MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 194 Water and fire dispute

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When the sun is shining, the tourists are either wearing hats or holding umbrellas. On this rare day of rest, they come to visit the zoo and connect with others. They can't wait to find an air-conditioned pavilion and then get in.

At this time, a long-haired man who is arrogant and unrecognizable has no sun protection tools, and the posture of striding through the crowd is a bit eye-catching.

He is tall, and he can be seen as a "he" from the male and female shape, thanks to his masculine dress, shirt and jeans. This shirt is still long-sleeved, and it makes people feel hot.

His skin is very white, which is even more enviable. No wonder there is no need for sun protection. When walking all the way with the wind, many tourists could not help but stop to watch his face.

The man strode forward, his eyes shuttled through the crowd, and soon he found the target. He took a few steps in the oblique direction and grabbed the wrist of a long-haired girl. "Hey!"

The girl was caught off guard, and when she saw his face back, she was caught in a brief shock.

Soon, the girl looked at his eyes and grabbed his hand. His face still showed a little blush on his face, making others more suspicious of their emotional entanglements.

The girl who really has an emotional relationship, the girl’s true boyfriend is quickly dissatisfied. “Who are you, what are you doing?”

The man suddenly turned his eyes to the girl's boyfriend, and the other hand grabbed his wrist. "You don't want to run! You two!"

The little couple was paralyzed. Because of this position, the man was very close to them, causing them to be a little nervous. "What, what?"

They want to pull their hands out, but the man's hand is like a steel tongs, and it can't be moved a little.

The man’s beautiful face showed a hint of anger, and he sweared with a rude tone that was completely inconsistent with his own appearance. “Is there a mother who has no mother to teach? Is it true? The administrator said that he would not let the feeding, not let the feeding, you just What kind of strength is feeding at the lake? Do you want to feed, do you have not fed fish in eight lifetimes? Throw the **** after the vote!"

This series of accusations and the eyes of the people around them made the couple both surprised and ashamed, and a little angry. I don’t know why this person is so true. What the girl just wanted to say, the boy has already said: "You have mistaken people, lake. Why didn’t you catch it, you can catch it here.”

"Don't dare to argue, do you want to adjust the monitoring?" The man was black.

He was too imposing. He didn't know that he wanted to eat people. This time, he was even more convinced that he was only a little neutral. The boys took a half step back and said: "Just, even if it is I feed, I feed, and I haven't fed it to you... Did you feed the fish? We will pay for it."

"Forget it. Sorry." The girl pulled the boyfriend, thinking that there was monitoring, where the good intentions were so strong, and many people showed a subtle expression.

This is not a big deal. Maybe some people think that men have a big problem before, but they are stunned by the couple, and they feel that they really have no quality.

The man glanced at them gloomyly. I don’t know why people think of the cold, watery and underwater environment. It’s awesome in the hot weather. “In the past, I didn’t give you...”

The sounds in the back are too small to be heard, but I don’t know what to say.

This person would not have been a gangster before? The boy was a little scared at this time and looked at him stiffly.

The man glanced at his hand and stunned them. "But I remember you! Give me a wait!"

After that, the man strode away again, and a hint of looming lotus fragrance was left behind.

Couples look down and see that their wrists have been caught in the bruises, which shows that this manpower is big. When others saw that they didn't fight, they stopped paying attention and slowly dispersed. Only the boys were still jealous: "Who is the blame... strange."

I was really stunned for a while. I just remembered this time. This person seems to have no work cards, no overalls, not like the employees here. This is a...just a passerby who chased the lake from here?

The girl’s face was a bit blushing, and the aquarium ticket in her hand was swayed: “Go, go in.”


Inspired by the hand, still very angry, decided to go to the hotel to eat a meal.

He got better at the bottom of the water, and saw the **** tourists lose snacks. The brand next to it clearly said "No feeding", and volunteers from time to time to inspect, these people are caught in the gap to lose cookies. .

While throwing, I laughed again: "These fish are so fat!"

Fat? Fat? !

How can the fish's body compare with the human race? The inspirational body is very well-balanced. The Buddha never tasted him fat when he fished.

There are also those foods, the inspiration will certainly not eat, the other fish are restrained, and the food itself is good, and basically will not eat. But there are always some naughty little fish, the curiosity is heavy, and I can't help but try those unhealthy foods.

