MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 130 She is an old Chinese doctor

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[Will the black cyclone be too fat? 】

[Small whirlwind is this strong? Where is fat! 】

[Which is fat, my uncle is working in the coffin, he told me that the incidence of coffin animals is very low, because the feeding plan is super scientifically detailed]

[Yes, where is fat, you are looking at it and you are fat together with the treasure, these two ages are not the same]

[Scared me, how is the brain powder so much, a little bit of a sentence, this panda is too big, too fat. Other animals are feeding fine, can giant pandas be the same? Shannan Forest Zoo is not strong enough, not to raise three pandas]

[Really, I have counted it carefully. The black whirlwind has been eating all the time. The amount of food in the daytime has reached the amount of food that an adult panda should have all day. We still can’t see how much it eats at night. . 】

[The trough, the first time I saw the panda powder tearing the zoo, not letting the pandas eat too much, it used to be torn and rolled well enough, not enough to eat...]


Xiaosu reflected the problem of the intense discussion of the barrage to Duan Jiaze, because although she is a panda powder, she is not an expert. The example of the picking barrage is also correct. In fact, many zoo veterinary techniques with giant pandas are common, not to say that they have obtained a qualification certificate.

Moreover, treating animals, especially large-scale animals, does not mean that a diagnosis plan can be cured. Like the netizen said Shannan Forest Zoo, their veterinarians are not quacks, but animals may not be able to cope with your treatment. If you need to infuse every day, then you should not anaesthetize the animals every day?

Duan Jiaze heard it and suddenly had a headache. Hey, since the live channel has been opened, there are more and more online fans, but there are more and more questions. If you don’t answer, you can’t do it. People think you have a problem.

Previously, the live broadcast was divided into time slots. Due to the sudden emergence of the black cyclone and the scorpion, the bird was super-fox. After all, the nationality was higher and it was popular.

The live broadcast time was more compressed, but this time the live platform also contacted the coffin, saying that they can give them a background operation, directly create a channel for a live account, and then sub-channels, which can simultaneously carry out different animals. The live broadcast, the viewer can switch between the menus.

Therefore, Duan Jiaze also went to buy a camera, a channel dedicated to broadcasting pandas during the day, and several other channels are also assigned a variety of animals.

Netizens switched easily, but they didn't have the troubles they thought before, and they also notified each other. From time to time, they ran to the next door to brush the curtain: "Come on three sets, once in a thousand years, Suibao counterattacks the black whirlwind." Notice, urgent notice, one continuous high energy, the land pressure is spoiled!"

Of course, there is more attention and more time, and there are more people who have doubts. I used to face animals all the time. Now there are people asking: "Wow~ Why didn't you see Daxian Lama, did you hide behind it?"

This time everyone is still concerned about the problem of the black whirlwind. Yes, the shape of the black whirlwind is bigger than the average giant panda. This is not a problem, but it is also fatter than the average animal, so the netizens are very suspicious.

Moreover, there is no way for the black cyclone to eat. It is a monster, unlike other animals. It has not only the food that the project is assigned to, but also the purple bamboo.

What everyone saw in the live broadcast was the food he shared. That food is scientifically calculated according to the size of its animal. But in fact, the black cyclone can still eat, and he will continue to eat after work.

It is not the problem that the breeder does not feed. The breeder thinks that he has eaten so much in one day. In fact, he opened a small stove after work, and went to the zoo for a lap, which is not eating!

Therefore, this rare scene has been caused. Panda powders have questioned whether the giant pandas who have always been picky eaters will eat too much in the coffin. ?

"Nothing, the whirlwind is very healthy, it is slightly larger, and the calculation standards are different." Duan Jiaze has also experienced some ups and downs, calmly monitoring data from the veterinarian.

For giant pandas, coffin veterinarians are observing various data and monitoring health conditions every day.

The black whirlwind is fat, but his body is absolutely healthy and he is getting fine. The common disease can't bother him.

In the previous contract with the Panda Center, it was also marked that it must be observed every day to establish a medical record. This can't be done. Lingbi released the data, please rest assured.

Netizens saw it and was surprised.

"I am convinced, so fat, my body can still be so healthy... It seems that people are not puffy!"

"If you pick a fault, you can shut up. How much we eat when we want to eat black whirlwind."

“Laughter, do other zoos learn well? Look at the feeding of people, and the netizens suspect that they need to lose weight!”

"Shocked, the black whirlwind is a gift of talent."

"Our black whirlwind actually eats so much, I have to brush more bamboo and buy black whirlwind."

- The bamboo here refers to the gift. In the live broadcast room of the Lingbi, the gifts are named for the animals to eat.

Solving this small problem, Duan Jiaze began today's routine stroll.

