MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 91 relax

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After the two auditors left, Qiu Yu came out of the conference room, and Mu Feibai immediately went up to greet him.

"How about it?"

"Passed." Qiu Yu said casually.

Hearing these words, Du Chen who was standing aside seemed relieved. He looked at Qiu Yu with a complicated expression, then turned and left silently.

"Passed?" Mu Feibai's tone was a bit strange, "'s pretty good."

"En." Qiu Yu nodded, and looked at Qi Zhefeng who was standing on the other side, "My medical information should have been updated, please deal with it."

Qi Zhefeng nodded slightly: "It should. Go to the infirmary and talk."

After operating on the website of the government medical system, Qiu Yu's surgery review results were confirmed and valid for life. However, he glanced down at the personal medical information on the bracelet, but there was no relief on his face.

"What's wrong?" Qi Zhefeng asked, "Because you're going to have an operation, are you nervous?"

"No." Qiu Yu pressed down the light screen of the bracelet and raised his eyes, "I'm thinking about something... It involves some important decisions, so I haven't made up my mind yet."

However, these things are different from wars, and they are problems that he is not very good at dealing with. Although they are not as fast-changing as wars and require quick responses, they are enough to affect the rest of his future life.

Therefore, he intends to be more cautious.

Seeing that Qiu Yu showed no signs of confiding in him, Qi Zhefeng changed the topic directly: "By the way, you have been monitored every day for six months. From the data, your body is fine. Now there is Alpha to appease you." Adjustment, the overflow period has also tended to be stable, and the monitoring frequency can be appropriately reduced in the next six months. Recently, it is tentatively scheduled to be twice a week, and continuous monitoring will be done when the overflow period is approaching."

After watching Qiu Yu leave the infirmary, Qi Zhefeng clicked on the message Mu Feibai sent him.

The entry is a series of:

"Then should you contact the medical team you prepared? Experts should make an appointment."

"Calculating the time, next year's spring season will end at the end of May, and his monitoring will start in early June, so the surgery can be arranged in mid-June."

"As for the location, the capital is too hot in summer to be conducive to recuperation. How about finding a man-made fortress with a suitable climate for recuperation? I asked my brother if he could get in touch and make an appointment for a place with a better environment."

"Don't worry about the cost, I will make up for the lack of money."

Qi Zhefeng was silent for a moment: "You are more nervous than himself."

Mu Feibai: "..."

Mu Feibai: "You saw it."

Not at all.

Of course he gets nervous.

Even knowing that the success rate of this operation is very high, coupled with the expert team promised by Qi Zhefeng, the risk is almost minimized.

But... that was also an operation after all, and a knife would be used on Qiu Yu's body.

Besides, even if he respected Qiu Yu's choice, as an Alpha himself, deep down in his heart, he actually didn't want Qiu Yu to cut off Oga's body. He is not a saint, he also has selfishness, he hopes that he can always smell the sweet coconut milk smell on Qiu Yu's body, and also hopes that Qiu Yu can always rely on him and cannot do without him.

However, when Qiu Yu walked towards him and saw the brilliance brought by Qiu Yu's self-confidence and freedom, Mu Feibai's little selfishness disintegrated and melted instantly like a fragile ice flower in the sun.

"Brother, your training list for this week is almost finished, do you want to rest for two days?" Mu Feibai put away the bracelet, and asked Qiu Yu with a smile, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

He didn't mention the matter of the surgery review just now, as if that matter was insignificant, as normal as eating and drinking.

Qiu Yu was a little surprised: "Where do you want to go?"

Before Mu Feibai could answer, he chuckled again: "You decide, I won't choose."

During the winter offseason, although the players still have training arrangements, but because there are more clothes for various activities, the arrangements for training events are relatively loose. In addition to participating in the weekly practice games as much as possible, only one week If you can complete the training list given by Coach He, you can freely control the rest of the time.

Although Qiu Yu originally tended to train himself some more physical exercises, but now, going out for a walk, relaxing, and seeing more of the world might be more beneficial for him to make a choice.

Anyway, even if he finally decides to operate as soon as possible, he still has to wait until next spring, after 12 months of monitoring.

"The city where I took commercials last time." Mu Fei said, "There is a new huge wildlife park opened there. It is said that there are many ecological areas. I think the evaluation is good. Let's go and see it together?"

The park is so big that you can’t finish it in one day. The package ticket is valid for three days, and they can camp in the camp area for two nights with their tents. If Qi Zhefeng hadn't told him in the message just now that Qiu Yu didn't need to be monitored every day, he still regretted that it would be a long time before he could take Qiu Yu to play.

"The zoo..."

Qiu Yu thought about it, and found that the original body had been there when he was very young, and his memory was a little fuzzy, leaving only some scattered fragments. As for himself, he basically had a hunting relationship with wild animals in the past, and only lived in peace with the cats and dogs raised in the team.

Wildlife park, it might be interesting to visit.

So the itinerary was set.

Wenle City Wildlife Park is a multi-climate natural ecological park just built last year. It covers an extremely vast area, and there are various small ecological facilities scattered in different environments. Tourists can drive across grasslands, deserts, Rainforests, wetlands and even ice fields, close-up observation of rare animals in the corresponding environment.

Of course, the park has also set up a large exclusive interactive area for some small animals that are harmless to humans and close enough to humans, and tourists can enjoy the animals.

"The closest to the gate is the grassland area, where you can see most of the grassland animals brought from the earth, um, first pass through the herbivorous area, where the sightseeing cars can open the windows, then the lion garden, leopard garden, hyena garden, Cheetah Park, these areas can only be fully enclosed for tours."

