MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 172 Tell your master to go

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"I regret it... I regret it too. Why should I go to steal the dog? I am really embarrassed..." When the confession was made, the dog thief was crying and crying, and he was remorseful.

These two days have tried these stolen dog thieves. They have already asked them that they have a complete industrial chain.

Such a big man, crying like a three-year-old child, police Ronaldinho sees the scalp numb, thinking how these stolen dog thieves are more than one. If you don’t know it, you think they have committed a big crime of death.

At this time, a colleague opened the door and said Ronaldinho, there is a reporter outside. At least two people were present at the record, so he and his colleagues changed and went out.

This incident is to let Ronaldinho and the media dock, the daily report has been published, today is a TV reporter, they want to do a full report, so need to take more material. By the time of autumn and winter, there are more people who have lost their dogs.

The reporter asked Xiao Luo to record it. He had already recorded the footage before, about how to steal the dog thief, and to alert the public. This time he made up some shots and asked some of Ronaldinho's capture process. He did the recording in his hand.

Xiao Luo talked: "After receiving reports from the masses, we checked out their dens, and then excused the meal to knock on the door and arrested several criminals. Through their confession, they immediately arrested some of the accomplices who were not present. Moreover, at this time their delivery vehicle has already set off, taking half of the dogs, and we quickly contacted the vehicles that have checked the way, and finally found the delivery vehicles, and the people were taken..."

Ronaldinho knew that in fact, some of his words were fake. They were not excuses to send meals and knocked on the door. When they went there, the dog thieves had been lying on the ground.

There is no trauma, but the psychological trauma is very big, just like the criminal who cried when he recorded the confession.

Ronaldinho guessed that this should have been done by the enthusiastic citizen. They didn't know who the reporter was. He seriously suspected that the dog was stolen from a very important person. After the man found the dog, he gave the criminals a lesson, then contacted the police and greeted him, so he was not exposed.

When the reporters finished their work, they left. They had to go to the coffin and film the dogs.

When the city caught and rescued the animals, it went to the zoo. This is a routine, but the boss of the coffin is also a big heart, and dozens of dogs have been collected.

When the reporter arrived at the coffin, he was taken to visit the place where the dogs lived temporarily. This is a specially cleaned room. It may have been a warehouse, the space is large, and the lighting is good. More importantly, people's zoos are experts, so many dogs eat and drink Lazar here, there is no smell.

They came to shoot, knowing that there will be people coming over to pick up their lost dog today. They want to take that picture. Now that the person has not come, the reporter will wait for a while and chat with the staff.

"On two days, several citizens have come to pick up the dog," the staff member said.

Newspapers and online media have already gone out. These dozens of dogs should be able to return to their homes. It's best to go back all the time, but if there is one, then after you've determined that you're unclaimed, you'll post adoption information and find a new owner.

I was talking at the window. Suddenly a dog rushed over, slammed the wall and jumped into the room on the other side of the window. The dogs in the house all surrounded the scene, but all the dogs had their heads low, especially not to exceed the dog.

It passed like a gust of wind and shocked the reporter.

The reporter took a closer look. The dog was born with long legs and long legs. He was a white short-haired man. He asked: "Is this not a rescued dog?"

"No, this is in our garden, called the sky." The staff explained, "But the sky is very capable, and you can see that these dogs respect it."

The reporter nodded with interest. "What kind of breed is it? It looks so handsome."

"This is a Chinese dog, our native dog breed." The staff said, but also saw the dogs yelling at the screaming, and did not know what to say.


Golden Retriever, Teddy, Pastoral, Border Shepherd, Bago...

They all looked at the sky with sparkling eyes, the action that just jumped into the window, and when they were all locked up in a small room, hungry and dizzy, the roaring sky descended from the sky.

In fact, the window is certainly not as open as the windows here, but inlaid with heavy glass. They don't have enough to eat, there are some medicines in the food, and they have no strength to push open the window.

The roaring sky jumped in and shattered the window directly, and it came in simply and rudely.

It looked so calm, when it opened its mouth, it seemed to be able to swallow the human head.

The human beings who had stolen the dog had watched TV in another room, and they rushed out directly, or said that it was a dog, saying that it was a bullfight.

At that time, a man who was a few steps slower - later this person gave them something to eat, was a good person - and shouted: "Don't talk, don't talk."

Do not let people bite, so they just had to bite their clothes, smash people to stun, or rush into the past like a bullfight.

Before being stunned, there are people who say, "What the **** is this monster..."

Then, the human being brought by the boss of the sky, then take out a small bottle and release some ants...

