MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 168 African Monkey King

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On the magnolia tree of the waterfowl lake, there are colorful spots between the dense branches and leaves. If these colors are not accidentally moved, they will look far away, just like the trees are full of colorful flowers.

The people in the lower reaches of the tree traveled and watched from time to time, counting how many parrots were on the tree.

Many tourists regard this as a deliberate arrangement of the zoo. They don’t see the bird of love who stands at the top. I don't know how to train. I didn't see a staff member yelling. These bird legs are not tied, but they are standing on the branches and not flying away.

There are dozens of birds standing on a tree. This scene is spectacular. As an employee said, it is like a long bird on a tree.

When Duan Jiaze walked to the lake with his quilt, he saw such a scene. He went under the tree and looked up at the birds. If nothing happened, "Let the sun shine?"

A few naive parrots looked up and looked at it: no sun.

Duan Jiaze glanced at the "sun" at the top, holding the quilt in one hand and lifting it in the other.

This action is generally considered to have the bird fall on top.

Duan Jiaze raised his hand, and the parrots who had just been silent had just rushed down and shocked the tourists.

They are counting birds, some say fifty, some say fifty-three... Suddenly, the birds all flap their wings and flew down, and they concentrated on one direction, and there was a crash.

Oh no, not all the birds, the top of the table still stood a golden red bird did not move.

In a twinkling of an eye, these huge parrots seem to have drowned Duan Jiaze. After they spread out, they can see that only three birds were lucky enough to seize the opportunity and landed in his hands.

Then, the fat gray parrot in the middle pulled the brother on the left with one foot, and took the sister on the right to take the place.

The other parrots flew away and landed on the surrounding trees or railings.

Visitors who witnessed this scene did not know Duan Jiaze. They only thought that he was a breeder and he was still happy. Yes, this gray parrot has a high fighting power.

In the next moment, the gray parrot, who had a kingly demeanor in his eyes, had a low head, then took a few steps with his claws and flew away. The land pressure on the top of the tree flew down and stopped in the hands of Duan Jiaze.

Some people may know the land pressure, but they don't know or remember what Duan Jiaze looks like. When he sees this situation, he will react. This is not the owner of the land pressure, the head of the Lingbi. The raptor is a raptor, a look, and the parrots are given to the second.

Unfortunately, they did not give them too much time to watch. Duan Jiaze has already left the bird.

The staff of the zoo was not far from seeing Duan Jiaze's hand landing pressure, followed by dozens of parrots pulling away, all had a bit of sour, how much they spent, and failed to drive the parrot back.

When the head of the garden walked under the tree, it took about ten seconds. When he lifted his hand, he took the birds away...

The onlookers also realized this time. This is the owner of the land pressure, the head of the coffin, the quilt in his hand, just in time to save the killer whale in the news. Coupled with the reaction of these birds, can they say that they are parked in the trees, but they are waiting for others?


The land pressure tone is subtle: "Is it back?"

Duan Jiaze looked at Lu's pressure, but the land pressure is now a bird. He can't see any emotions from that face, but he can hear it from the tone. Daojun's emotions are complicated enough. Probably the kind, obviously eager to die, seeing you still have to be cold.

He is now holding his quilt in his hands, and the land pressure is on the quilt.

The land pressure also explained it: "The parrots are bored, just let them go out and play, I am watching."

The land pressure also explained the disorderly class, so fresh and refined, Duan Jiaze could not bear to tear him down. After all, he had to look into the stone. I heard that these two days grew on the tree, "I have a look at the road, I I am sure that I have been busy. I have been busy these two days and I have not been able to come back. Fortunately, if you let the blue bird send me the quilt, it will be a bit boring."

The land pressure didn't know how happy it was. From the quilt on the chest of Duan Jiaze, he slammed into his head and laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha ha ha, do you know it wrong? Before you go, you dare to be hard!"

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Every time he thought, the next thing should be a very warm play, and the land pressure would surprise him.

The land pressure station stood on Duan Jiaze's head. I didn't know how proud I was. I found that Duan Jiaze also lowered his head and then suddenly said: "I know, I have to ask Daojun to understand that the penguin of Luoye is sick, invite me. Past consultations, it’s about twenty days..."

Land pressure: "..."

Lu Jiang used his wings to slap the hair of Duan Jiaze, and he said with anger: "No permission!!"

Duan Jiaze's hair was messed up, covering his eyes. He held his quilt and slammed his head. "Just kidding, it's not the case."

The land pressure paused, and he used his wings to take a piece of Duan Jiaze to vent his anger. "Little liar."

Duan Jiaze said innocently: "Who knows that you are so big, hey, is your action just equivalent to jumping up in the Terran?"

