MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 206 Fanwai·Miracle Xiantu (on)

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Jinlingdong Yin Emperor solved the natural disasters. He ruled the Five Lakes, the Four Seas, and the Twelve Rivers. He assisted the God of Heaven and was one of the three kings of the Three Realms. There is also a more popular name, which is Taiyin Xingjun, or Shibuya Emperor.

In the ancient celestial heavens, the goddess and the goddess took the position of the Taiyin, and after the lichs fought, smashed and fallen, they had the present heaven, and the Taiyin Xingjun.

Taiyin Xingjun is in charge of the fairy tales of the gods of the world, and is also responsible for the remedy of sin. It is extremely busy on weekdays. There are forty-two Cao under his command, and numerous subordinates assist.

The immortals also have mobilization. There are always new and old replacements in the dojo of Taiyin Xingjun. Today, it is the time when the newcomers reported in 50 years.

As a Taiyin Palace, Yuxi is mainly responsible for the Shuifu Examination School. After several decades, she is familiar with the complicated business and is now assigned to bring new people.

Yuxi was very easy to become an old man. She was very excited and came to the office earlier than usual.

When I got to the point, there was a newcomer coming in, and holding a paper in my hand, obviously it was reported.

At first glance, this newcomer is very young. The external appearance of the road is like a 13-year-old boy. His cheeks are full, his eyes are black and round, and he has a childlike face. He is also wearing a popular human style, white t-shirt. , a black knit cardigan, also wearing a goose yellow feather bracelet.

"Is it a master of Yuxi? I ​​came to report it." Sure enough, the boy asked.

"I am Yuxi!" Yuxi couldn't help but stand up in excitement, reached out and took the juvenile's papers and glanced at it. With his cultivation, he can't see the roots of this boy, but fortunately, as a person who points to a teenager in the next few decades, he has more authority than others to see the ethnicity of the instrument.

Name: Miracle.

Race: Emperor Penguin.


Yuxi thought for a long time, and did not think of the animal of the emperor penguin, but there are so many ethnic groups in the immortal world, how can he know one by one? Anyway, there is a goose word, and it is sent here, mostly waterfowl.

"I will register you first, sit first." Yuxi enthusiastically greeted the miracle, saw the miracle and looked at the office in a curious manner, and there was a little self-satisfaction in his heart. He also did this when he first came.

In order to pretend the vast archives of the smoky sea, this office has a law, a small world, no outside, no top inside, and a shelf extending upwards like a ladder.

"Our work here is a bit cumbersome, but we can learn a lot of things and people are simple." Yuxi introduced the miracle. "Compared with other departments, we are already very relaxed. There are so many candidates every year, but How many of them are really recruited. How is it difficult to test?"

The miracle seemed to be awkward, and then the smile was vague.

"At rest time, we can refer to the classics, practice ourselves, or ask the seniors of the office if they are not busy." Here, Yuxi is a little excited. "If you are lucky, you can meet some gods." Pointing! The last time the emperor came here, he gave me a little bit of light."

The miracle is curious and curious: "What is the Sanguang Shenshui?"

"You don't even know the Sanguang Shenshui?" Yuxi looked at the miracle in shock. "The Sanguang Shenshui is the sacred sage of the Yuan Dynasty. It was the sacred sacred sacred light. When the gods fought in the same year, Jiang Shang covered the Xiqiao with the north sea. The fairy scorpion fan dried up the northern sea, the saints sprinkled the three light gods on the top, the winged fairy fanned out in the middle of the night, the longer the fan, the more exhausted. Finally, the emperor's Sanguang Shenshui was also given by the saint, and the emperor gave it to me. some."

Yuxi talked about a small story of Sanguang Shenshui, and the miracle was very interesting. "Oh, that's amazing."

"It’s awesome." Yuxi looked at the miracle strangely and thought that this boy was too strange. Even this didn’t know, and I don’t know how old this year is.

However, although the miracle lacks common sense, it is still very hard to learn, and it is quick to get started. They need to be familiar with the water veins, and the miracles seem to be prepared as early as possible.

When you touch it, there are counts in the heart of the jade. It seems that the miracle has some background. There may be other officials in the home. Just why I don’t even know about Sanguang Shenshui, I don’t know.

In the afternoon, when tasks are assigned, Yuxi will lead the miracle to work. This time it is watchmaking, statistics and merits of sin, and all living creatures can be embarrassed. The two were very efficient, and in the end they all held a thick stack of rolls and sent them to other places.

