MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 137 Yan Yan is sick

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An Qingyan went to see Zhou Yuelan without telling everyone, and the other party was sentenced to five years in prison for the crime of child abduction.

After not seeing each other for two months, Zhou Yuelan looked even more haggard. She looked very excited when she saw An Qingyan. She held the microphone to say something, and lowered her eyes guiltily.

On the contrary, An Qingyan's heart was much calmer, and there was neither resentment nor pity in his eyes when he looked at Zhou Yuelan, very peaceful, as if he was looking at a stranger.

Things are over, he doesn't have to live in the shadow of the past all the time.

He asked first, "How are you doing in there?"

"It's not the same everywhere..." Zhou Yuelan raised her head to look at the handsome and noble boy opposite her, she hooked her lips and showed a bitter smile, "It seems that you have had a good time after returning to Anjia. "

An Qingyan: "Indeed."

"Nannan he..." Zhou Yuelan hesitated, opened her mouth without making a sound, lowered her eyes again, hesitated for a moment and finally couldn't help asking: "Do you know how he is now?"

"I don't know, after he left An's house, I have no news of him." An Qingyan smiled lightly, with no other meaning in his tone, but simply asked: "Has he not seen you?"

Zhou Yuelan shook her head silently.

Poor people must have something to hate. Zhou Yuelan is a typical representative. She is a hard worker. She has not had a good life since she married Lin Jianxiang. not good.

She tried her best to exchange her own son to a wealthy family. In the end, even her son despised her, despised her, didn't recognize her, and never visited her once.

Zhou Yuelan is indeed pitiful, but this is not the reason for her crime. Her husband did not treat her kindly, but she also did not treat the child whose identity was changed by her.

"I came here today to ask you something."

An Qingyan didn't mention An Nanyi any more, and began to talk about business, "In the summer of eleven years ago, did you work as a servant in a wealthy family, and I went with you when I was eight years old."

Zhou Yuelan was a little dazed for a while, and after she reacted, her expression became a little stiff, "Yes, there is such a thing... Why are you asking this?"

Her reaction was noticed by the boy on the opposite side, An Qingyan looked at her inquiringly, "You worked there for almost two months, and then your friend came back from his hometown after giving birth, and you took me away?"

Zhou Yuelan nodded.

An Qingyan: "What happened during this period, why do I have no memory of that period."

"When you get home, you suddenly start to get sick and have a high fever for several days, and then you forget about it."

Zhou Yuelan tightened her grip on the microphone, "It's not an important matter, why are you asking this?"

"Fever?" The boy frowned. This explanation made sense, but why did he forget the memory of that time, because he didn't want to recall it subconsciously?

Only bad memories are reluctant to recall.

But the diaries he saw clearly lived happily in Gu's house, and it was probably the happiest memory in his childhood. It was a bright color on the dark paper.

He asked again, "Why do I have a fever?"

Zhou Yuelan: "Isn't it normal for a child to have a headache?"

An Qingyan: "Did something happen to me in that rich family?"

Zhou Yuelan immediately shook her head in denial: "No, what's the matter."

"Really?" The young man looked suspiciously at the woman on the other side who was trying to pretend to be natural and calm. The other side must have something to hide from him and was unwilling to say it.

Why don't you want to say it?

Touched her interests?

Zhou Yuelan refused to tell her, and An Qingyan couldn't force her mouth open, but at least he gained something. He didn't ask any more questions, nor was he in the mood to say anything more to her, so he quickly left.

After returning home, he made a phone call to Butler Shen.

Butler Shen has been working in the Gu family, and he was there eleven years ago. Maybe he knows something.

Regarding An Qingyan's inexplicable question, Butler Shen tried his best to think about it. Many years ago, there was indeed a woman who was introduced by a friend to Gu's family to work and brought her son.

Because the little boy was extraordinarily handsome and cute, and he often stayed with his young master, he had a vague impression.

It's just that he never imagined that the little boy was An Qingyan.

"This... how could it be such a coincidence." Butler Shen's normally calm face was also full of surprise at this time.

"Indeed, I was surprised when I first found out, Steward Shen, I know it was a long time ago, can you try your best to recall what happened to me?"

Butler Shen thought about it for a while, and finally remembered a very small matter, his face suddenly became a little strange, maybe it was a trivial matter for him, but not necessarily for the client.

That was what happened after Gu Fei went to study abroad.

