MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 138 You are allowed to sleep.

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It’s very embarrassing to be obsessed, because in the past two days, the media broke the news that she and Xiao Rong were in love.

This is definitely not the person she or her agent spends looking for, but the simple capture of the wind and the shadow of association. She also saw Xiao Rong twice, once she fell, and the second time after the boot, Xiao Rong had known the scriptwriter and came over and said hello.

That is to say, this time, when the media knew it, they began to guess which actress Xiao Rong was looking at, and finally guessed it. They moved out of the last time they fell in love, and Xiao Rong was photographed at the hotel. At that time, the popularity of the obscurity was still very general, no one specially shot her, but she was in the mirror.

Now that the heat has gone up, these people look back and find that there are still obscurities in the photos. Therefore, it is even more certain that Xiao Rong and Meng Yu have any secret relationship. Even choosing the location of the film in the coffin is also due to the relationship between the two.

Xiao Rong has already retired, and Weibo has not been updated. Of course, no company will help him to clarify. On the other side, although it is not the news she bought, but the obscure agent said that there is nothing wrong with passing the scandal, let alone Xiao Rong. Xiao Rong’s image is so good, it’s normal to fall in love at this age.

Xiao Rong’s fans have a feeling of “homelessness” since he retired, especially the diehard powder. They like to wander around, and leave a message under Xiaobo's circle of friends: "Miao sister, can you send a photo of Xiao Rong! You are friends who will go out for a party!"

"Do not ask for anything else, just ask for a new picture QAQ love beans back, my heart hurts!"

"I don't dare to look back, I want to see photos occasionally..."

"Help me ask Xiao Rong, why waste your own face?"

The news came out, accompanied by a blurry photo of Xiao Rong’s class. Xiao Rong’s diehard powder was crying with a photo. “There are new pictures, comrades, who will live on this for the next few months!”

In the past, there were female stars and Xiao Rong’s scandal, and Xiao Rong’s fans could not help but tear her away. At this time, it is different. The loyalty powder has said that it is okay to fall in love, and to fall in love with the female stars in the circle, that is to say, there will be a greater chance of spreading new pictures, which is great!

And passers-by see men and women, and most of them are blessings, no negative impact.

In other words, the obscured broker does not let her clarify at all, and not responding can represent many attitudes.

I was embarrassed to be obsessed with myself. When she faced Xiao Rong, she was a little inferior. Like this kind of hype, she would feel that her status is getting lower.

In particular, the Lingxiao met with a third meeting with Xiao Rong.

They want to make a scene. Some people sneak out of their homes and sneak out from their homes. They meet the heroine and the parrots of her family. Snakes are the natural enemies of birds, and they can also pose a deadly threat to human beings. They are in crisis.

Animal actors are of course chosen from the coffin, which is well talked about long ago. All the animals that appear in the mirror, only those who are spiritual, are provided by them and have a package price.

This scene, in order to highlight the horror of the python, did not choose the most famous blizzard, or the golden cockroach, but chose a green tree 蟒.

The green trees are green and look like a cold atmosphere. It is brightly colored but non-toxic, but don't think that the green trees are getting along well. The scorpion's script is reflected in the lyrics. The arboreal pythons are very violent and aggressive, and their teeth are very developed.

Moreover, the green tree 囿 provided by Lingbi has surpassed two meters, far higher than the average body length of ordinary green trees.

After seeing the green tree shackled in a transparent container, Mengzi numbs the scalp. Although the director has repeatedly comforted, the python has eaten very well, and is usually more docile in the zoo and the breeder. Not as violent as its temper. However, when faced with such terrible animals, it is still scared.

Xiao Rong appeared when he tried to build his own mentality.

The director thought that he was coming to visit the class. He also told him that the scriptwriter was temporarily modifying the script. Now at the hotel, he did not come to the studio.

Xiao Rong said that he did not come to the screenwriter. He came to see the green tree and filming.

