MTL - This Pirate Relies on Justice-Chapter 727 【Any Door】Evolution! Parallel world ability! EX grade vertical…

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Fifteen devil fruits accumulated before.

Except that Cui Ze, the food-type ability fruit of [Superman-type Biscuit Fruit], really couldn't find a suitable candidate, so he could only keep it temporarily.

[Slippery Fruit], [Teleport Fruit], [Shadow Fruit], [Mammoth Fruit], [Phantom Beast · Nue Form], [Sound Fruit], [Bandage Fruit], [Swamp Fruit], etc. All eight devil fruits have found distribution targets.

After handing over [Awakening Card Swamp Fruit] to Huang Mu who called "True Fragrance", Cui Ze resolutely left this excited green cow that seemed to be "becoming rain after a long drought".

After being busy for a long time, Master Ozawa finally picked up the fishing rod and prepared to [fish]!

Cui Ze recalled the few devil fruits he was going to fish for, and after thinking carefully for a while, he still chose to take out the [Piercing Fruit] from the [Treasure Room] first.

"Let's fill in the 'blank' of [Any Door] first!"

With the experience of making up for the [Wild Body] back then, Cui Ze knew how to operate it.

However, in order to increase the value of the fishing harvest as much as possible, Ozawa found a piece of uninhabited sea to be on the safe side, and created a super storm with [Reality Distortion] to increase his luck.

[Current lucky attribute: ex]!

"It's done!"

After the light screen flashed this message, Cui Ze immediately started to operate.

Under normal circumstances, you can start fishing by throwing the Devil Fruit directly into the Dimensional Sea.

However, in special cases such as [Wild Body] and [Any Door], the fishing process still needs to be slightly modified.

After Cui Ze made some operations, the light curtain flashed a new message prompt.

【Do you want to integrate the fishing harvest of [Superman · Chuanchuan Fruit] into [Any Door]? 】

Cui Ze naturally did not hesitate, took a deep breath and chose to go fishing.


[This fishing harvest is integrated into [Any Door]! 】

[Your [ex-level ability entry: Any Door] effect has changed! 】

[Ex-level ability entry: Any Door (Space · Multidimensional · Blank)】

[Source of ability: "Doraemon" series]

[Entry description: super sci-fi ability]

[Effect of entry: 1. Create a door, which can reach any place in the galaxy at will;

2. Create a door to travel to another parallel universe in this world]

[Entry evaluation: -, I want to come in! 】

Looking at the entry change message on the light curtain, Cui Ze pursed his lips.

"Even I feel that [Any Door] is getting outrageous..."

After incorporating [Piercing Fruit], the original effect of [Any Door] has been greatly enhanced.

The [Anywhere Gate], which was originally only able to move through the planet and its seven satellites, suddenly became a cosmic-level ability to "move freely within the galaxy", and the range of movement can be called an exponential explosion. .

At the same time, [Arbitrary Door] is well integrated into the "shuttle" feature of [Traveling Fruit] itself.


Cui Ze was not so satisfied with this new characteristic effect.

"I originally thought that after integrating the fishing harvest of [Piercing Fruit], [Anywhere Door] would allow me to travel directly to other different worlds and start a travel adventure in another world, but now..."

Bathed in a super storm, Cui Ze opened a [Any Door], and the scenery behind the door flickered and changed with his thoughts.

The Reversing Mountain that goes upstream against the current, the majestic and towering Red Earth Continent, the brilliant space universe of the Milky Way...

There are so many scenes.

"Strong is strong, but it can only shuttle in the 'parallel world', which does not achieve the expected effect..."

Cui Ze waved his hand to dissipate the [Any Door] in front of him, thinking a little greedily.

In fact, the effect of [Any Door] is already exaggerated enough!

Even if he can't go to the real "different world", but he can go to the "parallel world", Cui Ze can still wantonly plunder the bait of many sea powerhouses in the parallel world to increase his own strength.

the most important point is…

The devil fruit in the parallel world has not been searched by the fishing old Ozawa!

And don't forget.

In today's [Any Door], there is still one "blank" column left!

If the last "gap" is filled, the effect of [Any Door] will definitely continue to increase!

For example, "Galaxy Shuttle" has become a real "Universal Shuttle"...

For example, the "parallel world" has become a real "different-dimensional world"...

And Cui Ze has already decided on the last filling fruit of [Anywhere Gate].

space, multidimensional…

Then of course it's time!

"[Superman Series Time Fruit]! This devil fruit once belonged to Guangyue Shi, or Tianyue Shi!"