"........." Lu Jiang felt that he had special control. He simply indulged the bastard. He said indignantly, "I still need to jump up?"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze: "Can you not hurt each other?"

When he stood downstairs, he said to the land pressure: "Now, I go up and put things, you send the parrots back."

Land pressure shot the wings and flew out.

The parrots that followed were not immediately turned, but flew down and stopped on Duan Jiaze’s shoulders and touched him, then followed.

Duan Jiaze put the quilt on the bed, and the daily necessities in the bag were also cleaned up. After the land pressure was returned, he took a quilt and looked at the land and laughed.

The land pressure glanced at him: "Why, when the deity is absent, I can't sleep alone?"

Duan Jiaze hesitated: "...I think it's okay, there is only a big bed room next to the hotel."

Land pressure: "..............."

The land pressure flew over and turned into a person in midair, pressing Duan Jiaze under him.

"Don't sleep, sleepless! It can be said that it is very difficult to sleep!" Duan Jiaze hurryed, "My God, I want to die my brother!"

The land pressure is still not very good looking, taking advantage of Duan Jiaze.

"We are all on duty..." Duan Jiaze said, he has already been in the mouth of the land, and has not seen the land pressure for a long time, he really wants to land pressure.

The land pressure originally had to be said, and now I forgot, holding Duan Jiaze and smashed it up.



Previously, the Lingbi Zoo received a visit from a foreign zoo, and some of them reached an agreement. Lingbi carried out a series of output and exchange with Emperor Penguin.

Among them, including an exchange with a national zoo, they exchanged emperor penguins with black and white monkeys and coffins in their own gardens.

The black and white apes are not the rare animals of their country, but the ones from Africa, which are the unique animals of Africa, but they were introduced by them.

A total of six black and white colobuses took the plane and then turned to the car. They arrived at the Lingbi from afar and were arranged at the African Animal Pavilion. Because of the long distance, it is necessary to quarantine the quarantine before it can be exhibited.

Black-and-white apes are also endangered animals. They are hunted by a fur, and the golden monkeys belong to the simian subfamily. They usually live on trees and like activities.

During the isolation and quarantine of black and white apes, Xiaosu also arranged a series of related propaganda.

After the exhibition began, there were a large number of tourists who went to the African Animal Pavilion to see the style of black and white apes.

Duan Jiaze also went to look at it. The black and white apes have a tree in the activity area, and the activity facilities are all made of wood. The tourists who saw them for the first time could not help but praise their beauty.

The reason why black and white apes have black and white characters is precisely because their furs are mainly black and white. Their looks are very characteristic. Maybe some confused people can't distinguish between various monkeys, but they will never include black and white. Apes.

From the point of view of Duan Jiaze, it can be seen that three black and white apes or baboons or standing on the trunk, their faces have a circle of white hair, from the forehead to the chin, frame the facial features. There are also white hairs on both sides of the back. These white hairs are long and soft, just like tassels.

Their tails are covered with long white hair in the latter three quarters. When they lie on the tree, these long hairs fall vertically, showing the softness of their texture. This makes their tails look like a dusty one.

It is such a fur that allows them to be hunted, and these long hairs will become the edging of the garment.

Black and white tone, long and soft hair and tail hair make them look fairy fluttering, every move, long hair fluttering, it is very eye-catching.

These black and white monkeys are lively and lively, jumping and jumping around the trees, which is more popular with tourists.

"God, I want to be swept away by their tails, it must be very comfortable!"

"With the cloak, this is really the most beautiful monkey I have ever seen."


A male black-and-white colobus is jumping from a height to a low point, and its tail, which is almost the same size as its own, has a nice arc in the air.

After falling to the ground, its tail also swayed, the long hair fluttered in the air, and finally swayed a few times, hanging behind it, and the hair ran down. For some people, the activity of the tail in their eyes is automatically played in slow motion.

Its white hair is lustrous, soft and vertical, and it won't knot at all. The big tail is so beautiful that people want to hug in their arms and bury their faces.

Not to mention that this jump is very difficult, and it is even more amazing.

The effect is not bad. Duan Jiaze left here after watching it for a while. Xiao Su’s propaganda focused on the appearance of black and white apes, and they did not disappoint. They really captured the hearts of the people with their unique appearance.

When Duan Jiaze went out, he also saw people coming in one after another. The discussants looked at the black and white apes. They saw pictures on the Internet, but they doubted whether the monkeys were as shown.

Not to mention the zoo, there are a lot of attractions, not all looking for photographers to take pictures, using special shooting techniques, or crazy retouching, the final picture is very beautiful. But after actually going there, you will find that it is not the case at all.

