MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 181 Play all for the ass!

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Recently, the "Big Animals" program group, and even the Lingbi Zoo, are circulating a saying:

Meng’s director is a thousand miles away, and the big zoo that abandoned other first-tier cities is not selected, but he is going to the Lingbi Zoo to film. In fact, he wants to take advantage of the business opportunity to pursue a big guy here!

That's right, Meng, the legendary director who doesn't learn nothing, loves to soak the female star, has been looking for new excitement!

After this statement was spread privately, many people realized it. It is said that Meng’s director suddenly turned his head back. The original intention was still impure, but the lucky show was really explosive. Otherwise, this is the opposite of a rich second generation for sex.

Compared with other reasons, this article is more in line with the image that Meng Director has always been in everyone's mind. This circle is much more open to play, not to mention the identity of Director Meng. His sudden change of **** has not become a doubt.

Most people are convinced of this, because in addition to the inference of the past director of Meng, the scene can be more than two people, as well as the crew members, even the identity of the other party can be said.

I heard that Meng’s master’s claws want to reach out, is a friend of Lingyuan’s head, the handsome guy who is nicknamed “Xiaojiu”. At that time, Xiao Jiu angered and patted the table, accusing the director of Meng to take advantage of himself and shocked the crowd.

The implication is that Meng has always been a thief.

For a time, the director of Meng, who had been in the zoo every day, didn’t care much, became the focus of attention. At this point, some people have found that Meng Director seems to be fat.

They all said that they have lost their lives in Iraq, and they are resting on Meng’s director. It’s probably a frustration in love and a mood for food.

- The more you look at it, the more it feels like the most women in the movie will do.

Director Meng is the most depressing. Of course, he knows that there is some rumor, but in his usual style, explanation is not just a cover-up. He is mad at him.

It’s all that little nine, what is it called! Everyone has misunderstood him!

Director Meng is also tempered. He was angry at that day, and now he does not want to care about Xiaojiu.

However, he ignored the small nine, and the gossip story can continue to develop.

The staff of the zoo have been talking about this gossip for a long time. Although Xiao Jiu is a friend of the head of the school, and Lu Ge seems to have known it for a long time, but what is his sexual orientation?

Some people couldn't help but secretly go to Xiaojiu to inquire, because there is only one head left. Xiaojiu's temper is already a lot of convergence. In the face of hidden problems, he has nothing to hide: "I am married!"

Everyone thought, it was too bad! Director Meng is in love with a husband, no wonder so hard, this is not a retribution!


In addition, the recording of "Big Animals" was as successful as ever.

After a period of study, Fei Yi finally got the right to enter the incubation room. She was allowed to enter the incubation room along with the nursery experts of the Lingbi Zoo Penguin Breeding Center. The photographers behind him were fully armed and disinfected.

The newly built Emperor Penguin Incubation Center is state-of-the-art, and the staff are experienced and maintain a survival rate of over 90%. Fei Yi didn't feel anything at first, until it was the normal survival rate of the Emperor Penguin, which was incredible: "How did you do it?"

The nursery expert said: "There are people watching it in 24 hours. All the procedures are very accurate. We must completely imitate the temperature and humidity changes in the Antarctic."

He first took the fee and looked at the incubator. There were ten emperor penguin eggs placed on the top and bottom, a little bit like a tumbler, and like the size of their grown up, the lower body is much stronger than the upper body.

The nursery expert explained: “Novice penguin parents may have no confidence in hatching eggs, or other reasons, and give up hatching in the middle. At this time, we need to bring the emperor penguin here to continue incubation, otherwise it will not hatch for more than a certain period of time. It is."

Emperor penguin hatching eggs are also individual strengths, and the staff will secretly take out the eggs from time to time to check, if you find that the hatching situation is not good, will also take away. Fei Yi understands the nod.

"If you come back for a while, then you may not be able to shoot it." The nurse expert looked at the photographer behind Fei, and said with a smile, "We must also imitate the Antarctic in the light, and the time ago belongs to the pole. At night, there can be no glimmer of light, but now it is 'extremely smashing'."

Here Fei Fei can't help much, then she went to see the imperial penguin pregnant woman. Now, Emperor Penguin will move to the incubation center during production and feeding. It can also be said to be a confinement. The staff can easily record and control their situation.

