MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 85 out of control

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The newly opened restaurant is always very popular, and the young people of the Hawkrider team waited outside for ten minutes before finally waiting for a table that can accommodate seven people.

But as soon as he sat down, Mu Feibai frowned.

On the table adjacent to them, there are six Alphas in their teens. Looking at their attire, they seem to be students of a certain sports school. The proportion of Alpha students in the sports school is high, so these six tall and strong teenagers appeared in the restaurant together, and they were noisy, attracting the attention of people around them.

Mu Feibai quietly let Qiu Yu to the other side of the table, trying to keep him away from the group of boys.

However, things turned out to be contrary to expectations - most of the boys at the age of middle school students like to play games, and as soon as everyone in the Eagle Rider team took their seats, they had already boldly approached them.

"Mushen! Wow, God Qiu!"

"I just said that this side is close to the Eagle Cavalry, so if you have a chance to meet Mushen! You're so lucky!"

"Mushen, I like you so much! Can you sign me?"

The boys cheered and surrounded them, chattering all over the place, some congratulated Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu, some talked about expressing their admiration, and some didn't know what to say, so they simply introduced The dishes they have tasted before, this one is delicious, that one is amazing, etc...

Seeing that these young Alphas were still friendly, Mu Feibai didn't want to be too guarded, so he finally accompanied Qiu Yu to sign their autographs and casually chatted a few words.

The atmosphere was not bad, and the students didn't bother the team members too much. After getting their autographs, they obediently returned to their seats and didn't disturb the Eagle Rider's dinner party.

Unexpectedly, when the meal was about to end, an accident happened suddenly.

When Qiu Yu felt something was wrong with his body, he held Mu Feibai's wrist almost immediately, and said in a low voice, "Come with me to the bathroom."

Mu Feibai was stunned for a moment, and the tip of his nose quickly caught a trace of the overflowing coconut milk aroma. He immediately dropped the fork in his hand, wrapped his arms around Qiu Yu's shoulders, and took Qiu Yu away from the seat with a half hug and half protection.

However, by coincidence, when they passed the table next to them, two Alpha students returned with plates full of dishes, and the two sides met on the way.

The sweet breath wafted around.

One of the students' eyes turned red instantly.

Alpha, who is in puberty, is the age most susceptible to feelings. He only smells such a trace of Oga pheromone, and he loses his mind almost instantly.

The dinner plate fell to the ground mixed with food, making a loud bang.

The boy rushed towards Qiu Yu's direction, wrapped in an extremely strong smell of green grass, and rushed straight in front of Qiu Yu—

But Mu Feibai blocked him back.

Qiu Yu is already in the state of overflowing love. Even if he is not facing Mu Feibai's pheromone, it has a great impact on him. It seems that there is a flame rising in his body. Fortunately, it does not make him unconscious. Only his legs Weak, not very tenable.

Mu Feibai blocked the young Alpha opposite, turned around and hugged Qiu Yu, and ran to the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, the other person who was helping Mu Feibai to stop his classmates just now couldn't control himself anymore, he rushed forward and grabbed Qiu Yu's clothes, trying to pull him into his arms.

DU Chen rushed forward, grabbed the man's wrist, and severed his knuckles.

At the same time, the other four Alpha students on that table were more or less affected, two of them could resist with all their strength, and the other two had almost lost their minds, and moved towards Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu. come over. The two students who were pushed away by Mu Feibai and Du Chen felt threatened and immediately changed their targets, planning to deal with the "competitors" standing in front of them first.

At this time, Qiu Yu felt something was wrong and pulled Mu Feibai to his feet. In fact, only a dozen seconds had passed.

The surrounding diners reacted quickly after the initial shock, and raised their wristbands to call the police. The restaurant security also quickly intervened, trying to control those Alpha students who were affected.

However, those Alpha students from the sports school are all tall and strong, and have physical advantages, but the security guards in the restaurant are all Betas, and the two of them can hardly suppress one of them together. Alphas who lost their minds are very dangerous. They will subconsciously regard the person blocking them as an enemy, and the attack is completely indifferent, and the scene suddenly becomes a mess.

"Captain!" Du Chen took the two punches from the opposite Alpha, and quickly turned around to help Qiu Yu clamp the other Alpha's hand. Regardless of the beating, he pushed Mu Feibai behind and shouted, "Take him quickly!" run!"

With the help of his teammates and restaurant security, Mu Feibai hugged Qiu Yu who was curled up in a ball, bumped away the sports school students who were trying to block the way, and staggered straight to the restaurant bathroom. At this time, there was a waiter leading the way in front of them, and another staff member just came out of the bathroom and shouted at him from a distance: "There is no one inside, hurry up!"

Mu Feibai threw off the young Alpha who was chasing after him, and ran into the bathroom with Qiu Yu in his arms. Almost at the same time, the door behind him was slammed shut by the restaurant waiter.

Du Chen had been protecting Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu all the way before fighting and retreating, but now he was blocked by four Alphas at the bathroom door, and he was in a miserable state. Although Qiu Yu's pheromone had been blocked by the door, the Alpha who was affected would not regain his sanity so quickly. He could only put his back against the door and raise his arms to try to resist the falling fists and feet.

Fortunately, his teammates quickly chased them over and cooperated with the restaurant security to control those Alphas.

DU Chen sat on the ground leaning against the sliding door, his eyelashes drooping slightly, one hand resting on his knee, his blood-stained fingers closed into fists tightly.

