MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 141 like you

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Xiao Jiaze’s mother’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and she was very worried.

After Mr. Liu Lao played with the child for a while, he told her, "We have not known anyone in the town, but it is good to have a waterfront view in the city?"

Linshuiguan is also a famous attraction in the East China Sea, although it is more famous in the industry. This woman did not believe this before, but after listening to Mr. Liu’s words, she felt that if she went to the water, she should be fine. At least, this place is not an unknown mypanic family, relatively formal, and it doesn't matter.

After the woman left, Duan Jiaze and Mr. Liu Lao chatted. It was too late today. They had the next day to discuss.

Mr. Liu Lao knows what he is going to talk about and he is very excited. His body is still healthy and he can play for a few years. Although his voice is not good, his son and apprentice can still sing.

The next day, Duan Jiaze and Mr. Liu Lao and his son and apprentice met, and the director of the Propaganda Department was also present, and they negotiated the invitation to the zoo to perform.

The prime time of the zoo is the weekend. Duan Jiaze asks them to come and play a few games every weekend. They also want to create special dramas related to the zoo. In the summer and winter, it is necessary to increase the number of games.

Director Ma smiled and said to Mr. Liu Lao’s son: “Is the business you opened now okay? The tourist dealers last night still have questions. Maybe in addition to the section head, there are people who invite you to perform. Are you busy when you arrive?"

Mr. Liu’s son was overjoyed and nodded. “My son is now in the store to help, and my younger brother...”

His younger brother, Mr. Liu Lao’s apprentice, usually works and does not have a particularly stable job. If there are more performances, his younger brother can be a professional.

After negotiating good prices and conditions, Duan Jiaze made people draft the contract. They will be able to perform in Lingbi next week.

Mr. Liu Lao has a lot of shadow roles, including animals. Duan Jiaze wants him to create and protect animal-related children's plays. In fact, the most important is the script.

Duan Jiaze said that not only can it be combined with animals, but also with the legend of the East China Sea.

Mr. Liu Lao was greatly inspired and went back to study.

Duan Jiaze also used the platform of Lingbi to publicize the popular science movie show, and staged various traditional repertoires. There will be science dramas in the future.

Many children are willing to sit down at the Science Museum to see the performance, and the coffin is collecting, the children like to let the animals be the protagonists, they are all discussed in full swing.

According to statistics, monkeys, pandas, and parrots have the highest number of votes.

Children actually like monkeys and parrots in particular. Pandas are cute, and these two animals, one is the most like human, and the other is talking.

Mr. Liu Lao adopted these animals as the main characters. When the performance day came over, he also said to Duan Jiaze; "Duan Chang, I made a golden hoop."

Duan Jiaze didn’t know what it meant, “ah?”

Mr. Liu Lao took out a shadow, a stick, and a stick that can be stretched. Pulling on both sides, the stick can be lengthened and become a long stick.

It turns out that in the design of Mr. Liu Lao, the monkey in the protagonist is the disciple of the Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong, and there is also a cottage version of the gold hoop in his hand. He also designed a set of movements for the golden hoop, and the little monkey can use this stick to play a lot of tricks.

"This idea is quite clever," Duan Jiaze said, the shadow play that is close to the modern aesthetic, it must enhance the plot and fun.

Mr. Liu gave him a demo, and the golden hoop on the curtain became longer with the "long, long, long" section of his voice, poked into the **** of another animal, and was thrown out in the air. Flip.

There are still some children on the scene who have not seen the shadow play. After seeing Mr. Liu’s demonstration, they are all excited and excited: “This is a wishful golden hoop!”

I recognized it in a second.

Duan Jiaze also played a bit, he also pulled out the monkey, but the operation is not as flexible as Mr. Liu, the monkey playing the stick is not awkward. This is the case, the onlookers also hold the venue to applaud, completely directed at the role.

Duan Jiaze smiled and said: "I wanted to have a golden hoop when I was a child. The cow is dead."


