MTL - Thousand Autumns-~ Page 3

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Ten years later, Cui Youli and Qi Fengge were both dead, but Yan Wushi went to the next level because he broke through the ninth level of the "Feng Lin Yuan Dian". Although the skill has not been known for a while, it is not always It will be lower than ten years ago.

If you know today, he has few people who reproduced the rivers and lakes, otherwise I'm afraid it will be more lively.

Maybe the world's top ten will be re-ranked.

Thinking of this, Yusheng Yan's heart was hot and a little excited: "When you closed the retreat, Hehuazong came to trouble in three days and two ends. The disciples had a fight with Sang Jingxing once and were injured. Wandering outside for so many years, thankfully your old man is back ... "

The magic gate that outsiders call is actually just a general term.

The first magic gate refers to the Sun and Moon Sect of Sun Moon Mountain in Fenglinzhou. Later, the Sun and Moon Sect was divided into three, and it became Huan Yue Sect, Acacia Sect and Fajing Sect. Although the three belong to the Demon Gate, they are also face and heart disagreement.

Ten years ago, after Yan Wushi closed the retreat, he saw that Huan Yuezong had no heads. He Huanzong wanted to join Huan Yuezong together, but there were not many disciples under the gate of Huan Yuezong. Low-key, secretly made a lot of trouble for the Acacia ancestors.

They offset each other, and Acacia did not take much advantage.

On the contrary, Yusheng Yan was the youngest and youngest, and suffered a few losses.

Now that Yan Wushi is out of the customs, everyone in Huan Yuezong is like a mother's child at last, naturally rejoicing.

Yan Wushi said: "Shen Yun's injuries are usually not taken care of by people. You stay here for a few days until he wakes up, then return to the half-step peak. Be sure to enlighten the fifth place in" Feng Lin Yuan Dian ". . "

Yu Shengyan respectfully responded: "Disciple obey."


Shen Yan was very injured, but most of the scars on his face were scratched when he fell. After clearing the blood and water, his original appearance was revealed.

Even if there is a scar on the face, a circle of gauze is still wrapped on the head, which still does not damage its beauty. No matter the curvature of the bridge of the nose or the tight lips, there is a bit of abstinence and indifference, which is very in line with the minds of others about Xuandushan Taoist priests. Cannibal fireworks impression.

It's not hard to imagine the icing on the cake when these eyes open.

Yu Shengyan can be accepted as a disciple by Yan Wushi. Naturally it is impossible to look ugly. He has traveled the world and has seen a lot of extraordinary beauties. However, facing Shen Shen's bruised face, he still appeared for a while. God just picked up the ointment and started to give him medicine, while secretly regretting it.

Even if the broken bones can be continued and the meridians can be connected, the severely damaged internal organs are not so easy to repair, let alone the damage is greatly reduced. I am afraid that it will be worse than ordinary people in the future. Then think about the hard work of martial arts that you have lost all night. In the scene, Yu Shengyan felt unable to imagine and accept it. When he moved to another place, Shen Yan was only stimulated more than he did.

Pity. Yu Shengyan looked at each other's pale and scarlet face and shook his head secretly.

The reason why Yan Wushi would save his life was only out of a momentary whim. After people rescued him, everything became the responsibility of Yu Shengyan. He never asked anything.

Funing County is a small county. No one originally patronized, but because of the battle of Banbufeng, many people in the rivers and lakes have come down from Banbufeng in the past few days and stopped overnight in Funing County. I can hear a lot of news when I go out.

For example, Shen Ye and Kun Xie were very exciting in the first battle. Unfortunately, Shen Ye is not Qi Fengge after all, and it is far away from his division. Although Kun Xie is not as good as his division Fox Deer, but his talents are very good. , Was also shot down the cliff, no bones left.

Before that, I heard that Kun Xie Da La La sent a battle post to Shen Ying. Many people filled it with indignation and eager to try to frustrate the Turks. However, after this battle, I saw even Xuandu Shan teach. All were defeated, and those who originally wanted to take the lead naturally retreated and dared not to **** their edge.

After this battle, Kun Xie's fame rose, and he has replaced Shen Zhen as one of the top ten in the world. It is said that this time he came to Central Plains, he will continue to challenge the Central Plains masters. The next goal is likely to be Zhou Guo's Xueting Master.

Since the Jin people moved to the south and the place was wild and chaotic, there has never been a unified situation in the world. Now there are Zhou and Qi in the north and the Chen dynasty in the south. Turks and Tuyuhun have their own borders and vast land. Separation and separation of the Taoist portal.

As the head of the Taoist gate, Xuandushan has maintained its neutrality since Qi Fengge, and has no involvement in secular power. Now Shen Kun is defeated by Kun Xie, his life and death are unknown, Xuandushan still does not know who will succeed, and the successor will not know whether Continue the position of the previous generation.

