MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 73 trip

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Asking Mu Xiqing to kidnap Qi Zhefeng was obviously a joke.

Mu Feibai also knew that with Qiu Yu's current situation, he couldn't live without a doctor by his side. Therefore, no matter what travel activities he arranged for the next week, Dr. Qi had to be taken into consideration.

However, Qi Zhefeng himself doesn't like being caught between young couples as a light bulb.

"I can go to Nasiti Star with you and stay in the same hotel. As long as Qiu Yu comes to me for a monitoring and inspection every night, you don't have to think about me where you go to play during the day." His tone was indifferent as usual, his eyes fell on Qiu Yu, "But you must report to me. If there is a problem, I also know where to find you."

With He Jin gone, Qi Zhefeng, as the Eagle Cavalry team doctor, now belongs to the team management staff, and it is only natural to report the schedule to him.

Mu Feibai breathed a sigh of relief: "That's the best."

Early the next morning, the three of them took a short-distance spaceship and arrived at Nasiti Star, which is famous for its tourism industry.

The sky of this planet is a beautiful blue-green color, which reminds Qiu Yu of a celadon lamp he once saw.

The celadon was a treasure brought by a military engineer. It is said that it was passed down from his grandfather. When the end of the world had not yet come, such a tea cup was said to be sold for tens of thousands of dollars. According to the food at that time The market price can be exchanged for a ton of rice.

At that time, Qiu Yu couldn't imagine how a thin, fragile celadon cup that was useless to the battlefield could be exchanged for a ton of food, but he remembered the beautiful color.

"The sky here is very different from our Capital Star, right?" Seeing Qiu Yu looking up at the sky, Mu Feibai thought he was fascinated by this strange color, "The glacier in the north here is also this blue color, It's a little lighter than the sky, but it's also beautiful, and we can see it tomorrow."

Qiu Yu looked back and nodded.

"Let's go, go back to the hotel first." Mu Feibai tapped his bracelet a few times, "Natural planets have jet lag problems. Although it looks like it is daytime, it is actually very late. Go back early to eat and rest, and you will be able to go out to play tomorrow." .”

Besides, although Qiu Yu has already begun to adapt to the leap, such a short distance will not cause too serious an impact on him, but Mu Feibai is still reluctant to hurry up with the pace of travel. Fortunately, he booked a very famous hot spring hotel here. The natural hot spring created by the volcano is also a tourist experience in itself.

Just about to leave for the hotel, Qi Zhefeng suddenly said: "Send me a copy of the room information you booked. You go back and rest first, and I will go to the medical station to get some medicine."

Doctors who hold a Star Alliance physician qualification certificate can purchase required medicines and equipment with a voucher at any medical station in any star area, which is very convenient. When Qi Zhefeng went out this time, he thought he was just playing with the team. The infirmary at the league headquarters had a complete stock of medicines, so he didn't bring too much.

Now that you change your plan and travel, some things have to be prepared in advance.

Mu Feibai had no objection to Qi Zhefeng leaving the team, and was even more happy to be alone with Qiu Yu.

He simply changed his plan, rented a convertible car with only two seats, and took Qiu Yu for a drive all the way to the hotel he had booked.

Seeing Mu Feibai's happy face, Qiu Yu couldn't bear to complain, just shook his head with a smile, and let him go.

On the other side, Qi Zhefeng arrived at the medical station, and after verifying the doctor's qualifications, he entered the self-service medicine collection area.

When traveling outside, antibacterial drugs for trauma and gastrointestinal stabilizers are necessary. There are glaciers and volcanoes in the travel destination. Although the possibility of encountering danger in tourist areas is not high, some medicines for frostbite and scald should be prepared... There are also areas with high incidence of infection Disease vaccine, have to buy it back for them to vaccinate.

Yes, the inhibitors that Qiu Yu brought are almost used up, and a few more are needed.

Qi Zhefeng picked out a lot of medicines, turned around the shelves, and walked to the special medicine area for Oga. After taking a few high-efficiency inhibitors, he swept his eyes and suddenly stopped.

On the shelves in front of him were a row of Oga pregnancy blockers of various categories.

This preparation is a prescription drug, and you must have a doctor's qualification certificate from the Oga department before you can buy it. If you want to block the pregnancy of the accidentally marked Oga, you can only contact the contracted doctor. After the diagnosis, the doctor will give you an injection.

Qi Zhefeng stared at the shelf, silent for a while, reached out and took a box, and threw it into the small basket.

Regardless of whether certain things will happen or not, as Qiu Yu's contract physician, he has to plan ahead.

What Mu Feibai booked in the hot spring hotel was an independent cottage with a small courtyard. In the yard there are tables and chairs for enjoying the shade, an outdoor barbecue grill and an outdoor open-air hot spring. The interior of the cabin is not too big, but it is fully functional. The first floor is a living room, bathroom, kitchenette and a bedroom. The second floor has two bedrooms next to each other, with a second bathroom in between, which is just right for three people to stay.

No matter in his own memory or in the original body's memory, this sojourn hotel is the most upscale and comfortable residence that Qiu Yu has ever seen. The space here is large, the layout is reasonable, the interior decoration is warm and sentimental, and there is an elegant fragrance everywhere, and it is very tidy.

The three bedrooms are all equipped with double beds, but there is one thing that surprised Qiu Yu.

