MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 7 The first group of tourists (on)

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The total number of students from the first grade to the sixth grade in Tongxin Village Primary School is more than 50. Teacher Zhao and another teacher, Yan, taught six classes, and all subjects were rounded out.

When Teacher Zhao told everyone, this year, as usual, I went to the Cape Zoo. No, I should call the Lingbi Zoo now. The pupils all cheered.

Senior students also discussed: "I am going to see Shasha, it will definitely remember me."

"Nonsense, it is obviously lightning..."

Because they go once a year, they also name the animals. Everyone is different and easy to fight.

On the podium, Teacher Zhao repeatedly emphasized the considerations and time for the day after tomorrow.

On the third day, the students of Tongxin Primary School gathered in the front floor of the teaching building and arranged them into two teams. The latter student took the previous clothes.

But among a group of students, Teacher Zhao saw a strange face. "Little classmate, you are not a student of our school, what about your parents?"

The child is about four years old, looks white and tender, and is dressed very cleanly, that is, the expression on his face is not very happy. Teacher Zhao of Tongxin Village basically knows, but has never seen this child.

"Teacher, he is my cousin. I came to my house yesterday, my parents said let him come with me." Another child raised his hand and said.

"Zhang Shun, is this your brother? Is he not going to school?" Teacher Zhao was a little helpless. Zhang Shun’s parents had to work in the fields every day. If there were relatives and children to live, most of them would not let Zhang Shun go to class. He repeatedly persuaded him. I must let Zhang Shun come to school. Now I am fine. Zhang Shun does not skip classes, but brings relatives together.

"Yeah, my brother is on holiday! He is a student of experimental primary school, they have a holiday!" Zhang Shun said with pride.

Other students did not notice that they were wrong, but looked at Zhang Shun’s brother enviously. Teacher Zhao was aware that it was wrong. There was a school vacation at this time, but he did not say it. He just asked Zhang Shun’s brother, "Let’s join us today for outdoor activities. What is your name?"

"My name is Zhao Bo." The child snorted.

Of course, Zhao Bo did not come because of school holidays. He was fighting at school with his classmates, was ordered to go home by the teacher, and then was thrown into the countryside by his parents, saying that he would suffer from it.

Zhao Bo rarely came to Zhang Shun's family. He had never spent the night, but Zhang Shun occasionally went to his house to play. Only one day here, Zhao Bo died of pain, no air conditioning, no computer, the phone was confiscated, nothing was played, the cousin would play mud, what ghost zoo to go today...

Teacher Zhao said to Zhao Bo again, let Zhang Shun pay attention to take his cousin, and then announce the departure, everyone lined up to walk to the road, and then wait for the bus.

Before he arrived at the zoo, Zhang Shun couldn't help but introduce his old friend to his cousin. "Cousin, there is one in the zoo - a big lion, a loud voice, and a monkey..."

Zhao Bo listened to Zhang Shunyu and listened very impatiently. "What is there? There are a group of lions in the city zoo, as well as tigers, crocodiles, camels, giant pandas..."

Zhao Bo counted a lot of animals and then added another sentence: "Hey, I don't like to go, the zoo is nothing fun."

Zhang Shun listened very much. He was very surprised that Zhao Bo didn't like to go to the zoo. If he lived in the city, he would like to go to the zoo where his cousin said every weekend.

When Zhang Shun’s classmates heard Zhao Bo’s words, they racked their brains to find out where the Lingbi Zoo was different, but when they wanted to come, some of the animals there, Zhao Bo, reported that there were no more Zhao Bo newspapers.

Finally, I can only date the Ai Ai tunnel: "...there is also a Cape Park next to the zoo."

- This is really nothing to blow in the zoo. They go to the zoo every year. They don't see any animal growth, but the lion is thinner every year.


The students went to the "Cape Park Station" all the way, getting off at the park and heading to the Lingbi Zoo next to them.

The zoo has not yet opened, the door is locked, and Mr. Zhao took out his cell phone and called Duan Jiaze. Not long after, Xiaosu ran to open the door.

"Hello, Teacher Zhao, our head is taking care of the new birds." Xiaosu and Zhao shook hands. "I am Xiaosu, this time I will accompany you to visit."

"Thank you, trouble you." Teacher Zhao said with a smile. In fact, they are all familiar with this place. In the past, the Cape Zoo will not be specially invited.

But after going in, Teacher Zhao knows why. It’s not that the zoo pays special attention to them, but at first glance it seems that there are no other employees at all.

The conditions of this zoo cage are very simple. Unlike the larger zoo, the glass is completely isolated from the tourists. It is easy for visitors to turn over the guardrail and it is safe to have a staff stare at it.

But in front of us, we can only see that a male breeder is busy feeding monkeys not far away. Duan Jiaze is said to be taking care of the birds. It’s no wonder that this little Su is following them...

