MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 159 Fuso wood boutique

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The people who sent the animals thought that it was a bit too much. When the head of the school was not there, who was still smugly looking around for a week, it is estimated that some people are not envious of themselves.

Land pressure: "..."

It was not long before Duan Jiaze sat down. He found that even Sun Ying also sent a text message. It may be that Sun Aiping turned her head and told her.

He looked down and saw that Sun Ying was particularly excited: I have a friend in the government office... You and the land pressure? ! ! !

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Estimated that Sun Ying is at work, it is not good to call, Duan Jiaze returned to a tomorrow to say, save the father and daughter to say it again. The staff in the park will be gone. In addition, Duan Jiaze only needs to explain it to Sun Aiping.

Duan Jiaze looked at the land pressure and thought about whether or not to take the land pressure. He only thought about it for three seconds and thought that this time it would be better to avoid it, so that he couldn’t imagine the land pressure and shouted Uncle Sun Aiping. ......

This incident Duan Jiaze did not say with Lu Jiang, he also pondered out the Fusang wood, do not know how big, cut the reward collection location in the warehouse, and then click to collect.

After watching the land pressure finish, Duan Jiaze lifted his chin and "follow me."

When this statement came out, everyone looked at them strangely: this is noon.

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Duan Jiaze: "I am going to the warehouse."

Everyone: "Warehouse..."

Duan Jiaze: "..."

The land pressure also said: "Warehouse..."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze wants to get rid of the land pressure, but this action is too **** and has no lethality to the land pressure, so after the mouth is slightly pumped, the land pressure is taken away in time.

There was no warehouse at this time. When Duan Jiaze came in, he saw a piece of wood with a diameter of almost ten meters and a height of ten meters.

The land pressure was also surprised to "snap", "Fumu?"

"I did the task, I didn't expect it to be so big." Duan Jiaze circled around the mulberry wood and touched it. Although it looked like wood, it gave a steely feel. Especially indestructible.

What's more, the whole piece of wood is integrated, Duan Jiaze can't help but say: "How big is the Fusang tree, this section is so thick."

"This should be just a small branch, and the wood is more than a thousand feet wide." The land pressure is faintly explained, his body is big enough, and the ten golden urns can inhabit the hibiscus tree.

The things in the floodland were really big in size, and Duan Jiaze touched the wood road: "That is the stuff that will be worn here. It’s too big. Right, you didn’t bother on the wood, you didn’t take it. What about a bed?"

Land pressure: "........."

Duan Jiaze: "...What is your expression? How old are you, I just said that you are going to make a piece of furniture, are you ashamed??"

Land pressure: "..............."

The land pressure was a bit uncomfortable and shouted: "Whatever you let me say."

Duan Jiaze black line, he did not say anything wrong.

Refining and refining is also a compulsory skill for the monks in the wild. At that time, it seems that now, everything must be refining itself. After the land pressure has not been a prince, it has been drifting for many years, and naturally mastered this skill.

The land pressure refines a piece of mulberry wood into a complete set of furniture. In addition to the bed, the cabinets, tables, chairs, etc. are also available. There is no room in the room, and there is no way to make it. Some of them moved to Duan Jiaze's office and changed his old desk and chair.

Moreover, let alone the aesthetics of the land pressure is not bad, the furniture is decent, and there are also carved on it.

However, he carved some wild monsters, it seems that there is a flavor, but also according to the habits of the world, painted and quickly dried, the day will be put into use that day.

The new one is coming, the old one has to go, Duan Jiaze let Lu Jiang and his own move the old bed to the warehouse.

The land pressure is also particularly ridiculous: "I still need to move with you?"

Duan Jiaze calmly said: "You walk around with a whole bed, like that?"

They moved the bed and saw it by Xiaosu. Xiaosu unconsciously bit his finger and tangled in the tunnel: "The headmaster, change the bed..."

Before the land pressure collapsed over a bed, the bed was changed. According to this frequency, Xiaosu always felt that the length of the bed was a little faster.

Duan Jiaze: " see clearly, this bed is not damaged, I just got a new set of handmade furniture."

Xiaosu quickly nodded: "Oh, scare me."

Duan Jiaze: "..."


The next day, Duan Jiaze went out into the city alone and went to Sun Aiping's home.

Today is the weekend, Sun Aiping does not have to go to work, even with Sun Ying, are waiting for Duan Jiaze at home, people will let Liu Lian soak the tea as usual.

Liu Li'an is not very concealed. She looked at Duan Jiaze a few times. Sun Aiping also looked behind Duan Jiaze. After he came in and closed the door, he hesitated: "... Did Xiaolu not come?"

Sun Aiping and Sun Ying have all seen the land pressure, but it is the fate of several faces. Unfamiliar, I only feel that this young man is not very easy to get along with. Sun Aiping and his wife are even unclear whether he is an employee or a friend.