Some zoos do propaganda, and the animal pictures are not necessarily taken by themselves. Maybe the beautiful little animals on the picture are actually dirty and thin.

Of course, those who have this kind of idea must be the first time to come to the coffin. The coffin is famous for its animal dynamics over static, and the real thing is better than propaganda.

When Duan Jiaze went out, he saw Yuan Hong at the door. He was alone. The monkey he had been carrying was too big. He was sent back to the monkey group. As a monkey, he still had to live with the monkey group.

Duan Jiaze walked over and said hello to Yuan Hong. He said with a smile: "Xingjun, have you seen it before?"

Yuan Hong: "Look."

Duan Jiaze curiously said: "How, do you speak the language?"

Duan Jiaze’s use of the beast is indifferent. The breeder is also curious. The monkey is African and later stayed in other Asian countries. Now, when he comes to China, he should not understand Chinese Huaxia. It is estimated that he still has to let it They are familiar with it.

Most of the animals, in the zoo for a long time, know what simple language is, when they open the meal, go to the "restaurant", clean the room and avoid the nurses coming in to clean up.

Yuan Hong touched his chin and said: "It’s enough, they seem to understand half."

"Half do not understand is already very powerful, this is all outside, when the beginning of the first pressure, I do not know how to communicate with the Emperor Penguin." Duan Jiaze said with a smile.

Yuan Hong nodded and said a bit tangled: "There are quite a lot of tourists."

Even if he is in the Golden Monkey Museum, the audience is big, and the tourists are not so enthusiastic. Is it because the black and white apes are from other continents, is it rare?

Duan Jiaze is not cold: "The Monkey King."

Yuan Hong: ".................."

Duan Jiaze turned to look at Yuan Hong. "This guy looks so beautiful. When Xiaosu propaganda, he said that he wants to call them African Monkey King. I can say it, this is a non-negative name, and it also binds us. You are quite popular, the most beautiful monkey in Africa has gotten."

He looked at Yuan Hong's face and was not very nice. He added: "I mean it is very beautiful in the eyes of human beings. I don't know how you look at it, but most people think it looks good."

Yuan Hong wants to stop watching Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze immediately guilty: "Is it wrong? If I offended, I apologize first."

Yuan Hong: ".........nothing. They grow up as usual. I have asked, other monkeys think they are weird, but African animals seem to grow strange."

What zebras, giraffes, black and white apes, these unique African animals are really weird for Chinese native animals.

Birds such as Emperor Penguins are not acceptable at first, and they are not very consistent with traditional aesthetics.

Duan Jiaze smiled. "It’s not a blame to look at it. Now there are more exchanges around the world."


Duan Jiaze refused Xiao Su's use of the name "African Monkey King" for black and white apes, but the appearance of the black and white apes was greatly praised, so several times, Jia Jiaze also heard the employees call black and white apes.

They also plausibly said: "This name is a bit unconventional, but it is very suitable!"

Duan Jiaze: "Go to yours, there are six monkeys in your family. You are also shouting at the women, why not call the African Monkey Princess?"

Everyone was thundered by Thunder...



The Lingbi Zoo had previously visited Duan Jiaze to see how other large-scale events were held in other zoos. By this year, they had to do their own activities and lived up to the atmosphere of tourists.

There are not enough tourists who are not coffin, but proper hosting of such activities, if successful, will indeed give visitors a sense of identity and participation. Like before, they also held photo contests.

Because Lingbi had invested in Tongxin Village, and before the Cape Park also took them to play, so this time Duan Jiaze also took the Cape Park and Tongxin Village to run a zoo-themed carnival, the theme is African animals. .

In the past, they all used Chinese style, and this time it was different.

The three parties set up a planning group to plan some activities around this theme, and also invited some teams to perform, and then will be limited to sell some African animal dolls. Needless to say, the restaurant will also offer a limited package.

The carnival will last for a whole day, because the venue spans three places, so there is also a cycling competition on the same day, riding a bicycle from Tongxin Village to Lingbi, there will be some checkpoints to be completed in the middle.

In this game, there is also a chance, and you may get a special boost if you have completed any task, such as riding a horse.

Including inside the Lingbi and Cape Park, there are also many games, some of which are related to animals. It is a success if you make your own animal-based tools according to the drawings, and the animals are willing to use them.

There are also some related to the facilities of the zoo. The cruise ships and cable cars in the free-range area are all related to the cards. Wherever you enter the park, there are games to participate wherever you go. Including the stage will also be set up in the park to perform the theme performance.

The atmosphere is lively and lively, making people happy, and impressing them is a success. Although the cost may have just been recovered and cannot be recovered, it is worthwhile. The so-called loss is only reflected in the accounts, and it is only the same day.


