MTL - This Pirate Relies on Justice-Chapter 761 The hero is defeated, and the ape plays the stage! The whole army of the Destiny Pirates is attacking!

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After a long period of quiet practice.

Under the combined effects of the extremely high talent bonus of [Wild Body] and the gravity training bonus of [Yindian Star], etc.

Cui Ze has already raised his [Muscle Strength], [Durability], and [Agility] attributes to the a+++ level of the normal upper limit.

[Plasma Spark Tower], which was able to bring Cui Ze a huge boost in strength, has no way to increase his strength anymore because his own attributes all exceed a++.

Facing Garp at this time, even if it was Garp who was burning with anger, Cui Ze didn't need to rely on the value of any other ex-level abilities. With his own ceiling-level strength and speed, he was confident enough to completely suppress the opponent.

Garp, who was furious, didn't understand what kind of opponent he was facing at this time.

The naval hero concentrated all his strength on his left fist, wrapped it around and covered it with the [Meteor] weapon color he had honed for many years, and swung it ferociously at Kaka's cheek.

Facing Garp's active attack, Cui Ze's expression did not change at all.

He calmly raised his left hand, swung forward to block, and hit the forearm of Garp's left hand, which was almost inevitable punch. Slap it open.

Cui Ze did not stop attacking because of this.

The left hand, which had just established its function just now, slammed forward like a spring, and the fist that was clenched at some point hit Garp's jaw with precision, and the naval hero was forced to move his head to the ground. Then raised high.

Because Cui Ze's strength is too strong, even Garp cannot completely rely on his physique to absorb this attack.

A fishy-sweet taste filled the mouth of the naval hero, and dark red blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and his brain inevitably felt a strong dizziness, temporarily losing control over his body.

Cui Ze, who had no idea of ​​"let it go when it's good", twisted his waist again, and while retracting his left hand, he swung his right fist straight ahead, hitting Garp's chest quickly and urgently.


With the sound of rapid and tight bones breaking, Karp's muscular and incomparably strong chest was directly punched into a depression in the shape of Cui Ze's fist.

And Garp's head that had just been raised backwards, and his upper body that was bent sharply because of this attack, were forced to reverse direction and move forward violently.

The severe pain did not bless Garp's fainting condition, but stimulated his ruthlessness.

The naval hero manipulated his right arm with his barely reacting brain, wrapped it almost instinctively with armed domineering, and attacked Cui Ze again.

Cui Ze turned slightly to the right, but not to avoid it.

His left hand protruded forward like a cattail fan, grasping the wrist of Garp's right arm swung over without any chance, and then moved back suddenly.

Garp's body was already a little unstable, and he was immediately brought closer to him by Cui Ze's strength.

Cui Ze swung his right fist prepared in advance, and with a right uppercut, it happened to hit the waist of Garp who was brought over, adding another serious injury to the naval hero.

Under the superimposition of various injuries and pains, Garp's head, which was still a little clear just now, was forcibly disturbed again, and he had a sense of being stunned.

Cui Ze seized this opportunity, and his left hand, which was holding Garp's right arm, stretched forward at a high speed, and then grabbed the collar of the naval hero, firmly grasping the old marine's body so that he could not escape.

The next moment, Cui Ze's right arm recovered its energy for a short time, raised it high again, and swung it out heavily.

As if a heavy cannon had been fired, Cui Ze hit the hero Garp on the left cheek with an unpretentious right swing.

After this set of silky tricks, a glaring blood spewed from the mouth of the naval hero, and his consciousness completely fell into a state of laxity.

With broken teeth flying all over the sky, the hero Garp fell towards the naval warship below in a panic.

[You defeated an old legend navy! 】

[You have obtained an A-level "Victory Bait"! 】

The battle that started and ended between lightning and flint fully demonstrated Cui Ze's strong physical fitness and superb physical fighting skills.

And... the level of water release that is accurately grasped.

By comparison.

Seeing that Garp was injured, the yellow ape that flew up in a fake manner looked much inferior.


The bright yellow flashing energy gathered in front of Cui Ze, and the yellow ape holding the [Tiancongyun Sword] looked at Cui Ze "as if facing a big enemy", with an expression of "this old man will do his best to fight".

Just now because of the instant defeat of the naval hero, the Tumoling troops, who felt extremely lost and their morale plummeted, were once again encouraged by the admiral, and barely cheered up.

Even if Kaka defeated Marshal Steel Bone Kong, General Aokiji, and hero Garp... so what?

We also have General Yellow Ape!

Naval Trivia - No one has ever seen a Kizaru go all out.

This bottomless sense of mystery...maybe also part of the strength of the yellow ape.


Even General Huang Yuan is not an opponent of cards...

There is absolutely no way for the card to take General Huang Yuan's [Glittering Fruit]!

The navy elites in the Demon Slaughter Order had just come up with this idea.

The next moment.

Boom card!

There was a deafening thunderbolt from the blue.

Silver-white thunder gathered and formed beside Cui Ze.

Enel, who exudes awe-inspiring and inviolable thunder power, looked at the yellow monkey eagerly.

"Meet you again, General Yellow."

The corner of Huang Yuan's mouth twitched.

This guy Enilu... probably never remembered his name, right?

"Raiden Enil, this expression is really scary~"

If it is said that the appearance of the yellow ape has inspired the spirit of the Tumoling troops.

Then the appearance of Enilo undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on this group of people.

So what if the yellow ape has 【Shiny Fruit】?

The one recognized as the "strongest nature type" by the world is [Thunder Fruit]!

Enel's appearance was just a signal.

In the core area of ​​Feast Island, a strange ship with a silver body and strange shape slowly floated out—【Ark Proverbs】 which was reproduced with reference to ancient technical data!

[Ark Proverbs] above.

[Flying Blade], [Sleeve Shirayuki], [Heaven's Gate Requiem], [Killer Queen's Requiem], Yixiao, Aramaki, Fisher Tiger... Almost all members of the Destiny Pirates gathered!


Accompanied by a shocking dragon chant that pierced the clouds and cracked rocks.

The peach-pink dragon rises from the [Ark Proverbs], carrying a majestic majesty, soaring towards the battleship of the Demon Slaying Order.

"Dragon! It's—"

"H-Hundred Beast Kaikaido!


Seeing the peach-colored dragon flying towards it at such a high speed, the Tumoling troops were almost in an uproar.

Before setting off, the order received by the troops of the Demon Slaughter Order was—to crusade against the card master!

The navy thought they only needed to deal with the cards alone.

At most, it just needs to deal with the hidden power of a few Destiny Pirates.


Now it's not just the Destiny Pirates who are fully staffed.

Beast Kaido also took the initiative to join the Destiny Pirates? !

Only a handful of well-informed navies recognized the difference between this peachy dragon and the beast Kaido.

But the current situation happened too suddenly, and there was no way for these navies to quickly spread the news that "the peachy dragon is not Kaido of Beasts" to the entire army.

Change source app]

The peach-colored dragon incarnated by Trafalgar opened its **** mouth, its neck protruded high, and the terrifying and fiery energy gathered in his throat, blooming a dazzling light .

It is the signature ability of [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit] that is engraved into Beast Kaido—



Cui Ze yelled softly, calling to stop Trafalgar Law's actions.

"It's all your own, what are you doing?"


A mouthful of extremely hot dragon's breath was blocked in Luo's throat.

In full view.

The menacing Eudemons Red Dragon hiccupped loudly above the sky.