"He has something, next time, let's talk about it this time." Duan Jiaze sat down on the sofa, drank tea, and honestly said, "Sun Shu, what do you want to ask, just say."

Sun Aiping and his wife and daughter looked at each other and pointed at their dark circles: "I don't want you to say, I didn't fall asleep last night."

Sun Aiping has always looked at Duan Jiaze as a younger generation, and Duan Jiaze was very touched. "Let you worry."

"The times are different now. The thoughts of your young people are different from those of our generation. Xiaoying explained it to me for a long time yesterday." Sun Aiping grabbed his face and was embarrassed. "Moreover, you are open to so many leaders." ...... This is called overwhelming, so the uncle now wants to ask, is this small land reliable?"

Sun Aiping also knows that those leaders will not manage Duan Jiaze's private life. They only need Duan Jiaze to pay taxes and increase their jobs. From his point of view, there is no external interference, as long as you look at the emotions of Jia Ze itself.

Duan Jiaze breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Sun Ying had already done ideological work for Sun Aiping. He looked at Sun Ying, and Sun Ying’s face was also smiling. This is a playful demon. He didn’t know the land. Sun Ying, who is pressing the identity, is not worth mentioning.

It’s no wonder that Sun Ai Ping’s concern about land pressure has not come. I originally wanted to check it out. Duan Jiaze quickly said: “You have seen land pressure, and he is actually very reliable. That is, I must admit that he is not very patient with outsiders. ""

He first explained his temper, so as not to ask again. To say that it is reliable, in fact, the land pressure is really reliable, basically did not fall through the chain.

Liu Li'an also quickly entered the state of the parents. Sitting on the side of Jia Ze, he asked with concern: "What is he doing at home? Who else?"

"..." Duan Jiaze thought that today's main event is coming out of the cabinet. He was a little unprepared. He thought about it. "He is working for me now, as long as he is responsible for the bird, the family... In fact, he used to be the official two. Let's take it."

Sun Ying suddenly thought, it is no wonder that the temper is not very good, but it looks like a good family.

Sun Aiping’s point of attention was different. He asked: “Before? What happened later?”

Duan Jiaze nodded: "Well, it’s a family, so there is no one at home."

Sun Aiping made up a lot of brains. These two young people have no one at home. This is a bit similar. It is no wonder that they will come together. He understands it all at once. To tell the truth, if the land pressure is the second generation of the current official, he is not at ease. The two people are too unreliable together.

What Sun Ai Ping just said, the doorbell of the house rang.

"I will go and see." Liu Lian got up and opened the door, squatting at the door and turning back. "This, is this..."

Others turned their heads, but they saw the land pressure stepping in.

Duan Jiaze: "......... How come you?"

Liu Li'an went to the zoo to get less. She had never seen the land pressure. She smiled and said: "I will remember that you said that Xiaolu is very handsome. I think this is not a small land. It is really."

The land pressure also shouted: "Auntie, uncle."

Duan Jiaze heard that he called his uncle and aunt, and the cold sweat had to come down. Sun Shushu and Aunt Liu may not think of it. Just now, their seniority has been promoted to the son-in-law of the son-in-law...

Both Liu Li'an and Sun Aiping quickly nodded, and greeted the land pressure to sit down and pour him tea. "Oh, it's still coming."

The land pressure was sitting next to Duan Jiaze, and Duan Jiaze whispered again: "How come you?"

The land pressure also whispers: "I see you go out... How can this kind of thing not be called the deity?"

Duan Jiaze: "..."

With Duan Jiaze's understanding of land pressure, he thinks that the idea of ​​land pressure should be simple, that is, not letting go of any opportunity to show off.

But fortunately, because of this, the attitude of the land pressure is not as rude as usual. When you enter the door, you will call your uncle and aunt, and you will pay attention to Duan Jiaze’s eyes and no stuffing.

It’s quite unexpected that Duan Jiaze’s expectation is that the bird’s temper is the land pressure, and it’s usually very low. Today’s performance is very good.

Sun Aiping listened to Duan Jiaze, saying that Lu Jiang was a second generation official, and he would like to talk to him, and he especially believed this. Although Xiaolu’s speech is quite polite, some details are untenable. Moreover, I can see that Xiaolu and Jiaze have a very good relationship.

They also left Duan Jiaze for a meal. Before leaving, Sun Aiping also pulled Duan Jiaze and whispered: "Xiao Lu his father used to be... provincial level?"

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Duan Jiaze glanced at the pressure that was being pulled by Liu Li'an and let some snacks go home. He laughed and said: "Go up."

Going up, that's not...

Sun Aiping screamed, and revealed a conviction that he began to think about which surname Lu, or else the name of Lu Jiang was a pseudonym.

