MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 199 I can still open another fifty years (end)

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Near the end of the year, Lingbi Safari Double Happiness!

One, since the re-opening of the re-opening, Lingbi has accompanied everyone through the seventh anniversary.

In the meantime, from a small zoo with a land area of ​​only 40 acres and more than ten kinds of animals, it is on the verge of bankruptcy. It has grown to a thousand acres and has dozens of animal houses, not including logistics, entertainment and dining facilities. . And, next to the same name resort.

The animals in the park are uniquely characterized by artificial breeding of emperor penguins and have achieved many technological breakthroughs. Other giant pandas, golden monkeys, green peacocks and other birds have more than a thousand animals and more than 4,000 aquatic animals.

In the near future, it is the 7th anniversary of the Lingbi.

Second, because of this huge change in the spirit, this year, I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the top ten most popular zoos in the "Huaxia Animals" organization, and won the first place!

Yes, through two months of mass voting and expert review, Lingbi Safari Park was elected as the most popular zoo in China this year, defeating many old zoos.

——When the news came, Duan Jiaze, who was preparing for the festival, was relieved, and everyone was so hard!

Engaged in such a big battle, even the monks came out to help vote, almost the boyfriend's hue was sacrificed, if you did not take the first, I really do not know how much lost.

Fortunately, they pulled enough votes, Duan Jiaze inquired about it, experts review that link, they are not the first. However, this is originally a public award, nothing.

With this double happiness, this year's festival is of course more ambitious, which symbolizes that they have taken a new step.

For this festival, Lingbi deliberately planned a special event. Children can enter the park free of charge on the day of the festival. Che:n-g people have a half-ticket, including discounts at Lingbi Hotel.

But the most attractive, let countless tourists rush to the East China Sea from the outside, but also count other activities on the day. Visitors who stay at Lingbi Resort Hotel within three days before and after the festival can get a free seven-year anniversary teacup pair, which is hand-crafted by long-time masters and has more than 50 patterns.

Jiajia Restaurant also launched the 7th Anniversary Garden Restricted Dishes, which can only be enjoyed on the same day, but if you spend more than 300 free ones, you can give them a single point.

As for other commemorative gifts and special performances, it is even more numerous. It is said that there are also random paintings of white **** doctors.

Tickets for the day were early on when they were pre-sold, and the hotel room was booked out, and even the scalper was resold. The tea cups that are mainly for accommodation are too attractive. The decoration of Lingbi Hotel is quite famous. It is still not for sale. I don’t know how many people think about it and try to steal it and sell it. It has not succeeded.

If you just pay for the room to get a pair of tea cups, it is very cost-effective, much lower than the psychological price of many people, this is simply a low price to buy a cup and send a comfortable hotel accommodation!


On the day of the festival, a good weather that was neither hot nor cold and moderate in temperature, from the early morning, countless tourists poured into the Lingbi Zoo – and today's activities will last until the evening.

In the evening, the animal house was closed, but the restaurant was open, the performance continued, and fireworks were released. This is also an exception for the garden. It is because of this evening event that the hotels and homestays in Tongxin Village are full.

The employees have been mentally prepared and can be busy these days, but fortunately the headmaster has promised to send bonuses...

The head of the garden, the head of the school is advising his boyfriend to go to work.

"This is almost half past eight, and it will be considered in peacetime. Today's anniversary, how do you want to skip the class!" Duan Jiaze was dressed, and the land pressure was still lying in the bed, a little anxious.

This land pressure is not such a person, or that the land pressure does not need to sleep, this bed is really inexplicable!

The land pressure has a mood to turn over, "sleep again."

Duan Jiaze: "... Don't be like this, husband, you have always been very sensible!"

Lu pressure slanted at him, his face looked like a smile.

"..." Duan Jiaze heard the WeChat message prompting constantly, and I also knew that it was the staff who were asking, how the land pressure bird was not in place.

After a short period of time, Duan Jiaze rushed up to hold a face of Lu’s face, and kissed him for a long kiss. He was so angry that he couldn’t breathe. “Can you get up?”

When the land pressure was applied, he sat up and raised his hand. "What about the coat of the deity?"

Duan Jiaze put his coat on his head and "change your bird!"

The coat fell on the bed, and a golden red bird was drilled from the bottom. He looked at Duan Jiaze fiercely and flew out from the window.

This eye did not cause any harm to Duan Jiaze, he wiped his mouth and went out.

With the media, especially the network promotion, open the coffin of popularity. On the anniversary of the anniversary, how can there be no live broadcast? Several live editors have long been eagerly awaiting the live broadcast of many performances today.