He has already developed a habit, and every day he walks around, it is also to let himself not sit in the office for a long time, the body is too stiff. Although it has been quickly transferred from the beginning, the light walk can now be wasted.

And now there are more hotels, because just opened, Duan Jiaze from time to time also slipped into the free-range area, to see there.


When Duan Jiaze came to the hotel, he saw several old men sitting in the rest and entertainment area, and wanted to turn around.

The old men all rushed to the section Jia Ze shouted: "Duan Changyuan!"

I didn't expect the old gentlemen to have good eyesight. Duan Jiaze could only walk away. "Masters are good, play?"

On the stone table in front of them, there were pen and ink, and the rice paper was stacked.

These old men are all the calligraphy associations in the city, and there are also non-calligraphic associations, but they are interested in collecting, and the background of the family is quite good, either rich or retired.

Before the coffin's surrounding umbrella, the one that Bai Suzhen inscription painted, there was a bit of heat on the Internet, and many people in Donghai City certainly saw the real thing.

However, these elderly people do not go online, do not know that the designer himself is in the coffin, or this hotel opened, there is a good response on the Internet and reality.

Many foreign tourists have finished living, and they have been furnished in the house. They have a lot of pictures on the Internet, the words on the threshold, and the porcelain in the house. There are people who specialize in holding a camera, take pictures of a room, and then send it online. The netizens all said that the hotel is really worth living, too elegant.

A local calligraphy enthusiast saw it and was shocked to be a man of heaven. He went back and reported it. Then a group of old artists will kill, want to buy porcelain, want to explore calligraphy...

It is a pity that bottles and cans are not for sale. However, there is a rule that can be used as a top-level member, and the rules for small decorations can be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

Calligraphy, Bai Suzhen did not have so much time to discuss with them, always said that they have something, every three or two sentences will be sent.

Duan Jiaze was afraid of offending people and quickly claimed that Bai Suzhen was only a part-time designer. He also had his own job, but this did not change everyone to take him to talk. After all, he was the person in charge.

Moreover, these old gentlemen still live in the hotel and don't leave. One is to bring the decorations to the other. The other is that they really live comfortably here. They can also discuss some of them together, and study Bai Suzhen's paintings and calligraphy.

**It is said that they go to work elsewhere during the day, and when they come back at night, they wait every day, wait until ** get off work and “harass”, ask her questions.

For the first old man to pull Duan Jiaze said: "Duanyuan, ** Where is the work? I also found someone in the city to help me check, I did not find out which unit she is in."

Duan Jiaze sweats, this is still looking for a relationship to check, which unit Bai Suzhen is in the end. Can find out that there is a ghost, Duan Jiaze said in the bottom of his heart, "cough ... this, certainly can not find out, Bai Jie is ... right, temporary workers."

Everyone, look at me, I see you, and suddenly there is a discussion.

"How can I do temporary work? It is better to enter the city of Wenlian, and to prepare for the work of the Calligraphy Association and the Painters Association. It is also a counterpart."

“Or come to my son company, be an art consultant, and create it every day.”

"Actually, my son hasn't married yet..."

The last old gentleman’s words were attacked by everyone. “Your son is almost forty. Do you have any points in your heart? Good to you?”

Duan Jiaze wiped the sweat: "White sister has an object, everyone, you said to me is useless, Bai Jie is my friend's relatives, it is to give my friend face, I can not force her."

The old gentlemen looked at each other and were depressed and said: "Not that we said, although it is morning and evening, ** is very young. But she is really too bad... I respect the old and love the young."

They are so old, so earnest, even after school, but ** are not giving face, always telling that they have something.

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Speaking of respecting the old and loving young children... How many years is Baijie’s two thousand years old?


In fact, Bai Suzhen is not the kind of person who is particularly cold. However, she has to go to work during the day, which is not to be beaten. After a limited time after work, Bai Suzhen was used to study medicine.

Yes, medical skills. Before Bai Suzhen knew that modern Chinese medicine was weak, she was very upset. She came back to understand Western medicine in the evening. After all, she knew each other and knew what to lose.

And for paintings and calligraphy, Bai Suzhen really didn't have much love, so he didn't have the time to waste time discussing with them.

Duan Jiaze thought about it and said: "In fact, Bai Jie has other hobbies recently, so I may not want to talk about painting and calligraphy."

"Is this a genius?" An old man said with emotion, "The age of small calligraphy is so high, so I went to learn other things. We really have nothing to compare."

"I don't know what to study..." said another old man. "But it's quite eager to learn, unlike my grandson."

Not to mention, that night they knew what ** was studying.

The old gentleman of the surname, Sun, had a heart attack at night.

With its extremely livable environment and masterpieces that indulge in calligraphy lovers, Lingbi Resort has led them to stay here for half a month.

