MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 145 True bear child

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The people of the Earthquake Administration of the East China Sea are going to be depressed.

At night, suddenly most of the people in the East China Sea felt a slight shock, and the news of the earthquake began to spread rapidly on the Internet. However, Donghai City is not in the earthquake zone at all, how can it be inexplicable to have an earthquake.

They made them go to work overtime at night, but the monitoring equipment showed that this was not an earthquake at all. The source is in the area around Cape Street, not in the ground, but on the ground, even on the mountain.

It is impossible for a factory to explode, no movement at all, no weapons test, no mine, no mine.

So what is this? Is there a citizen who does things privately?

The relevant units ran to the area overnight to investigate, and even the pit was not found. Can cause such a big movement, can't there be any traces? But the fact is that there are no traces at all, and Donghai City has shaken three shakes inexplicably!

How can this be explained to the people of the city tomorrow?

The surrounding villagers felt the most obvious vibration, but they did not provide any effective information. This is because the development of rural tourism is under construction, but in general, there is no factory that may cause movement.

However, some people have contacted the storms of the past few days, is it a legacy?

You must know that there was something that made everyone very confused. Many people have seen that Ray probably descends in the direction of Cape Mountain and Lingbi, but whether it is Cape Park or Lingbi Zoo, it is unscathed.

The people of the city government listened to the corners of their mouths and felt that the villagers’ association ability was really good. Can the power of lightning be ambushed and wait for an opportunity to move?

The villagers said: "Is it because of this, is it because of what? Is it that Sun Wukong is still in the Dragon Palace?"

This is the saying of the East China Sea. Every time something happens, I like to contact the East Palace. After all, this piece of Donghai City used to be the ocean. This can not hit the fish, it is said that the Dragon Palace is shaking, scared the fish, the weather is not good, it is said that the Dragon King repaired the house. In the end, I have to blame Sun Wukong.

The people of the city government were silent, and they really did not find the reason.

However, if one night passed, if it was not announced, it would definitely cause commotion. Under the request of many parties, I had to make a notice on the second day that the city of Donghai did have a magnitude 2.3 earthquake. The source of the earthquake is not particularly large in the Cape Street. It is basically limited to the urban area and surrounding areas of Donghai City, and does not affect the subordinate counties.

Although Donghai City is not in the earthquake zone, some of the fault zones that caused the earthquake are not recognized, and the faults are constantly being destroyed. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible for the earthquake in Donghai City to occur. This level of earthquake will not cause harm to life and production, and everyone can continue to live with peace of mind.

The citizens of the East China Sea are relieved, but they are still relishing, and the typhoon is gone. But the earthquake, most of them, have never encountered it once in their lives. The magnitude of the earthquake is so small that it does not need to be officially stated, and it will not have any effect.

Some people have discussed it, and the place where it feels the most obvious. The conclusion is that the urban areas are still ok, and some people are not even aware of them, the closer they are to the suburbs, the more obvious they are.

When the people were excited to discuss, the Donghai Municipal Government was already insane, looking for provincial and national experts to investigate this strange vibration...


Duan Jiaze seriously inquired about it. After all, the source was in Cape Street. He also looked for the Seismological Bureau and wanted to confirm whether there would be a higher-level earthquake.

The people said dryly, and they are not predicting how far. It used to be said that there would be no earthquake in Donghai City. This is not an earthquake. No one is sure that this is the biggest earthquake.

Duan Jiaze feels that fortunately most of his houses are rewarded with engineering hopes. It is very stable. It was shaken that day, but it was underground. He later found someone to check and proved that the house had no problem at all.

The impact of this small earthquake on the hotel is not particularly large. We do not feel that there is a major earthquake in Donghai City. That night, the biggest accident that happened was that Benjamin’s three million orchids were smashed, and this was also rescued by Duan Jiaze.

When Benjamin left, he also specially thanked Duan Jiaze for his generosity and gave him a beautiful flower pot, and Benjamin suspected that it was Donghai City... How? In Huaxia dialect, it is good feng shui. His "Gui Valley Beauty" stayed here for two days, and it became more and more bright.