The palaces of the Taiyin Palace are actually very scattered. They are not gathered together. After all, they are only the members of the Taiyin Xingjun. The jade and the miracle drive to the cloud, the miracle has been a bit nervous, and Yuxi could not help but ask him: "What?"

Miracle doesn't like what you want to say, don't be awkward: "Not used to..."

Not used to? Not used to flying? What is the meaning of the miracle roots of Yuxi?

At this time, the front came over and the attention of Yuxi was immediately transferred. "These guys..."

The miracle's uniform has not yet been sent down, but the jade body is wearing a water official robes, the moon white bottom. The pedestrian on the head, the uniform on the body is a red flame.

They saw the jade, and they all showed a smile like a smile.

The two sides have not spoken yet, but the miracle is to raise their hands and say hello happily: "How are you, I am a miracle, I just reported to the Taiyin Palace today."

Everyone: "??" Unlimited good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Yu Yu was shocked, pulling a miracle, whispered: "Those are fire officials!"

The Sun Star is in charge of the Sun, and all the stars borrow their light. These fire officers are all under the Sun Star.

The Sun Star Jun and the Three Yuan Emperor, that is, the Tianguan, the local officials, and the Shuiguan Emperor often have exchanges. Privately, there seems to be friendship, but the relationship between the small fire officials and the water officials is not very harmonious. Since ancient times, the waters and fires have not been tolerated. The direction of everyone’s practice is different. It is inevitable that no one will quarrel or be biased. Sometimes work docking, friction, it is even worse.

These fire officials rushed back to their territory in the Taiyin Palace. Most of them took the opportunity to go to the Guanghan Palace to see if they could see the fairy, or take a look at the palace. Yuxi still thought about how to ridicule it. The miracle would be ridiculously greeted with the other party, and he was anxious and angry.

Sure enough, those fire officials looked at the miracle, and after a while they laughed.

Yu Yu's face, I am embarrassed to say something, pulling the miracle to speed up the speed of the cloud, and the fire officials passed by. On the one hand, he was embarrassed. The name of one party found that the miracle face was dark. It is estimated that he had not received such anger at home.

"Why do they laugh?" The miracle was not stupid. I saw that the fire officers were not kind smiles, and they asked me eagerly. If it wasn’t for Yuxi to pull him away, he would have to pick up his sleeve and ask carefully.

Yuxi collapsed his shoulder and said: "Because they are fire officials, we are water officials."

The miracle is still a blank look: "...Yes, I see it, but why?"

Yuxi: "..."

Yuxi holds the shoulder of the miracle. "Miracle, how much common sense do you still have? Do you never tell your elders in your family? The fire is not allowed, so you need to ask why?"

If the miracle is thoughtful, the mouth murmured: "It turned out to be so serious outside..."

Yuxi is still thinking about it, and he has to be laughed at by those fire officials for a long time. He didn’t pay attention to what the miracle was saying. Both of them were full of errands.


On the way back, Yuxi miracle: "When you see the fire officer, don't say hello like this. Of course, there is no normal fire officer, but even so, you can't lose the prestige of our Taiyin Palace."

The miracle said: "I didn't expect the form to be so severe."

Yu Yu whispered: "You think that every month, because of the fight, the name is criticized."

The miracle asked: "Will there be such a fight between other palaces?"

"Of course, especially the interactions of the great gods will also affect the men, or the roots of the rushing. But..." Yuxi was silent for a while, faintly said, "Generally describe that two families are not getting along well, they all say 'the same Water fire '."

Infinitely good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City


When they went back, they passed the Guanghan Palace, and the fire officials they had encountered were really squatting outside.

When Yuxi saw them, his face sank again and he pulled the miracle and slammed forward.

The fire officials did not let them go, but they also squinted and waved at the miracle: "Hello, I am very popular. I just reported to Fusang Palace a hundred years ago."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hello, I reported at Fusang Palace five hundred years ago~"

They greeted them before they learned the miracle, and they used it as a joke. Seriously, this is enough for them to laugh for ten years. Actually, a small water officer is ignorant and enthusiastic to say hello to them.

Yuxi was so angry that he couldn’t stand it.

The fire temper is even more violent, and it is not in the territory of the Taiyin Palace. Huo Ran stood up and said: "Not convinced, on the edge of the Tianhe River, I have done one!"

Fighting the law, according to Yuxi, this is too unusual. Whether it is formal or private.

