MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 166 give you a chance to chase me

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Unable to find the room key, An Jing had no choice but to take Lu Yuqi back to his room, which was upstairs. He just checked in at noon today, and he hasn't had time to pack his luggage yet.

"You are really my ancestor, brother, I have never served anyone like this in my life."

An Jing put the person in his arms on the bed, took off his shoes and jacket, and brought hot water to wipe his face and body. Finally, his face was sweaty and his chest was heaving.

The young master Lu, who was being served, was already asleep, and was sleeping soundly with the quilt in his arms, smacking his lips, and humming something in a low voice, completely unaware of what he had done to others just now.

An Jing pulled the chair over and sat down, helplessly supporting his forehead.

I don't know what to do with this kid.

He looked at the person on the bed opposite him silently, his expression rarely serious and serious, his eyes were so deep that he could not see the bottom, and there were complicated emotions that could not be explained in the bottom of his eyes.

After a long time, he raised his hand and touched the lips that had just been kissed by the other party, and a helpless smile flashed across the corners of his lips.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly.

The floor-to-ceiling curtains were not fully drawn, but half-opened, and the warm and dazzling sunlight swayed in through the transparent glass, and the dim interior gradually became brighter, with two people lying on the bed.

Lu Yuqi's eyelashes trembled, and after a while, he opened his eyes with difficulty, unable to adapt to the sudden light, he frowned uncomfortably, his body was also uncomfortable, and his head ached.

His brain was still in a half-dream and half-awake state, he closed his eyes in a daze again, hugged the quilt in his arms tightly, rubbed his head on the quilt, and hummed softly.

Like, like... Something's wrong?

Why is this quilt so hard?

He opened his eyes again, trying to see what kind of quilt it was, but when he met the handsome face that was close at hand, Sleepy was instantly scared away.

The young man let out an exclamation from his throat, and at the same time, a jingling sat up, his pupils slightly enlarged, looking at the man who was sleeping peacefully next to him in disbelief.

This is... An Jing? !

How could An Jing lie on his bed!

No, he nervously looked around at the decorations and furnishings. Although the rooms in this hotel were similar in appearance, it was obviously not his room!

Lu Yuqi frantically raised his hand and scratched his hair. The memories of last night broke into his head in pieces, and he was drunk again. As for what happened next...


Not impressed at all!

So, this is An Jing's room. He is lying on An Jing's bed now. What he was sleeping with was not the quilt, but An Jing's body?

Shouldn't it be... drunk sex? !

Lu Yuqi immediately lowered his head and looked down. Fortunately, yesterday's clothes were all intact. He breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the sleeping man beside him.

I didn't know what to do for a while.

The sun is shining outside the window, and the interior is bright.

Lu Yuqi held his breath and looked at the man's handsome and deep eyebrows quietly, the emotions that were usually hidden in his eyes poured out without any cover, it was undisguised admiration and love.

He traced that face, eyebrows, nose, mouth inch by inch in his heart...

If only it could be like this every day.

He couldn't help reaching out and slowly approaching the man's face. When he was about to meet, the man suddenly opened his eyes, his heart trembled slightly, and before he had time to retract his hand, the man grabbed his wrist.

Lu Yuqi was stunned.

There is nothing more embarrassing than stealing someone else and being caught on the spot. His ears were slightly hot, he struggled slightly, and spoke loudly to cover up his embarrassment: "Let me go!"

"What? Want to do a sneak attack?" After speaking, An Jing let go of his hand, he sat up, stretched out his arms, "Xiao Lu, you were too much tossing last night. , I didn't sleep much."

Lu Yuqi: "…"

This is very easy to misunderstand.

An Jing: "I kicked the quilt and kicked people. If it wasn't for my good-natured brother, I would have thrown you under the bed long ago."

Lu Yuqi: "Why am I here?"

"I'm drunk, don't let me go, and you want me to hug the princess." An Jing looked at the young man with messy hair in front of him with a very complicated complexion, and laughed, "Student Xiao Lu, don't look at it. You are usually so reserved, and you take the initiative when you are drunk."

After hearing this, Lu Yuqi looked away awkwardly, not knowing what he did when he was drunk, it wouldn't be like last time...

Thinking of this, he pursed his lips tightly, his facial muscles were stiff, he didn't know how to face An Jing, he was silent for two seconds before saying that he was going back, and then quickly got out of bed and put on his shoes.

"Wait." An Jing stopped him.

"Lu Yuqi, don't you like me?"

Lu Yuqi's footsteps suddenly stopped.

A man's magnetic and lazy voice came from behind: "If you like someone, you have to say it, instead of embarrassingly hiding it, duplicating your words, and this will never come to fruition."

"Are you right, childish child."

The young man's body was stiff, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he could no longer take a step forward. After a moment of silence, he retorted in a low voice: "I'm nineteen, not a child."