After coming out of the popular science museum, Duan Jiaze went back. Just now Mr. Liu told him that the former tour operators had really come to them to perform, and to show local folk customs to foreign tourists. Duan Jiaze suggested that the "East Sea Soul" can be performed completely.

When I walked to the office building, Duan Jiaze saw a very familiar dress hanging on the wire next to the dormitory building. Looking at it carefully, this is not his. When I went out in the morning, I was still drying on the balcony. I don’t know where it was. The strange wind blew down.

Duan Jiaze looked left and right, "There is no bird..."

"Director, what are you looking at?" Duan Jiaze was thinking, Yuan Hong appeared, and he was standing next to Duan Jiaze with his arm on the shoulder of Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze calmly said: "It's a star Jun. A little thing, my clothes are blown onto the wires, I am thinking about getting it down."

Yuan Hong questioned: "So, did you think of a solution?"

According to his understanding of the Terran, the head of the garden seems to have no way, and the height ladder is not enough.

Duan Jiaze: "...It seems that I am helpless, but in fact I am waiting for which bird to pass."

If you only like magpies or parrots, you can help him to smash the clothes down, and then he will not be able to call the land pressure... Of course, it is a bit overkill.

Yuan Hongle screamed and smiled and said: "The headmaster, you are very funny."

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Duan Jiaze looked at the clothes on the wire, and the heart wanted to ask Yuan Hong to climb up here, will it be seen?

He was thinking about it. He saw an iron rod in Yuan Hong’s hand. It was his weapon.

Yuan Hongyi reached out and the iron bar went up in the wind. It grew longer and longer. Then he moved his hand and picked up the clothes on the wire with iron bars. The iron bar was then retracted to the original size, and the clothes were lifted. drop down.

Duan Jiaze reached out and grabbed his clothes and was pleasantly surprised: "You will grow longer?"

Yuan Hong: "Yeah, iron bars can grow longer, don't you know?"

Duan Jiaze shook his head honestly. "How do I know, but I see how you look so heavy. The last time I took it, it was light and floating. It was not the same..."

When a person holds something in his hand, there is no weight in that thing, which can be seen from his state, unless the person is acting.

Duan Jiaze saw Yuan Hong take the iron rod, it is like some weight, which is also in line with the material. He was last held, although it was metal, but he felt as if nothing. Originally, he still thought that it was because the iron rod was made of special material. After all, the fairyland came, but it was not like that when Yuan Hong himself took it.

Duan Jiaze reached out and tried to touch the iron rod. Yuan Hong was an eye-opener, his wrist turned and the iron rod disappeared.

Yuan Hong said sideways: "I can be heavy, the last time for your convenience, deliberately lighter!"

Duan Jiaze suddenly realized: "This is the case, I said."

It is no wonder that so many monkeys like to use sticks, from Yuan Hong to Sun Wukong, to six-eared macaques, all used sticks.

Speaking of other monkeys, Duan Jiaze told Yuan Hongdao: "Actually, I just want to ask your opinion. There are shadow play in the park. They have compiled a new drama and used the animals in the zoo as the protagonist. One of them is a monkey. Because the golden monkey is our most precious monkey, the performer wants to set it as a golden monkey."

The only golden monkey in the garden is Yuan Hong. Although Duan Jiaze strongly suspects that Yuan Hong has not been to work for a few days, he can see him playing outside...

Yuan Hong readily accepted: "Yes."

Duan Jiaze carefully said: "But there is still a problem, that is, they still want to set this golden monkey as a descendant of Sun Wukong..."

Yuan Hong: "........."

Duan Jiaze saw Yuan Hong’s quirky look and said: “If Star Jun is not willing, then forget it. We set it as an ordinary macaque.”

Understandably, everyone is a monkey, why I am your descendant in the play. People's Yuan Hongxing Jun, the name is still earlier. Duan Jiaze asked this question, that is to confirm it, it was tried.

Who knows, Yuan Hong actually nodded slowly: "Nothing, you use it."

