MTL - Thousand Autumns-~ Chapter 128

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But Shen Yun did not escape.

He didn't even step back.

Drawing a sword out of the sheath, facing three enemies from three directions, Shanhe swept out with the sword of sadness.

Only one move, no fancy, ordinary.

However, on the gate of the city, Pu Liurujian, who was originally a keen sweater, faintly heard the huge waves, as if rolling from the distant horizon, and sounded like a bang in the depths of the ground.

He clearly saw that with Shen Jian's sword sweeping out, the sword body almost turned into white waves, and spread out layer by layer in an instant.

The true power is full, Vientiane is on the side, so clumsy and unwieldy, it is complicated to simple.

Chen Gong, Yan Qiao, and Bao Yun were all drowned in the "white waves", while Shen Yunming had only one, but seemed to have countless incarnations. Everyone felt supreme pressure. Their offensive was not only vanished. Actually all back to back, in the way of the other, also in the body.

Liu Ye did not know martial arts, and then exclaimed: "The Shen Ye is actually a monster, how can he suddenly become numerous?"

Pu Liurujian explained: "It is a kind of illusion and derived from the sword realm. The attainments of Shen Jian on the kendo must have reached the peak of the pinnacle. I am afraid that compared to Qifeng Pavilion of that year, it is better than blue. what!"

The name of Qi Fengge is even heard by Liu Ye. There are very few masters in this world, but every master is undoubtedly capable of taking the first rank in the army and retreating calmly, so The imperial court will try its best to embrace, even those who are hardworking and self-use like Yu Wenyi, rely heavily on Yan Wushi, and never put the emperor in front of him.

At present, Shen Yan may be a little bit far away from the master master, but it does not take ten or eight years to reach the point of ignition. Liu Ye was a little scared when he heard the words. He was busy: "I just didn't order to shoot arrows at Shen Ye. You also saw it, we are in the throne, and we must do it as a last resort. If Shen, cough, and Shen Daozun misunderstand, you can help me clarify one or two! "

Pu Liuru replied firmly: "Yes, Dadu is responsible, and he has no selfishness, and he naturally understands."

Liu Xie secretly relieved, and Fu was attracted by the fighting below: "Look at today's battle, can Chen Gong win?"

Not only were the two of them watching the battle, the soldiers on the gate of the city were staring at this wonderful match, seeing the sword and sword underneath, and full of murderous spirit, and Shen Yan took two children, adding weight, still in the middle of it Walk freely, can not help but show the color of admiration.

People are always heroes. Although everyone is obstructed by the emperor's life, they have to slay Yu Wen, but Yu Wenxian is prestigious in the army. Shen Zeng originally had nothing to do with himself, but he was willing to be in danger for two children. How can you not let ordinary people stand in awe of mind?

When Kun Xie was killed that day, only Bi Xiazong should be present, and the scene was earth-shattering, and there were only a limited number of people who knew it. Now he is under the eyes of the public, with less enemies and more wins.

This battle is destined to move the world!

Shen Yan protected Yuwen Chan behind him, while holding Dou Yan himself, he built a heavy sword curtain, blocking Chen Gong and Bao Yun for a while, and the sword edge swayed slightly. If the moon breaks through the clouds, the brilliance overflows, and he goes straight to Yan Qi to kill him. .

Yan Qiao took three consecutive shots, but he was completely swallowed by the sword. He had to take a few steps back, only thinking that Chen Gong and Bao Yun were joined. Shen Ye was definitely incompetent and had no time to take care of him, but he did not expect the other party to completely ignore the others. The two men swept away the sword, and swept towards them.

He hurriedly greeted him with his palm, but as soon as he raised his hand, he felt an unbearable tingling, and Jianguang had arrived!

And his entire hand was caught in it, immersed in the vast white light, like the pain of losing his arm that day, which made him involuntarily fear, and he ran away whenever he wanted to turn around.

The war intentions disappeared and the murderous spirit was forcibly wiped out. Yan Qi just wanted to retreat from his body at the moment, but he forgot that the moment he resigned, he actually lost.

Mantian Jianguang occupied the sight, but there was only one sword. In the end, there was only one sword that penetrated the heart of Yan Qiao's back.

Yan Qiao bowed her head, and he saw the tip of Shan He Tong Bei Jian, who had turned red.

That's his blood.

The blood-stained mountains and rivers are still buzzing and the sword of sorrow is still buzzing, and the sound is very low, but Yan Qiao is surprised that she can hear it and is extremely clear.

Perhaps it was because the sword was inside him.