Everyone looked at the question mark, what is it to see the green tree 蟒 filming.

The breeder said next to him: "Oh, Xiao Ge and Xiaoqing have a good relationship. They often go to see Xiaoqing, and Xiaoqing also likes him very much. Xiao Ge always goes into the cage and feeds Xiaoqing. Every time he goes. As soon as we came, we felt a lot easier."

There is another thing that the breeder didn't say, that is, he felt that Xiao Ge had not had such a good relationship with the green tree at the beginning. At that time, Xiao Ge came over, although he asked for it to go in, but it was always very stiff. Xiaoqing climbed. When he got to him, he looked scared to death. Later, one day, I gradually got used to it, until now I am comfortable.

The breeder does not know why Xiao Rong is familiar with the python as he is self-abuse. However, Xiaoqing seems to have been very enthusiastic about Xiao Rong. Usually, he will not actively climb to these breeders. It seems that handsome is not the same.

Some people like to raise cats, dogs, and some people like to raise spiders and snakes. But everyone didn't expect it. Xiao Rong, who has such a sunny image, also has such a hobby. He always feels that he does not take it with him.

Others think of it. Before Xiao Rong participated in the program, he was glad that he had not assigned a game task to get along with the python. It doesn't mean fear, but at least it doesn't like it. Now how... is it like this?

Xiao Rong said with a smile that he also recently discovered this preference.

In fact, Xiao Rong wants to cry, his boyfriend is a snake, he does not want to!


Before the start of the shoot, the breeder let the monk come over and get familiar with the green tree, and touch it.

Xiao Rong has been following the green tree squatting. When the breeder pulled out the green trees, he also took a "careful" one and directly reached out and held the python.

Faced with Xiao Rong, she was very embarrassed. She didn't know if Xiao Rong had seen the news. Does she feel that she hates it.

Under the guidance of the breeder, Meng Yu reached out and touched the head of the green tree. As soon as she reached out, Xiao Rong immediately shrunk her hand back, otherwise the hands of the two of them would not touch, but they were also separated. Very close.

"..." Meng Yan's face is red, she thinks this is very obvious, Xiao Rong must know, and is not willing to contact her too much. It’s too embarrassing, and the age of obscurity is not big, and I haven’t cultivated the kind of cheeky that her agent asked.

Fortunately, there was a breeder next to it, which eased the embarrassment. "Hey, I didn't think Miss Meng and you didn't deal with the bird, but it was very good to get along with the snake. Xiaoqing seems to like you very much."

Meng Yu was surprised to see this python called Xiaoqing. She found out that it was really like this. Xiaoqing was under her touch, and the whole snake seemed to be... gentle.

Maybe using this term to describe cold-blooded animals is not right, but the ignorance does feel that Xiaoqing is a lot softer. There is no such dangerous feeling that it may be wounded at any time, which is what most snakes will bring. Human feelings. They suddenly attack the creatures, and it is easy to leave a shadow.

For a moment, the shackles were not so tight, and even laughed, and the palms gently touched the small blue head several times.

Xiaoqing seems to enjoy it very much, and her body slowly rises up, only her head is raised.

Xiao Rong blinked his eyes: "..."

The breeder can't help but think of Lenovo: Wow, the Internet says that the last days are the natural enemies of the hunter and the like. Seeing that she and the snake are so good, is it really...?

Xiao Rong held the green tree squatting in both hands, and went down to the next squat. He took the green tree scorpion and took the initiative to go to the head of the palm of his hand. The corner of his mouth barely squeezed out a blunt smile: "Be careful, It’s very painful to be bitten by a green tree.”

At this time, the director also ordered that they be ready to start shooting.

I was blinded, and my heart was really good. She looked at the smile, although she was laughing, but there was no smile in her eyes. Sure enough, Xiao Rong still hates her.

The makeup artist pulled the mask over and finally finished the makeup.