Later, the police came and took the dog thief away. The dog thief who woke up in the middle of the road was full of spirits and burst into tears.


"Big hair!"

A golden hair heard the voice of the master and jumped high in the house until it was taken out by the staff and immediately plunged into the owner's arms.

Its owner is a man in his thirties. At this time, he cried with a nose and a tear, and kneel down to hug the golden hair. "Big donkey..."

Big hair also cried, it was awful during this time, too little to eat, its fighting power is not the strongest, bitter every day want to cry, thought that no longer see the master.

Seeing that the big hair is a lot thinner, the owner is very distressed. After Jin Mao was lost, he printed a dog-seeking notice and made it on the Internet, but it has already passed for half a month.

The owner asked people everywhere, please ask nearby businesses to help monitor and find that Jin Mao may not be lost, but the dog thief deliberately stole, this is desperate.

But there is no way to go. He saw the news on the Internet last night. The police seized the dog stealing case. He immediately called the zoo. When the zoo shouted big hair, Jin Mao responded, and gave it to the owner's phone and also knew the voice. This confirms that there is ten. This is big hair.

If it wasn't too late, the host would like to come over last night.

The reporter saw a picture of a person and a dog crying and crying. He was very satisfied and very moved. Although he did not raise a pet himself, he was also moved by this feeling.

The host repeatedly thanked the zoo and the reporter, and said that he would send a banner to the police. For him, Da Mao is his relative. Fortunately, the action of the police station allowed Da Mao to escape.

When he left, Da Mao looked at the temporary residence with some nostalgia. Wang Hao called and greeted the boss.

Roaring in the window to the big hair "Wang", let it make a good dog, they will get along for two days, Roaring will also have some oral education classes, about how to be a loyal dog.

Especially this big hair, Roaring Heaven knows in the exchange, it is caught in addition to stealing the dog thief, but also his own vigilance is not enough.

"Big hair, are you already good friends?" The master took a step back and left the big hair to leave, comforting him. "Nothing, let's see it later."

During the exchange, the owner also knew that the dog was a zoo. However, when he received a mouse with a big hair in the future, his mood was not as relaxed as he is now.


Someone went to the coffin to collect their own dogs. These dogs used to live in a den of dog thieves. The hungry is still on the one hand, and some are even sick. Those people can give the dog something good, and the cleaning is not diligent.

After picking up the dogs, Duan Jiaze also organized them to take a shower and take medicine. Good guy, dozens of dogs, this is not a zoo, where can be placed properly, take a bath to wash for a long time.

A dog that was forced to wait for the owner to be taken back immediately like Da Mao, looked at the dog that might have been a little bit late, and was discovered by the owner a few days later, and it was completely different.

Their owners don't even dare to stare at the dog: "...How do I feel that it is fatter than before being stolen?"

Not only fat, but also a little discipline, this is the training of the roaring heaven.

On the other hand, the foundation mentioned by Sun Aiping also came to visit it. They are engaged in the protection of rare birds and come to exchange work in this area.

"Then I will lead you to visit Zhu Xi, the red-crowned crane, the parrot..." Duan Jiaze said.

“Hey, can we visit the Giant Panda Pavilion first?” said the Foundation’s person.

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Of course, this is no problem. It is strange to say that with the bird protection organization, visit the giant panda.

Duan Jiaze brought people to the Giant Panda Pavilion. Sui Bao and Black Whirlwind are playing at outdoor activities. The main thing is that Sui Bao chased after the black whirlwind and smashed it from time to time.

The people of the Foundation are awe-inspiring: "Is this the legendary ‘not to smash the silver gun’?”

Duan Jiaze: ".........??"

He knows, who is the mother who does not pour the silver gun?

Sui Bao knows nothing about his own resounding name on the rivers and lakes. It is stuck in the middle of the two woods in the fence, hanging there and screaming in the black whirlwind.

Another male compatriot with a sense of humour also said: "I have long wanted to see this, and I am famous, better than me."

Everyone laughed, although it is clear that the length of the treasure is more than a lot of men, but like this one, it is still very little.

After sucking the bears at the Giant Panda Pavilion, they went to work to see the work.

The middle also passed the land pressure, and these people asked to see the land pressure.

Duan Jiaze went in and took off the land pressure. A serious and authentic: "Let's see, who can recognize this bird? I have been looking for its kind for years, and I want to know what bird I am raising."

Land pressure: "..."

Because the life of the land pressure is an unknown bird that has been poached and flown to China, no one can be sure where it comes from. After being famous, some people have explored what the bird is.