"The bathroom wall is made of glass?" Qiu Yu pointed at the wall in front of him.

This is the bathroom between the two bedrooms on the upper floor. The walls next to the two bedrooms are made of glass bricks. Although it is not completely transparent, the people inside can still be seen vaguely.

Mu Feibai coughed lightly: "There should be a curtain to block the light...I'll go to the bathroom to have a look."

As he said that, he turned around and went into the bathroom, and sure enough, he found roller blinds above the glass walls on both sides. While he was relieved, he felt a little lost for no reason.

Qiu Yu followed Mu Feibai into the bathroom, looking at the layout with novelty.

The bathroom also has a large space, and there is a large oval bathtub near the floor-to-ceiling windows. There are a variety of toiletries on the shelf next to the bathtub, and there are even jars of dried flower petals.

"It is said that the hot spring water enters the house." Mu Feibai explained, "If you are not used to outdoor hot springs, you can soak here, as long as the curtains are drawn down."

"En." Qiu Yu responded lightly, walked to the bathroom shelf, picked up bottles and boxes of unknown function on the shelf, and casually flipped through the instructions on them—they were all printed in Western languages, and with the help of the memory of the original body, He could barely understand a few words.

Mu Feibai saw Qiu Yu pick up a small box from the shelf and flip through it in his hand, subconsciously pursed his lips, cleared his throat,

"Well, cough, if you have any bath salts you want to try, you can use whatever you want." He distracted Qiu Yu's attention casually, hiding the throbbing in his heart, "The products offered here are all good brands. .”

Qiu Yu keenly captured the key words: "Products? Do you need to pay extra for these?"

Mu Feibai nodded: "Yes. The wristband is connected to the room network, and you can view the catalog provided, with pictures and translations. You can take a look at it later. Use whatever you want, and when you check out, it will be directly counted in the room. Ferry."

"Forget it then." Qiu Yu said, putting the box in his hand back on the bathroom shelf.

The hotel booking fee was paid by Mu Feibai alone, and he refused to accept Qiu Yu's money transfer, so Qiu Yu didn't want to add extra burden to him.

Mu Feibai understood Qiu Yu's thoughts, sighed exaggeratedly, hugged him from behind, lowered his head and rubbed Qiu Yu's temples with his cheek, pretending to be wronged: "I'm your boyfriend now, why are you still Are you alien to me like this? Don't save me money, the Star League Cup champion bonus is so much, I have nowhere to spend it..."

Now that he was finally out of the team's management and was alone again, he couldn't help wanting to be intimate with Qiu Yu, and when he held him in his arms, his body trembled delicately and uncontrollably.

Qiu Yu didn't speak, and leaned back, getting closer to Mu Feibai.

Mu Feibai stretched his hand over Qiu Yu's shoulder, pointed at the box of bath salt **** on the shelf, and said in a low voice, with a hint of affection, "What fragrance do you like? Jasmine? Lemon? Green tea? Ocean fragrance? Or... coconut fragrance?"

Seeing that Qiu Yu didn't answer, he laughed and decided directly: "Coconut fragrance, you smell like this, I like it."

"I already smell like this, so what bath salts do I need? Don't waste it." Qiu Yu snatched the box from him and put it back on the bathroom shelf, "Okay, it's getting late, hurry up and eat something, I want to make up for it." Take a nap."

He said it was a nap, but in fact, it was already the time he used to fall asleep at night. But since they are traveling on a natural planet, they must abide by the local time standards. Otherwise, if they go out to wander around in the middle of the night, there will be no scenic spots to open their doors.

Mu Feibai leaned on him and played tricks: "Hold me for a while... just for a while."

Qiu Yu laughed helplessly, and coaxed, "Hug for a while or kiss, you choose."

Mu Feibai immediately changed his mind, let go of his arms, stepped back a little, stretched out his hand to pinch Qiu Yu's chin, and kissed Qiu Yu's lips forcefully.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two kissed together, there was the sound of swiping the card to open the door on the first floor of the cabin.

Qi Zhefeng is back.

Mu Feibai reluctantly let go of Qiu Yu, gnashing his teeth in his heart.

Looking at his expression, Qiu Yu couldn't help laughing: "Okay, at eleven o'clock at noon, the cafeteria should have opened, let's go eat first."

Mu Feibai bowed slightly depressed, leaned against the edge of the bathtub, raised his hand and wiped his face: " go out, I'll take it easy first."

Qiu Yu understood in seconds, glanced at him, and laughed teasingly: "Who made you think nonsense."

Mu Fei said, "It's beyond my control! The person I like is in my arms. If I don't support myself, it will be a bad thing, okay?"

Qiu Yu raised his eyebrows: "A hug and a kiss, that's all. Do you still want to go to the hot spring?"

He had a clear understanding of Mu Feibai's secret thoughts about deliberately booking a hot spring hotel.

Mu Feibai: ...

After a moment of silence, he crossed his arms, raised his chin, and put on a condemning tone: "I said you, why don't you blush at all when you discuss such things with me, an Alpha, casually?"

Qiu Yu asked: "Does Oga have to be ashamed to talk about this kind of thing?"

Mu Feibai shook his head: "That's not..."

As he said that, he suddenly laughed lowly, staring at Qiu Yu with deep eyes, his voice was extremely low, revealing an inexplicable bewitchment: "But you are so calm, it will make me more excited"

Read The Duke's Passion