Duan Jiaze's eyes wide open: "Really?"

Yuan Hongman does not care about the earth: "There are people who don't know me anyway."

"Thank you, Star Jun, you are too arrogant, too big!" Duan Jiaze slammed Yuan Hong, and saw more land pressures and "moved to the three realms of my face", Yuan Hong is even better.

What's more, Yuan Hong just took his weapon as a clothes pole to help him get clothes. This humanity is really not blowing.

Yuan Hong heard that Duan Jiaze praised himself so much that it was quite unnatural.

Duan Jiaze suddenly felt that the four waste stars were better, except that he stole the peaches and turned the class...



Since Peng Peng brought back the kittens saved on the telephone poles, they took care of them daily. When Schrödinger came to the coffin, he was weaned. The kitten was only about a month old. Zhai Peng got the goat's milk and put it in the bottle to feed the kitten.

Xiaopeng saw that the kitten's mouth was not strong enough, and the small hole was enlarged at the front end of the bottle to facilitate the kitten to eat milk.

During the day, Schrödinger took the kitten, and at night it was taken by Peng Peng himself. On several occasions, Jia Jiaze saw that Peng Peng was holding the kitten like a child and the other hand was feeding the bottle. To the back, you can eat some soft food, and Peng Peng is also personally fed to the kitten's mouth.

Even the land pressure saw this scene, the expressions were a bit strange, like eating something dirty.

Someone also said: "I don't think there is such a side full of maternal love."

Duan Jiaze didn't feel anything at first. Many children were particularly good at pets. Teacher Zhang Peng was rather gloomy. However, Su told him that after the Peng:che-n-g form, he understood the mood of the land pressure.

Under the care of Kuang Peng and Schrödinger, the kitten can't help but wind up from a slap in the face, and then can jump up and down and bite the curtains. This time, it should be the time it left the coffin.

Duan Jiaze helped print a adoption revelation, posted in the zoo, with the flow of the coffin, no need to raise the enlightenment on any network, and soon local tourists expressed their willingness to adopt.

In a few tourists, Kun Peng picked a family. It is a family of three young couples and a boy from elementary school. They already have a dog at home and want to raise another cat.

It is said that the dog was raised when the boy was born, and is now seven years old. It seems that their family is still very responsible.

Since Kuang Peng agreed, Duan Jiaze gave the kittens to them.

The kitten was very sad when he left, and he was always yelling at Schrödinger until he was loaded into the bag and stuffed into the car.


The little boy gave the kitten a name in the car, called "The King." After returning home, their domestic Golden Retriever immediately came up and found this new partner, Wang Wang called to see it.

The king shrank in the arms of the little boy, and the little boy immediately drove the golden hair away, because the father and mother said that they should be isolated first and let them become familiar.

Dawang lived in the boy's house for a few days. He also stayed in the room with Jin Mao from the beginning, and now he can co-locate. Golden Retriever is particularly interested in kittens, and walks around the kitten's back neck.

The little boy educated Jin Mao: "You don't want to bully the king. When the king grows up, he is a tiger. Be careful, then bite you around."

The little boy is convinced of his own speculation, knowing that they are the adoption revelation seen outside the zoo's tiger pavilion! It is very likely that they are not a cat but a tiger!

It is a pity that the little tiger is still too weak now, and Jin Mao just squeezes it, and it goes to the side.

The king is also very angry. The dog of this new family always keeps it from the beginning to the end, making it full of saliva. It didn't feel that it was a tiger in its long meeting, but you know that when you were at the zoo, some of the big dogs there were very respectful of it (because of the taste of Kuangpeng).

The big dogs are equally equal to Schrödinger, so the king’s impression is that he is equal to the big dog. I didn’t expect the dog here to play cards according to common sense. When the dog’s foot touched it, the king was overwhelmed.

Just like now...

"Hey!" Don't be embarrassed! The king was four feet in the air, and the belly of the golden hair was squatting down. The claws kept patted the golden hair's big head, and the body twisted and twisted, and the tail was stiff.

