MTL - Thousand Autumns-~ Chapter 132

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Shen Yun: "Yes, I didn't want to mention the past, and it will make you sad, but since I talk about it now, I will inevitably say a few words. Although the Taoist practitioners practice quietness, they also pay attention to cause and effect. This is not unique to Buddhism. Yu Wenxun perverted and made you die injustice. If you want revenge, I will not only prevent persuasion, but also teach you martial arts, but I do n’t want you to think about it wholeheartedly. The reason why people are human is because they are different from The wisdom of the beast. The genus of tiger and lion, even if the temper is good, as long as the stomach is hungry, it will inevitably seek for food and kill. However, when people are hungry, they can endure hunger. Wear warmth, this is the reason why people are among the three talents, do you understand? "

Yu Wenshu really had extraordinary understanding. He pondered for a moment and then nodded: "I see. The Taoist Master hopes that I can put aside the burdens of the past and be a man of the day. Even if I hate Yu Wenyu again, don't become a person like Yu Wenyu. . "

Shen Yexin comforted: "Yes, you are really good, and indeed worthy of Yuwen's family!"

Yu Wenshu rarely revealed a twist: "Can I follow you to learn martial arts?"

Shen Yun laughed: "Of course it is okay. I accept my disciples. I look at my heart and I look at my qualifications. Even if my qualifications are ordinary, as long as my integrity is good enough, let alone your outstanding qualifications and good roots. Good material for martial arts. "

Yu Wen was so happy that he wanted to worship the teacher when he got up, but Shen Xuan stopped him: "Not busy at the moment. It's not too late for me to worship the teacher officially after I bring you back to Bi Xia Zong."

Yu Wenshu naturally had no opinion. He talked with Shen Zhen and solved many of his knots. He slept well that night and almost fell into a dream with a pillow.

But it was Shen Ye who remembered those words that he had just learned, and his heart could not help feeling a little ups and downs, and he could not fully enter the realm of forgetfulness for a long time.

At this time in the middle of the night, all the hustle and bustle of the day faded away, and only a loud noise came from the window.

Since he couldn't get into sleep or sleep, he didn't open his eyes, but closed his eyes and raised his mind. His five senses are fully open and he perceives everything, as if everything around him is breathing into his breath.

He opened his eyes stunned, rose to the window and flew out of the window, quickly and silently, not to mention that Yu Wenshu is dreaming now, even if he wakes up, as long as he doesn't see it with his own eyes, I'm afraid I don't know that there are no more people nearby.

At that time, the windows were half-stretched, and it was a little reluctant to allow one person to go out, but Shen was like a ghost. As soon as the upper body probed out, the person was already floating on the roof against the outer wall of the inn.

Sure enough, there was a person standing above the roof directly opposite their room.

Black clothes and black robes, with power fences on their heads, make it impossible to see the true colors.

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan: I have a premonition that my home is coming (* ^ __ ^ *)

Shen Yun: Director, I'm a bit scared. Can I apply to go to **** in advance to play Master Mahjong? (ㄒ o ㄒ) ~

Lao Yan: Don't be afraid, little beauty, hey ... director, the script is wrong, this line does not fit this style!

King Meow: Sorry, come, read this.

Lao Yan (taken the script, showing a satisfied expression): Even if you go to the world, you can't escape the palm of this seat!

Chapter 89

"If you are just passing by, please go elsewhere."

Although the other party did not show his true face, but she looked a little familiar based on her body shape, and Shen could not confirm that the other party was who he thought he was.

He once heard Mr. Yan Wushi talk about some rivers and lakes rules. When walking outside, it is inevitable that there will be young people hiding on the roof of the inn at night to wait for the guests to start, steal money, or have ulterior motives. Seeing you have high martial arts or a strong background, you are generally afraid to start.

Shen Ye's hand lightened up, but anyone with long eyes knew that it was powerful and would not easily offend.

The other party did not say a word, and did not even wait for his words to finish before attacking.

This hand is like a flower picking willows, gentle into the bones, but it is not the spring water **** Shen Shen thought. The palm wind is fluttering and weak, but suddenly it changes in the middle of the road, such as ice and bones, coming to the face!

With a roll of sleeves of Shen Bao's robe, he completely resolved the palm style, but the other person's body flickered, and when he reached the front, he pointed to the main point on Shen Bao's wrist with his right hand, and grabbed Shen Bao's neck with his left hand.

Shen Xun continued to retreat, slamming his sleeves on the shore like a shocking wave, and re-tapping the opponent's left hand. The left hand turned flexibly, slipping out of the opponent's clamping range, and grasping the opponent in turn.

"Yan Wushi?" He asked tentatively, because the hands looked a little familiar, but the martial arts path was completely different.

The Heipao people still didn't answer. They just kept reaching out and attacked, but the other side didn't seem to settle down to death. The two sides were talking rather than fighting each other.

Even if it is a matter of discussion, one trick and one pattern are very particular about it.