Fei Yi helped prepare the maternity meal together. When feeding, the pregnant woman of the Emperor Penguin smelled miraculously on her body. The attitude was so good that the experts were surprised.

"This time it has been here, I have not seen you, but it may be that these days you have been mixed with other emperor penguins, so some close." Experts thoughtfully.

The photographer changed the angle and grasped the Emperor Penguin's mother to stretch the neck. Fei Yan carefully touched it, and the words of the experts just recorded it. This is definitely a good material.

For the photographer, Emperor Penguin’s mother was not so polite, and he rushed him away when he was close. The photographer hurriedly left a little.

Fei Yan’s heart is also somewhat fluctuating. It’s not only because this broadcast can be hyped, but she is really happy because she is trusted. The photographer stayed with the Emperor Penguins for as long as she did, but she was not so trusted.

Waiting for this, Fei Yan couldn't help but say: "It seems that there is really no white shovel..."

Maybe there is a jealousy of this female penguin husband or other relatives.

Next, the experts took the fee and went to the place she most wanted to see, that is, the nursery room of the newborn baby penguins. The earliest hatching of the emperor penguin in this batch has been over a dozen days, and the fisherman is being fed by the nursery with a syringe.

"A lot of miracles!" Fei Yan looked at the furry little penguins and said a pun.

In the eyes of mankind, emperor penguins are all similar, these are like a miracle of the miniature version, and each of them is also a small "miracle."

She followed the childbirth to learn how to feed, start with the disinfection tool, see the amount of food, take a certain amount of food, and then start feeding the penguin. They leaned on their heads, their mouths grew big, they trusted the human nurses, cried crisply, and craved the food in their hands.

Fei Fei’s movements are still not very skilled, pushing the fish paste into the mouth of the little penguin.

The little penguin’s mouth also touched Fei’s hand from time to time. She was a little panicked. She quickly raised her hand and then quickly put it back. She quickly touched the little penguin twice.

Although wearing gloves, the feeling is very obvious - rich, soft, fat under the fluff.

Fei Yan showed an incredible look and was very moved to the camera and said: "Too cute, too comfortable, I want to steal a home!"

It’s impossible to bring a little penguin home, but when I left, the nursery expert gave her an emperor penguin doll as big as a small arm, as a reward today.

Fei Yan’s main task is still on the side of the adult emperor penguin. The little penguin is too fragile, and it is impossible for her layman to participate in the whole process.

Fei Yi reluctantly left the breeding center. Although there are some bigger little penguins in the venue, they are in the most naughty time when they are in contact with the outside world for a while.

And they also prefer to stick to the miracle compared to the fee, but it is the penguin who was born shortly here, whoever eats it.


Based on the script of the program group, and Fei Yi itself is also a miracle like, she spends most of the time. But also because of the script settings, occasionally made some small mistakes, such as the temperature is wrong.

Fortunately, the breeder found it in time, and then “distributed” the fee to other places.

When the fee arrived at the place, I found out that I was the same as my own, and there was a newcomer, Liu Yan. He was a little earlier than Fei Yi, and he was sitting on the floor of the newspaper.

" did you come?" asked awkwardly.

Liu Yan saw Fei Yi, and quickly stood up, bowed his head and was very embarrassed to say: "I am playing with the fat sea, playing and wanting to ride..."

The fat sea is the name of the turtle that Liu Wei is responsible for, very lively.

Fee: "..."

Although I knew that this was definitely arranged, Fei Fei still showed a surprised look: "How can you ride a turtle, you are so heavy!"

"The fat sea is very big..." Liu Yan said weakly. "I thought it was fine. Don't learn from me, it's not good... Sister, how come you?"

Fei Yan was embarrassed to say: "The temperature has been adjusted."

In order to make up for the mistakes they made, the two had to come here to complete a task: bathing wild boars.

The wild boars that grow in the wild will also take regular baths. They first read the popular science pictures of the wild boars outside, and they are all worried. The wild boar is fierce, and it costs a woman. Liu Yan is not a muscular man... I hope the breeder can teach some powerful skills!

"Well, come with me." The breeder said to the two.

They quickly followed up and entered a room, prepared to face a huge, wild wild boar - after all, the show was called "Big Animals", and most of the animals they face today are large enough.

However, what really appeared in front of them was a small wild boar as big as a basket of Chihuahuas.