Because of busy magazine selection, garden preparations, etc., the head of the school who has never met with netizens has finally appeared in the live broadcast again.

During the performance, Duan Jiaze took the phone and said hello to everyone.

The netizens who met also enthusiastically used the barrage to respond to Duan Jiaze: "Director, what about your boyfriend??"

Duan Jiaze: "..."

"Cough...that," Duan Jiaze pretended not to see. "Thank you for your support. I also watched the live broadcast at home. I hope everyone will have a good time today. We have a lot of programs and we will draw every hour."

The entire live broadcast will last for more than ten hours, during which three lucky viewers will be drawn every hour and a limited souvenir will be presented.

However, the barrage did not let Duan Jiaze pass, and he was more eager to escape. "To see the land pressure, we have to look at the land pressure!"

"Quickly let your boyfriend out, or report it!"

"Knocking bowls and other dog food!"

"..." Duan Jiaze had to move the phone up, "...the land pressure is coming."

A golden red raptor flew out of the window of the pavilion not far away, fluttering at low altitude, almost flying over the top of the crowd and stopping in front of Duan Jiaze.

The live broadcast room has been boiling for a while, this land pressure is also OK!

Duan Jiaze asked about the time of Xiaosu's process, and then said: "Time is enough. Originally, there is no such program today, but since everyone wants to see the land pressure, we will temporarily play one."

Duan Jiaze hung the ring of the mobile phone on the land pressure claws. When the land pressure was taken, the land pressure flew out very well.

Classic tricks, live broadcast.

After the remodeling of the little panda garden, the little pandas and blue peacocks in the mixed breed are chasing me, the red-brown little pandas slammed out with the big tail, and the blue peacock was shot with wings, from the right. The garden flew to the left garden, and the gorgeous tail owl almost swept over the top of the tourists.

Flying forward for a while, drilling into the gap between the windows of the trees, entered the bird house, the rare green peacock seems to know that today is the park day, the beautiful tail screen unfolds, the sun shines.

When the angle of view reached the front of the green peacock, I saw the green peacock flapping its wings and flew up. The double-winged body has an amazing length, and the tail feathers dragged behind it. As it gets closer, the entire screen is full of color.

However, after all, the peacock cannot fly too high. After reaching a height, it is pulled by gravity and falls again.

But the impression that fell together gave people was profound, until the land pressure flew out of the bird house, many people have not returned.

The land pressure circling in the sun for a week, under the body is clear water algae, the waterfowl on the lake, the weeping willow with the wind, the flamingo in the lake; a white horse on the lakeside is running I can almost see the activity of his muscles.

White horse flew to the end, and it smashed with the other two slightly shorter horses. At the same time, a huge fish jumped from the lake and painted an arc in the air. The scales reflected the brilliance and caused the visitors to exclaim.

A white-footed bird passed by the lens, and it seemed to hold a stone in its foot. It has not yet been seen clearly. At this time, the audience’s perspective has been pushed down again. The land pressure has even turned around in a circle of 1600 degrees. It has penetrated into the Polar Aquarium, only in which it has passed the bat like a boat. Hey and cute arctic fox, did not stay at all.

The giant pandas rolling on the grass, the pythons that spit the letters, the golden monkeys who licked the peaches, and of course, did not stop the lens too much, only giving people a moment of joy.

Wearing a pavilion, passing through the bamboo forest, in any building, unimpeded, as if knowing every corner, and finally with all the audience flying higher and higher, the screen seems to have only distant mountains and cities.

- The screen slammed a card, flying too high, no signal, broken.

Numerous viewers re-entered the live broadcast room, and at the moment of the picture recovery, they could not help but feel so beautiful.

Looking down at this height, the head is swaying, the green area is more than 80%, the white elephant bathing outside, the white lion chasing the egret, the black bear climbing on the tree... many animals at a glance, though Throughout the distance, it seems as if they can feel their relaxed state. Here, it is like a miniature wild world.


When the mobile phone returned to the hands of Duan Jiaze, many netizens have not returned.

"I give full marks to this long shot..."

"Ha ha ha ha, yes, the land pressure is very lensy, and it is stable!"

"It’s not the air pressure, this wave is my service."

“Have you seen the first land pressure aerial photography? The first time I was there, compared with this time, there was more indoor links. When I was taking a low shot, I could see that the environment is better, manual comparison!”

"The time card is just right, please let me enjoy the show below." Duan Jiaze returned the phone to the live editor.

At the same time, the stage show also appeared.

Fifty parrots co-starred, the classic Kunqu Opera "Peony Pavilion", "Amazing Dreams in the Garden".

On the stage, there are scattered habitats, as well as artificial trees and flowers.