On the self-driving sightseeing car, Mu Feibai flipped through the introduction of the park, and said with great interest, "Now is just the time for the prey to be released. If we are lucky, we might see lions hunting."

It was already afternoon when they rushed over from the capital. The sun is slanting to the west, which is the usual hunting time for the big cats in the grassland, and the prey release in the park is arranged during this time period.

Qiu Yu pointed out the car window: "There are a group of zebras over there."

They are now passing through the grazing area of ​​the prairie, and the roof of the sightseeing car is open to let in the gentle breeze from the ecological facility.

"Go and have a look!" Mu Feibai adjusted the driving system of the sightseeing car enthusiastically, and walked in the direction Qiu Yu pointed out, while saying, "The herbivores here are used to humans, and they are said to be very reliable. Recently, they sometimes come to humans for snacks. Especially zebras, they are the most courageous..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the zebra group not far away suddenly commotion, and then, as if encountering a natural enemy, they huddled together and ran away from the sightseeing car.

Probably because they ran too eagerly, the antelopes who were taking a leisurely walk in the distance became alert, stood still for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

Mu Feibai: ...

Do you want to disrespect him like this?

Did you say that the herbivores in the park are very close to humans?

Qiu Yu withdrew his gaze from the zebra, and seeing Mu Feibai's expressionless face, he couldn't help laughing: "Why do you always get slapped in the face so easily for what you say?"

Mu Feibai gave a "tsk", and said nonsense: "Probably because I have a cute face."

After scaring away the zebras, the sightseeing car turned back on track and headed for the isolation gate of the Lion Park.

After walking a short distance, the two saw another car parked on the road ahead.

Three adult elephants surrounded the car and looked at a baby elephant with its trunk outstretched to eat corn pieces from the hands of tourists. The picture was harmonious.

The sightseeing car approached slowly according to the program setting. Mu Feibai looked at the group of elephants who were not afraid of people with satisfaction. He picked up the corn cobs bought at the gate of the park from the car and cut them into pieces, ready to feed them together.

Unexpectedly, when the three adult elephants saw their car, they suddenly raised their noses and sniffed the air, then immediately honked loudly, turned around and ran away. One of the elephants patted its own baby elephant impatiently with its trunk, urging it to follow quickly.

Mu Feibai:? ? ?

"What's the situation?" He couldn't understand, "Why even the elephant ran away?"

Are they worthy of their weight of 5678 tons?

Qiu Yu looked at the small herd of elephants going away, and played with a piece of fresh corn in his hand with lowered eyes.

He is not surprised that wild animals will run away when they see people. In his cognition, it is abnormal for people to live in peace with these beasts—in the wasteland of the end of the world, all unmutated beasts are rare sources of meat. At that time, human beings can't live anymore, and they will never do such a thing as distributing food to wild animals.

"Herbivores are cowards," Mu Feibai tried to make amends, "Let's go watch the lions."

He didn't believe that the overlord of the grassland, the lion, could run away when he saw someone.


Mu Feibai looked at the three lions who had just caught a bait goat beside the car, but their tails were between their teeth, their faces were stern, and they were lying on the ground and slowly backing away, expressionless.

Among them, the majestic lion with a majestic mane wrinkled his nose and stared, his front paws were anxiously digging the ground, and he looked like he wanted to eat but didn't dare to approach it, which was very characteristic.

Qiu Yu was quite curious about this behavior of the lion. He looked over and happened to meet the golden eyes of the male lion.

The male lion whimpered, licked his nose, and took a few steps back pitifully and aggrievedly. He took the two female lions with him, turned his head three times a step, stepped back reluctantly, and stood tens of meters away, watching helplessly. .

That meaning seemed to say: All right, all right, you eat first, and just give me some left over.

Mu Feibai was really confused this time: "Why even a lion...?"

He looked at Qiu Yu in disbelief, raised his hand and touched his chin: "Could it be that I'm really the protagonist of this world, with the aura of the protagonist, even a lion can feel it?"

Qiu Yu: ...

Here we go again, Mu Feibai, the playwright.

"It's a pity that we don't have a live broadcast!" Mu Feibai said with a smile, turned around and took out the floating camera from his bag, "We must let them open their eyes!"

So, Mu Feibai took the camera, turned on the live broadcast, and ordered the sightseeing car to drive farther away. When the lions came back to cook, he drove back again to scare the lions away.

Repeated two or three times, tried repeatedly.

Now even Qiu Yu felt sorry for those lions: "Okay, let them have a good meal."

It's a pity that the lions kept in the zoo have never experienced the cruel disputes on the grassland, so they were bullied miserably this time. I don't know if it will cause indigestion.

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, the audience was also confused by the behavior of these lions:

"No, is the domineering spirit of admirers even afraid of lions?"

"It's strange. I've been to this zoo before, and I was in time to see the lions during the hunting time. When the car got closer, it was roared by the lions. The male lions almost pounced on them. They are obviously super fierce!"

"Mushen said just now that zebras and elephants ran away when they saw their cars? What's the reason?"

"Everyone is paying attention to the lion. Am I the only one who noticed that there were only Mushen and Qiushen in the car? Tell me, are you going out on a date!!"

"Wow! Date!"

"No wonder Rank is not broadcast today, this wave, this wave of Mushen tricked dogs into killing them! QAQ"

"Hehehe, this safari park is huge! It takes two full days to visit, and there is a campsite where you can pitch a tent for the night! Hehehe, I seem to have found something?"

"Outdoors. Camping. Tents. Element detection!"

"A lot of money for a geek, hack the camera of Mushen, and secretly help us open a tent for live broadcast at night!"

Read The Duke's Passion