However, it is also suitable for living, and it cannot stop these natural disasters.

After a group of old men finished their dinner, they discussed it in the lobby. They went to find out the ** and then grind it. Even if she refused to discuss it, maybe she would give a few more works. Like last time, ** gave an original, although the above is a closed notice of the zoo.

At this time, Sun Lao received a call from his grandson. Others did not care. When he spoke, he saw that Sun Laoyue said that he was more angry, although he fell on his chest with his chest.

Every old friend, for a long time, knows that the old grandson is sick, and he quickly finds medicine on him. Some of them give him medicine, and some call 120.

Because in the lobby, when I just finished eating, many people saw it. On the hotel side, the person in the infirmary was rushed out. Sun Lao was fed with medicine. The infirmary saw him in a coma and quickly took artificial respiration. He did not lose his heartbeat. But next, I still have to go to the hospital.

"It takes a while for this ambulance to come." Many people have made a fuss.

These old men lived here comfortably, but I really didn't think about medical problems. There are no hospitals nearby. But in general, the old grandson will not be so badly ill for no reason.

At the beginning, I proposed that everyone stayed. It is the old Tang of the Calligraphy Association. He is also a retired veteran cadre. At this time, he was annoyed and said: "At that time, the old grandson should not be allowed to live. He was guilty of this disease. The hospital is too far!"

Everyone comforts him. At that time, everyone came in and felt that they were more comfortable than at home. On the regular day of the old Sun's regular medical examination, taking the medicine on time, a little uncomfortable, and taking the medicine soon is also good, this time I really don't know which rabbit scorpion was stimulated.

Just as everyone was anxiously waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the old gentlemen saw two familiar figures, and it was Duan Jiaze and ** who rushed in.

When Duan Jiaze heard that someone was ill, the whole person picked up. Even if he didn't look at it from an operator's point of view, it would be hard for him not to worry about what happened to the old gentleman who had talked for a few days.

However, Duan Jiaze did not panic completely, and quickly pulled Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen thought that he would let himself teach the old man's calligraphy and said: "Wait, I haven't finished reading this book..."

"Don't look at it, sister, life is off the sky." Duan Jiaze directly took Bai Suzhen to the hotel.

These old gentlemen saw Bai Suzhen, and the mood was quite complicated. They just discussed how to grind them. At this time, they came over themselves, but the old grandchildren were sick. They didn’t have much mood to say anything. They nod and greeted Bai Su. .

When Bai Suzhen saw the patient lying flat, he ignored the people and said hello. In the past, he sat down on the ground and took out a pack of silver needles.

In order to make room for the patients, everyone else stood up. The unidentified people saw Bai Suzhen wearing a skirt and thought she was the hotel management. Unexpectedly, this person rushed straight over and took out a pack of needles for acupuncture.

"w0\'ka-i... Is this a Chinese doctor?"

"How to save heart disease?"

“The hotel is like this with her?”

"w0\'ka-i, this will not be the hotel doctor. This hotel is too retro, retro-styled, doctors also find Chinese medicine?"

"It’s so beautiful, it’s not a vase...”

The people in the hotel face each other, and the white sister came with the boss, and it was obviously the boss’s instigation, they could stop it. Although they don't know at all, Bai Jie actually still has Chinese medicine?

The hotel staff did not take long to get into the job, and they were not familiar with Bai Suzhen. Of course, even the old employees have never seen Bai Suzhen show his medical skills.

Those old gentlemen are even more confused. They are impressed by Bai Suzhen, the master of calligraphy and painting. Is it the Chinese medicine that has recently been studied? Have you practiced here? ?

Someone took Duan Jiaze and asked him so reliable.

"Absolutely reliable, my white sister is an old Chinese doctor. This is my job! You can see that calligraphy painting technique is practiced by her usual prescriptions and acupuncture points." Duan Jiaze’s slap in the air, the old man Blowing out.

What a joke! What do you say about the book of ** is written by the prescription? Genius is not such a genius law!

Still old Chinese medicine? Old hair!

Bai Suzhen was studying western medicine during this time. While withdrawing the needle to confirm the acupuncture point, while in the heart, the Western medicine could not work, or I applied the needle faster.

The onlookers raised their mobile phones and photographed them. Really, they were there for almost everyone, and they lived for so many years. For the first time, they saw first-hand Chinese medicine practitioners. Although everyone knows about the existence of this traditional medicine, some people have never seen acupuncture.

In addition, the good Chinese doctors in the general impression are old men. Such a young and beautiful professional woman suddenly starts to apply needles. It is simply too distasteful. What will happen?

Between the breathless gaze, the beautiful woman had already put several needles on the sick old gentleman. After acupuncture points, she began to pick up the hands on the old man's arm.