Now Shen Ye is also quite knowledgeable. At least he knows the martial arts of various schools. For a master like him, as long as he has seen a similar style, he will not forget it, but the Heipao people ’s moves are like antelopes. No trace can be found. The first move seems to come from the pure mountain view of Qingcheng Mountain, but the second move seems to have a magic gate style, which is puzzling.

A martial arts master is not necessarily a combative person, but he must be a combative person. He is willing to pursue in martial arts. Shen Shen's temper is calm and contentious. He meets opponents who are quite fanciful and can't understand the origin. Hi, I want to play against each other.

He now has more and more experience in rivers and lakes, and will no longer easily take off his guard. Naturally, he also prevents the other party from chanting Yu Wen, who intends to sleep in the room.

Martial arts has reached a certain level, and the sound of the other person can be judged only by the sound of breathing. Shen Ye is also similar. Although he is fighting here, he still leaves a trace of mind, tied to Yu Wenshu. At this time, the other person is dormant, and even both No one was aware of a fight on the roof.

The two sides have done several tricks, each failed to do their best, the other side's purpose is unknown, but the tricks are often innovated, it is unpredictable, Shen Xun took advantage of it, directly caught his power fence, the black yarn was caught in the hands, the other side Then the true colors of the Chinese are exposed.

It really is Yan Wushi!

"Why did Master Zong come?" Shen Yan frowned.

"Ama, you are really ruthless. People almost died for Sang Jingxing for you, but you were still a cold‘ lord Zong ’?” The other side laughed with a joke, and there was no strangeness in the day.

"Do you remember?" Shen hurried for a while, Shen Yun had already prepared for his complete loss of memory. Who knew that the other party's opening was as if it was the same as before, and people could not help but stunned, followed by a slight movement in their hands. pause.

It was during this moment that the other's fingers had nodded to his shoulders, and Shen Yan fell softly into the arm that Yan Wushi extended in time.

"Shh!" Yan Wushi made a gesture and yelled with a smile. "Don't be nervous, take you somewhere."

Without waiting for the other side to react, he clicked on Shen's dumb acupoint again. Chunshui's **** was extremely skillful.

Shen Yan said that he was not low-minded, but he didn't know why he was enlightened. Before waiting for him to be upset, Yan Wushi had already lifted the person horizontally and flew from the roof of the inn to another place. , Black clothing and night blend into one, even if there is an additional person in his hand, it does not hinder his speed.

There is also a Yuwen Chan in the inn ...

Shen Yan couldn't speak, but Yan Wushi seemed to be able to read his voice: "The Yuwen family is inconceivable after Yu Wenxian is gone. Except for the fact that Yu Wenzhen has to kill everything, no one will kill a Yuwen. Qilang took it seriously. He had just killed Yu Wenxian and wanted to please the emperor while he was hitting the iron. Now it's useless to take him back thousands of miles.

The implication is that Yu Wenshu, who has been far away from the capital, is safe.

Upon hearing these words, Shen Ye knew that the other party had not lost his memory at all, let alone that his temperament had changed, but he did n’t know what had happened in the middle. Why did he laugh at Guangling with Yan Yan? Many questions not only did not follow Yan Wushi's reappearance disappeared, but more and more.

Yan Wushi didn't mean to explain. At least he didn't have the intention to explain right now. He hugged Shen Yun and flew around on the roof of the house. After a while, he was far away from Fangcai's inn.

Although his body couldn't move, his eyes could finally be seen. After a while, Shen Yun suddenly realized that Yan Wushi's destination seemed to be the Huang family they had visited during the day.

"Let's go to a good show, but you are not allowed to move or you will not be taken out to play in the future." His tone was very relaxed, more like coaxing a child.

Rao is no matter how good his temper is, he can't help rolling his eyes.

The Huang family is not a small door. There are guards and patrols outside the door, but the martial arts of these people have not yet reached the level where Yan Wushi can be found. Yan Wushi holds Shen Ye all the way into a state of no one. It's no different than walking around your own backyard.

Shen Min noticed that the place where he settled down should be the backyard of the garden where the birthday feast was held in the day. Previously, Shen Min met Guanglingsan and Yan Wushi at the rockery, and this yard had to walk around the rockery for a while. It should be near the backyard pond.

Yan Wushi did not stay on the roof like Fang Cai, but chose a dense vegetation near the pond. This is a dead corner on the corner. By the shadow of the colonnade and the vegetation, he can completely block his body. To be strict, with the martial arts of the two, they can naturally adjust their breathing, and they are not likely to be discovered.

The house next to the wall was burning with candlelight, and the faint swaying light was exposed through the gaps in the window, along with the shattered speech.

Shen Huan didn't know the purpose of Yan Wushi bringing himself here to listen to the corner. After waiting for a while, they didn't seem to be able to unlock the acupuncture point. He had to raise his ears to listen to the movement in the room.

The voice is very low, but I can still hear a little bit when I use the internal force.

One was panting, sometimes with some teasing.

Oh, one person groaned, his voice greeted softly.

Although Shen Yan has never experienced men and women, but he has never eaten pork, he always knows the name of a pig. When he hears the movement here, how can he not know what they are doing?