Yuan Lu hurriedly removed a disinfectant wipe from the bag and handed it to him: "Wipe the blood, are you... injured somewhere?"

DU dust took the wipes, silently shook his head.

When the police arrived, those Alpha students had already recovered from the affected state.

Seeing the mess in the restaurant, they all regretted the damage they had caused. Among them was a boy who was Qiu Yu's fan. Recalling everything just now, he actually slapped himself hard with red eyes, then hugged his knees and cried.

"I'm sorry for him..." The boy was crying very sadly, "How could I do that... I'm not as good as a beast! Woooooo..."

Seeing their dejected faces, everyone in the Eagle Cavalry team couldn't bear to criticize anything.

Zhou Shu sighed, knelt down and patted the boy on the shoulder, and comforted him with nice words.

Seeing that the dust had settled, the people onlookers couldn't help but start whispering:

"Tsk, Oga just causes trouble... why don't you just stay at home and come to a place with so many people?"

"Yeah, I thought I shouldn't bring Oga to this kind of place for dinner!"

"Isn't this Oga counting the days? Even if the cycle is not accurate, you know that you are about to reach the end of your love, so you should let Alpha mark him at home before going out."

Hearing the discussions from the surrounding people, the members of Eagle Cavalry were a little annoyed.

But it happened that the cause of this matter was indeed Qiu Yu, and those sports school students were just implicated, so they didn't know what to say if they wanted to refute.

Seeing that they were afraid to speak, some of the onlookers became bolder.

Not far from a few people, a fat guy with big ears sneered and said: "In this society, there are just some Oga who don't have a B number in their hearts, don't know that they are a source of danger, and go out for a walk every day. Being bullied by Alpha Oh, and blame him for hurting him, and want equal rights! If you want me to say, Oga should be put under supervision, forced to match them with Alpha, and stay at home to have children!"

Another man at the same table smiled and echoed: "Just say yes! A public place like this should hang a sign saying 'Oga and dogs are not allowed'!"


As soon as the two finished speaking, the dining table in front of them was completely kicked over.

Du Chen grabbed the fat man by the collar, his eyes were red: "What the **** are you saying again?!"

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, the policeman who was taking notes for those sports school students rushed over and stopped DU Chen.

Du Chen cursed and shouted at those two people: "I'll let you know what a source of danger is today! Call Oga right? Dare you try what Alpha can do with you? Huh?"

The man with fat head and big ears was furious: "Police, police! Look at him!"

Unexpectedly, the policeman gave him a flat look, and warned: "Restrain yourself, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

The two people looked at each other, muttered a few words sternly, kicked the plate off the ground, turned around and ran away pretending to be chic.

The policeman then turned his head to teach Du Chen: "All right boy, dare to beat someone under the nose of the policeman! If I don't punish you, I can't explain it to my police badge."

Said to give DU dust opened a security ticket.

DU Chen received the ticket, but he was still a little unconvinced: "Why should they blame Oga for everything!"

Seeing that the child was still stubborn, the policeman couldn't help laughing: "Then you plan to show him how dangerous Alpha is?"

After a moment of silence, DU Chen lowered his eyelashes: "If it wasn't for Alpha's feelings and loss of control, and Oga's trouble, isn't Alpha the real source of danger? Why do you ask Oga to remember the date of your love? Why do you ask Oga to do it? Only after being marked can you go out? Why don't all Alphas be given inhibitors?"

The policeman sighed, patted DU Chen on the shoulder, and couldn't help but sigh—why was he so harsh on Oga? Of course it is because of the right to speak.

In this world, Beta has an advantage in numbers and holds political power; Alpha has an advantage in force and holds military power; Oga has no advantage at all, so he is deprived of the right to speak.

After such a farce happened, no one was in the mood to continue the dinner.

After the Alphas of those sports schools finished their transcripts, Ai Ai asked Yuan Lu to apologize to Qiu Yu, and left quickly without staying.

When Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu finished making temporary marks and came out, Yuan Lu contacted He Jinxing, helped Du Chen pay the security fine, and paid the restaurant owner a sum of money, and then reluctantly took his team members back to the station.

Mu Feibai sent Qiu Yu directly to Qi Zhefeng.

The first thing Qi Zhefeng said when he saw Qiu Yu was to apologize: "I'm sorry, I should have left more room."

In fact, Qiu Yu's love period has been relatively stable, and the monitoring results of the past few days have not shown any signs of entering the love period. According to the schedule he gave Qiu Yu, Qiu Yu should have made up a temporary mark with Mu Fei tonight.

Unexpectedly, it was only a few hours away, and something happened.

"It's not your fault." Qiu Yu said, "It's my request to reduce the marking frequency as much as possible."

What happened today, he knew that the biggest responsibility was on himself, and no one needed to apologize to him for this incident. On the contrary, he deeply apologizes to those who were affected in the restaurant today.

As for why he doesn't want to be marked frequently...

It's just that he's still terrified of that almost out-of-control, sinking feeling.

This kind of fear made him want to escape to the last moment of the doctor's order, made him deliberately ignore possible accidents, and made him deceive himself: in this peaceful world, when he has a companion by his side, he can bet A stroke of luck.

If he was in the wasteland of the last days, with such a fluke mentality, he probably would have died countless times.

This kind of thing can't happen a second time.

Qiu Yu pursed his lips and said to Dr. Qi: "I will abide by the safe frequency of twice a month for the marking arrangement in the future."

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