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Yan naturally have a set of commentary words, and they visit the past one by one and explain to the students.

As soon as I walked to the opposite side of the cage and saw the animals inside, Teacher Zhao first stunned and asked Xiaosu: "Have you introduced a new lion?"

"No?" Xiaosu is also new, not very clear, "The director said that this was all left by the Cape, and there should be no."

“No?” Teacher Zhao and Teacher Yan glanced at each other. Last time he did not come in to see it. Now, at first glance, this spirit and momentum are very different from the previous ones. The fur on the body is clean, smooth, bright and bright, and the eyes are very god-like. Although it is there, there is no such thing as squatting.

Under the watchful eyes of the children, the lion stood up and screamed, and the roar of the roar was ten times stronger than before. It scared that the first grader of the first grade had cried at the time.

Xiaosu knocked on the railing with a stick, and the lion turned back and then comforted the child. "Don't cry, look, the lion is not awkward."

Teacher Zhao was even more surprised. The lion was not so embarrassed before. The breeders at the time were not at all regular, and the lion could not do even a fixed discharge.

"Is this training for you?" asked Teacher Zhao.

"What to train?" Xiaosu said slyly, "I am not a breeder, I am financial." And although she helped feed together these days, she never fed large animals.

"Is someone else training? Then I see it is quite listening to you." Teacher Zhao said with a smile.

Xiaosu scratched his head and was confused. "I don't know. It may be that the head of the garden is looking for someone to train. I also knocked for the first time. I think they all do this."

The two were not experts, and they did not go deep into it. Teacher Zhao began to tell the story of the lion, what is the hometown of the lion, and what is the habit.

Although the students are happy, but the number of times the older children come, they don’t listen to Mr. Zhao’s words. They are in groups of three and five on the guardrail to see the lion.

"Look here, thunder!"

"Wow, it grows up, I really want to touch Mao."

Zhang Shun’s cousin, Zhao Bo, was also scared by the lion, but he quickly found it back. “What is this? I have seen several lions screaming together, more than this voice...”

Teacher Yan asked Xiao Su on the side. "Your garden has reopened. Have you introduced any new animals?"

"Yes, we have introduced a lot of birds, and we haven't come back today. There are seas... well, watch the fish." Xiaosu almost said that he leaked his mouth and said the aquarium. Since Duan Jiaze said that, they will jokingly call the tank ornamental fish.

"Then we will go see the birds first!" said Yan.

After visiting the only beast in the garden, Xiaosu took them to the bird shed.

The breeding ground for this bird is also very simple, as can be seen from the bird shed. It was in a shack with a thick fence that there were many bird cages hanging high and low.

As far as I can see, Duan Jiaze stood in the shed and played with a bird. The bird was the only one who did not enter the cage. It stopped on the arm of Duan Jiaze. The color was as bright as fire, and the size was quite large. good looking.

Teacher Zhao helped the glasses. "Is that a parrot?"

Teacher Yan: "The mouth is not very similar."

They are not professionals either, and they have not discussed the two sentences.

Compared with the last time I saw it, there are dozens of cages in the bird shed, which are more crowded. But when they arrived, Teacher Zhao found a detail, that is, all the cages of the bird cage did not close.

This fence outside can be passed by one arm. If these birds are not closed, the birds will not fly away. Is this also the result of training?

Look at the side, next to the bird shed, the big cage where the pair of peacocks lived, but they did not close the door. The two peacocks swayed and walked to the bird shed, kneeling at the foot of Duan Jiaze.

The colorful birds are still very attractive, especially the peacocks, and the children are excited to call them both: "Open the screen! Open the screen!"

Duan Jiaze and Mr. Zhao greeted each other. Under his introduction, they also said hello to Teacher Yan.

The two teachers lamented: "You have changed more than before. The spirit of the lion has increased, and the number of birds has increased. What kind of bird is your hand? Is it really beautiful?"

"Birds can also be raised and trained very well!"

"This is Jinwu..." Duan Jiaze smiled.

That's right, what is now on his shoulder is the last three-legged gold in the Three Realms, the original shape of the land pressure - shrinking and closing the third leg.

"Jinwu? This variety is so fresh, it must be especially rare, so beautiful." Teacher Zhao boasted.

"Yes, it is very rare." Duan Jiaze looked at the head and raised his head. He didn't know how arrogant, and added two sentences. "Right, in fact, we have small performances for all of you."

It’s a big difference, but it’s really different. Now I can still have a show. In the past, I called the monkey to turn over.

"That's great," Teacher Zhao claped. "The classmates are quiet. The head of the garden said that the birds have programs. Do you want to see them?"

"Think!!" The elementary school students shouted in unison.

Zhang Shun shouted loudest. He also took Zhao Bo's sleeve. "Cousin, is there any show for the city zoo?"