After observing for a long time, Benjamin felt that this was definitely not his own illusion. He took a picture and compared it with the previous one. Although it is not obvious in the photo, Benjamin believes in his observation, unless that dizzy faints his vision.

"Eating Yang Zhi Ganlu, can it be bad..." Duan Jiaze stunned.

At this time, the police station of the police station came again.

Duan Jiaze has dealt with the police in the area several times. It is quite familiar. I don't know what they have happened this time.

The policeman slammed the hand: "This time I have to trouble the section headmaster..."

Duan Jiaze was drunk when he heard this. This line, he really heard it many times. All kinds of illegally farmed animals collected by the relevant departments from the residents, from birds to snakes to insects, were sent to the zoo. Because of the creation, even the stray dogs on the street wanted to stuff them.

"What's wrong?" Duan Jiaze asked.

The police said: "We received help from the villagers. Didn't the earthquake be an earthquake two days ago? There is a nest of bees in the mountains. I don't know if it is ruined or what, anyway, they moved. There is a villager who is drying the cabinet, and the result is that The bees took the cabinet as a nest."

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Duan Jiaze: "What do you mean?"

The police hesitated: "The bees are also animals, your zoo..."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

The dog is also considered, how the bees also called them to go, although it is a zoo, but the coffin also raises ants, the insect museum is not built, the butterfly is all specimens!

The policeman was embarrassed to say: "A large group of bees, the villagers are at a loss, we don't know what to do, Duan Yuanchang, should you have a way?"

Duan Jiaze touched his forehead. "I think about it, you should let the villagers be careful not to provoke the bees. How many?"

The police said: "The specific figures don't know, but the estimated number is tens of thousands.

Duan Jiaze should go down and send the police away.


More than 10,000 bees, to build a nest is a matter of three or five days, or to remove the honeycomb, the family's cabinet is finished, but the bees are very alert, not professionals, it is difficult to safely remove them.

Donghai City does not have any experts in this area, but I heard that there are beekeeping farms in the county below, but the villagers are not too willing to spend money to invite people, just wonder if the zoo wants bees, you have to take it.

Duan Jiaze is very interested in honey, but they don't have human experts in this area.

Therefore, Duan Jiaze went to the animal expert.

"Little bear, do you like to drink honey?" Duan Jiaze asked Xiong Siqian's shoulder.

Xiong Siqian quickly moved away from Duan Jiaze, but he was excited to say: "Of course I like it!" Then there was some awkwardness. "But the Guanyin Tuas do not have a hive in the dojo. I haven’t eaten honey for hundreds of years. You don’t say me. I can't think of the taste of honey..."

As soon as I said it, Xiong Siqian was very sad. The high-end place of Guanyin Dojo also raises fish and various kinds of bamboo.

Duan Jiaze said: "Is the wild mountain honey like it? On the side of the village, I moved a bee from the mountain, which affected the lives of the villagers. They hoped to remove the honeycomb. If we can, we will move the honeycomb to our contracted land." It is up to you."

At the thought of the sweet and wild wild mountain honey, Xiong Siqian’s saliva must flow down. "You can."

"Cheng, then we will go to the village tomorrow." Duan Jiaze quickly said.

The bear is the least afraid of bees, and the fur is thick. When Xiong Siqian was still a real bear, he often smashed the honeycomb in the mountains. It was called a beauty, and the bees couldn’t leave him.

Duan Jiaze and Xiong Siqian made it, and they got up and used their mobile phones to send text messages to the police while going back. After the position of Pan Xuanfeng, I saw that Pan Chaofeng had a peach in his hand and was not awkward. He stayed in his head and touched his head. "You can also eat in a daze? Eat more."

Pan Xuanfeng was busy nodding, "Oh."



Zhu Guangming lives in the village of Tongxin Village, relatively close to the mountain. Recently, his family has become a tourist attraction. From time to time, there are people watching. It was all because a bee came to his yard and lived in his cupboard.