Duan Jiaze thought, I only said that I went up, not saying how much I went up.



Duan Jiaze went to see the progress of the project in Tongxin Village with the leaders two days ago. I didn’t expect it to happen.

This is still the village party secretary called Duan Jiaze, said that the construction team and the person in charge of the quarrel, the two sides sword n- ǔ Zhang, then the person in charge slipped ... no way, the other party.

Then the people in the construction team were clamoring for trouble and piped the pipes. When the village party secretary could not contact the person in charge, he called Duan Jiaze. He and Duan Jiaze are more familiar, and know that Lingbi also has investment in it.

Duan Jiaze is a small head. The specific affairs are irrelevant. I only pay for it, or the government is on the line. He and other bosses just nod their heads. But after all, something went wrong, the phone called, and you can't sit back and ignore it.

Duan Jiaze said to the village party secretary that, when he was in the past, there was something to sit down and say that he adjusted it.

The village party secretary asked, and those people said that they would go to Duan Jiaze's office. The village party secretary was really afraid that those people would smash the water pipes, or they couldn’t stand other things. He asked, and Duan Jiaze really agreed, so he drove the tricycle and pulled the construction team’s people to the coffin. .

Duan Jiaze asked people to invite them to the office. During the waiting period, he had already called the other side. His telephone number was picked up. The other party vowed to say: "Before signing the contract, we said that we will pay the project." The rest of the money, I haven’t completely done it yet, they want money and threaten me. Duan Yuanchang, you can rest assured that I am already in the contact, how can they help me to install it back? Affect the construction period."

Duan Jiaze heard some heavy speeches from Jianghu, and suddenly stayed. This year, the owe money is the uncle. "Then I will talk to them first, comfort, and go back."

It stands to reason that the money should be phased, and the contract they signed is not reasonable. At present, even the cost is not enough. However, Duan Jiaze also vaguely stated that people are looking at the government to take the lead, have credibility, and this project is quite big, and they agree with each other.

To be really like the person in charge said, it is true that they are right in the legal sense.

At this time, the village party secretary led several engineering team people also came in, in addition to the head of the engineering team boss, the remaining few are big waist, it is estimated to be deliberately chosen.

Duan Jiaze, the boss of the engineering team, called Mao Mao, and asked them to sit down and talk.

A big man next to Mao Yixin rushed and patted the table twice. "Less nonsense! What to sit on!"

Duan Jiaze: "..."

The village party secretary hurriedly pulled forward: "What are you doing, you want to come here just want to scatter wild?"

"What happened to the wilderness?" The man yelled, they had already discussed it, and the things that destroyed the village were simply not going to happen. They could come to their office to make trouble.

Mao Yixin is not salty and not ruthless: "Old Huang, don't be excited. You always understand that his family's children go to school, mad."

The old Huang reached out and took a knife from his arms.

The village branch secretary was scared to take a few steps back. "Where, what are you doing?"

Duan Jiaze is rather calm, looking at the old yellow.

Lao Huang had already designed the action, and he put the knife on his desk. "Let's talk now!"

After talking about the old Huang suddenly felt a bit wrong, everyone seems to look at his hand, he looked down, but his knife has not been inserted into the desktop, but bent.

"??" Lao Huang took the knife away, but saw that the table was smooth as ever, and there wasn't even a pit. Instead, he had a small gap in the tip of the knife that he bent. Lao Huang did not believe in the evil and tied it again. This knife was broken directly. The broken blade collapsed and fell to the ground to make a crisp sound.

Others saw the desktop, and they all looked dull. This table is even iron. Is this a bit of a trace?

Duan Jiaze made another action, if nothing happened: "Sit down and talk."

"Don't sit, Duan Zong, you should have contacted it, just give us a sentence, in the end, don't fight money?" Mao Yixin also pretended that nothing had happened before, hard state, "greening is later added The contract was not supposed to be counted together. Moreover, Wang Yang’s grandson also collected my money and said that he would definitely make a payment. So many brothers here are waiting to send money, no money, how to work, when I still have to make trouble. I don’t know what it is that is my fault."

Wang Yang is the name of the person in charge there. Duan Jiaze heard that he still had two contracts and what he was collecting. He suddenly knew there was something left. "You mean, have you signed two contracts?"

Mao Yixin said: "Yes, greening was not done for us, but changed. You don't know?"

He did not know how much money each boss had, and he was somewhat confused. He suspected that Duan Jiaze was stupid.

"You also saw that I am driving a zoo and a hotel. I am not very clear about these specific things." Duan Jiaze said, "Since this is the case, please wait for me to call again. Please calm down, drink first. Tea, the city leaders of this project have come to check a few days ago, and you know that there will be no default."

Mao Yixin snorted, "I know, or we will go to the government to go to trouble."

