MTL - Thousand Autumns-~ Extra 1

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Fanwai 1

The moment he saw the deer fall, Yu Shengyan was ecstatic first, and then shocked.

Because he is very clear, Hulu estimates are not ordinary people, he martial arts, almost called the first person in the world, no matter how great Master, can put Hulu estimates down, he will certainly not be unscathed.

This idea came up, he couldn't wait to see Master, but the distance between Yingfeng Peak and here was beyond his control.

When Yu Shengyan was preparing to go down the mountain, a figure was faster than him.

It's Shen Yan.

Yu Shengyan opened his mouth wide and watched Shen Ye rising directly into the air from here, rushing to the opposite peak, walking against the wind, as if with a fairy.

The shouting screaming was strangled in his throat by the students. He was just like everyone in the audience, and he could only stare at Shen Ye floating towards the remorse peak opposite.

To be precise, it is really floating.

On the top of the mountain, the wind was blowing, and Rao was standing still. They were all blown into their robes. If they had no martial arts, they would be ordinary people here. If they did n’t hold the trunk tightly, they would be caught by the wind. Blow off, but like the Wang brothers, in a group of masters, they had to secretly carry out internal forces at all times to stabilize their body, so as not to be blown away by accident.

However, in the violent wind, Shen Yiyi fluttered and drifted towards the opposite peak step by step. It seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was very fast. From one end to the other, it has spanned a distance that ordinary people cannot surpass!

As far as this trifle is concerned, I am afraid that few people in the world can already reach it, I am afraid that it is slightly better than Master.

As Yu Shengyan thought, the next moment, he suddenly woke up, remembering his original intention, and went down the mountain.

At this time, another person rushed in front of him, moving three points faster than him. On such a steep mountain road, the other side disappeared into sight as soon as they fell flat.

Yu Shengyan had already seen Duan Wenxuan when he just came up, but the masters of the two sides were fighting, and the two had no intention of conflict. During this period, Wen Xun saw the fox deer fall, and was naturally anxious to rush over.

Yu Shengyan once heard that Duan Wenxian was greatly despised in Turk when he was young. Because of being evaluated by Fox Deer, he was greatly changed when he entered the door of the other party. Although Duan Clan was ambitious, he was very filial, but Yu Shengyan At this moment, the mood is actually not much calmer than Duan Wenyu. The two came down the mountain one by one, and reached the foot of the repentant peak. They were about to continue to go up, and saw Shen Ye carrying Yan Wushi on his back.

"Shen Daochang!" Yu Shengyan shouted and hurried to meet him.

He saw Yan Wushi lying on Shen Kui's back, who closed his eyes tightly, his face revealing a dead ash, Yu Shengyan suddenly discolored: "Master!"

"Go back and talk." Shen Yan said only four words.

"Mr. Shen Dao!" Duan Wenyi called to him, "Dare I ask Master how?"

Shen Zheng glanced at him: "We only took care of bringing down Lord Zong, and it was not clear that he would take care of the teacher in the future."

Duan Wenkun had nothing to say. At that moment, he even wondered whether Shen Shen would directly put his master to death when he was in danger. Anyway, there were only three of them on the peak of remorse, and no one would know the truth. Just now, it was rejected by Duan Wenhuan. Although everyone's positions are different, even Duan Wenhuan cannot help but admit that he will not do such a thing with Shen's character.

Although some people are destined to be unable to become friends, their conduct cannot be accused by the enemy, which may be said to be Shen.

So he didn't say anything in the end, but looked at the figure of Shen Shen going away, turned and swept towards the mountain.

Yu Shengyan had no time to pay attention to the other party. He followed Shen Zhen closely until he returned to Beizhuang.

In the eyes of others, Yan Wushi has always been extremely powerful. The housekeeper, who has seen him like this, originally greeted him cheerfully, and he was not frightened at this time.

Yu Shengyan boldly touched the hand of Yan Wushi, and almost lost his soul: "How, how cold ?!"

Shen Yan said: "He was too injured. I will write a recipe. You immediately grab three medicines. Slow-fry over low heat. Cook four bowls of water and make one bowl twice a day."