This is no problem, because there are volunteers coming over, the two men lost the remaining half of the biscuits together with the bag, although the inspiration king dared to escape, but picked up another fish!

At the time, I was looking for a place to go ashore and go to the two people to settle accounts.

He had wanted to beat him on the spot, but he saw that they had a ticket to the aquarium in their hands...

Inspiration is going very fast, and the tourists who are slow to visit the zoo are not in the same world, but there are people who are more anxious than him. An old Taoist priest is rushing, and the whirlwind blows through the inspiration.

The priest was actually dressed in casual clothes, but he had long hair and tied it to a shackle at the top of his head. He knew that he was a Taoist.

The inspiration is not good for the Taoist, how to say that he is also mixed with the Bodhisattva. He is also bored and grabs the priest. "Hey, what are you running?"

Zhou Xinyi was rushing wildly, suddenly caught by people, his legs unconsciously continued to swing twice, and looked at the inspiration with shock. He felt that this person was a bit familiar, is not one of Duan Yuanchang’s friends, "You... I... ...I am rushing to class."

The inspiration only came to mind. It seems that this is the case. The director said that he would teach the Taoist class because he couldn’t get along with him, so he didn’t pay much attention. Wait, this class teacher seems to be a landlord.

If you are told by Dao Jun that he is stopping people from class, isn’t it bad? Fortunately, the inspiration brain turned fast, and in a moment it was serious: "Two points are three points, and there is also a late arrival. What is your opinion?"

Zhou Xinyi determined that he had not remembered the wrong person. He looked pale and explained: "No... because there is an urgent matter in today's view, I have been delayed for a while, I try to catch up."

Inspired to remember the class time, he slammed the education: "Well, why are you lucky enough to come to class, no matter what the reason, late is not right, some chances, missed it!"

Zhou Xinyi was stunned by him, and he immediately found that he did not seem to want to cancel his qualifications. Hesitated, and quickly said: "Can you let me go? Be late!"

There was still hope for catching up, and this person was stopped. Now there is no hope at all.

Inspiration is a hand and a hand is placed: "Let's go, admit your mistake."

Zhou Xinyi: "..."

Zhou Xinyi was inexplicably stopped to learn a lesson, and did not have the time to distinguish the other, and quickly rushed to the classroom.

At two o'clock and three minutes, Zhou Xinyi finally caught up, and the old man was a young man. It was really not easy. He supported the door and panted.

Duan Jiaze has long been told by Jiang Anzai that Zhou Xinxuan is dealing with Guanzhong affairs and is trying to catch up. Now he is so scared. "Director Zhou, you can sit down and take a rest, your mouth is white. How is it so hard? Isn't it by car?"

"In the ... it broke down when it came in." Zhou Xinyi wiped the sweat, and immediately sternly looked at the land pressure, fidgeting.

Land pressure cold and cold road: "Transfer, still late."

Zhou Xinyu's cold sweat went down, although he was the director outside, the Taoist who was present must respect him, but in front of the predecessors, he was also a primary school student.

"Well, Jiang waterless has said in advance, Director Zhou is in a hurry, I don't think it is too late, just a while." Duan Jiaze rounded the road.

"I am really embarrassed," Zhou Xinyi quickly explained. "There is a lady, there is a large group of reporters. We are here to return, we still have to interview... I am entangled and can't get away."

Duan Jiaze joked: "Then your business is good."

Zhou Xinxuan is a little bit crying and laughing. I have the heart to talk about things in detail, so I can tell myself one or two. "The lady's son got a terminal illness. She came to the hospital a few days ago. Later, she went to the hospital to check it. She actually got better and went to recover. She I am particularly excited to come back and donate money. It seems that I have come to a group of reporters because I sent things to the Internet. These reporters are asking about the role of the gods, or our business. You said, I want to say that this is three Qing Xian Ling, can they interview Sanqing?"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze looked at Zhou Xinyi sympathetically. The reporters knew him. They had been besieging the coffin because of Xiao Rong’s affairs some time ago. The interviewing staff, including his head, was almost pervasive.

Zhou Xinyi also rested, and Duan Jiaze let Lu Jiang continue to attend classes, and he did not say a few words.

The land pressure was not very happy to give lectures, especially halfway, Duan Jiaze also took a call, "Hey? What?"

The staff of the Aquarium reported there: "...the two tourists fell into the pool of the waves and were calling for help."

Duan Jiaze: "What a joke, the wave pool is only to che:n-g people knee!"