However, there are so many birds in the world that there may be undiscovered, and no one can say that they know all the birds. Most people can't see the land pressure bird. Different bird experts have their own opinions. I think the land pressure is like what bird. The angle is the most curious, saying that the land pressure is mixed.

Duan Jiaze boldly kicked the problem out, and these people really argued.

“I think it is like a bird I saw in the Uganda Sanctuary, but...”

"No, I think it should have lived in the rainforest..."

"Look at this paw."

After talking about each other and expressing their opinions, this is all over.

Duan Jiaze walked directly on the landing pressure, and accompanied these people to visit the waterfowl lake, poultry and birdhouses, etc., when they went to the poultry and bird museum, they also watched some Kong Xuan.

"This is a rare purebred green peacock."

"It’s much more than what I saw at the Southwest Zoo, and it’s much more beautiful. It’s good!”

The land pressure saw the hole in the cage, and it was also owed. He screamed with a mocking voice.

Kong Xuan also yelled, its voice was higher, and the blue peacock next to it was scared.

When the land pressure saw Kong Xuan still dare to refute, standing on the shoulders of Duan Jiaze, he sharpened his eyes and continued to scream a few times.


"w0\'ka-i, look, the land pressure and the peacock are quarreling!"

They haven't seen the land pressure and the peacock meeting, but they didn't expect the two to look blind. In the past, the land pressure was in the zoo, but it was not unfavorable. Any bird would bow to it.

Those of the foundations also watched this scene with interest and explained it scientifically.

Duan Jiaze said that you should not study, this is the old enemy.

Since the appearance of the green peacock in the coffin, it has captured many people with its proud attitude, and at the same time, these people are anxious to die, because it never opens the screen and does not open the blue peacock next to it. .

As everyone knows, the peacock is opening because of courtship, stimulation, intimidation of the enemy, etc. This time is not a peacock hair. The situation is that the green peacock seems to be opposite to the land pressure, and the two are "opposite" for a while, its tail screen The higher the height, the more ready to go, when the gas reaches a certain time, it will "snap" and open the screen!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the whole room seems to be lit up a lot at this moment. The scene is silent, and the cool tail is stunned to see the gorgeous tail screen of the green peacock. The rich colors are very beautiful, blooming on its feathers, wide and full, and Guanghua seems to flow.

The sunlight coming out of the window came in, and the feathers on it reflected a strange brilliance. There are five main colors, but these five colors are deep and shallow, and there are many changes. It is a little bit moving, as if you want to shake people.

The color is even more breathtaking, with a slight metallic feel, even the most skilled painters can't adjust this color.

I have been looking forward to it for so long, but it has not failed, and even exceeds everyone’s expectations.

When everyone was stunned and shut up, Duan Jiaze’s gesture of "confiding" to Kong Xuan’s hands was not to be casually sacrificed!

From the outside, it is just that two birds are provoking each other, and one of them also displays bright feathers, which leads to the appreciation of the scenery.

In the eyes of Duan Jiaze, this is the two birds after a while, began to copy the guy.

Fortunately, they don’t dare to really break the net, it’s a daily diss.

After a while, the peacock put the tail away and turned his head and refused to look at them again.

The land pressure also jumped to Duan Jiaze's arms and plunged into it.

Until Kong Xuan put the tail screen away, the original quiet scene gradually got someone to find their own voice, they finally know why their blue peacocks are not good enough to open the screen. Opening the screen in front of this green peacock, isn't that self-inflicted?

The narrator also said ridiculously: "Everyone was lucky enough to witness the rare opening of our green peacock. This is the first time it has opened in a few months..."

The narrator thought, my God, the condition that made the peacock open the screen was that the bird of the head of the garden came over and smashed it. It was amazing.

A lot of people who took photos and videos were talking about it in twos and threes. They went to check the photos they had just taken, but found that they could not show the beauty of the green peacock opening. The camera could not capture so many changes and details.

It’s a pity that it’s only a complete recollection in my mind. And this peacock is so rare to open the screen, the next time I don't know when it is.

The first few people from the foundations did not know how hard it was to open the screen. How lucky they were, the first time they saw it, but they felt really beautiful.

Just now, no one took the gaze away from the peacock. At this time, I saw the land pressure drill section Jia Zehuai went, and some people smiled and said: "Is this scared by the feathers of the peacock?"

From their point of view, the land pressure head buried in the chest of Duan Jiaze, really a little scared and the owner to seek comfort.

But just finished, the land pressure has raised his head and swept coldly.

The look of a bird is so scared that they are chilling.

After the land pressure removed his gaze, and after Duan Jiaze glared at the head of the hair, they came back to God and comforted themselves in the bottom of their hearts. This is not a shame. This is a raptor, and the face is smeared.


