MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 204 Fan of Fan Wai·Dragon King (5)

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This Huang Yidao is the cousin of Jia Ze. Under the teachings, Huang Long, one of the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals. He was also a slain in the early days of the Longhan, the bereaved family in the war, and Jia Ze’s mother was intimate with him, but often said that the table was a thousand miles away, and the second watch was thousands of miles away, and he often moved around.

Later, after the war, the three tribes were all badly hurt, and the relatives were few left, only to get close. Later, Huang Long lived under the door of the Yuan Shi saint. Huang Long's real family is not rich at the end, Jia Ze that cage is what he sent, showing that the relationship between the two is not bad.

Although the Huanglong real person is under the sage's door, the guy who can escape from Lingshan with the land pressure is not fascinating. After being helped by Jia Ze, he was still licking his chest. When he looked closer, Jia Ze discovered that his eyebrows were hot, "........."

Huang Long is very angry, cold and cold: "You are the land pressure."

The land pressure was very unhappy. He did not expect that he would be arrogant. This was not a revenge. It was a little muddy cousin, and he also knew him. He was alert: "I am, how are you doing?" ”

"How, how, we have taught you to protect you with the heavens, I am still the cousin of Jiaze." Huang Long is a real man. "You came up and beat me, an apology, no, what is the meaning of this attitude?" what?"

Land pressure: "........."

Jiaze is still a bit confused. "What is the land pressure, is he called Lu Jiang? Cousin, have you already known his identity?"

To be honest, Jiaze still doesn't know the name of the Yaozu, but he doesn't know the name of the "land pressure."

Huang Long lived a look at the land pressure, and his heart did not like it, but who called this Lingshan is an important figure? "Yes, this is the son of the Emperor Emperor Jun, Jin Wulu. Before being trapped in Lingshan, he will fall into your waters after fleeing." in."

Jia Ze thinks this, but he has heard this story faintly. However, there are too many people in the West who have been tempered from the east. He remembers it so clearly. At this time, he reacted and couldn’t help but sigh: "It turned out to be you, 唉I said that the hot meat is so hot."

Huang Long real person: "??"

Land pressure: "........."


The three men returned to the Dragon Palace, and they trembled on the tea. He had already heard between the Highness and Huang Long’s real words that the Yaozu was three-legged, and almost scared back to the original shape and closed the clam. In particular, the three-legged Jinwu look at his eyes is also very terrible, feeling deep hate!

I regret it, I don’t want to say that Jinwu is bad.

Fortunately, Yan Jing heard Huang Longzheng said: "She is kind enough to take care of her friends, and now it seems that the injury is good. I don't know what to think?"

The land pressure was a bit violent, "Good to stay?"

Huang Long is really scared, look at Jia Ze: Isn't it?

Jiaze is a bit embarrassed. It is thought that others are rehabilitated. In addition to the aquarium in the Jiuwan River Dragon Palace, his parents did not know that he kept the land pressure in the cage of the room. His cousin probably did not expect his cage to be used. This place.

Lu pressure himself was ashamed to say things that were kept in the cage. In the face of Huang Long’s doubtful eyes, he endured for a moment and said: "...nothing."

He secretly looked at the little muddy, and he didn't know what the idea was. In fact, he wanted to make a small muddy meal first.

Jia Ze has already regarded the land pressure as his own. Didn't he want to release the land pressure early? He still wants to stay on the land for some time. At this time, listening to his cousin, he quickly said: "This It’s just right. If there is any place to go, it’s no problem to live in the Jiuwan River for a few hundred years. Anyway, the people of Lingshan are afraid to catch up.”

"What is this, you still have to have your own dojo." Huang Long lived and looked at Jia Ze. "You are also, you have come out to open the water house yourself. How do you think about playing with people? I see you." That's right, you have to find a Wang Hao earlier. You don't have a son-in-law here, and you usually worry about eating and putting on."