Now I wish the Guangming family, the house and the house are from h0u\'me:n, so as not to be stung by bees. This is the case, from time to time, there will be bees staggered to his home, and their eldest daughter's hair is smashed twice, and the boss's bag is swollen. Zhu Guangming is married late, and if he has a child later, he will have a child, and he can be saddened by death.

I wish the Guangming family had a dog in the nursing home. They were caught up in the pigs and had to be temporarily raised in the village. Originally, this dog was very loyal, and he must be in the yard at night, and now he is afraid to come back from afar. I was scared.

When the family thought of various methods and failed to drive the bees away, they were bent on taking root here.

Fortunately, after the police, the police comrades agreed, help him to find the zoo to solve, the section head is also very good, said that will bring experts together, remove the hive.

"Thank you forbearing, tomorrow will be fine!" Zhu Guangming said to his wife and daughter.

Zhu Guangming’s wife complained: “That is, I will not be able to do it tomorrow. I will take my daughter to my mother’s house for a few days.”

"Don't say it, don't you have trouble going to school?" Zhu Guangming looked at his daughter's hand again. "Come a few more times, know?"

The furry nodded and nodded. "Okay, Dad. Yes, Dad, can I go to the zoo tomorrow? I want to go see the panda with my classmates."

"Yes, let's go." Zhu Guangming promised that anyway, it is necessary to move the honeycomb here tomorrow, and it is not good to stay at home.

Zhu Guangming and his wife are both old and their daughters are small, so the family slept early and quickly turned off the lights. Their home is at the end of the village, and the nearest neighbor is separated from them by a pool. When the lights are gone, the moment is dark.

Sleeping stupidly, Zhu Guangming suddenly heard the outside movement, he slept shallowly, and woke up a little, lying in bed and listening to his ears for a while. His family used to have dogs, not afraid of thieves. It is reasonable to say that although there are no dogs, but there are bees, can the thief dare to come?

However, Zhu Guangming heard the movement, but he still looked for something. He also put some tools in his yard, but that was also property. Zhu Guangming quickly climbed up and smacked up, woke up his wife and children, and took the stick to go outside.

Zhu Guangming's wife and hairy hair let him stay in the back room, open the door to the seam and look outside.

Today, there is no moon and no stars. I wish that Guangming has poor eyesight, but I really see that there are one big and one small two blurred figures in the black lacquered yard. One is in the middle of the yard and the other is next to the cabinet that has become a honeycomb. . I can't see who it is, I feel very fat, and even the voice of the child "ah" is not good.

Zhu Guangming immediately screamed: "Where is the stupid?!"


"Come on, hurry up." Pan Xuanfeng used his head to top the scorpion, and Suibao almost turned over and watched. Pan whirlwind was even more mad. "How can you go without stability?"

Sui Bao looked at Pan Xuanfeng innocently.

After hearing the hive near the day, Pan Xuanfeng was heart-warming. He is also a bear. He also loves honey! Especially wild mountain honey! In the past, when he was a mountain king, he specially let the little monsters give themselves bees, and searched regularly. I came to the coffin and really missed the taste.

Unfortunately, the head of the garden gave this beautiful thing to Xiong Siqian. Xiong Siqian is especially hostile to him. The hive is in his hand. Can honey still have his share? Besides, if there is, how much can it be? How much honey does a bee produce?

Pan Xuanfeng decided to go get some honey tonight, even if Xiong Siqian does not divide him, it is worth it.

Pan Xuanfeng not only went by himself, but also was wrapped up by the treasure, and took the treasure.

Suibao is very excited. It has grown from small to large and has not done this kind of thing yet! What is the taste of fresh wild mountain honey, Pan whirlwind is described as wonderful! An excitement, Sui Bao also fell at the door... No, how many.

Pan Xuanfeng saw that Sui Bao was too stupid, and he couldn't bear to let it go first, and he looked at the wind here.