Ten parrots are accompaniment, standing in the middle. The remaining four of the sub-station on the two sides of the perch, the heights are different, half played Liu Mengmei, half played Du Li Niang.

In this amount, even the sound has to be deliberately lowered a bit, otherwise the ears will be blown up.

The unskilled audience can't hear which two Kunqu opera actors, but a subtle imitation is enough to make them applaud.

After all, these many parrots are still restless on the perch, twisting one by one, and wishing to imitate the body together.

"Well, go back to work." After watching the sons' performances, Duan Jiaze also let the land pressure go back.

The land pressure was unwilling to leave, but today's activities will continue until the evening, and they will leave work in the afternoon.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was not only the land pressure, but also the miracle. Duan Jiaze put on a doll costume.

The miracle stood in the same place and refused to go out. Duan Jiaze and Lu Jiang looked at each other and stalemate for a while before they compromised.

The land pressure face is wearing a penguin doll costume with a blank expression, and Jia Ze is still shouting in the back: "Give me a look!"

He reached out and gave the zipper to Duan Jiaze, who also wore a set of penguin clothes. He also held a penguin headgear in his hand and tried to move it. The long legs always felt that the activity could not be opened.

Duan Jiaze put on the hood, but the weather is not hot, he screamed: "Satisfied?"

The miracle nodded hard, the magnitude was great, and the chest was pressed when the head was low.

A family of three, three penguins lined up and walked out.

Tourists are not bad, there are mascots everywhere today.

Other off-duty dispatched animals, working monsters, and even Bai Haibo who came to participate in the festival are not the same. A large group of people, watching them, want to laugh and dare not laugh.

Still, Su did not forget his initial heart and always died. "The family is neat, good."

The land pressure rushed out to beat people, and Duan Jiaze waved his wings in the back. "Don't make trouble, I can't run!"

The land pressure is extremely capable, and it is not easy to run in this penguin shell. It was actually run by Su You. Others sent animals to bet on the bet. "Guess the nine-tailed fox is grilled to maturity."

Duan Jiaze looked around and said, "You are really a character!"

Everyone burst into laughter. "Today's festival, the head of the school can't teach people."


The three emperor penguins and these dispatched animals did not have to talk, and their family of three played by themselves.

"Look for a place and watch the fireworks at night." Duan Jiaze walked and said.

Miracle is so happy that I can't wait to jump up. Of course, with its weight just lifting up the feet, it makes a loud scream, scared Duan Jiaze to hurry and see if there should be no one, let it pay attention.

Duan Jiaze took them to the elevator and climbed one floor to the top floor of the office building. The view was just right.

At this moment, the office building was almost empty, but Xiaosu was upstairs, holding a camera and saw three penguins climbed up and stayed.

Duan Jiaze quickly said: "Xiaosu, it is me."

"Director," Xiaosu said with a funny smile. "How do you put on this, and want to experience the work of the mascot?" She raised the camera on her hand. "I am looking at it here."

Duan Jiaze sneered, "Playing."

Xiaosu curiously looked at the other two penguins, one she guessed was Lu Ge, but who is the other?

Land pressure: "See what."

"Haha...nothing, the headmaster, Lu Ge playing well. I am leaving." Xiaosu said to go out and bring the door, and he sighed in his mouth. "The headmaster and Lu Ge are so good... ”

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Land pressure: "..."

It’s been a long time since the fireworks were released. Now that the day is not dark, Duan Jiaze takes them to sit on the ground, and all three have picked up the hood.

Duan Jiaze looked around and suddenly wanted to laugh. The miracle that the penguin is still a penguin is enough to be funny. The land pressure is also sitting on the penguin. This is really... cute too much? !

Lu Jiang felt that Duan Jiaze was laughing at himself, stinking his face and covering Duan Jiaze: "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I think you are too handsome, hahaha." Duan Jiaze blocked him from letting go. "The child is still here, pay attention."

Miracles looked at them innocently, which means that the miracle would not speak, and changed another fifty, not knowing what would be noisy.

Lu Jiang is trying to say something more. Duan Jiaze’s cell phone rang. On today’s day, Duan Jiaze can’t ignore the news. He quickly used his wings to pull the phone out of the doll’s pocket.

Duan Jiaze originally wanted to take off the doll clothes, otherwise it would be difficult to control the mobile phone, but the screen displayed "Congratulations on completing the ten-year mission ahead of time..." He did not intend to take off.

In fact, Duan Jiaze has already had a hunch that he has entered the CCTV documentary and won the first prize of the most popular zoo of the year. Together with their greatly successful reconstruction, they have become one of the first-class zoos in China and completed the task for ten years in advance. .