Thinking of this, Cui Ze couldn't help shaking his head again.

Like [Dark Fruit], [Time Fruit] has not been searched by Pride or [Devil Fruit Radar].

Cui Ze even had some doubts, whether [Time Fruit] would reappear in the sea after the group of Kozuki Momonosuke finished their time travel...

"The problem of finding a devil fruit can't be rushed. We can only wait slowly."

Cui Ze suppressed his desire for [Timely Fruit], and took out another superhuman fruit from [Treasure Room], and threw it directly into the dimension sea.

This one is [Superman-Memory Fruit] obtained from Wanguo Totlan!


[The fishing harvest type: item]

[ex-level item: information integration thought body]

[Source of the item: "Haruhi Suzumiya" series]

[Item Description: A bodyless information life form born in the Milky Way, or even the vast information ocean that includes the entire universe]

[Item effects: 1. Information evolution: The initial [Information Integrated Thought Body] was born in the form of information information, and then after various information will be combined with each other, it will produce integrated consciousness, relying on the evolution of other information, its own form will follow. The amount of information you have is gradually expanding and becoming huge;

2. Information life: [Information integrated thought body] They have no entity, they can only exist in the form of information, even with the most advanced optical inspection methods, they cannot be observed;

3. Information operation: [Information integrated thinking body] can perform information manipulation on objects in the space, can change the shape, properties, and functions of matter, and can also change and reconstruct the environment]

[Item evaluation: I am not interested in ordinary humans]

"What's this?"

Cui Ze looked at the fishing harvest reminder on the light curtain, and then stared blankly at the torrential rain curtain that was empty in front of him.

"This ex-level item information... um, what about the [Information Integration Thought Body]?"

According to past experience, as long as something is fished up, it will definitely manifest itself.

Even if it is a monster card, a small card will appear.

This is the first time Cui Ze has encountered such a special situation today.

Even the [Qi] perception and [Information Color] perception failed to sense the existence of the [Information Integrated Thought Body].

Just when Cui Ze was going to use [Listen to the Voice of All Things] to sense the items he just harvested from fishing.

The rain curtain in front of him suddenly deformed strangely.

Under Cui Ze's gaze, a huge face of raindrops slowly emerged from the continuous rain curtain.

If you look carefully, you will find that this "raindrop face" is clearly Cui Ze's face that has been magnified many times!

'This is…'

Cui Ze reviewed the light curtain message prompt he just browsed.

‘The information evolution ability of [Information Integrated Thought Body]? '

'It absorbs natural information from the surrounding environment and reproduces my face? '

'What's going on? '

'I'm not familiar with Suzumiya Haruhi, I'm really sorry! What kind of item is this! '

There is one thing to say.

Cui Ze really didn't understand enough about this ex-level item obtained by fishing.

The only good thing is that there is no overlap or conflict between the [memory fruit] fishing item and Cui Ze's own ability system.

Cui Ze looked at the "Raindrop Face" who had gone silent, and shook his head secretly.

'Let this guy evolve for a while...'

Cui Ze's [Listen to the Voice of All Things] has already heard the existence of this [Information Integrated Thought Body].

But the voice from the other party was too noisy and chaotic.

Cui Ze also had no way to communicate with it smoothly, so he could only temporarily let it grow and evolve on its own.

The next moment, Cui Ze took out a fruit from [Treasure Room] again.

Still the spoils of this war of nations—

【Superman Series·Book Fruit】!

"I hope [Book Book Fruit]'s fishing won't be so difficult to understand anymore..."

Cui Ze gently threw the [Book Fruit] in his hand into the void, causing ripples in the space.

next moment.

A short and thin white figure emerged from the void!


[The fishing harvest type: item]

[ex-level item: Requiem for Heaven's Gate (formerly, stand-in, Requiem for Heaven's Gate)]

[Source of the item: "jojo's Bizarre Adventure" series]

[Item description: The main body is white with yellow lines, and the appearance is a child wearing a dress and a high hat]

[Item effects: 1. Bookification: [Heaven's Gate Requiem] can turn anything into a book, whether it is a living body, a non-living body, or yourself, you can turn it into a book and view its personal experience , information materials, abnormal status, etc., you can also write commands on the book and let the object execute it;

2. Cause and effect orientation: [Heaven's Gate Requiem] can record sea events in real time, as long as the cause is tampered with before the result is revealed, the event can be directed to other results;

3. Comic induction: [Heaven's Gate Requiem] can record the creation content of high-dimensional creatures in the current world and update it in real time]

[Item Evaluation: There is Yan Ruyu in the book]

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