Fei Yan immediately stopped her mouth, otherwise she would scream.

Although the wild boars in adulthood look very awkward and even a bit ferocious, these little wild boars are very cute, the background is lighter yellowish brown, and the back is an irregular dark brown stripe, like Like melon skin.

Their bodies are still very small, their tails are hanging behind them, their eyes are long and their eyelashes are long. The color of their noses is different from that of domestic pigs. It is also dark. Some pigs lie down, and the belly with white hair is exposed, and in a flash it can be mistaken for a puppy.

This was too unexpected, and the breeder greeted them to sit down and tell them how to bathe the wild boar.

In fact, this is the first time that the wild boars have been exposed to water. They are still not weaned. The breeder took the little wild boar out of the basket and patted their ass. The little wild boar touched the water with his nose and then drank it.

Fei Yan carefully touched the little wild boar, the hair was rougher than it looked, and it was normal. The wild boar actually enjoyed the ground and fell directly into a basin of shallow water, and the belly was wet. It is.

It smugly raises big eyes, and it takes a splash of water on their backs.

The breeder explained: “Their mothers were injured in production and have been recovering, so we are responsible for temporary feeding, including teaching them to come into contact with water.”

"It turned out to be like this." Fei said. "But I don't know that the wild boar looks so cute when I was young, and like a deer like a puppy, and it is quite thin."

The small wild boar is still very thin, and the fat on his body is not as full as the little emperor penguin he saw before Fei Fei.

Compared with the ease of being free, Liu Yan is too much of a problem. He can completely hold the body of the wild boar with both hands. They are too weak in his hands. He doesn’t know how to start, he dare not force too much. However, the little wild boar was more active, making him sweaty and splashed with water. It seems that it is no better than taking a bath for a wild boar.

“Some people raise pigs as pets, even wild boars. However, if there is not a large yard, the pigs that last up to a few hundred pounds will become unbearable weight in their lives.” The breeder looked at Fei Xiao’s favorite Said the wild boar.

Fee: "..."

She really just passed by and could get a pig to go home. These pigs are especially smart and will walk behind her. But think about the boars growing up and there will be fangs, even if it is.

The breeder said: "A lot of people just buy it on impulse, and finally regret it, and the pig's end is not good. In fact, many pets are like this, but in recent years, even pigs have been paralyzed."

Fei said: "I don't expect to raise animals casually in the future. I have seen a lot these days. How hard it is to raise the animals. If you can't take care of them, forget it. I think, I might also be suitable for raising a cactus. ""

However, you can still take the opportunity to play with them. Fei Yan sent the pig forward and let it touch the nose with the pig in the hand of Liu Yan.

In the high-definition lens, their tender noses touched together, long and flickering with the eyes, and the fluffy yellowish short hairs after the shower were very warm. When I first watched the show, I felt that the wild boar had any good looks. If I go to the zoo, I must skip the audience that I didn’t visit. It is estimated that I will change my mind...

In fact, at the time of this broadcast, the audience ratings also climbed because of the emergence of animal cubs.

"Big Animals" focuses on animals that are at least relatively large in size. People like to watch interesting things happening when they raise animals, and animal cubs have different warmth and cuteness.

The Lingbi Emperor Penguin Breeding Center is proud to claim their breeding room and the little penguins. The Lingbi official also introduced the small wild boar.

Although Fei Yi and Liu Wei have made mistakes to work, but they have a good attitude, and this section of the clip focuses on science, so there is not much accusation.

On the contrary, Fei Yan accidentally asked the little penguin to like people to envy and hate. I didn't expect to shovel the animals and really integrate them!

"Rely, I really have to turn the powder on the fee."

"In the beginning, I wanted to see the plastic sisters... Now, I don't know if I am confused by the drama, or the dramas are really influenced by the animals, actually feel the love, manually goodbye.jpg"

"After the film is not a shadow, this is the essence of the performance, even the animals have been cheated!"

“The upstairs angle is clear.”

"I am very sentimental. I also want to tell a story. I have a friend who raised a pig. Later I found that the pig had wild boar ancestry and had a long hair. His family had money, there was a big yard, and there was no need to lose the pig, but The pig likes to sleep on him. Now the pig is already five hundred pounds. I heard that it will grow, you feel it..."

"Ah, really can't just raise it!"



A program is booming, and there are always people who don't like to watch.