Duan Jiaze went to the outside to make a phone call to Wang Yang, and also said something that people had said to have given him money.

Wang Yang suddenly groaned: "This is the meaning of the bosses, and I have tried my best."

It is no wonder that people want to sword n- arrogant, it is estimated that Wang Yang's behavior has played a catalytic role, Duan Jiaze did not talk to him more, hung up the phone and directly called his boss to chat.

If someone else asks, Duan Jiaze is also one of the funders, and their project depends to a considerable extent on the popularity of the coffin, and the other party can naturally listen to it. Everyone talked about the specifics of the contract, and finally promised to settle the money before the greening.


"Well, I have already said something to them. I will go back to Wang Yang and you will confirm the money." Duan Jiaze said after returning.

Mao Yixin looked at his understatement, but some did not believe it. "Really? Are you not helping them delay?" These people are just a group, and Mao Yixin has not forgotten.

"Really." Duan Jiaze inexplicably said, "I lied to you what to do. I explained the situation of your embarrassment here. Everyone wants to fall out."

"Okay, okay..." Mao nodded his head and thought that he would lie to him this time. They were really on the market. "Thank you, Mr. Duan."

"You're welcome, I will send you a ride." Duan Jiaze has also dealt with many accidents now, and some of them are not in the matter. He does not change his color and gets up to send them down.

I just took the knife and tied the Jiaze table. The old yellow eye looked away. Then I looked at the table and said: "... the boss, you have money, the table is bulletproof?"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze said with a funny smile: "You haven't tried the bullets, and then, the table is bulletproof. Can I hide in it at any time?"

Lao Huang scratched his head: "I just heard people say that the bulletproof material is the hardest."

Duan Jiaze thought, I don’t know if it’s bulletproof, but it’s definitely fireproof...

Mao Yixin knows that after the solution, it softens a lot. At this time, he is also puzzled: "I was scared to me, I was so hard, I was so hard, my knife could not get in. After I finished, I thought it might be a metal disguised as wood. And it’s a very hard kind of hahahaha."

"Oh, huh, yes, this is actually metal." Duan Jiaze screamed.


Later, Mao Yixin really got the money, and he also thanked Duan Jiaze. Duan Jiaze said that he did not have any strength. He himself could solve this problem. It was just over the ocean to find someone.

"I still want to thank you. Before we were so bad, you didn't care about it." Mao Yixin was embarrassed. "Right, Duan Boss, can I ask you what material is this table? I have a friend who wants to Take the house in the woods, I want the original ecology, and I want to be strong."

"This... This is actually someone else who sent me, it seems to be imported from abroad, so I can't remember the name." Duan Jiaze said indiscriminately.

Mao Yixin and he once met once, and I was too embarrassed to ask him to help, and scratched his head: "That's a pity."

After Duan Jiaze sent the man out of the door, he touched the desk's desk and said: "If you say that this thing is not anti-ballistic..."

Fusangmu did not prevent the bullet section Jia Ze still did not understand, he sent the person, went to the hotel.

Not yet at the hotel, Duan Jiaze heard a loud noise, usually not so lively here. In the past, it turned out that there was a group of young people in the outdoor swimming pool, it seems that it should not be twenty.

The style of this outdoor swimming pool is also in line with the hotel. It is not a square cement pool. It looks like a pool of water. The walls are dark and there are rockeries next to it.

Duan Jiaze thought of it. It seems that someone had mentioned it. A group of students had a birthday party in the banquet hall. It is estimated that these people are.

Next to the pool, there was a mascot standing and joking and laughing by a girl in a bathing suit. All the girls are saying that the mascot nods or shakes his head from time to time.

When Duan Jiaze saw the head and movements, he suspected that it was a miracle. Of course, the most important thing was that there was no mascot activity on the hotel side. He stopped and looked at it for a while.

He looked at it, the girls thought he was watching them, and did not know what to say after a burst of laughter. As for the boys, the face is not particularly friendly, and some people even looked at Duan Jiaze with a bad look.

Duan Jiaze: "..."

The penguin heard the sound and turned his body to see Duan Jiaze. At this time, a boy took the opportunity to push, the penguin fell backwards, and the stalks fell into the pool.

The girl who was carrying a penguin screamed: "I am sick, he is wearing a jacket!"

Here is the deep water area, the pool wall is dark, the girl looked at the probe, did not see people, even the shadow did not shake, the brow suddenly wrinkled, turned to look for lifeguards.

The boy was laughing and laughing, and he jumped on. "It’s not enough to catch it."

Others are far from knowing what happened, and some have not taken care of it. The girls have looked worriedly.

The boy jumped down and dive into the water in the area where the miracle fell into the water for a while. After a while, there was no gas. After it came up, it was a slap in the face: "Where, man?"

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