Employees: "We said so too! They are like sleepwalkers. Sitting there holding turtles and not walking, they are bitten by turtles. But we can't find the doctor, director, what should I do?"

“How many tourists are onlookers? Hurry up and hit 120, first ask people to go out and then send an ambulance.” Duan Jiaze, while slamming the ground, commanded on the phone, under the eyes of the land pressure, he did not dare to say Go and have a look.

There was a sneak peek, Duan Jiaze hung up the phone, and it was a bit strange how Bai Suzhen could not be found. Bai Suzhen’s recent work focus can be on the doctor. Anyway, the blizzard is occasionally stunned.

However, Duan Jiaze did not pay attention to this matter. They received so many tourists every day, and the odds were not one or two.



When the class was over, when Duan Jiaze and Lu Jiang went to the aquarium together, the sleepwalking tourists here had long since disappeared. It is said that they were still calling "a big fish" on the train.

The staff is a little depressed: "Is this a patient who sneaked out..."

"A big fish? Have you visited Kunpeng?" Duan Jiaze only asked a few words at random, and went to the top with the land pressure to go to the polar region to see the miracle.

It was almost time for work at this time. They sat outside the glass curtain wall for a while, waiting for the tourists to leave and then go in.

Across the pool, the miracle found their figure, sliding from the gentle **** to the water, and scooping up a splash. Through the glass, you can see its strong posture at the bottom of the pool. You can climb up to the pool and climb up again. The miracle stands opposite the curtain wall and screams.

The tourists laughed and thought they had a good fortune. The biggest penguin, the mascot of the Lingbi Zoo, was not always in the vicinity of the glass curtain wall. Many times they could only watch it at a distance.

Now, its face almost comes to the glass.

The tip of the mouth is getting closer and closer to the glass. He slams into the glass, then his face squats, his upper body leans forward, and he puts his half face on the glass.

The tourists almost screamed and gathered in this area to take photos.

The miraculous cheeks were pressed against the hard glass and became a plane. The eyes turned several times and passed through the human community on Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze saw the strange gesture, was amused, raised his hand to recruit.

The tourists are looking at the strength, but they have already closed the time. The staff came over and asked them to go out. The scene was a pity.

It’s a pity that it’s a peculiar look at a miracle, but only a few minutes.

When the visitors were emptied, Duan Jiaze went to change the protective suit, and the miracle sat on the side of the curtain wall waiting for him, leaning against the glass, this sitting posture made it look like a hill.

The land pressure is that no protective clothing has always been worn, and the two walked in.

In fact, they can completely let the land pressure bring the miracle to the room, anyway, the miracle can also be active at room temperature. But always seeing this way will definitely make other employees wonder, thinking that they no longer like miracles, and don't go to see miracles.

After Duan Jiaze entered, the miracle ran over and plunged into Duan Jiaze's arms. He said that it has recently improved and that the "ignition" preparation time has been shortened a lot.

The land pressure handle was pressed on the miracle head, and the spiritual power of it was examined. Then he said with satisfaction: "It is not bad for this age."

The miracle suddenly screamed a few times. Under the action of Duan Jiaze’s beast heart, I knew what it meant: Teacher Bai told me that Dad is aquarium?

Lu Jiang and Duan Jiaze looked at each other.

This question, they have not said it with the miracle, but Bai Suzhen does not know, it is estimated that he will say it.

Because the process of this matter is a bit complicated, they plan to tell the miracle when it matures a little more, or explain it from the beginning, the miracle does not necessarily understand it.

But since the miracles know that after the two exchanged their eyes, Duan Jiaze nodded. "Yes."

The miracle turned around several times, the wings were drawn backwards, and one pair was thinking about life.

Duan Jiaze said with a funny voice: "What is this?"

The miracle is looking up: no wonder I swim so well!

Duan Jiaze: "Well..."

He wants to say a little bit, son, have you forgotten the same kind of swimming that is equally good? They are not my son.

The miracle was originally that I didn't like to go into the water. The fires that I practiced were all a little bit excited. At this time, I was a little excited. The place was turned two more times: then I have to learn the water.

Perhaps it is the love of the house and the black, or perhaps a miracle of filial piety, I feel that I can not leave my father, anyway, it has such an idea.

Duan Jiaze and Lu Jiang both laughed out, so it was a bit uncomfortable to explain. Duan Jiaze joked: "What to learn, I will not do it myself, do you learn with inspiration?"