But he knew that An Jing was right, he was indeed behaving like a child, a dead duck with a tough mouth, he obviously liked it but pretended he didn't like it, he was not afraid in front of others, he dared to say and do anything. .

But he was afraid... afraid that this unrequited love would have no result.

"That's not the point." An Jing chuckled and shook his head helplessly, "Why? Don't you dare to turn around and look at me?"

Lu Yuqi turned to look at the man sitting on the bed, opened his mouth, and heard his slightly hoarse voice, "So, what are you trying to say to me?"

An Jing said calmly, "Give you a chance to chase me."

Hearing this, Lu Yuqi's pupils dilated slightly, and the hand hanging by his side couldn't help clenching tightly, his eyes were a little dazed and puzzled, and there was still a bit of a slap in the face in his blank appearance.

An Jing couldn't help but smile, he sat cross-legged, his chin rested on his palm, looked at the young man across from him with a smile, and said word by word, "If you catch it, I'm yours."

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

An Jing: "Why don't you talk? Give me a reaction? Do you want me to chase you?"

"Okay." Lu Yuqi looked at the man's smiling face with bright eyes, as if he had made up his mind, and said stubbornly and earnestly, "What you said, if you catch it, you are mine."

An Jing: "Of course, a gentleman's words are hard to follow."

Lu Yuqi was stunned for two seconds, then ran away.

It disappeared in an instant.

Probably feel embarrassed.

An Jing looked at the back of him leaving, and the corners of his lips could not help revealing an unintelligible smile. He fell on the bed, raised the back of his hand to cover his eyes, and smiled lowly.

He was really looking forward to how Lu Yuqi would chase him, how could he be this arrogant and stubborn boy chasing people?

An Qingyan was woken up by the doorbell, he couldn't open his eyes, he rubbed unconsciously in the man's arms, and muttered lazily, "Who..."

"It's okay, go to sleep."

Gu Fei touched his head lightly, then got up to speak. Lu Yuqi, who was standing at the door of the room, was instantly surprised, and glanced at his cousin from top to bottom.

The marks on the neck are very eye-catching.

Tsk... I don't know how to converge.

Gu Fei ignored his eyes, "Is something wrong?"

Lu Yuqi opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment, "...Forget it, I'll go first."

This early in the morning, why bother to find dog food to eat.

When he turned to leave, Gu Fei asked abruptly, "Drinking so much alcohol last night, are you in a bad mood?"

Lu Yuqi crossed his arms and looked at him, "You don't either."

At this moment, An Qingyan also got up. Just sitting up from the bed, she accidentally saw the expensive black tie with fine fabrics that fell on the floor. It was already wrinkled at this time.

His mind immediately cleared up a lot.

I heard that the eyes are blindfolded, the vision is dark, and the acuity of other senses will be magnified. This is what Gu Fei told him last night, and he has also practiced it himself.

Recalling how he felt last night, his cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

"Wake up, why don't you sleep for a while?" Gu Fei walked over from the outside, bent over and bent his knees to pick up the tie on the ground, rubbing the pattern on it with his fingertips.

I always feel like he's doing something wrong.

An Qingyan's eyes widened, "You..."


"No... by the way, who came just now?"

Gu Fei: "Lu Yuqi, has left."

"What's wrong with him?"

"I didn't say anything." Gu Fei walked to the bed and sat down, his eyes shifted from the young man's fair and beautiful face to the clean and well-proportioned hands, "The nails are a little long, Brother Fei will cut it for you."

After he finished speaking, he found nail clippers, held An Qingyan's hand, and began to trim his nails.

The sunshine outside the window is warm, and the room is filled with a warm and tranquil atmosphere. An Qingyan quietly looked at the man's drooping eyes, as well as his serious profile. The man's face has excellent lines and distinct facial features, and the sun shines on his face. , clean and gentle.

An Qingyan thought to himself, this is the tenderness that only belongs to him.

This man is indifferent and alienated in front of others, but it is different in front of him.

The surroundings were so quiet that only the sound of nail clippers and each other's breathing sounded. After cutting the nails, Gu Fei carefully helped An Qingyan to smoothen the nails.

"Brother Fei, don't you want to know about my past with Wen Yan? I can tell you now." An Qingyan said suddenly.

He couldn't explain what Wen Yan said to Gu Fei yesterday. Now, he can only tell the truth. Anyway, he will confess to Gu Fei sooner or later, otherwise many things cannot be explained.

I had planned to tell Gu Fei last night, but who would have been tossed so much that he was so tired that he didn't even want to talk, and fell asleep.

"Okay." Gu Fei put down his nail clippers and looked at the clean and slender hands in front of him with satisfaction. The nails were trimmed beautifully and roundly. He lowered his head and kissed the back of his hands, "Does it look good?"


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