The deputy director also talked with the breeder about the position, letting him pay attention to where the green tree scorpion is placed, and how to lure the green tree squatting action.

When Xiao Rongzhen didn't pay attention to this side, he grabbed Xiaoqing and shook it. "She feels comfortable with you? Is it comfortable??"

Xiaoqing: "........."

Xiao Rong secretly bit his teeth. "Don't think that you are now a snake, you don't have to keep your distance. Do you know men and women?"

Xiaoqing spit out the snake letter and slowly swam back into the container.

It’s really tiring to guard against men and to prevent women.


There is still some dissatisfaction with Mengzi. She thinks that the python's play can completely do computer special effects. But the director said that other animals are real, pythons are fake, weird, and seem low – given that they can't afford top-level effects.

With real animals, although it will be somewhat difficult, the effect will be different.

After the opening of this film, the concept of obscurity was subverted. The python is not terrible, and it is not troublesome to shoot. Under the guidance of the breeder, the python is like "acting", and there is no threat to her. Anyway, it is much more lovely than the bird...

The plot is for the heroine and the parrot to save each other. The parrot has always been done well, and the green tree is not as violent as the temper, but also full, and does not attack the parrot. Everyone was very successful, and they completed the drama related to Green Tree.

The final shot was that the monk and the breeder took the green tree back to the zoo.

When playing this scene, Meng Yu felt that Xiao Rong had been watching this side with great dissatisfaction. The pressure was even greater. She wondered if the media would make more over-considerations and was seen by Xiao Rong. .

I really want to go to the past and Xiao Rong said, I don't want to, it's all media speculation, my agent still does not let me clarify.

When the monk was distracted, he couldn't help but hold the green tree tighter. Speaking of it, I used to be afraid of snakes. Now I am really hugged, and it’s not so terrible. I feel very cool and feels subtle.

Xiao Rong’s eyes widened and he said to the director next to him: “What is she doing so tight??”

The director said with amazement: "Is there?"

Xiao Rong: "Of course! According to scientific research, people should not be so tight with the green trees, and it is dangerous to the green trees!"

The director was shocked. "And this rule? Hey, there are three seconds to finish -" the director raised the horn, "cut!"

At the end of the filming, I was still holding the green tree in my arms. "Can I take a picture with it?"

The breeder nodded and the assistant next to him came over with his mobile phone.

At this time, Xiao Rong quickly came over and handed Xiaoqing's tail. "I finished it? I took Xiaoqing back to eat."

Meng Hao just wanted to say that I hadn't taken a photo yet, and I saw Xiao Rong's hand circling a few times. Xiao Qing's body slipped out of the arms of Meng Yu, and most of his body was wrapped around Xiao Rong's arm.

Enlightened: "........."

After Xiao Rong finally used some force, he took out the last part of Xiaoqing, and the other hand stretched out to hold it. He said to the breeder: "Go."

The breeder actually thinks Xiao Rong is not enough to pity the jade, but he knows that Xiao Rong and the head of the school have a good relationship. Otherwise, they will not retreat and work in the coffin. They can also enter and leave the cage as a non-breeder. Can nod, "Oh."

Xiao Rong took the snake away, and the monk was a little bit in the same place.

The assistant took a shot and comforted her. "Hey, I want to open."

Xiao Rong was **** and fired. It’s also a bad thing. What else can she say? I have to let Meng Yi want to open it.

Unexpectedly, "I know..."

I didn’t expect Xiao Rong’s temper in private. It’s like a child, my snake doesn’t play for you...


The breeder and Xiao Rong returned to the exhibition hall with Xiao Rong. The breeder said, "I am going to adjust the temperature. Xiao Ge, you help put Xiaoqing into it."

Xiao Rong nodded and put Xiaoqing into it.

When I entered, the gold and gold were squatting at the door. Xiao Rong was in a bad mood. He said casually: "Go away."