The land pressure also said: "Water, no."

The tone of the land pressure, his "no" said is not "can not", but the meaning of "not enough", a bit disdain.

Duan Jiaze’s sense of identity with his dragon family is not strong, but the sister of Haozhu Baozhu also gave him a few months of history lessons. Hearing that the land pressure is natural, Duan Jiaze is a bit unhappy: “Water is life. source."

The land pressure blurted out: "It won't work in the fight."

Duan Jiaze is not very happy to say: "Did we have already talked about this issue? Seek common ground while reserving differences."

In fact, in the strict sense, they were not talking about the fighting power of water and fire, but the race problem, but the traceability is similar.

"So what do you mean, let the miracle learn a 'second major'?" Lu Jiang asked, the word he learned from Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze does not care about the tunnel: "I didn't think about it, but if the miracle has this will, then why not add a major?"

The miracle looked up at the head and felt that his father and cognac seemed to be quarreling, a little scary.

"Nothing, son, let's talk about education." Duan Jiaze heard the miraculous voice and looked down at its sharp mouth. "Reassure, you want to learn what Dad supports you, not just water, you want to learn." Thunder, learn to cut the window, when the ice fire demon, you can."

miracle:? ?

It doesn't really understand what the ice fire demon geese mean...?

The land pressure does not understand, but he probably understands the meaning of Duan Jiaze. In fact, the land pressure is quite irritating. For example, if you scream directly and you are not allowed to learn, it is unreasonable to be unreasonable. Anyway, he has always been like this.

However, the land pressure is a bit hesitant, because it involves race, water and fire, if you are angry, at least two days or more? In the first two days, Jia Ze taught him that his new knowledge has not yet been integrated...

The land pressure hesitated for a while, and the best time to get angry has already been missed.

Duan Jiaze saw the silence of the land pressure, but it was a little embarrassing. He thought that the land pressure has been used to it for so many years, and it may also be blurted out. How can this kind of thing change ideas in a day or two? However, he just spoke a little too hard, and the land pressure did not speak.

Oh, this kind of thing still has to come slowly.

Duan Jiaze does not want to work with him, Zhu Rong, and there is no Zhoushan here, but there is a Cape Mountain next to it.

Thinking about it, Duan Jiaze stepped forward and held the land with one hand. "The sun is really hot, but even if the waves in the East China Sea are all water, you can't burn it?"

He has been unemployed, and then dried up their ancestral graves?

Luke looked at Duan Jiaze, and there was a feeling of sighing in the dark. He snorted and his head twisted to the side, and slowly nodded.

Miracle: How is it now? If you want me to stand by, then I stand daddy.

Duan Jiaze looked at it there, and the psychological activity was quite a miracle. He gave it to him and sandwiched him and the land pressure. "You still know the station, you can."

The miracle was embarrassed to put his head on Duan Jiaze.

"You, first lay the foundation, the second professional thing will be thought of later, so as not to be greedy and chewed. But we certainly respect your wishes." Duan Jiaze said.

At the first sight, Lu Jia felt that Jia Jia was still good. He did not have such education in the past. The class was very primitive and rough. It looks like that, that... the water line is still acceptable. Anyway, my wife is very good, my son is definitely very good...


In the lounge, it is rare for the animals to sit and watch TV together.

Broadcast advertising, a public service advertisement, dubbing is a low male voice: water, the source of life, the spirit of all things...

Everyone brushed and looked at the land pressure.

In fact, they are also uncertain, and they will not be entangled in this small detail.

The land pressure was to look up and sneak a lap, and he looked at him silently and turned his eyes back. He didn’t do anything, and his heart and mind had improved, and he had a boyfriend. People, who used to be single for so many years, see what they are bombing...

The land pressure has not let them go, cold and cold: "Look at what, our Jia Jia is aquarium, I casually blow. The three flavors of your good fortune, Suzaku's Nanming from the fire ... so forbearance?"

After all, I laughed again.

Good money: "........."

Lingguang: ".................."

Inexplicably lying in the fire of the guns, they are speechless, can not help but secretly say: I x, afraid of his wife is also so fresh and refined, but also backhand to us? Are we not so stingy? ! Share to: > Like (26)Previous

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I opened the zoo for yearsComments 6

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Our Jia Jia, can be. I am afraid of my wife. Crash my heart2019/08/0312:01:27Reply

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