MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 183 Shameful

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Xiong Siqian refused to cooperate.

He was embarrassed, especially after knowing that the system of hope engineering sold himself. This stuff is really pitted, too much to give the bear face.

Xiong Siqian is close to two meters high. Can Duan Jiaze still be able to go to him? If you really want the land pressure to start, it is estimated that Xiong Siqian’s psychological problems will be more serious. Duan Jiaze had to slow down and wait for the opportunity.

Xiong Siqian is somewhat nervous. At the same time, he complains more about the black whirlwind and the emotions are exposed. It seems to be paving the way.

When everyone was in the lounge, Xiong Siqian saw that the inspiration was actually using the PP cup mat of Sui Bao. He pointed at it incredibly, and did not understand how to use it.

Inspiration smiled and asked: "What is it, old bear?"

This is what he took in the merchandise department. He is a fish, no matter whether the panda's PP is cute or perverted.

"Insulting, this is simply humiliating!" Xiong Siqian pointed at the teacup pad and shouted dissatisfiedly. He turned his head and casually asked, "You said, is it humiliating to use this shape of the coaster? ?"

Yuan Hong, who was pulled back, turned his sleeves out of Xiong Siqian’s hand and said with a blank expression: “I feel that things are humiliating.”

Xiong Siqian: "........."

Xiong Siqian made a big red face, and he was too embarrassed to distinguish it from Yuan Hong. He buryed his head and said: "That is all the previous things. I have been to the Da Shi for many years..."

Even as a friend, the inspiration can't help the big music. Those of them who have killed Jiashan have not done a few bad things. The old bear was **□□, which was the most disgraceful of them.

Xiong Siqian stunned, and after half a mile, he renewed his spirits and wanted to talk again. This time he looked up and found himself sitting and listening to each other. The two looked at each other and the ears were slightly moved.

Xiong Siqian: "........."

Hear: "........."

Xiong Siqian: "........................"

Xiong Siqian pushed the door out desperately and could not wait here.

However, the outside world is even more desperate. The black whirlwind and Sic Bo seem to be chasing each other again. The tourists have notified each other from all directions and flocked to the Panda Pavilion. "Look at the panda!"

Xiong Siqian became more and more lonely. He was originally called the Black Wind King. The black whirlwind robbed him of the limelight. The young bears were better than him. The buttocks were all over the world. The most excessive thing was that he heard the passing tourists say: "Large The pandas are so cute and fresh! Actually tea green!"

Can this blame him for psychological problems?


The two black bears, who were less than two and a half years old, sat in the cage and looked curiously at the humans outside. Their faces were slightly pointed, their fur was smooth and the chest had a crescent-shaped white hair.

They are the little black bear rice and millet from the Luocheng Wildlife Park, and the mother bear is in another cage.

The rice and millet that grew up in the zoo have unique skills, and they pose in a slap in the face of Duan Jiaze. In general, in the past, there will be tourists who can't help but give them something to eat. If the breeder doesn't find it in time, they can eat a few mouthfuls.

Duan Jiaze certainly did not feed casually. He observed the health of the two little black bears, and then let people bring the black bears to the living area, ready to raise with Xiong Siqian.

These three black bears are the "exchange students" from the Los Angeles Wildlife Park. Duan Jiaze brought them out for a plan: to bear Xiong Siqian.

Xiong Siqian refused to talk, and Duan Jiaze had to find another opportunity. He thought that if the tourists could pay attention to the black bear, Xiong Siqian’s mentality should be much better.

However, the average bear is more cute than the panda. It is super difficult. What's more, Xiong Siqian's body is a rough **** bear. Basically everyone treats him as a beast, and his attitude is much colder than watching a panda. .

Therefore, Duan Jiaze only found foreign aid, and humans always loved the young. And Xiong Siqian may still want to understand that human beings are purely emotional control and have their own aesthetics.

In addition, Duan Jiaze also arranged Xiaosu to raise the propaganda of the black bear.

So, in a large two small three black bears were put into Xiong Siqian's activity area, and after it was only separated by a net, there were editors running to shoot black bears. At this time they have not met each other, and the breeder has to confirm that they will not attack each other.

The editor knows that the main thing is to promote the black wind. Bringing rice and millet just raises the attention, so I am a little anxious.

Fortunately, because Xiong Siqian did not have any aggressiveness against these ordinary black bears, the mother bear did not dare to provoke the Xiong Siqian's breath. The breeder felt that the situation was not bad and the isolation net was withdrawn early.

The mother bear drove two bears and took them to a place far away from Xiong Siqian.