Song Shuman and Gu Fei's mother Yu Qingtong have always been good friends. That day, she brought An Nanyi, who was also eight years old, to Gu's house as a guest.

Later, I don't know what happened, An Nanyi actually accused the son of the servant of the Gu family, that is, Sylvia Lin, for stealing his own thing, which was an expensive safety lock necklace.

An Nanyi was crying, which attracted everyone's onlookers, including Zhou Yuelan. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhou Yuelan actually found the necklace from Lin Qingyan's schoolbag.

No matter how specific the situation was, Butler Shen couldn't remember.

"The day after this happened, your adoptive mother took you out of Gu's house." Butler Shen sighed a little complicatedly, "I really didn't expect it..."

It turned out that An Qingyan had met his biological mother as early as eleven years ago. At that time, he was just the son of an unremarkable servant. Who would have thought that it was the youngest son of the An family who was replaced.

The boy's hand holding the phone trembled slightly. He took a deep breath and tried to maintain a calm appearance: "I see, thank you Butler Shen for telling me this."

No wonder Zhou Yuelan refused to tell him the truth, so she hurriedly took him away from Gu's house the next day, probably because she was afraid that he would be recognized.

How could he steal An Nanyi's things?

But An Qingyan can't be sure whether he has stolen anything now, because he no longer has that memory, he believes that he will not do that kind of thing, but he can't be sure about it.

If he didn't steal it, why would An Nanyi frame him? At that time, they were only eight-year-old children, and An Nanyi learned about his life experience in high school.

An Qingyan sat restlessly on the sofa in the room, her mind was in a mess, and suddenly a picture flashed through her mind, and it was fleeting.

He was crying, he was crying when he was a child, and there were several people standing around, Zhou Yuelan stood beside him, raised his hand and slapped him on the cheek fiercely.

what happened…

An Qingyan was stunned for a moment, his eyes gradually turned red, but there was only this picture, he couldn't think of anything else, he raised his hand and patted his head, trying to remind himself of something.

But still in vain.

An Qingyan kept thinking about this matter, but she didn't know how to tell her family and Gu Fei. She held it back for two days.

He took out all the pictures he took with Gu Fei when he was a child. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night yesterday, and he was looking at the pictures on the balcony while the cold wind was blowing.

After a long period of cold wind, I finally made myself sick.

His physique is actually okay, he rarely catches a cold and has a fever, but this time the high fever almost reached 40 degrees. The next day, he curled up in the quilt and started to lose consciousness.

Seeing that the youngest son didn't get up for a long time, and there was no response when he knocked on the door, Song Shuman pushed the door directly into the room, and then the family rushed him to the hospital.

Song Shuman walked back and forth in a hurry, "Why did it suddenly burn so badly? Wasn't it fine last night?"

"Yan Yan doesn't feel pain, in case something happens..."

"No, it's alright." An Lingkang comforted his wife, "Don't worry, the doctor said it was just a common cold and fever, probably caught a cold last night, don't think about it that seriously."

Ordinary illness is of course not enough to make people worry that much, but An Qingyan's situation is special. A little illness or pain can make his family in a hurry and worry.

But this time it was really just a normal fever.

The single ward was very quiet, and An Qingyan was also lying quietly on the hospital bed, with a needle inserted in the back of his fair hand, hanging an IV.

The boy's delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned, his cheeks were flushed abnormally, his lips were pale, and a thin layer of sweat was covering his forehead.

An Jing took a tissue and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and probed the body temperature with the back of his hand, but it was not as hot as before.

"I think something is wrong with Yan Yan these two days." The space in the senior ward is not small, An Yu sat on the sofa next to him, frowned and said, "I saw him in a daze for several days and asked him What was he thinking, he just said it was okay."

An Jing also sat down on the sofa, afraid of waking An Qingyan, he lowered his voice and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier."

An Yu spread his hands, "I forgot."

An Jing raised his hand and patted his second brother's head, "I see that your head is thinking about eating, drinking, and having fun. Have you been working in the company recently?"

"What, can I go to the company every day? Dad can testify to me that I lost two pounds after working so hard!"

"Xingxingxing, you are the hardest." An Jing didn't have the heart to talk about this with An Yu. He looked at the boy on the hospital bed worriedly, "You said, what are Yan Yan thinking about?"

"It's nothing more than career, family, friendship and love." An Yu thought for a moment, "Did Yan Yan have any conflict with Feifei?"

An Jing: "Feifei? Are you disgusting?"