For example, the fans of Sic Bo, in any case, there is no treasure in "Big Animals", and there are no guests they like. Their spirits are all placed on the live broadcast of Sic Bo. There is also a recent coffin big cat tunnel that has been well received, and even people from other regions are urging their local zoos to build a one.

The fans of Sic Bo strongly suggested that they also give Suibao a tunnel.

After the leaders of the coffin and the experts discussed it collectively, the panda outdoor tunnel was still a bit big. However, based on the survey of tourists' wishes, it is possible to add an indoor tunnel.

The indoor area of ​​the Panda Pavilion is also large and high enough to make a small design indoors.

The indoor air tunnel was made into a section, the connection was green, and the interior wall had bamboo. Half of the tunnel leaned against the wall and was hidden in the bamboo leaves.

Although not outside, it is also satisfied with everyone's wishes.

The masses cheered and waited until the tunnel was set up. Everyone is extremely looking forward to seeing the pandas climb into the tunnel, just thinking about the scene is very funny.

But what is disappointing is that the black whirlwind and Suibao seem to lack interest in the tunnel. The black whirlwind is more willing to squat on the ground, and as long as the black whirlwind is on the ground, Suibao will stay next to it.

This is too embarrassing. The little loli who came to see the panda tunnel waited for a long time. When the panda went out for outdoor activities, and didn't wait to look up at the bear, he cried and twitched. "It, why are they not? Go up, oh wow-"

The fans comforted each other, nothing, the pandas like to climb, they are just not familiar with the device. The coffin didn't feel wasted, and the tunnel was removed.

Sure enough, soon after, it ushered in a turn.

粽 粽 贱 贱 贱 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷 偷

Sui Bao turned around and slid, but the whole space was so big, and there was no way to retreat. It climbed up the stairs leading to the tunnel and then got in. The outside tourists immediately cheered and finally came up!

The black whirlwind followed and broke into the tunnel.

Ginger is still old and spicy, and Sui Bao climbed out a few steps and was pressed under the black whirlwind.

For the precious pandas, this tunnel was hardened than the Lele, and they didn't cause any shakes at a glance. Instead, the two pudgy bodies piled up together and they were clear from the bottom.

Suddenly the shutter sounds connected into one piece - the face of Sui Bao was distorted.

The black whirlwind paw took a few shots on the head of the scorpion, and then opened it with a sigh of relief. The four feet of the scorpion were opened and squatted in the tunnel. It grievously shook his head and stood up slowly.

The black whirlwind turned and left, and Sui Bao had to move on. It went to the edge of the wall, surrounded by bamboo. The purple bamboo grows indoors and is still delicious. Sui Bao touched the bamboo with the bear's paw across the glass, and tried to bite the bamboo leaves inserted from the vents.

The slap in the mouth did not notice that the black whirlwind of the gas rushed back, because it was too angry, it did not go down the stairs.

There is also a slide next to the stairs. The black whirlwind brother flew forward and went down the slide. However, because of anger, a force is too strong, it slides down and the momentum does not diminish, directly slipped out five meters away, relying on the body is heavy enough to slowly stop the momentum.

The tourists outside were already laughing, and when he heard the voice, he picked up his face from the glass and turned to look.

The black whirlwind has been slowly standing up, and he looked at Sui Bao with a bad look, and he blamed it!

Sui Bao thought that the black whirlwind still blamed it for robbing the bamboo, and even dared not go down, simply sitting in the tunnel.

"Snap ah! Sui Bao's ass!"

"The shape of this **** is too perfect, moving."

"I have a look, I just got a black whirlwind and I didn’t shoot it..."

"I want to call Sic Bo's ass!!"

A big round butt, with a smaller round shape behind it, is its tail, which is especially crazy.

As a star panda, Sui Bao has long ignored the human eye. He is trying to do it himself, trying to use his claws to pull in the bamboo leaves and then bite it with his mouth.

Although there is enough bamboo in the room, I don't know why, it seems that it is even more delicious. It just doesn't know that his current expression is too rich, even a little funny.

Sui Bao sat in the tunnel for about twenty minutes, and then slowly went down, leaving enough material for everyone.

On the same day, a circle of friends circulated a picture, a group of tourists were crazy about the panda ass, with the text:

frenzied! Crazy men and women for the ass!

Read The Duke's Passion