The gold immediately moved like a rabbit and went to the corner.

——When Xiao Ronggang came, don’t say to Xiaoqing, that is, gold is also very scared. Now, the naked eye is not what it used to be.

Xiao Rong hangs Xiaoqing back on the tree, and counts it in his mouth: "Why do you not hide when you hold you? Do you feel particularly warm? Is it not easy for someone to be afraid of your original form?"

"But the script is written like this." Xiaoqing said wrongly, after the filming, he held it for a while, but it would be strange if he slipped away after the filming.

Xiao Rong stunned Xiaoqing's tail and he also knew that it was because of the script, but he was still very angry.

Bai Suzhen climbed to the tree and educated gently and softly: "Xiaoqing, this is something you didn't do well..."

"Okay, I know!" Xiaoqing said with enthusiasm, "I will scare her to see her next time, okay?"

Xiao Rong is only a little more comfortable. "It doesn't make you like this..."

Xiaoqing saw the breeder absent, snorted, and rolled up the hidden cell phone with his tail. The mouth said: "I knew that I would not take this Rushzi opera, let the gold go. Hey, why don’t they have gold? ""

Dead gold in the corner: Today is also the day of survival in the cracks.

Xiao Rong explained: "They think that gold looks too much like a pet, and Bai Jie is too conspicuous..."

Xiao Rong’s words have not been finished yet. Suddenly he saw Xiaoqing’s body froze and looked at him doubtfully.

Xiaoqing’s tail rolled up his mobile phone and raised it to Xiao Rong. “What is going on?”

News headline: Breaking! Meng Rong's crew met Xiao Rong, and the two were suspected of being in love!

The picture is a blurred scene, and Meng Yu and Xiao Rong are in the same frame. Although there are directors and screenwriters, these two people have been specially circled.

Xiao Rong who hasn't read the news for a long time: "..............."

Xiaoqing rushed up. "I think I am green!!"

Bai Suzhen slowly slides down the tree, away from right and wrong, thinking: What is this, Xiaoqing, are you not always green?



Although there was no clear photo, the blind assistant took a clip from the monitor and sent it to Weibo.

Meng Yu: I seem to know why I don’t like birds.

In the figure, in the monitor, embrace a big python.

The netizens in the comments are laughing and mad, knowing that Meng Yu is playing on his own, but still very cola.

So... are you actually a snake?

"It’s because of this," Duan Jiaze saw a picture of Meng Wei on Weibo. Some people had Ai Ling’s zoo. “Well, Xiao Rong didn’t come out for dinner for several days.”

It is the credit of this little girl, she is also very amazing.

I don't know if it should be fortunate for her. Fortunately, there is no need to use snakes in the plot behind.

Today, Duan Jiaze wants to send the parrots to the parrot exhibition area, and live in a more suitable place with their companions. Now the weather is getting hotter and hotter, they shouldn’t follow him from time to time.

Just like sending a child to kindergarten, fifty parrots screamed and made a very loud noise. This is the same as their big brother. When he was a child, he screamed and sighed. When he grew up, his voice was very mixed.

They expressed their disappointment in the language, and Xiao Lan also talked about the human language: "Jia Jia, Jia Jia!"

Duan Jiaze sweated a bit. These parrots are all imitated. If you are familiar with the imitation object, you can hear it. For example, he thinks that he is imitating Su...

Most of the time, Su is called the dean of Jia Jia, but sometimes it will also be the head of the big sister.

"Okay, don't be too proud." Duan Jiaze brought the parrots to their exclusive areas, which are modeled after rainforests and even artificial indoor rivers, which are very suitable for parrots.

After coming out, Duan Jiaze did not have a small tail behind him. Over the past few days, he has become a "bright landscape" of Lingbi, and his return rate is extremely high, which is not in line with his previous low-key.

However, this time, when Duan Jiaze came back, the rate of return was higher because he had an oversized seal pillow in his hand.