Before he could confirm it again, Shen Jian had been withdrawn from the back by Yan Yan, Yan Qi took a few steps forward, and threw himself to the ground.

Behind him, the fighting continued, but it no longer required his involvement.

"True heroes!" Pu Liurujian at the gate couldn't help but utter a surprise.

Although the others were speechless, his expression obviously felt the same as him.

No matter when and where, such a person is always amazing.

Beyond the city, the killing of Yan Shi made Baoyun and Chen Gong look shocked, but their offensive did not stop there. Instead, they became more severe like a torrential shower. Both of them chose to avoid confrontation with Shen. Focus on Dou Yan and Yu Wenshu.

Since Shen Huan chose these two children as their weaknesses, it is their proper meaning to greet the children. Between life and death, it is only about winning or losing, regardless of the means.

If Shen Ye is not killed today, this person will surely become a confidant!

Chen Gong and Bao Yun's mind emerged at the same time.

Chen Gong's sword is extremely fast, but Baoyun takes a tricky pulse. Both of them are left and right, and they cooperate with each other. They know that Shen Jian's sword strength is no longer inexhaustible and will never run out.

Shen Zhen also rushed to Yu Wenshu, but not to protect him, but to throw out the Dou Yan in his hand.

Without his instructions, Yu Wenshu instantly understood what he meant. He stretched out his arms and caught Dou Yan, a head shorter than him.

With a roll of sleeves, Shen Yan directly rolled them away a few feet away, then swept back.

If the waves are turbulent, like a stone beam lying in a rainbow, surging and arrogant, there is a looming power of the king, which is against the sword style of the former Zhengzheng Peace.

In the future, Chen Gong resolved to resolve, the sword body pierced into the opponent's sword curtain, all the way smooth, when the heart is happy, but suddenly found that his goal did not know when it became Baoyun.

Behind yourself!

His mind was sharp and alert, and he turned back tremblingly, also with a sword anger.

However, Baoyun wanted to come across the same doubts as he did, but he was too late to shoot Chen Gong with one palm.

Chen Gong had half of his sword power and had to retreat hurriedly, leaning sideways to avoid the wind of Baoyun.

Shen Ye was impartial, and his body and sword were united, leaving for Baoyun.

When the two tigers fight, there must be a wound.

Baoyun used ten success forces in this palm, but had to temporarily withdraw half of the internal force due to the replacement of Chen Gong in the middle, but the castration had already been completed, and he could not step back. He was immersed in the sword light, and the raging waves were pouring in. Jun, come face to face!

Blood splattered from Bao Yun, and in the blink of an eye there was already a blood hole in his throat.

The two elders of the Acacia sect died one after another under the Shen Jian sword.

Chen Gong saw that the situation was not good. As early as when Shen Jian stabbed Baoyun, he turned and ran toward Yuwen Chan and the two children.

The purpose of today is to leave Yu Wenshu, Yan Yan made his own claim. He had to kill Shen Zhe, and now he can take Yu Wenshu away, even if he is up to his mission.

However, he did not expect that Shen Jian ’s kendo had reached such a high level. He had just killed Bao Yun, and rushed towards him again.

At this speed, even if he catches Yu Wenshu, he will inevitably face up to Shen Ye.

One is cutting the grass and rooting, the other is life-threatening. Of course, the latter is more important.

Chen Gong made a decision immediately, gave up Yu Wen reckoning, broke his body in the middle, and ran towards the city. He carried his light work to the extreme, stepped on the raised bricks on the city wall, and quickly reached the city gate.

Shen Yan had no intention of chasing after him. He took Dou Yan and Yu Wenshu and ran in the opposite direction.

Returning the sword into the scabbard, two arms carried the two children, Shen Xuan ran out two or three miles away, and then stopped until he was far away from the sight of the city gate.

He put down the two children and walked a few steps forward, but vomited a lot of blood.

"Long Shen Dao!" Dou Yan exclaimed, and hurried forward to support him.

Although Yu Wenshu had no words, he also held his other arm, struggling to support most of Shen's weight.

"Maybe ..." Shen Yan covered her chest and comforted the two with difficulty, but her mouth was bloody.

Baoyun and others are not three-legged cats. As elders of the Acacia sect, even if they are not among the top ten in the world, they are also well-known masters. With the power of Shen today, they killed the two in one breath. It sounds prestigious, but he is also the same. It also comes at a price.

At the time of the confrontation, he also had several palms in his hands. If Chen Gong was not deceived by the strength he showed, and if he observed carefully, it would not be difficult to find that Shen Yan was already at the end of the crossbow.