As the protagonist at the center of the whirlpool, Shen Yan has been lying on the couch, letting Yu Shengyan and his subordinates change clothes for him every day, ignorance, grief, and optimism. He doesn't know what happened outside.

It wasn't until half a month later that he made the first move.

Yu Shengyan, who was hurriedly invited by the subordinates, looked at Shen Yan and slowly opened his eyes.

"You have been seriously injured and the broken bones have not yet grown. It is best not to move around."

The other side frowned slightly, his lips moved a little, and seemed to want to say something.

Don't you really become a fool?

Yu Sheng thought for a moment, and asked, "Do you remember your name?"

The opponent blinked slowly, then slowly shook his head, the arc was slightly negligible.

Amnesia? It is normal, after all, his head was so severely injured. Yu Shengyan still remembers the day when Shen Ying was just backed. A deep and long gap on the back of his head can almost see the deep bones below.

"This dear ..." The other side spoke very hard, and he had to get closer to hear it clearly. "It's dark in my eyes, and Xu can't see anything ..."

Yu Shengyan couldn't help but be startled. Dare to become a fool, but a blind man?

The author has something to say:

1. Appearance and age, don't worry about this. Look at the traditional martial arts of Mr. Jin, Huang Yaoshi is in his 50s and 60s, and he still looks so handsome, not to mention the background of this article is a martial art with a little fantasy It is not a problem to have a hundred-year-old appearance.

2. This article has a real historical background. Many Mengmeng should see it. This is the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, probably around 575 AD. Of course, the story is fictional.

3. Isn't the beautiful beauty of the hee hee hee hee cute? [Yan Wushi: Right, very cute. Shen Yun: Director, can I apply not to play with neurosis? Yan Wushi: No. Shen Yan: ...]

Chapter 3

"Your name is Shen Yan. I was a disciple under the yue yue yue sect. I was seriously injured for some reason. Fortunately, I passed by and found that I was rescued by you in time. The enemies who hurt you were Acacia. First took you to run, wait for you to heal the wounds, and then seek revenge on them after the martial arts recovered. "

Yu Shengyan was talking **** seriously, and Shen Ye actually listened seriously.

The last question: "So ... how should I call you?"

Yusheng Yan: "My surname is Jade, Yusheng Yan is your brother."

This statement is really heartbroken. Yu Shengyan is in his early twenties this year. Although Shen Ye's appearance is not obvious, he is a disciple of Qi Fengge and has been in charge of Xuandushan for five years. How can he be smaller than Yu Shengyan.

Yu Shengyan apparently bullies others and can't see them. He deliberately takes advantage of the title.

Shen Ye also obediently called, "Hello Brother."

"..." Looking at him with a good look, Yu Shengyan felt inexplicably dim.

He gave a haha: "Good, since you can't get up yet, it's good to lie down and heal the wounds. When the wounds are healed, I'll take you to see Master again."

Shen Yun: "OK."

He closed his eyes and opened them again a short while later, his eyes were slack because he lost focus, and his eyes were lost: "Brother ...?"

"Is there anything else?" Yu Shengyan confessed to pity Xiangxiang and jade, and it was a pity to see the situation again. It was also a pity that the leader of the world ’s Taoist teaching fell to such a field. When he was in charge of the other party, when his skills were full, I do not know what kind of manners.

Shen Yun: "I want to drink some water ..."

Yu Shengyan: "Don't drink water first, it will be ready when you get the medicine. You have to drink the medicine as water now."

Immediately after the words were spoken, the girl-in-law came over holding the medicine soup. I wonder if it was because she had just made up a life for Shen Ye, and stirred up the precious guilt of Yu Shengyan. He scooped up his neck with a pillow and fed him a spoonful of medicine himself.

Although Shen Quan ’s bones were not broken, they were still intact. In addition, his veins were severely damaged, his vitality was almost cut off, and he was able to wake up within a month. He had already entrusted him with a good foundation, and now he is not lying. For at least three months, don't expect to move.

Yu Shengyan worshiped under Yan Wushi's door. Although he had suffered from practice, he was always extravagant in his practice. He was not inferior to his family in terms of eating and wearing, not to mention giving medicine to himself, and being careful. Occasionally, some spilled on Shen Ye's placket, but Shen Ye still fed a spoonful and a spoonful without revealing any dissatisfaction. After drinking the medicine, he showed a grateful smile to him: "Thank you, brother."

Gentle and obedient, handsome.

Even though the arc of this smile is not large, it is enough to warm the pale face, and the maidservant blushes quietly, and looks away.

He didn't ask anything, but Yu Shengyan was a little strange. When he woke up, he couldn't remember anything. He was blind and injured. He couldn't even get a bed.

"Why don't you ask me when you can recover from your injury?"

"Master and brother are here, you must be running around for my business, exhausting and exhausting." Shen Min coughed a few times, and the wound frowned because he was involved. "If I asked, wouldn't it hurt your heart more?"