After about three or four minutes, I saw the old unconscious old gentleman, slowly waking up, still struggling to sit up.

Bai Suzhen held him down in one hand and whispered: "Wait for me to take the needle."

Sun and old fans only remember that they seem to have a severe chest pain. They are probably sick. It is possible to wake up in a hospital or a room, but he did not expect to see Bai Suzhen after waking up. It also reflected for a while, this is the calligraphy. Very powerful **!

Sun Lao is incredulous: "**...?"

"Calling the white doctor can also be." Bai Suzhen faintly answered, took the silver needle down, and beat a few times in Sun’s chest.

The action seemed rude. Sun was coughing a few times. He felt that the chest to the throat was more relaxed. He just needed to use his mouth to breathe. Now he is completely unused.

Bai Suzhen easily lifted Sun Lao, and sat down next to the sofa. "Don't go around, call the ambulance, don't come, he will sit for a while."

Oh, now everyone thinks about the existence of an ambulance.

Onlookers are even more talkative, "the bulls, really powerful!"

"Beauty Chinese medicine practitioners give first aid, three minutes to save heart patients from Ghost Gate... This title is not enough scary? I am ready to contribute!"

"Where you are the title party, I just sent a circle of friends, the first time I met a beautiful Chinese doctor..."

"The look of the beautiful woman has been too handsome, and it is super calm. This old gentleman seems to have stopped his heartbeat and engaged in artificial respiration."

"Although I also took medicine before, it was still very good. I woke up in a row."


For the old friends of Lao Sun, there are still some people who don’t feel at ease. They think they have to go to the hospital to see.

This really can't be done according to Bai Suzhen, sit down and it will become, isn't it?

Bai Suzhen listened that they didn't want to stop the ambulance, and raised an eyebrow. "Are you not a waste of medical resources? Even if you take him to the hospital, you can't check what other troubles are there."

"Oh..." They looked at Bai Suzhen hesitantly, and no one dared to take the risk.

"Forget it, let the old gentlemen have peace of mind." Duan Jiaze persuaded him that he knew that Bai Suzhen was not a doctor in everyone's heart. Although he saved people back, this "doctor" still made them afraid to comply.

In their hearts, it is still necessary to use modern instruments to detect a clear understanding, and then dare to rest assured.

After all, it’s different today. Bai Suzhen turned to think about this, and snoring, it is not their anger, but some helpless. It would be even more so if you look at the onlookers who look like a novelty.

"Director." Bai Suzhen suddenly pulled Duan Jiaze to the side. "You said, if I write this medical book, how do you print it out and spread it out? Is there a printer?"

"That may not work," Duan Jiaze weakly said. "No book number, it is illegal printing..."

Bai Suzhen: "..."

Duan Jiaze: "But those old gentlemen are Wenlian. They should be able to contact the publishing house. I asked how much it would cost to buy a book. What, Bai Jie, are you doing something big?"

"What big things, anyway, I will stay for so many days, I have to go to work on weekdays, I have nothing to write about to benefit the people." Bai Suzhen looked over there and said with a slight anxiety, "Just, I don't have any fame now, you Said that they would be willing to learn my medical skills?"

"How is it not famous," Duan Jiaze pointed at the crowd and said, "I didn't see so many people making video videos. I will hire you a water army again. I will be red when I stir it. It is not good, just in our hotel. Open a clinic, you can cure him for a hundred and ten years, can you learn?"

Bai Suzhen: "..."



Duan Jiaze really looked for Huang Wei to discuss the things that helped Bai Suzhen to stir up. This sudden incident was already very explosive. In recent years, there have been some calls for attaching importance to Chinese medicine, and I will follow it.

However, before this, Duan Jiaze first received a call from Sun Aiping.

Sun Aiping was mad at the phone: "Jia Ze, this time you must give the export gas!"

Duan Jiaze thought that he had taken the wrong call. "What is the gas?"

In this tone, how can you get along with him, what can the Forestry Bureau get?

Sun Aiping said: "This is not, residents report, we have seized a rare parrot in the community, the parrots are poached and smuggled from home and abroad, hatched from home, and then sold out. This person was After catching it, I dared to scream, saying that our forestry department wastes and saved the birds, and that dozens of eggs will definitely fail to hatch, he said..."

The forestry department is not very strong in this respect, but Sun Aiping does not see criminals so arrogant, they can't do it, can't subordinate units do it? Can also give you a criminal to force God!

After the paragraph, Jia Ze could not listen. He interrupted Sun Aiping and asked, "How many eggs do you say?"

Sun Aiping: "How many! It seems that there are fifty, all of them must continue to hatch within forty-eight hours, or they will die!"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

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