right.

Not bad for this one.

So, An Qingyan buried himself in eating again.

After dinner, he went back to his room to pack his luggage, and he was going back to the crew tomorrow.

When he was halfway through packing his luggage, there was a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that it was Gu Fei who was standing at the door.

The man was wearing a dark turtleneck sweater inside and a coat of the same color on the outside. He was tall with long legs, tall and straight, with deep and handsome eyebrows, and he seemed to have the chill of a winter night that had just come in from outside.

An Qingyan was stunned, "How could you..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Fei took him by the shoulders and took him into the room, locking the door by the way. The man chuckled and said, "Be careful, don't be discovered by your uncle and aunt."

An Qingyan: "…"

Why is it like cheating.

Obviously it is the object of open and honest communication.

Also, if Gu Fei came here openly, he would probably be kicked out by his parents.

"You came here secretly? Didn't my parents find out?"

Gu Fei: "Well, An Yu helps me cover."

An Qingyan: "..." You really dare!

"I'm not going to the crew tomorrow, I'll see you."

"I'm more curious, how did you buy my second brother."

"It's not important, let Brother Fei kiss him first." Gu Fei smiled, clasped the young man's waist and hugged him into his arms, bowed his head and kissed him, trying to take advantage of him.

Finally came to bed.

"do not…"

"Good, be quiet later, don't be found out."

"Okay… okay."

The night was dark.

Gu Fei came out of the bathroom with An Qingyan who had already slept in his arms, put it gently on the bed, and covered the quilt. He didn't plan to go back just like that, but lay beside the little one instead.

Probably exhausted, the person in his arms breathed evenly and slept very peacefully. Gu Fei casually held the young man's right hand, lowered his head and kissed his fair and well-proportioned fingers.

Suddenly thinking of something, the man let go of his hand, got out of bed carefully, found a soft tape in the drawer next to him, and then carefully measured the size of the young man's left middle finger.

The engagement ring is worn on the left middle finger.

"Yan Yan, it's getting late, it's time to get up for breakfast." Song Shuman knocked on the door outside the room for about thirty seconds, and the door opened.

Song Shuman was also stunned.

Gu Fei nodded slightly and greeted politely, "Auntie, good morning."

"Gu Fei, you! Why are you in Yan Yan's room this early in the morning!" Song Shuman's voice was raised, and An Lingkang downstairs also heard it, and he rushed over quickly.

Gu Fei: "Uncle, good morning."

"It's good!" An Lingkang stared at him and said angrily: "You better explain to me what's going on! When did you come in!"

"Last night." Gu Fei took it easy, and there was even a slight smile on his face that had always been pure and greedy, "Uncle and aunt, Yan Yan hasn't woken up yet, so I'll call him."

An Lingkang: "What do you shout, let me out!"

Song Shuman glared at her husband, "Come on, don't be so fierce, be careful to scare Yan Yan, let's go down first."

An Lingkang: "You don't care?!"

Song Shuman sighed helplessly, "What can I do, I can't prevent it, it seems that I need to prepare a pair of tableware."

An Lingkang was even more surprised, "You still let him have breakfast together?!"

Song Shuman glanced at him, "What? No way? Then I'll give him your bowl and chopsticks?"

"Don't, don't, don't you dare." An Lingkang smiled apologetically, gradually lost his momentum, and his voice became smaller and smaller, and flattered: "What the madam says is what..."

In the end, Master Gu successfully broke into the An family.

After eating breakfast, the satisfied Master Gu left under the resentful gaze of his future father-in-law and his future brother-in-law. If he didn't leave, he was really afraid that they would chase him with a broom.

An Qingyan continued to pack up. He could pack up last night, but who knew that Gu Fei came suddenly, and the tossing lasted until midnight, so there was no time to pack up.

His mother also prepared a suitcase of snacks and cakes for him to bring over, for fear that he would not be full in the crew, so he finally dragged a large bag back to the crew.

Before leaving, An Lingkang also seriously instructed his younger son that boys should protect themselves outside and not be easily deceived by some people with the surname Gu.

Almost named.

The next two months of filming went smoothly.

Duan Ci didn't make trouble anymore, and didn't target An Qingyan and Lu Yuqi again. He greeted them with a smile every day.

He even started filming seriously. Even the director was surprised by his diligent and studious energy. What happened to this kid? Has your temperament changed?

However, Duan Ci only realized two truths.

First, offending An Qingyan is equivalent to offending Gu Fei, offending Gu Fei, there is no good fruit to eat!

Second, a real man has to rely on himself!

An Qingyan also felt strange about Duan Ci's change, but it was naturally the best to be at peace with each other if people didn't offend me and I didn't offend others.

In mid-April, the filming of the last scene of "The Legend of Kyushu" was completed, and when the director announced the completion of the filming, everyone cheered excitedly, and the five-month filming trip finally came to an end.

"Everyone has worked hard during this time. Tomorrow night, there will be a banquet, and the specific time and place will be announced later!"

"Oye! It's done! It's done!"

"Uuuu... I won't be able to see the prosperous beauty of my family Yan Yan and Qi Qi in the future!"

"Hurry up and take a photo with the handsome guys!"

The staff came to take pictures with the actors one after another, An Qingyan and Lu Yuqi were the most popular.

There was a lot of noise around, An Qingyan cooperated with everyone to take a photo, and always had a patient and gentle smile on his face. When he saw someone who suddenly appeared, the smile on his face couldn't help but magnify, as bright as the bright spring sun.

The people around were stunned.

Mom, how could Yan Yan suddenly smile so beautifully, even her eyes are sparkling!

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

"Fuck, isn't that Master Gu!"

"Ah, so handsome!"

"Gu Fei is still holding flowers in his hand, who are you giving it to?"

"Fuck he seems to be walking towards me!"

"Dream, you, he is clearly... holding a piece of grass! It's Yan Yan!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Fei walked through the crowd and walked in the direction of An Qingyan with long legs. The handsome and mature man was wearing a gray casual suit and holding a bouquet of bright red roses in his hands. .

Isn't this the affectionate and tyrannical male protagonist in the novel?

The man finally stopped in front of An Qingyan and handed over the flower in his hand, "Yan Yan, happy ending." He took a half step forward, hugged the young man politely, and at the same time used a voice that only the two of them could hear. Said, "Also, happy birthday."

Today is An Qingyan's 20th birthday.

In front of so many people, An Qingyan didn't dare to act intimacy with Gu Fei. He smiled politely with a hint of slyness in his eyes, "Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Gu Fei smiled vaguely, "You're welcome."

The people who eat melons around are stunned.

I drop a mother-in-law!

What's the situation?

What happened to Yan Yan and Master Gu?

What a romantic match!

Do not! You can't betray the king X stupid beauty!

In the audience, only director Wu Weiguang was heartbroken. Did Master Gu get his little treasure? !

Do not! Can! by!

Lu Yuqi on the side couldn't bear to look straight away and looked away, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, even a boring person like Gu Fei would be romantic, but he has nothing, let alone spend, he didn't even receive a WeChat message .

"I'm going to the dressing room first." After speaking, Lu Yuqi walked to the dressing room alone.

However, as soon as he opened the door of the dressing room, he was stunned.

"Qiqi is brave to fly, and her husband will always be with you!" An Jing stood inside, holding a support banner in his hand, with Lu Yuqi's head on it, still pink, "Qiqi, happy ending!"

Lu Yuqi: "…"

Is this man seriously ill?

He quickly went in and closed the door.

An Jing picked up the bouquet next to him and stuffed it to him, "Come here, take it quickly."

Are you putting eggs here?

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