In addition to the visit, Duan Jiaze and the people of the Foundation went to the Forestry Bureau to have a discussion at the forum.

Before the meeting, Duan Jiaze strolled through the hallway and walked around for a while. He sat in the car for a while, and he continued to sit in the meeting.

During this time, Jia Ze saw a Taoist and a deputy head of the city zoo talking. Although the two were facing him, the Taoist was very fat. At first glance, he knew that the river was waterless, and the deputy gardener was bald. It is very characteristic, so Duan Jiaze also recognized it.

Duan Jiaze shouted: "Jiang Daochang, Xu Yuanchang?"

The two of them turned their heads back. At that time, Jiang’s waterless face was about to cry and not cry. "Section... section head."

"Small paragraph," Xu Yuanchang also had a joy, did not notice the eyes of the river without water, said, "I am talking with Jiang Daochang, how do you find the relationship between the waterfront and the Lingbi selling coupons? Three of them."

Duan Jiaze curiously said: "What happened? I still want to say, how is Jiang Daochang in the Forestry Bureau."

In the forestry bureau, they are in the mountains, but they do not know how to catch up with Xu Yuan.

Jiang Anshui wants to laugh and laugh, or Xu Yuanchang, who is next to him, laughs and tells Duan Jiaze: "It’s not for the release of things."

Duan Jiaze: "Let's release?"

Director Xu Yuan: "Recently, some believers have released their lives, but they have released some alien species that will harm native species, and they are very busy and they are discovered."

Duan Jiaze looked at the river without water, and Jiang water immediately waved his hand: "It doesn't matter to our unit. We don't play this, we usually plant trees."

It does not have much to do with Linshui, or that Taoism is not very keen on releasing. They pay attention to the release of their own lives. When encountering animals, they are in danger and rescued them. And there is no animal to put, especially some can not survive.

Generally speaking, like the Taoist Temple, the organization will only organize the believers to plant trees.

But there are also some believers who may not learn very well, or they are embarrassed and want to let go. There are also some businesses that will look at the timing and sell animals to them.

These people are what animals, they don’t know what foreign species are, they are given. In fact, some exotic species breed quickly and cause great harm to native species.

This release is also a violation of the Wildlife Protection Act. However, because there are more people doing this, it is difficult to supervise. There are so many people, so the relevant departments also let Linshui participate. Those merchants are selling animals outside their gates, and the believers are also on the water.

Jiang waterless was instructed to deal with this matter, they have to organize the staff to preach the knowledge in the mountain gate, let everyone release the science.

However, they are not professional in this matter. This time, the called party said that it is because they want to let them go out on the TV to promote the release of science and the release of things, so that everyone has nothing to plant, don’t let anything happen, Jiang No matter the water, I will consult with the city zoo.

Another one is that some of the believers in the past two days have not done the right thing, and the animals that have not let go are handed over to Linshui.

Linshuiguan continues to be very embarrassing. You should hand it over to the relevant departments. Give us, we can't raise it, don't accept it. People don't know if it is afraid that the relevant departments are still troublesome. Hey, it’s good to donate to the city zoo.

When Xu Yuanchang heard it, he felt strange. You and the coffin have such a good relationship. Is it still necessary to ask me for advice?

Xu Yuanchang said that the rivers are getting more and more fragrant, and those who come to the water view implement a principle. If they don't have to, they don't look for a spirit. However, it is very embarrassing when the face is broken! What is this, will Xu Yuanchang laugh at their plastic brotherhood? ?

When I’m done, I’m looking at the face of the park’s face without expression, will it feel too no face? Do you think that no face will complain to Lu Jushi? Jiang has no heart in his heart, and it is helpless to live in this city.

After listening to Duan Jiaze, my heart also sighed for the lack of popularity of wildlife protection. However, after hearing it, I received a bunch of animals from the water view. I was very funny and joked: "Do not donate animals to us, Xiaojiang I sue you. Master goes."

Xu Yuanchang also laughed and laughed. He only made a joke.

But seeing the fat priest next to his knees, "咚" slammed down!

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Xu Yuanchang: "???"

what's the situation? So scary, Jiang Dao is so big, still afraid to sue the elders? No, there is always a gossip that Duan Jiaze and Lin Shui Guan have a deep relationship. Now it seems that this is really deep enough.

Xu Yuanchang couldn't help but look at Duan Jiaze and he changed his mind. In a word, people are smashed.

River waterless: ".............................."

He is very scared, but this is really an accident! He is very big, his knee burden is relatively large, just a little swaying his legs, he is paralyzed!

What to do, what do you say, is it scary or fat? ?

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