So, Sui Bao climbed to the side of the cupboard with a short short leg. It is relatively short, and it is only when the cabinet people stand up that they can get to the hive. According to Pan Xuanfeng, Sui Bao smashed into it.

The bee was instantly amazed and tied to the body. Sui Bao "ah" called a few times, and was reprimanded by Pan Xuanfeng. "Which is so painful? The pandas now are really very delicate!"

Or these pandas raised by humans are too delicate.

Sui Bao gave a look at Pan Xuanfeng, although the skin is very thick, but it still hurts a little. It reached out and tore off a piece of hive, and smashed it against the attack of a group of bees.

Pan Xuanfeng swallowed his mouth, "How? Sweet and not sweet?"

Sui Bao slammed a few mouthfuls and even bitten a bit.

Pan Xuanfeng: "You, this baby, don't just care about eating!"

Sui Bao shouted a few times: I don’t think it’s sweet...

“How could it not be sweet?” Pan Xuanfeng hurried. “Are you stealing the chocolate that the director gave me?”

Sui Bao is crying. This is really not sweet. It all doubts its own taste, but it is not as sweet as Pan Xuanfeng’s description.

Pan Xuanfeng is trying to look forward, and suddenly there is a human violent drink behind him:

"Where is the stupid? This is not yet honey!"

Pan Cyclone: ​​"........."

Damn, he said how not sweet!


"Who's the bear child..." Zhu Guangming looked at the big and small children and even climbed out of the yard, and muttered to close the door.

Zhu Guangming’s wife has no words: “Which is so desperate? Didn’t you die?”

"Don't you hear a few words? It hurts the little ones, I don't think it's enough to wear clothes." Zhu Guangming thought, he said that the shadows of the two seem so fat, they can't wear cotton coats. "The male baby really loves to die, but fortunately we have a donkey."


"Zhubao doesn't know what's going on, it's so dirty..."

After listening to people, Duan Jiaze took the time to look at Sui Bao. It’s really, how long this little guy hasn’t seen, his body is very dirty, there’s mud on his feet, his buttocks, and a lot of grass sticking.

The coffin will not bathe the pandas. The age of Suibao is not too big. It is quite clean when it comes. It suddenly becomes a lot dirty.

Pan Xuanfeng was giving the grass to pick up the body, and noticed that Duan Jiaze had come, and suddenly he was sweating.

Duan Jiaze did not go in. He waited to go to Tongxin Village. He stared at Sui Bao for a long while. He found that there was grass on Sui Bao, and he still had Xing Er.

Duan Jiaze was trying to say something. The phone came and urged him to leave. He saw two stiff bears and went out.

Although there are no beekeepers' costumes, they have a variety of animals, strict protective clothing, and a helmet. This is all work. Even if there are some gaps, there is nothing, because Xiong Siqian is responsible for transferring the bee colony.

After arriving at Tongxin Village, the Zhuguangming couple who had honey in the hospital had already been waiting. Zhu Guangming also said: "Thank you, the head of the garden, thank you for coming. Last night, there were bear children to steal honey."

Duan Jiaze: "Ah?"

Zhu Guangming said: "I was taken away! But it is still very dangerous. If it wasn’t for me last night, I shouted a bit. The two bears were too stupid. This bee came for a few days, and it took at least a month to bear honey! ”

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze glanced at the ears of the hospital, and he snorted. "Then we quickly got rid of it, so as to avoid such a thing, it hurts..." He pulled a little bit of his mouth, "Bear child."

Next, the onlookers saw a very exciting scene.

The stout man, holding a bee in his hand, caught the bees directly. The queen bee was the first to be arrested. He was pinching his wings and looked bulky, but he was very flexible. Don't use the smoked bee, don't come to lure, just catch it.

The speed is also very fast, three to five divided by two, the most bees have been caught.

"We have to go back quickly. I prepared the beehives and transferred them." When Xiong Siqian saw these little cute, he thought of his own honey.