However, Xiong Siqian saw two little black bears in the distance, but his heart was a move. In fact, he has not been in contact with the same kind for a long time, let alone a bear. Imagine that the panda cub seems to be the most popular. When the treasure came, the tourists screamed at the same time. It is better now.

Xiong Siqian is very disdainful. He thinks that Sui Bao looks very general. After seeing Xiaomi and Xiaomi, Xiong Siqian can't help but have an idea. He went to a lot of mother and son.

A lot of seeing Xiong Siqian coming to this side, some panic, it is not fast enough, especially with two smashing bears.

Soon, Xiong Siqian has come to a lot of fronts. It has been circumventing too much. At this time, the breeders are also watching nervously. They don't know what the black wind is going to do. They just don't seem to respond. They just observe.

Xiong Siqian bite the back neck of the rice, and turned it around, whispering vaguely, saying: Lend your bear.

After the rice was picked up, the limbs were stiff and motionless. This is its instinct. In the face of the unfamiliar bear uncle who took himself away from his mother, it was a little uneasy, and made a low cry to call the mother, but unfortunately did not get the mother’s response. .

A lot of people did not dare to move, stayed in the same place and stunned, and wanted to keep up with his brother's millet, stopping its pace.

The breeders discussed: "What is the situation?"

"w0\'ka-i, do they know each other, how can the mother bear take the children away with the black wind?"

"The two are still communicating, and the black wind has no signs of hurting the rice. It is hard to believe that it has already produced friendship. It is incredible!"

The editors who were sent to advertise can be no matter how many, he is shooting all the way, following the action of the black wind, the heart is already conceiving a copy.

Unbelievable still behind, Xiong Siqian took the rice back to where he was often, put it on the ground, and began to fiddle with its head and claws.

The rice turned to fear, and curled up on the ground, his head shrinking to the chest.

Xiong Siqian dialed it back, and it rolled again and turned back. Xiong Siqian had no choice but to pick up a purple bamboo shoot from a paw and hand it to the rice.

After the rice came, I haven't eaten anything yet. It smells a fascinating fragrance, and immediately forgets all the troubles. The small claws hold the bamboo shoots and begin to concentrate on the skin. When it was in Luoye, its main meal was not this, and it was definitely not so delicious.

In other words, in the life of rice for just a few months, I have never smelled such a tempting taste.

Xiong Siqian took the opportunity to look at the rice, look at the face, and then look at the claws, the exposed teeth, ears, buttocks, tails... even the white crescent of the chest.

Then Xiong Siqian was completely sure: yes, their black bear cubs are more than the panda cubs! Humans really have no vision. When rice comes, it is not as big as the time when the treasure comes!

The humans were also shocked. What the black wind is doing, actually feeding rice and playing with rice, is it because it wants to raise rice?

Usually the mother bear will raise the child for two or three years until they have the ability to live independently. But the male bear ran to grab the children of other people to raise? This is really unheard of, even if it is not attacking!

After observing the rice, Xiong Siqian further determined the thoughts in his heart. He continued to curse the black and white bears and sent the rice back.

Looking at Xiong Siqian's departure, I cleaned up the whole body up and down to make sure it was not injured.

Rice is quite a bit of fun, Xiong Siqian is the best place in this area, and the uncle Xiong also gave it a bamboo shoot. Rice is less than half a year old, and it may not be clear that it is good for itself, but the taste is unquestionable.

It was very emotional, biting the mother's paws, and trying to smash the mother in the direction of Xiong Siqian.

Xiaomi also came over and squatted on the rice, sniffing the smell of Xiong Siqian on his brother's body, looking at it curiously, not knowing why he left, the brother who was afraid of it suddenly became so happy. It saw that the rice was taken away by Uncle Bear, and the mother refused to keep up with it, and was very anxious, and worried about it.

Rice can only vaguely express that Xiong Siqian has something particularly delicious, but it is still impossible for his mother to let it go.


On this day, some tourists who walked here found new maternal and black bear babies.

However, many people are in a strange environment, and after Xiong Siqian’s work, they are more protective to Xiaomi and Xiaomi. They are placed behind the coverings, and tourists can’t look carefully. Even if they like young children, they can only leave with regret. .

At night, a lot of rice and millet were sleeping in the tree hole. Today, the breeder fed them some corn, and they felt that they were more delicious than before, so they ate a lot, and when they fell asleep, they were especially fragrant. They are all corn flavors.

However, the rice that first ate the bamboo shoots did not think so. In the middle of the night, it quietly left the mother's arms and followed the memory to a place. Did not take a few steps, the foot is heavy, look back, but Xiaomi hugged its legs.