When Lu Jiang saw that he had put the phone back, he did not open the details and asked: "You don't look at it? Who knows what the next mission goal is."

"I don't want to be afraid of anything. I already have a goal in my heart." Duan Jiaze simply leaned back to the side and leaned against the land pressure, saying, "Our zoo, to become an important part of wildlife protection, the patron saint of the East China Sea environment! ”

Land pressure: "..."

The miracle screamed.

Duan Jiaze: "Yes, it is also a new hometown of emperor penguins who gradually lose their living areas!"

Land pressure: ".........??"

He felt that Duan Jiaze had calmed down for five seconds, and he was talking nonsense because he was finished with the task...

Duan Jiaze looked at the pressure of the land pressure, and laughed again. Both hands touched the land pressure and the miracle. The hand slammed on the miraculous furry face and said, "I feel, I have fallen in love with the zoo, I It can be opened for another fifty years."

The land pressure and the miracle looked at each other, and the miraculous round eyes turned a little, "Hey!"

Duan Jiaze asked: "What about you? My beast has just finished using it for the last time."

Lu Jiang did not look at Duan Jiaze’s face and said: "...we will accompany you."

Duan Jiaze smiled slightly: "Okay."




In the warmth of the veins, Duan Jiaze fiercely turned back, and saw Xiaosu standing in the doorway, the camera fell to the ground, and there seemed to be a guy who had taken off his headgear or the emperor penguin infinitely enlarged.

Duan Jiaze, Lu Jiang, miracle: "....................."

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I opened the zoo for yearsComments29

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Ah, ah, the text ends up with flowers! The town of Soul's little innocence2019/03/0302:59:24Reply

I have been excited about this year. Anonymous2019/05/0209:05:03Reply

! ! ! Have anime, hope not to ruin! The town of Soul's little innocence2019/05/0212:57:00Reply

Impossible! Even if it is ruined, my big 729 is still dubbed, I must watch! Most Love2019/07/3015:50:56Reply

w anime out of November, I heard! The trailer looks good.Luke2019/05/1200:38:27Reply

Finishing the flowers! ! !

I can't bear it. I can watch this story for another 50 years. The author return to zero2019/05/1401:03:19Reply

咕咕咕 I finally finished reading / heart-stretching Luke is going to be trapped this morning2019/05/1404:46:09Reply

Finishing the flowers! ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿Anonymous2019/05/2600:43:09Reply

Finishing the flower ("・ω・)"(.ò∀ó.)2019/05/3014:01:34Reply

Finish the flowers, thank you for your companionship! ! 巍澜小清新环保环保Easy decompression wall cracking recommended! 2019/06/0516:58:56Reply

No? QAQThank you2019/06/2320:42:58Reply

There will be more people at the end. . Anonymous2019/07/0204:34:12Reply

Finishing the flowers! ♡喵呜2019/07/2817:44:47Reply

Finishing the flowers, la la la, I am going to be an animal. Missing my heart2019/08/0315:10:48Reply

Finishing the flowers, la la la Duang2019/08/1212:14:33Reply

Finishing the flowers hahaha small six children2019/08/1513:24:55Reply

Finishing the flowers~~~The first martial arts of the Three Realms will never admit defeat2019/08/2220:56:39Reply

At the end everyone was blown up.

A brush to remember anonymous2019/08/2810:17:48Reply

Text flower knot flower ~~~If snow 谣2019/09/1322:04:51Reply

Finishing the flowers, what? What are the key moments? What is the big bang that is praised every day? Cai Xukun zero-sugar cereal Chinese and American co-produced chicken prince2019/09/2110:59:22Reply

Forget a flower when you brush it, and brush it up with a 暮晞(风兮)2019/09/2815:51:13Reply

Finish the flower ⊙▽⊙The Big Devil2019/09/3023:01:16Reply

Anime is good!乁( ̇ω ̇乁)The first martial arts of the Three Realms will never admit defeat2019/10/0613:42:37Reply

The text ends up with flowers! ! Looking forward to anime \\^‐^∕readers2019/10/1021:58:51Reply

End it! Sweet and sweet, protect animals! clt2019/10/1023:55:51Reply

Suddenly reacted to the seventh anniversary of the zoo, the director is 30, so fast QAQclt2019/10/1100:21:03Reply

Thumbs up! Thank you, the author, thank you for this platform anonymous2019/10/2307:42:44Reply

Hahahahahahahahahahaha spent the end! ! ! ! ! Broken Cloud Girl2019/10/2317:06:57Reply

Hahahahahahaha no signal secondary2019/10/2710:56:56Reply

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