Jade is anxious, "Come on, who is afraid of you, let you taste the power of Sanguang Shenshui!"

In these years, he exercised every day, and he has refining the three gods of water that the emperor gave him. It will make them suffer bitterly. Infinitely good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

When the fire officials heard that he had three light gods and looked at each other, one of the fire officials stood up and sneered: "Okay, look at your three light gods, or my six-spots are amazing." ""

This is heaven, and maybe there is a fairy with a background. The jade was pointed out, and the fire official seemed to have an adventure, or the family had a background. Six Ding Shenhuo is the fire in the Laojun Bagua furnace, and the Yangliuzhi of the Guanyin Tuas can be dried.

The miracle held the jade and said: "Wait, Yuxi brother, I have done one, and I am with him."

He used to greet these people, and they laughed at him. It’s just that the Taiyin Palace is a collective, and the jade can’t be tolerated. The miracle was unhappy before, and if it wasn’t for Yuxi to pull him away, he would first scatter the gas.

Miracle A baby face, round eyes, looks small and awkward, not to mention a fire, it is a push, it seems to sit on the ground and burst into tears.

Yuxi looked at him for a while and shook his head again and again. "Miracle, I know that your family may not be ordinary, but the relationship in the heavens is complicated, and there are many people who have backgrounds. Let's solve our own affairs and solve the problem. Dealing with."

Although he has a little bit of light, he has to be jealous of one or two. If he goes miraculously, he will not be burned and cry, and it is even more shameful to find a parent.

The fire officer on the opposite side faintly heard the miraculous words, smiled and turned his wrists. There was a cluster of six sacred fires in his palm. He showed six fires and ridiculed: "Little boy, you are coming over to your brother." ?"

After seeing this miracle, Yu Yu’s eyes looked at it, no matter where he was, he rushed straight up, suddenly his face changed, “miracle!”

I didn't expect the miracle to run very fast. I rushed to the opposite side and slammed into the fire officer.

The fire officer only felt that a huge force came. The little boy looked at the tenderness and the strength was not small. He was awkward at that time. If it was not the friend of the road, he might fall, and the six-handed fire in his hand. Also because the mind is uncertain, it flashed twice.

The fire official really didn't dare to set fire here. He just took it out and scared it. He asked him to invite the little child to go to the Tianhe River. It seems too stupid, but can you bear it now? When you want to close up the fire of Liuding, be prepared to teach the little child.

What do you like to run over and hit people like when you are at home and parents?

At this moment, the miracle took off the feather bracelet and forced the fire of the six-person fire of the fire officer.

The fire officer didn't even have a chance to react. After the Liuding fire was taken away, it was like a mud cow entering the sea. There was no reaction at all. He was so anxious that he sweated down and looked scared. This six-dragon fire has also been refining for a long time. How can this be done? What kind of magic weapon is it, and the appearance is not particularly powerful.

"My six Ding Shenhuo? Give it back to me!" The fire officer hurriedly shouted, but this is a cluster he has come to get, just a cluster.

"It's gone!" said the miracle.

At this time, Yuxi also ran over. When he saw the miracle, he took away the fire of Liu Ding. He thought it must be the magic weapon given by his elders. Therefore, he was so fearless and relieved, but he still reminded: "Miracle, just be good."

It’s okay to make a small fight. If they are too big, they can also report criticism.

The miracle turned back to give Yuxi a "I have a sense of proportion" eyes, and Yuxi will settle down. But in the next second, I saw a miraculous head and said: "You have finished the fire, now it is me!"

When the voice fell, a real fire of the sun appeared in his feather bracelet, and he called a circle to surround the fire officer, and others could not be close. Then, the miracle jumped into the ring of fire, sitting on the fire officer, and fiercely said: "You said to pinch my face??"

The sun is burning with fire, and it is riding on a miracle. It almost makes the fire official who is vomiting blood stagnate.

He can know why this little child said "it is gone", and why he can't sense the fire. This magic weapon is not used for special purposes, but for the use of things, the inside is still the sun is really hot, the fire is the source.

His six Ding Shenhuo was taken in, fearing that he would be swallowed up!

Other fire officials are the same, how can you not recognize the true fire of the sun, but the more you recognize it, the more you look at your life. They, the fire officer, were taught by the water officials with the sun? !

Yuxi looked at his own water officer uniform for a long time: ... This is the newcomer of our Taiyin Palace? ? ?