Zhao Bo disdainfully said: "Why not, the parrots there will still talk and count."

Zhang Shun stared at a parrot in the bird shed. "Maybe we will also..."

"Dao Jun, look at you." Duan Jiaze whispered a word, raised his hand and released the land pressure.

The land pressure turned a blind eye to Duan Jiaze – quite a bit of a sense of killing chickens, but who made them small, it was his land pressure, and he also came to take the lead in selling. In order to let the land pressure sit on the table (?), Duan Jiaze is also struggling.

The land pressure flew in the bird shed, and I saw those parrots, starlings, and oriole... one, jumped to the cage, then fluttered out and followed the land pressure. As the land pressure flew a few laps, all the birds came out and followed the head and circled.

At first, it flew along the wall of the shed, and later there was a route to shuttle between the gaps of the high and low bird cages, as if to show off their flying skills.


This scene is really a little spectacular.

The wild goose flies south, and it is also a group of sparrows, which are also in the treetops. But the group of different birds is so neatly lined up to fly, even dazzling skills, and even have not seen it on TV.

Zhao Bo, who pretended to look elsewhere to express his disdain, forgot to disguise, staring at the joint bird group. He especially regrets that his parents have collected his mobile phone. Otherwise, he will take pictures of this scene and return to the school to give them a look. It will definitely open their eyes.

Duan Jiaze saw that the program he had arranged was good, and he was happy. He coughed and reminded him of the next step.

I saw a turn of the land pressure, and fell to the head of Duan Jiaze. Duan Jiaze also tried to smile, not letting people see that the land pressure deliberately caught his head.

The dozens of birds left, and they followed the four, and one and two flew out of the gap in the fence.

Teacher Zhao screamed and just wanted to say that they had to fly away, but they saw that the birds did not fly to the blue sky, but one by one, falling on the heads and shoulders of the pupils.

Time has caused a louder voice.

The pupils cheered cheering, screaming and screaming, and some did not dare to move, afraid to scare away the birds.

Zhao Bo stopped a colorful parrot, which made him excited and broke. Where is the beginning of boredom? "Shunzi, look! My parrot!"

Zhang Shun also stopped a bird, a chubby pearl bird, but he did not know, "I, I am so cute, teacher, what kind of bird is this?"

"Ah! I can't see my head, what bird is on my head?"

Even Zhao’s shoulder stopped a oriole. He is incredible, I don't know how it is trained.

However, there are more than 50 students, and all the birds in the bird shed are parked on one person, and there are still a few students. If you see that there are birds on your body, you don’t have it, you just don’t cry and roll.

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Yan quickly took the birds to them, and in this way, there are still two students.

"Hey - I want it, I want it too!"

"Why didn't the teacher, I don't know if the bird doesn't like me..."

Teacher Zhao turned to Duan Jiaze for help.

"Don't worry, classmates," Duan Jiaze took the bamboo pole and drove the two peacocks out. "This is yours!"

For a time, little pity became the most enviable object of everyone.

The two children are not happy.

The two seem to be human, and they are each next to a student. The male peacock actually flutters the tail feathers and opens the screen.

The fancy feathers spread out like a fan in the crowd. The peacock raised his head and displayed his gorgeous color feathers, which caused a burst of exclamation and onlookers.

"Children, everyone pays attention, you can touch the birds, but you can't pinch them, otherwise they will fly away." Duan Jiaze reminded, "Next, these birds will accompany you to visit the zoo and be your **** until You leave the zoo - as long as you love them, okay?"

Duan Jiaze ponders how to use the limited resources to attract tourists, naturally to play flowers from animals, this is an experiment.

Projects such as animal escorts are not well promoted, otherwise there is not enough manpower to guarantee the safety of the birds, and more is not so precious. Random interaction with a small number of visitors is feasible. Just look at the enthusiastic reactions of these children before you know that it is very attractive and can improve the rate of return.

In front of me, facing the question of Duan Jiaze, these fifty people, at this time, shouted out the momentum of five hundred people, "good-!!" Share to :   ">iclass="fa">Like (54)Previous

Chapter 6 Preparing for Inside Test An article

Chapter 8 first visitors (below)Chapter list:

I opened the zoo for yearsComments 6

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Like anonymous2019/03/3109:42:37Reply

Upstairs, I will help you Chen Chen2019/04/1617:41:18Reply

Cattle! Auntie2019/06/2021:04:33Reply

Animals are not rare, the key is to listen to the instructions the bottom of the pit and other food 2019/07/0318:48:36Reply

Two parrots in my family, when they are hungry, they do the same thing as their grandsons. (?), when they are full, they become daddy and they are useless:)乂二2019/08 /0817:45:41Reply

I also want to... (send the desired voice) Flower 楹2019/10/2601:43:04

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