Yu Shengyan responded quickly. He knew that Xuandu Mountain had been passed down for hundreds of years, and there were always some life-saving recipes that were not passed on. This was no match in the palace.

Shen Yan entered Yanwu's house with his back on his back, carefully laid him down, took his pulse, wrote prescriptions, and fed medicine, all without the help of others.

Perhaps it was Shen Fangkai's formula that played a role, or maybe Yan Wushi's inner workings worked, and after three days, he finally woke up.

"Master!" Yu Shengyan was coming in with a bowl of steaming medicine, and he couldn't help exulting.

By the way, Shen Yan who was resting next to her forehead also woke up.

Yan Wushi opened his eyes and saw that the apprentice was going to help himself to feed his medicine, and said, "You go out."

Yu Shengyan: "Ah?"

His response was not slow, and he gave Shen a busy look.

Shen Minshou: "You go out, I'll come."

Yu Shengyan glanced at his master again.

The latter woke up from wake up, and his gaze almost stuck to Shen Wei, giving him nothing at all.

Yu Shengyan suddenly gave up a bit of sadness similar to "unrooted grass, crippling wind and rain", handed the bowl to Shen Yan, and then quietly backed down.

Shen Huan didn't notice his mood, he took a spoonful of soup medicine and handed it to Yan Wushi. This movement was done for three days and he was already very familiar with it.

"What do you think?" Shen Yan asked.

"It's okay." Yan Wushi said lazily. If it wasn't for his face, his posture looked completely different from an injury.

Shen Huan: "Your pulse has gradually stabilized, but it is still weak and you need to adjust it slowly. It seems that your magic heart flaws have indeed been fully repaired, otherwise ..."

He shook his head without saying any more.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it is not Yan Wushi who can descend down the mountain, but Hulu estimates.

Twenty years ago, the fox deer was defeated by Qi Fengge. Twenty years later, his strength will only be stronger. Yan Wushi's decisive battle is actually holding a lot of risk. Even at the last moment, he saw The other side is flawed, but the internal strength of the two seems to be different. There is only one result when you hit it hard: you die.

If Shen Zhuo didn't pass directly from the peak of Repentance, but went down the mountain first and then went up to another mountain, the time spent in the middle would be ridiculous, and perhaps Yan Wushi would not be so lucky.

Yan Wushi smiled softly at him: "Ama, do you remember what you said before? You said that as long as I wake up, you can do anything."

Shen Min reached out his hand and paused in the air: "That's just what I said in a hurry ..."

Yan Wushi said coldly, "A gentleman can't chase a horse without a word."

Shen Ye was helpless: "What do you want?"

Yan Wushi: "The medicine is too bitter."

Poor Shen Dao has a pure heart and has not yet responded: "Then I want some honey?"

Yan Wushi shook his head, suddenly reached out to take the bowl, drank his head and drank it, and then directly grabbed Shen's placket and pulled it over, accurately printing on the other side's lips.

Shen Yan opened his eyes wide and pushed him away subconsciously, but Yan Wushi held his eyes tightly. If he tried his best, it would inevitably hurt the other party ...

It was just a moment of hesitation. Yan Wushi had tasted the taste of his long-lost lips.


Bringing some medicinal bitter body fluid into the mouth forcibly, Shen was so soft-hearted that he lost all his territory. At this moment, his hands were caught and his center of gravity was tilted back. The other side had to press in because the waist could not bear the weight of the two people. Can not help but slightly lift the waist, chin lifted, can not hold the body fluid flowing down the corner of the mouth, winding down along the white and beautiful neck.

When Shen Zhen returned to God and pushed away the other party, he did not realize that his description was already very embarrassed.

The hair was slightly chaotic due to rubbing, and the eyes were moist and watery, like a pool of green water, the cheeks were not flushed, and the lips were obviously red and swollen. Coupled with this appearance--

Living is the scene after being discouraged by the disciples.

But the bitter master failed to find Deng Zizi, because Deng Zizi was frowning, clutching his chest, moaning lowly: "It hurts ..."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi sighed: "It was only when I used too much gas that my chest hurt as soon as I lifted it up. It seemed that I would have to rest for a long time to recover."