The rice arched a few meters and simply took it away. The brothers and sisters boldly left the mother.

The night is not a problem for the two bears. The black bear's vision is inherently poor, but the hearing and smell are extremely sensitive. The rice came to Xiong Siqian with his sister.

It’s time for work, and it’s midnight. In the place where Xiong Siqian is located, there is a **** bear that seems to be sleeping. In fact, this is just a substitute for Xiong Siqian, so there is no reaction to the two bears coming to the side.

Rice smashed on the kind neighbor's uncle, but the uncle ignored it, so the rice was very unkind and found himself on the Xiong Siqian site. It found some bamboo shoots that Xiong Siqian had not finished during the day.

When the rice smashed one, it began to pick it up, and also yelled at Xiaomi, indicating that it also ate.

Xiaomi couldn't help but smell it. It bit a bamboo shoot. When the shell was peeled off, the fragrance inside was even more intense. Xiaomi bite on the tender bamboo shoots, the whole bear is beautiful, and after eating a few mouthfuls of this bamboo shoot, he picked up the rest.

Although there are not many left, the bears have little appetite, and the bamboo shoots are swept away and the stomach is full. After eating a full-bodied rice body, it fell on the belly of "Xiong Qian". This warm touch is no different from that of the mother. When the head is drilled in it, it will come to sleep.

Xiaomi hesitated for a moment, and also stumbled and climbed to Xiong Siqian, burying his head.


The next morning, the breeders saw such an amazing scene. The female bear is anxiously looking for the traces of the children. On the other hand, the rice and the millet are all sleeping in the black wind. People who don't know think that the black wind is their mother.

The breeder quickly took out the phone and took a few photos. At the next moment, the black wind woke up and stayed in the place for a long time before pushing the two bears down from the body.

The black storm slammed the trunk, and the rice and millet left and went back in a step-by-step manner. It was a good time to get together and let the breeder breathe a sigh of relief. They are afraid that they will not find their children angry, or find out, and find out what conflicts the children have with the black wind in the breeze.

The breeder sent the pictures taken in the morning to the editor of the propaganda department. The editor also produced a propaganda copy and sent it online. About the new cute little black bear fan loves the black wind uncle next door, and even sneaked away from home in the middle of the night. Uncle Blackwind sleeps, making his mother dying.

Under the powerful propaganda and propaganda, many people have forwarded it.

The popularity of the black bear in the zoo has always been, and it has been discussed in the interesting part of the story.

"Hey, is this a fancy bamboo shoot?"

"The black wind is so big. The children of the new neighbors are quite gentle. They also take the initiative to give the bamboo shoots to the bears."

"Then I can't get rid of 23333 after eating."

"Xiong Mom: Where is my baby, what happened?"

There are still people who doubt that this **** bear is the one who went to the coffin before and saw the lame.

- If he is seen by Xiong Siqian, he will scream violently, and the most loved one is a black whirlwind! He squatted a few times and found that humans didn't play after they didn't buy it! He is a Sven!

The editors also played hot irons, and sent more photos of these days to the black wind, attached to the surrounding purchase links, sales have also increased a lot.

Duan Jiaze has also seen the situation and feels good.

Just the next moment, another editor's 粽 粽 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从

The head of the garden personally gave orders, and the editors also spent a lot of time. They also specially made people to shoot, but they were still not as good as others.

The editor joked: "Black wind is not a shame..."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze warned: "This kind of words is not allowed to speak in front of the black wind."

Originally, people are hard enough to be hit. If you hear this, don't be crazy.

The editor narrowed his neck. "Can it understand?"

Xiaosu also looked positive and said: "You think that many animals are especially spiritual. You know it badly. Do you know that it has not seen similar animals retaliating against human news? If you are uncertain, you will be credited with one. Pen, I will stone you on the day."

The editor spit out his tongue and said, "Don’t dare to dare."


Xiong Siqian also discovered that there are more and more people who have come to see him recently... No, it is better to say that it is to see the two little black bears playing with him.

In the heart of rice and millet, Xiong Siqian's image is very good. Their bamboo shoots are limited in quantity, paired with other foods to become their daily meals, and they are also designed to be foraging.

But the bamboo shoots of Uncle Bear next door seem to be incomplete, they are very keen to open from the side of the mother, to Xiong Siqian here to find bamboo shoots to eat.

I stopped a few times. Later, once I found it nearby, I saw that rice and rice were eating the bamboo shoots of Xiong Siqian. It also understands that it is a good thing. If Xiong Zi can eat more, it is of course a good thing.