Zhu Guangming saw that Xiong Siqian’s simple and rude movements were a little shaken. “No problem? These bees can be wild, what if they don’t want to live?”

"How could you not want to live!" Xiong Siqian said to Duan Jiaze greatly, "Go ahead."

"Yeah." Duan Jiaze said goodbye to the villagers, and then rode on the horse. Yes, he rode Jiguang today, and Xiong Siqian took the car.

Going back to the road, when they arrived near the contracted land, Xiong Siqian came down from the car, said goodbye to the owner, and then followed the back of Jiguang and went up the mountain together.

The beehive prepared by Xiong Siqian is next to their land. It was only done yesterday, and it was hung on a peach tree. There is also a small stream next to it. The bees also need water, so as to maintain the dry humidity in the honeycomb.

"Do you want to put a bee now? Is it possible to put the queen bee first?" Duan Jiaze asked.

"Wait." Xiong Siqian took a pot from the grass and took the water in the stream.

When Duan Jiaze saw it, he immediately took it to the heart and took out his "wind oil" bottle and poured a few drops into the water.

At this time, Xiong Siqian will open the bees one by one.


More than 10,000 bees, like black clouds, rushed out from inside, and after flying two laps in the air, they quickly found their target and gathered in the unusual water head.

Although there is water, activity news, but they are still huddled around the basin of water. Over the entire basin, there are dense bees, flying and stopping, almost no water surface.

Xiong Siqian will be holding his wings before, and the queen bee, who is a little injured and can't fly, has also carried it.

No bee ran to attack them, all focused on drinking water.

Under the command of the queen bee, they took the water in turn and hovered around for a while, and they almost immediately entered the hive that Xiong Siqian prepared for them.

"There are a lot of flowers and trees in the vicinity. After a few more months, I have honey to eat." Xiong Siqian couldn't help but grin.

Duan Jiaze really did not eat honey, at most some foods with honey added, this is too sweet, but his former female classmates said honey beauty, like to eat. Not to mention wild honey, seeing that Xiong Siqian is so embarrassed, Duan Jiaze couldn't help but smile. "That's good, I don't eat sweet, you can do it."

Xiong Siqian quietly glanced at the head of the garden, saying that you still don't eat sweet, you and Daojun are too sweet...


For Xiong Siqian, the best thing is not to have a nest of bees. Instead, after going back, Duan Jiaze took the two pandas out and smashed them.

Xiong Siqian was on the sidelines and looked at it with gloating. When he saw that the panda was rolled up by the head of the garden, he felt very relieved. Everyone is a bear. Why do you treat it so well? Look, the retribution is coming...

The big one, two small black and white bears, confided their heads with guilty conscience, and were dragged by the head of the garden. The scorpion was still alive, the Pan whirlwind was too heavy, and he had to be shackled while his own two hind paws. Walk backwards.

Sui Bao also drilled into Pan Xuanfeng's arms. It was much smaller than the Pan whirlwind, but was dragged out by the head of the garden.

Pan Cyclone yelled at the wrong, holding his own head.

Sui Bao looked at the proficient movements of Pan Xuanfeng and also hugged his own head.

Duan Jiaze sneaked a few times to the place where Pan Xuanfeng had more flesh. "You are really, you are very courageous, and you dare to escape from prison? You see that you made this bear like a scorpion, and you are hurt by it, ah?"

Sui Bao carefully nodded.

Pan Cyclone: ​​"..."

Is it silly and nodded.

"Don't you hurt?" Duan Jiaze licked the ear of Xiabao. "The most stupid thing is that you haven't eaten yet. I don't know if those bees have moved in the past few days. If they didn't see it, you know that today you are Is it headline?"

Sui Bao has not figured out that the pandas are not very normal on the headlines?

Duan Jiaze’s heart is long and authentic: “Sui Bao, you will play less with Pan Xuanfeng in the future, and it is easy to change the melon together.”

Pan Cyclone: ​​"..."

Xiong Siqian understood this. He was also present all the time before. He said cheerfully: "Oh, the two bear children are the two of them?"

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