I don't know why, the land pressure is a little uncomfortable. Also eat and wear, small muddy called him to eat hot meat every day, what can be worried. To put it bluntly, their males are very capable of vivid hands, at least better than those who only make water and grass cloaks...

Jiaze lazily said: "Which Wang Hao I am looking for, I have not thought about what kind of Taoist."

"We have thought about it." Huang Long is very eager and authentic. "First of all, it must be Xuanmen. The West is too biased and the teachings are different. Secondly, we must have strength, ability, and best. There is a place in heaven and the like. A stable position complements you. Heaven is still a lot of such female immortals or celestial officials. However, you need to pay attention. You don’t have to be a dragon, but you still have to be aquarium, like an orc, a feather..."

Having said that, Huang Long’s real person suddenly had a meal, and suddenly he thought that the land pressure was also on the side, and he smiled at him. “Sorry.”

Land pressure: "........."

"Don't listen, don't listen." Jiaze is too lazy to listen to his cousin and push him. "Are you not coming to see me? I invite you to eat meat."


Jiaze stayed Huanglong lived outside the palace to drink meat, the curtains of the earth, surrounded by dozens of pearls, the land pressure is also on the table.

Huang Long real people still have some taboos. After all, this is a three-legged Jin Wu. Before he shot him enough, his attitude towards Jia Ze is also strange. If he was not allowed to bully Jia Ze at the beginning, he would be better. Ze’s appearance, I thought there was any hatred.

Later, when I was eating a banquet, it was even more strange. The land pressure actually took care of my cousin everywhere. The cousin also looked like a common one, and he was more curious about the two people’s incomprehensible period.

Jia Ze had eaten a few glasses of wine, and he slammed his head on the table. He also said that he had to look at the prototype of the land pressure. He had not visited the three-legged Jinwu. The land pressure is very convenient for Jia Ze to hold the dragon horn.

Huang Long real people are watching, the dragon horn is casually able to touch anyone? ?

Jia Ze was a little drunk, and the land pressure directly lifted him up to the palace, and he did not come out, leaving the fine man to pour the wine to Huanglong.

Huang Long is really dull: "How can the land pressure not come out?"

He said: "Ah? He has been living in it..."

Huang Long’s real person hurriedly said: “How could it be, Jia Ze did not even know his name.”

蚌 Weak and weak: "Real people, before he fell, His Royal Highness thought he was the bride of the Terran sacrifice, and later..."

Huang Long real person: "........."

The strange things before seem to have explained all of a sudden, Huang Long real people did not wait for him to finish, stumbled and rushed to knock on the door, "land pressure, land pressure!"

The land pressure suddenly opened the door, and looked at Huanglong lively with a sigh of relief. "What?"

He also looked back and the little muddy was noisy inside, and turned over and put the quilt on his head. He just massaged Jia Ze inside, and he was screamed by Huang Long.

Huang Long was taken a step back and the momentum was weak, but he insisted: "You come out."

Even if they say that they have been sleeping together, even if he can't win the land pressure, then he can't let his cousin continue to sleep in his own face! ! His innocent cousin! ! !

The land pressure looked at Huang Long, but it really came out.

The land pressure slammed against the cockroach, and the cockroach immediately put down the jug and smashed it. Seeing in the eyes of Huanglong, it was the land pressure that surrendered the water officials, and the heart was more anxious.

However, it is not waiting for Huang Long to speak. Lu Jiang said: "You can talk to Heaven?"

Huang Long’s real person stunned. “What’s wrong?”

The land pressure has been carefully thought out. He can't keep hiding in Tibet and force the people in the West to teach, or let them break the idea. Thinking about it, Lu Jiang decided to make a deal with Tian Ting. He could go to Heaven to hang a position and exchange his own chips and heaven for a name. He would not be bound and could completely get rid of Lingshan.

The relationship between Xuanmen and Tianting is inseparable. Therefore, Lu Jiang asked Huang Long to be a real person. He said faintly: "I remember that Tianting still lacks a Sun Star Jun, I want to do it."

Huang Long real person suddenly took a breath.

