MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 9 storm

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Although there was no live broadcast when Mu Feibai took Du Chen and Lin Jinxi to play Rank training this time, Qiu Yu's live broadcast was always on. Soon, the fact that he rejected Mu Feibai's friend's invitation again spread to Mu Feibai's fan group.

Fans follow the original owner, Mu Feibai has a free and easy personality and loves to joke, and most of his fans are sham sculptures. Not only do they not care that his admirers are repeatedly rejected by others, they even get together to gloat.

Soon, a post titled "818 The Man Who Wants God but Can't Ask for It" became popular in the "End Century" section of Yuyou Forum.

In the post, there are not only the video clips of Qiu Yu explicitly rejecting Mu Feibai twice, but also the description that Mu Feibai sent a friend request and never received a reply. At the beginning, Mu Feibai was pierced by Qiu Yu with an arrow.

"Good guy, who is this person? Can he fight with Mushen to this extent?"

"Professional, training number or trumpet number."

"I was on the live broadcast, and I remember him saying that he was not a professional."

"So, I just want to know, did Mushen wash her hair upside down in the live broadcast at the end?"

"Of course I broadcast [Proud] he's always Fg and never runs away! I even recorded the screen [video link]"

"Hahahaha I laughed so hard, I really washed my hair upside down!"

"...I don't know why, but I suddenly expected Ghost 2207 to be O and B. I want to see Mu Shen, who can't run away, kneel and propose!"

"Upstairs, do you want to play a face swap and replace the ghost with yourself?"

"It's hard not to tear people apart!"

"Isn't it? I'm not really the only one who thinks this ghost is trying to please the public, right? Wasn't he able to kill Mu Feibai in the first place because there was a barrage report in the live broadcast room? Otherwise, how could he have found Mu Feibai's location? And these two rejections , I feel like playing hard to get, if he really doesn’t want to deal with Mu Feibai, why is he so obedient and obedient when he was a teammate? Wouldn’t he be able to do non-violent non-cooperation?”

"??? Report what's going on?"

"I didn't mention it in the post, but someone recorded the whole live broadcast, watch it for yourself [video link]"

"Actually, I also think there is something wrong with this ghost. How can the male Beta have such a milky voice? I'm afraid he turned on a voice changer to make people misunderstand that he is O. What disgusting XP is there for a strong man with a positive voice..."

The joy in the post gradually became disharmonious, and eventually it turned into a keyboard warrior melee. On the second day, radicals began to organize groups to go to Qiu Yu's live broadcast room to brush barrage. Yes, and one that told him to turn off the voice changer.

Qiu Yu's live broadcast room is now managed by the housekeeper, who quickly kicked out and blocked these troublemakers, but was recorded and moved to the forum, accusing Qiu Yu of being overbearing and unreasonable.

Xu Qingqing chased all the way from the barrage to the "818" post, and after learning the cause and effect, she was so angry that she almost dropped her glass.

Qiu Yu grabbed the cup and put it back on the dining table.

"No way, so angry?" He smiled helplessly, but he really didn't care. "They can only swear on the Internet, and they can't hurt me."

Xu Qingqing puffed his lips: "Those people are definitely not the true fans of Mushen. No one in our fan group scolds you, and many people are still fighting with those people!"

Qiu Yu comforted her: "I know. Okay, don't be angry, it's nothing serious. Have some more mint water?"

Taking a sip of the mint water, Xu gently put down his glass and looked at Qiu Yu: "Then why don't you add Mushen as a friend? Don't you like him too?"

"He's a professional player. I don't want to bother him anymore. It's inappropriate." Qiu Yu said casually, "If you can meet him in the game, let's play together. If you don't, just let it go."

Xu Qingqing's eyes dimmed: "Do you know how many Oga want to marry him?"

Qiu Yu was helpless: "Then I won't be able to add him as a friend."

After a moment of silence, Xu Weiqing asked: "Are you still thinking about your bamboo horse? Isn't he already married?"

There is no way to explain this matter, Qiu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "It has nothing to do with him."

Before Yuanzheng decided to commit suicide, he had already blocked all the contact information of that bamboo horse, and deleted all the photos in the bracelet. He was very decisive. And he obviously can't let people off the blacklist and ask for trouble, so it's fine now.

Xu Qingqing treated Qiu Yu as her best friend, chatted with him a few more words about marriage, and finally calmed down the anger caused by the post and rhythm.

But she was afraid that Qiu Yu would pretend not to care, but actually held it back in her heart. After thinking about it for a while, she suggested, "Why don't I sleep with you today?"

Qiu Yu: ...

A girl who said she wanted to sleep with him?

What kind of weird unfolding is this? !

Qiu Yu's memory drifted away in an instant. He remembered the wasteland of the last days. Their troops cooperated with another military force in a certain mission. The female mercenary on the opposite side was bold and unrestrained. How do you feel? You are so powerful, our children must be easy to support. "

"This is not suitable." Qiu Yu refused with a strange face, "It's getting late, you should go back quickly."