Jin Mao buried his head and sucked a burst of hair, only happily raised his head and ran away.

The king turned over and panted, screaming on the floor: a hateful big dog!

They stayed in the little boy's room. At this time, the host family went to a friend's house to be a guest, without a pet.

At this time, the window on the 23rd floor was opened from the outside, the night wind squeaked, and a long-haired big cat walked in and looked down at the king.

"Hey!" The king stood up and screamed with excitement.

Schrödinger jumped lightly from the window sill, and behind him, Yan Peng also came in and returned to close the window. He also jumped down and sat on the carpet to pick up the king. "We will return."

"Hey." The big king hoeed his head in the hands of Zhai Peng, and he was very excited.

"Wang!" He heard the quiet golden hair rushing back from the living room, standing at the door and yelling at Peng Peng. Although most of the golden hair is sticky, it is not the stupid dog that will be intimate with the strangers in the family.

Kun Peng didn't even look up at it, and Schrödinger jumped into bed, condescending to the golden hair.

After all, Schrödinger practiced for a while, and he was shocked by the golden hair and snorted on the floor.

Schrödinger looked at Jin Mao with a sigh of relief. "Hey?"

King: "Hey!"

Zhai Peng smashed the belly of the king, faintly said: "Does it like you? You can still beat you? Then you will go back."


"I am coming back!" The little boy changed his shoes and ran to the room. The hostess reminded him behind him, "Go to the cat again? Remember to wash your hands!"

The little boy rushed into the room and saw the kitten sitting in the cat's nest. He reached out and touched the kitten and asked: "Does the king eat anything? Is it good for you to eat small fish today?"

Jin Mao also heard the voice of the master, followed by the voice, and cried intimately at the master.

The little boy put the king down and touched the head of Jin Mao. "Hey."

Usually, Jin Mao sees the king, and will definitely go forward to "indecent", but today is the exception.

After the king was placed on the carpet, he screamed at the golden hair on his neck.

"Wang Hao..." Jin Mao suddenly stunned, kneeling down, and the tail was still moving with uneasiness.

The king stepped on its legs and climbed onto the golden hairs.

The little boy widened his eyes, "Wow!"

Has his kitten cat really evolved? Is this spreading the tiger's hair and scaring the dog?

The king squatted on the golden hair, and stretched out his small tongue to lick the dog's hair, but it was too small, and for a while it was just a small area. Another cry, Golden Retriever carefully squinted his head and let the kitten slide down from his head.

The little boy was called to the fruit by the hostess, and the kitten stayed in the room and ate the cat food that the little boy had just dumped.

The king buried his head and ate the cat food. The golden hair squatted in the back and looked at its tail. He wanted to play and didn't dare. He could be said to be very wronged. Even after the king finished eating, it had to contribute its own tail and patted the king.

Golden Retriever: "Wang Wang Wang!"

This is not the life I imagined after raising a cat!


"Where is Mr. Peng Peng with Schrödinger? I just cut the salmon and I want to give it to Schrödinger." Duan Jiaze said that he had just found Schrödinger everywhere, but he just yelled and Schrödinger would run over.

"I went back to the kitten." Peng Peng calmly said.

Duan Jiaze: "...Revisited? But our previous appointment was a video return visit."

Kuang Peng: "The video is not good for returning. I have looked at it myself. Rest assured, there is no one in his house, only a dog and a kitten."

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Duan Jiaze said in a mess: "No one is more terrible. You didn't have a dog?"

Kuang Peng said after a moment of silence: "No."

"Forget it, I have left some salmon for you, come over and eat." Duan Jiaze decided not to entangle this problem, he brought people into the lounge.

Schrödinger spent a lot of time on their return visits. Others had already finished eating, and this time they went back in twos and threes. This was as contagious as yawning, and soon the lounge was empty.

In addition to the land pressure, he was still sitting on the sofa because Duan Jiaze had not left.