When the Lich Wars, the Emperor Emperor Jun gathered a group of 365 people who had been repaired by the Da Luo Jinxian. They arranged a large array of stars in the sky. Each of the Yaozus corresponds to a star, and the power of the stars is used. Wanli River Mountain.

Among them, as the Sun Star of the Eyes, only the Emperor Emperor Jun and the East Emperor Taiyi can control the three three-legged Jinwu. After the formation of the big battle, the power can be imagined.

Later, the Lich battle was over, countless demon predecessors fell, the heavens reorganized, and the Emperor Haotian was in place, recruiting talents from all over the world. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that Haotian must also want to restore the Zhoutianxingchen array and become a big killer in the new heaven.

However, even with the array of Sundays and stars, there is no suitable person to come to the main sun, at least not to achieve maximum lethality.

The three-legged Jinwu is shaped by the Sun Star, and the land pressure is the son of Emperor Jun. Even though he has never been a Sun Star Jun, Huang Long has no doubt that he can be qualified for this position!

In fact, think carefully, this is also unexpected, reasonable. Although the land pressure is the prince of the Yaozu, but there is no hatred with the new heaven, it is reasonable to go to the heaven to seek a position and get rid of Lingshan.

It’s just that Huanglong’s real person thinks more. He thought that he had revealed it before. He must have a serious job in choosing a scorpion for Jiaze. It’s better to still be in heaven. Now the land pressure is coming to him, saying that he wants to be a sun star. ,What does it mean? !

When the land pressure sees Huang Long, the real person does not speak for a long time, and he frowns slightly: "Can't you?"

Huang Long real people think that the land pressure is too arrogant, but he can't help Tian Ting to push this good thing, so he swears: "You don't want to be too much, I can tell you about heaven... but you have to know, even if you want to know You can be a big fairy, and it doesn't mean we will recognize you!"

Land pressure: "??"



"What, you have to go to heaven to work?" Jia Ze looked at the land pressure, a little surprised, and some disappointment, "so far, it is not difficult to meet in the future."

After the land pressure was relieved, there was still no chance to take revenge. He heard a sneak peek at Jia Ze’s face and said, “Your cousin also said to you to find a Wang Hao who works in the heavens. How could it be far?”

Jia Ze’s face was blushing, and he laughed. He looked at the face of Lu’s beautiful face and said, “I’m better off looking for you. What do you think?”

The land pressure did not think that he suddenly said so, the whole part was stunned, and the tongue was knotted. "You, what are you talking about!"

Jia Ze often speaks astoundingly, saying something different from others, but this time it is the most shocking to the land pressure, and the ears are red.

It’s just that Jia Ze’s face is smiling, and I don’t know if it’s a joke or a real one.

Jia Ze is still smiling. "Then you can continue to come over and cook for me every day, play with me."

He really liked the "love 妃" that fell from the sky. Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, he let him know that the land pressure was not only good, the massage was so comfortable, the hand was so smart, and he would eat it. So now there is this proposal, in fact, he feels nothing.

Jia Ze has no specific idea of ​​what kind of Taoist he wants, but he has to reverse his thoughts and would like to live with Lu. From this time, it is very ok!

The land pressure is angry: "...there is no reason!"

Don't say how can he be a dragon king, this little muddy called him to do is to continue to call him? !

Jia Ze snorted and said: "Just say this, then do you want it?" Share to:Like (28 )Previous

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I opened the zoo for yearsComments 4

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What hot meat? Lu Ge don't want to face, hahaha. Disorder my heart. 2019/08/0315:40:07Reply

Jia Ze is really really simple anonymous2019/08/0710:14:25Reply

Jia Jia ah ~ your husband can not only hot meat you eat, but also give you a hot head, so beautiful ("・ω・) "嘿day called the righteous father at night called the father 2019/09/2720:41:16Reply

Ah, ah, ah, ah! Land pressure is fast agree! Otherwise I will start! Such a lovely Jiaze I love! Broken Cloud Girl2019/10/2320:43:35Reply