Even if he is Oga, he is a man after all, he has all the parts that he should have, and it is weird to sleep in the same bed with a girl.

Anyway, after driving Xu Qingqing back to the next door, Qiu Yu washed up and went to bed with a strange mood.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly had a dream that night.

The dream was very fuzzy and illogical. The background seemed to be a certain battlefield. In my ears, there were bangs of guns and the howling of mutant beasts. Flames swept across the camp where he was, but his comrades hugged him hard from behind. Kissing him, it seemed that he didn't care about the crisis at hand.

A voice between a young man and a man whispered in his ear: "We cooperated so well, why did you run away?"

The dream was ups and downs, and the facial features of the person behind him were always blurred. Qiu Yu knew that it was his comrade in arms, but he didn't know who he was, and he didn't even have the slightest resistance in his heart, as if this happened for granted.

The flames got hotter.

Qiu Yu woke up from the dream when his consciousness was instantly withdrawn from the layers of burning.

There was a familiar burning sensation in his body, he was short of breath, his forehead was sweating, he gritted his teeth to swallow back the moan that almost overflowed, he tremblingly opened the bedside drawer, took out the inhibitor capsule, patted it directly into his mouth, and chewed vigorously.

The coldness and bitterness of the medicine powder rushed to the top of the head, and the rationality that was almost out of control was finally brought back.

Qiu Yu curled up on the bed, breathing heavily.

Memory fragments surfaced, he reached out his hand in a daze, touched the drawer that was still open, and grabbed a rectangular box from it. The lid of the box opens to reveal what's hidden inside.

Suddenly, countless memories flashed through my mind, exciting, joyful, wanton, filled with emptiness, comforting the trembling of the soul, and the sweet and hoarse calls from this body, and the memories that only exist in fantasy. the touch of...

As if being scalded, Qiu Yu suddenly threw the box back into the drawer, and couldn't help blurting out: "Fuck."

It turns out that in order to solve the torment of the love overflow period, it is not enough to rely on inhibitors.

But as a straight man, how could he imitate the original body... with that thing...

Wait, no.

In the dream he had just now, he seemed to have been...

How could he dream that he was

This **** world!

Qiu Yu didn't believe in evil, and curled himself up under the quilt, trying to comfort himself in the previous way.

However, in the end, he found that the previous techniques had little effect on this body, as if it was scratching the surface, unable to touch the most needed point at all.

Fortunately, the effect of the inhibitor slowly took effect, and the overflow reaction gradually became tolerable.

According to the memory of the original body, during the three days of the overflowing period, the effect of the inhibitor capsule was nothing more than that—it could keep him rational, and he would not think about it all the time, but he could not completely get rid of his body's negative emotions. a desire for something.

During the last period of emotional overflow, because he did not take inhibitors and was already in a dangerous state of emotional overflow, the doctor had to inject a high-efficiency emergency inhibin into his thread in order to directly suppress his emotional overflow reaction for the next two days.

However, the high-efficiency emergency-type inhibin is very harmful to the nematodes, and it is okay to use it in an emergency. If it is used every time when the epidemic is over, it will cause necrosis of the nematodes within a year and endanger life.

Reluctantly, Qiu Yu decided to hide in the virtual world according to the processing method in the memory of the original body, relying on the barrier of the brain-computer neural connection, to reduce the intolerance of the emotional reaction again.

However, even though the influence of the emotional response has been minimized through the brain-computer interface, it still makes people feel irritable, restless, and unable to concentrate. With such influence, Qiu Yu lost three games in a row for the first time ever, and was sniped once in the escape game, falling from a legendary three-star to a two-star.

Considering the need to take medicine regularly during the romantic period, the game time cannot be continuous. Even though it was early in the morning, Qiu Yu started the live broadcast, intending to piece together the eight-hour full attendance requirement every day.

So, early the next morning, the clip of the live recording of him being sniped to death in the escape bureau was uploaded to the Yuyou forum. The video took revenge.

"Tsk, looking for trouble when there's nothing to do." Du Chen turned off the light screen of his bracelet, "Who hasn't been in a bad state yet? This group of people can't play games by themselves, and they only point and point at others."

"Who said it wasn't?" Zhou Shu said with a smile, "I'm actually quite expecting the boss to talk him down. If he can reject the captain, he won't even reject the boss, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the door of the training room was suddenly pushed open.

Mu Feibai came in with a weird and tangled look on his face, his eyelashes drooping and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Shu leaned over excitedly: "How's it going? Has anyone settled down yet?"

Mu Fei hesitated for a while, as if he didn't know how to speak.

Zhou Shu slapped him on the shoulder: "The boss called you over, there should be some progress, right?"

After a moment of silence, Mu Feibai sighed: "That Oga."