The seal pillows previously studied by the commodity department were mostly as long as one arm, but as the seals grew up every day, tourists demanded more and more: I hope to produce larger, larger pillows.

This is a sample of a large pillow, even if Duan Jiaze is an adult, he can't hold it. With a smooth pillowcase and a soft pillow, it's not too light, just like holding a really small glutinous rice bran.

The employees encountered on the road directly gave this to the head of the garden to feel it.

The head of the garden went back with a big pillow, and the land pressure was in his room.

The land pressure was originally sitting on a single sofa. After Duan Jiaze came in, the two men looked down.

Duan Jiaze holds a huge juvenile seal pillow in his arms, which cannot be ignored.

The land pressure slowly grabbed the hand, the early around the coffin, the long-legged bird-shaped pillow with the arm, pointed at it: "?"

Duan Jiaze: ".................."

Duan Jiaze put the pillow aside and raised his hand. "It’s not my business. It was developed by the Commodity Department."

When the land pressure reached out, the oversized pillow flew into his hand. Once you know it, even the fabric and inner core are softer than his pillow.

Duan Jiaze worried about the truth: "You will not be so boring to tear the pillow..."

"Hey," the land pressure puts on the "of course not" look, even put the pillow behind him and said, "I want a big one."

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Is this more boring?

Who wants to buy a huge chicken... No, does the bird go back?

Duan Jiaze euphemistically advised: "Dao Jun, this is done according to the normal body type, you have seen the harp seals, the young cubs have a few pounds."

If he gives Duan Jiaze another chance, he will not say this. Because he just finished one, the land pressure instantly changed back to the bird form, and the body quickly "expanded" until it almost occupied the space of the room, and the segment Jiaze was squeezed against the wall.

The land pressure lowered the huge head and stared at Duan Jiaze: "I am not only so big, do you still want to see it?"

Duan Jiaze shrank back. The land pressure was too big, and one of his mouth seemed to be able to put his head in.

He thinks that the land pressure is that the guys who have lived for a long time, although the real prototype is not as big as the Peng Peng, but can easily crush the house.

However, it is ultimately a concept in the brain. Just like many tourists come to the aquarium, they can't imagine how big the manta rays can be. Now that I saw the land pressure that almost filled the entire room, Duan Jiaze had a real feeling.

"Don't worry anymore..." Duan Jiaze's entire body was almost in contact with the earth's feathers, especially warm. He cried a word, "w0\'ka-i, you are too big!"

When he finished speaking, he felt a little wrong and covered his mouth. Fortunately, the pure Tao Jun did not notice anything.

Land pressure provocatively said: "Do you want to do it according to the 'normal' size?"

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Service, the so-called large size of humans, for the land pressure should be super super super... mini number.

Daojun wants a personal class large pillow, is it too much? Not too much!

Duan Jiaze: "I let people design... that, can you make it smaller? It's very crowded."

The land pressure snorted and slowly reduced the size. The body that was almost full of the whole room was getting smaller and smaller. The items that were originally squeezed and displaced were finally able to "gasp", and a few golden red feathers floated in the air.

When he was so big as a motorcycle, Duan Jiaze suddenly shouted: "Stop."

Land pressure: "?"

Duan Jiaze turned around the land pressure for two laps, looking at his body shape, and said: "This is not bad!"


A minute later, the land pressure squatted on the bedside, occupying almost one-third of the site, and the **** looked at Duan Jia, "So?"

Duan Jiaze climbed up and pulled the wings of the land pressure and drilled it into a natural, large pillow with a blanket that was more comfortable than the seal pillow that had been chosen for a long time.

Huge, soft, self-heating, relying on extreme enjoyment in the air-conditioned room!

Duan Jiaze twisted a few times, found a comfortable posture, put both hands out, put on the land pressure wings, happy to see the outside world: "Can you, if you like this, I allow you to come to bed every day." ”

Land pressure: "........."

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