This is simply cheap and sell well, also known as Tian Shameless!

Shen Ye's face was green and white for a while: "You don't know how you got hurt!"

It's not as coma as it was a few days ago.

Yan Wushi has a profound meaning: "You said that as long as I wake up, I can do anything, so how can I kiss myself? You are a Taoist, and the most important promise is that since you can do everything, this matter is not It's naturally okay to violate your chivalry, right? "

Arguing for talents, one hundred Shen Yan will not add up to Yan Wushi's opponents.

"... I think you are getting better, and you don't need to drink the medicine, just keep it so quiet!"

The beauty is not angry, and Yan Wushi admires with a smile, only to find that the other side of the body is not good.

After taking a loss for a while, she refused to feed her medicine in close proximity to prevent the other party from finding any excuses. After that, she just stood at the door every day and walked away.

It was a few days like this, and news from outside came back one after another.

The fox deer is estimated to be dead. Duan Wenyi brought the person back to Turkic for burial, but the rumors rumored that Yan Wushi actually died of injuries in that battle. Only because he was taken away by Shen in the morning, he died. .

The people in Bie Zhuang naturally knew that Yan Wushi was not dead. Although he only breathed when he went down the mountain, but because of his ability to stand up and the help of Shen's dedication, he stepped on the one of the Naiyang Bridge. Feet retracted again.

But the people outside did not know. A group of people who waited for the results under the half-step peak saw Shen Yan carrying the person down, and saw Yu Shengyan's face as if it was a funeral test, and it took a long time for those who could not wait to clarify. It was taken for granted that Yan Wushi had died.

Some unbelievers also ran to ask the experts who were fortunate to watch the battle at the time. The opinions of masters such as Ruyi Kehui and Yi Pichen were naturally more valued.

However, I heard that Ruyi Kehui did not express any opinions on the death of the two people. He only said that Hulu and Yan Wushi were both masters of today, and he admired Yunyun very much.

Yi Biechen's reply was more clear. He believed that the two sides were evenly matched and that both defeated and hurt, and I am afraid that no one would be good.

Many people were led by him, and they became more convinced that Yan Wushi was dead.

Then, since both the world ’s first and the world ’s second are dead, who is the most powerful on the rivers and lakes now?

What's more important is, how exactly should those markets in the casino be opened?

Previously, it was not both bets and losses that killed both, but after all, it was a different path. Most people would not think of betting on this. The odds are as high as 37. That is to say, if you bet one or two, you will get 37 two. .

It is said that a lot of gambling houses in Funing County closed down because of their vitality. One of them, named Xingke, made a fortune and became a rich man overnight.

Who is Starwash? No one knows.

"Master," Yu Shengyan entered the room, holding the account in his hands. "This is the money we won this time, totaling more than 50,000 yuan."

These more than 50,000 yuan almost emptied the foundation of all gambling houses in Funing County. I am afraid that no one will dare to open a gambling house in Funing County within one year.

Yu Shengyan laughed: "I'm guessing who the Starwasher is outside. Actually, there's nothing hard to guess. You won't know it just after thinking about it? Just waiting for you to show up later. Those people are afraid to be angry. died!"

It's useless to be furious. The handicap is opened by them, and the note is also made by themselves. Is it possible that you dare to come to the trouble of Huan Yuezong?

Yan Wushi gave a hum, and didn't take this number seriously: "What about grandma?"

Yu Shengyan: "Shen Daochang is practicing sword in the yard, he seems to want to go to Changan."

Yan Wushi beckoned to him: "Anyway, come here."

To the apprentice who came to his ears, he explained so much, and Yu Shengyan nodded again and again: "The disciples will do it!"

Yan Wushi: "Also, take out 12,000 from these 50 thousand and send it to Chunyang Guan."

Yusheng Yan would know: "Yes!"

Is Yi Biechen's remarks indiscriminate? There is no need to eat the fireworks of Taoism to survive, and Yi Biechen is just vague. After saying something fascinating, he helped Yan Wushi win the gamble, and by the way, he earned 12,000 for his Taoism, which was all a joy.