"Now let's do the carnival, wait for the Tanabata, you can do the bridge tour garden." Duan Jiaze said while walking, he and Huang Wei and others in the park to see the situation today.

Not bad, the tourists are very happy, many games have joined the knowledge of science, you need to find answers in the park.

Huang Hao nodded: "Not bad."

Not far away is the place for guessing. Dozens of parrots stand on the perch. There are no papers with puzzles written here, all of which are randomly quoted by the parrots.

The staff is doing the referee: "Sorry, please don't disturb our reporters."

"Which does it have a problem, this guy sings!" A young couple who answered the question was airy.

The staff smiled and said, "You wait."

The parrot leaned over and said, "Hold you in your hand. You are the most beautiful cloud in my world... Excuse me, what is this song?"

Couple: "..."

Female tourists hesitated: "The national style of love?"

The male tourist said: "Love z-i\'sa, then ask for support."

Looking further ahead, there are some tourists who are guiding and bathing the elephants.

This made Duan Jiaze suspect that when the planning team went to various venues to collect questions, some people were lazy when they were homeopathic.

The first fruit also twisted her body in the water, and thanked the little girl next to her nose.

The little girl burst into tears: "It touches me, mother, is there an elephant snot on my body?"

Mom: ", don't cry, you don't want a doll."

At this time, the cheers came from far away from the gate.

Everyone looked back and this time period should be the end of the first round of cycling.


"It's almost, I don't think there is any problem." Duan Jiaze is satisfied with the truth. "Come on."

Everyone is busy today, and I have found some extra workers, so that there are enough people to maintain this event.

Duan Jiaze saw a fat penguin, guessing the puzzle at the entrance of the bird house, and surrounded some tourists, thinking that the mascot was selling Meng.

I saw it staring at the parrot on the perch and waving the wings to express the parrot. The referee is also confused, I don't know which colleague this is, but it seems that there is no mascot to enter.

The parrot glanced at the penguin and was weak and powerful: "The **** hat on the head, wearing a tuxedo. With a pointed mouth, the bird can't fly."

The mascot raised his wings in excitement and tried to point to himself. Even if it didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious: it was me, it was me!

Almost everyone has to shout out his heart for him, this is really true.

The crowd looked at the crowd and laughed. "He is right!"

Everyone feels that this is a well-designed performance.

Even the referee did not figure it out. He was a temporary worker and thought that there was such an arrangement. It stands to reason that only one can not give a reward, but the fat penguin has to come to him. The tourists are still watching the excitement. He has to take out a small land pressure pillow from behind and stuff it into the mascot.

The mascot took the pillow and jumped excitedly. In terms of its size, it was actually shaking up and down, and the feet did not leave the ground.

The penguin's two wings clasped the pillow tightly, and the horse went out and walked away. The tourists gave it the way to let it go, and the children went to hold the tip of its wings or touch its ass.

As soon as I went out, the fat penguin saw Duan Jiaze standing there: "..."

Duan Jiaze looked at the miracle with his arms, "Well?"

The miracle walked a few steps forward, and the wings were sent forward, and the pillow was handed to Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze said with a funny smile: "I don't want you, I hold it, zu0\'b-i you are not harmful."

The miracle is low, um, worse than zu0\'b-i, it is still in its own home zu0\'b-i...

Duan Jiaze: "Go, find you, go play, play together."

Duan Jiaze entered the venue and released the land pressure. Of course, Lu Jiang will not go to work as a staff member, and do something to provide riddles.

The land pressure stopped on Duan Jiaze's shoulder and said to the face of Duan Jiaze: "I saw Xiaoqing wearing a skirt and went to participate in the competition with Xiao Rong."

Lying in the trough, wearing women's clothing, or with Xiao Rong, will be onlookers... and so on.

Duan Jiaze looked at the land pressure strangely: "Dao Jun, are you so gossip?"

Land pressure: "..."

Land pressure airway: "I mean Xiaoqing has a class!"

Duan Jiaze laughed happily. "You are not awkward yourself. Forget it, there is nothing for him today."

The land pressure snorted and did not speak.

Duan Jiaze stopped the land pressure on his shoulders, holding a miracle in his hand, miraculously holding a pillow, and the family went out.

Just as a family came in, a couple took a little boy, and the little boy also had a small land pressure pillow in his hand. The two sides met positively.

The little boy looked at the bird on the shoulder of Duan Jiaze, and looked at the pillow in his hand. Then he looked at the pillow in the hand of the miracle. He continued to look at the bird on the shoulder of Duan Jiaze. He had a squat at the foot and stood still and continued to look down at the pillow...

Duan Jiaze said with a funny voice: "Don't watch, I am only the original!"

Read The Duke's Passion