Duan Jiaze is watching Qi Peng to feed Schrödinger to eat salmon. He thinks that Schrödinger is very interesting to eat.

And Schrödinger is getting bigger and bigger, there are more than 20 kilograms, che:n-g people have to hold it with both hands, plus the fluffy hair, it looks bigger.

Because of the fact that Lu Jiang was in a room with Kuangpeng and there was no other person, it seemed a little anxious. If he had to wait for Duan Jiaze, he would not stay here. At this time, his face was a bit gloomy and he urged him: "You are not going back. go back?"

Duan Jiaze did not realize that Lu Jiang was waiting for himself there. He came back and said: "Well, I will take the plate."

Kuang Peng took a look at the land pressure, and supported his thin arms. He slipped from the chair and held Schrödinger. "I am going back."

Duan Jiaze nodded slightly, and saw Yan Peng holding the cat out. When he passed the sofa, he paused and nodded to the land pressure.

The land pressure directly twisted the head, and when Peng Peng went out, he said with a calm face: "I said that the aquarium is too annoying, and there is a smell in everything."

Duan Jiaze was shocked and said: "I can't smell it... But is Peng Peng a aquarium? Isn't he in the water, and the water is Peng?"

Land pressure: "So it's more annoying! It's still a two-faced!!"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

When Lu Jiang was a child, he had such a change. He couldn’t blame him for being hostile to Peng Peng. He did not die and he was restrained. Peng Peng himself was careful.

Duan Jiaze appeased: "Then you can't eat fish, there is still a little left."

Just after Peng Peng was scared away, the fish did not finish.

The pressure from the land pressure has not swallowed yet. He walked to Duan Jiaze, "Don't eat."

Duan Jiaze gave the rest of the pieces to eat, and put his hands in the bowl. "Yes, then, when you were a child, did you want to wind up, rain?"

At that time, Tian Ting was still the demon of the family, and the land pressure was still His Royal Highness.

The land pressure looked at him strangely, and then slowly said: "The deity must now be windy and rainy."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

The land pressure recalled: "It was relatively simple when I was a child. In addition to cultivation, a tree can play for a long time, and there is nothing fun. Although your Terran is weak, it is more creative."

“How old was that?” Duan Jiaze made a stroke. “Is it just as big as a hen? Is it long hair? Is the eggshell eaten or kept?”

He was very excited and asked about the details of the life of the three-legged Jinwu.

The land pressure sighed and looked at Duan Jiaze. "You ask so much to do? Of course, long hair!"

Duan Jiaze: "What does that look like? A lot of birds are not the same as when they grow up."

The land pressure is silent.

Duan Jiaze laughed out loudly: "I definitely asked about the history of black. When you were a child, did you look like a chicken..."

The land pressure was irritated, and Duan Jiaze wanted to come over and kiss him.

Duan Jiaze grinned. "I just ate fish. You don't hate the aquarium?"

Land pressure: "..."

The two were very close, and Duan Jiaze saw the golden red hair of the land pressure, and he thought that the bed was broken for a few days, and he slept on the land pressure. At first, I felt that the land was bad, and I hated ghosts. It was like the Taijun in the anti-X drama. Later, gradually, he realized his true disposition. When "forced" together, the land pressure showed many unexpected places.

Worst of all, he suddenly found out that the land pressure had to come over. He thought it was not even a dodge, but a very natural, joke joke, which was accepted in the subconscious.

Could it be said that he has been bent by Dao Jun?

The land pressure did not know how Duan Jiaze suddenly stared at himself. He was so imposing and lifted Duan Jiaze. When he was stared by Duan Jiaze, his cheek could not help but fly two thin red, and he did not naturally remove his gaze.

Duan Jiaze's heart jumped very fast, and he barely swallowed his mouth. He only felt his tongue dry, and the ghost made a confession.

He was a little flustered and said: "What to do, I, I think... seems to like you..."

"...?" The eyes of the land pressure dodging stopped, frowning at Duan Jiaze: "Don't you like me before?"

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