Xiong Siqian originally wanted to let two little donkeys not bother to disturb themselves, but when many tourists came to the wind, they didn't do that.

Rice and millet also learned to work in the original zoo. Although the tourists here can't feed them, they will only report applause and camera sounds.

Xiong Siqian feels that human beings are superficial and comfortable at the same time. He said that black bears look good too!

Xiong Siqian even felt that if they did not resort to the means, it would not be impossible to grab the tourists... He had not succeeded before, and that was the literati. It’s not like, it’s disdain, yes, like those black and white bears. For so many years, animal nature has been transformed into selling human beings for a living.

With this in mind, Xiong Siqian’s mood is much better.

Duan Jiaze took the opportunity to give him a tutor. "You said, the black whirlwind and the scorpion treasure are all raised by you, Zizhu, Yangzhi nectar, are you all brought down? They are also grateful to you, you are Don't care so much. What is the aesthetics of this human world? You are hand-picked by Guanyin Daxie. Who can be better than Guanyin Daxie?"

Duan Jiaze's eloquence has been getting better and better in recent years, and Xiong Siqian has nodded. Before he was a horn, and now his mentality is not so unbalanced, and then through the paragraph Jia Zeyi persuaded, suddenly a lot better.

In order to let Xiong Siqian not continue to ill in the future - after all, the giant panda is so hot, who knows that he is not happy that day - Duan Jiaze gave him another idea: "In fact, the marketing of giant pandas is better than your black bears, you still take the pen People, if you have any ideas, use your words as a weapon."

Xiong Siqian suddenly felt alive and well, and it is true that this human propaganda method is indeed affirmative. How appealing a work of art is, and his own drama lover is clear. The giant panda has appeared in so many works, and the popularity is not high.

So Xiong Siqian has another goal. "Director, I decided, I want to write a play, that is..."

"叮", the notice of the completion of the mission came, Duan Jiaze looked down at the phone and immediately turned around: "I still have things, I will not listen to you, you go to Xiaoqing."

Xiong Siqian: "..."

Xiong Siqian said with a bit of sadness: "Xiao Qing is busy all day and Xiao Rongqing is clear about me and me. Where can I care for me. Director, don't you care about me?"

"This is the case," Duan Jiaze turned back and held the door. "I am also going to go with Lu Jiangqing, me, or do you give him a voice, etc?"

Xiong Siqian: "........."

Seeing that Xiong Siqian had no sound, Duan Jiaze closed the door. "That's goodbye."


After Xiong Siqian’s task was completed, he sent some seeds of flowers, and Duan Jiaze handed him directly to him. Xiong Siqian does not have a nest of bees, planting flowers just for honey.

A variety of, you can also beautify the environment in the zoo and hotel, but this requires Zhu Xi to give pointers. The overall style of the coffin is set by him. If it is difficult to keep a mess, it will not ruin this beauty.

At the same time, "Big Animals" was almost carried out in the last two periods. The program group also designed the guests to wear masks and hats to the pretenders, to take care of the animals in front of the tourists, and to complete some The designated tasks to interact with the visitors cannot be discovered during this process.

At this time, "Big Animals" also played more than half, the heat is very high, many tourists directed to the zoo for the show, hoping to meet the star guests, the difficulty of this task can be imagined.

Although this year has not finished, but "Big Animal" has basically locked in this year's reality show ratings champion, so Meng Director and his dad have flew to the East China Sea, ready to celebrate the feast, to the guests, program group The employee has a red envelope.

After a period of absence, Meng Director leaned back a little. Duan Jiaze received their father and son as if nothing had happened. The program group was still filming. Meng Director set the banquet hall. Duan Jiaze took them to a circle and went to the banquet hall.

However, walking in the zoo, Duan Jiaze heard a call, this call is still very common in the zoo, at first he did not go to the heart.

Until the boss of Meng wiped his eyes and said: "Small paragraph, is that...?"

Duan Jiaze turned his head and saw that a huge living creature crawled on the land quickly. From the direction of the aquarium, he went straight to the place and ran rampage along the way. A little girl stood in the middle of the road and was taken care of. The object hit a head.

The little girl fell backwards, lying on the back of the object, clasping her back and crying. It was actually stalked and ran away. The little girl’s parents didn’t know where to go.

Duan Jiaze almost spurted out a blood, "My turtle!"

How did the fat sea run out, what the ghosts of the "big animal" are doing? They have an emperor penguin jailbreak is not famous enough!