MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 41 Endless

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For the pre-match interview that night, all six members of the Eagle Rider team were in place, completed the Q&A according to the interview direction that had been arranged earlier, and refused the media's more in-depth personal interview.

The efficiency of online media in this era is extremely high. The next morning, when all the top four teams arrived at the league headquarters, the interview drafts and videos of the Eagle Rider team had been edited and officially released.

Of course, I didn't miss the little tidbit that was filmed in the garden downstairs of the hotel.

Mu Feibai and Zhou Shu are often interviewed by the media. After the start of this season, Du Chen, Lin Jinxi and Lu Cun have also appeared in front of the media. Only Qiu Yu, who was carried away after each game, has never appeared on camera.

"It's the God of Hill! It turned out to be a living, real-world God of Hill who is training!"

"He dared to wear short-sleeved shorts to go out, and he dared to roll the cuffs to his shoulders. This Oga is a bit brave (I didn't mean that Oga can't show his arms and legs, but he just expressed his admiration!"

"Sihasha [slobber] this sweaty mound god, this glowing white skin, I can't do it anymore, my affected limb is swollen [slobber]"

"Hahahaha I laughed so hard, this little action of grabbing the corner of your clothes, what are you doing, Mushen?"

"??? Cupid, what are you doing with your hands?"

"As a rough guy, it is reasonable to suspect that Qiu Shen is grabbing his clothes to wipe his sweat... Isn't it why he has this habit?! [Shocked]"

"!! Cupid's little angel wiping sweat with the hem of his clothes?! I want to see Cupid's abs too!"

"A lot of money to ask for a sneak shot! @鹰骑全部队员"

"No! Mom won't allow it!! Mu Feibai, what are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and give your little angel a sports towel! (It's okay to give Du Chen that one too! [Nonsense words.jpg]"

Very rare, the comment area was peaceful. Occasionally, a comment reprimanding Qiu Yu for wearing revealing clothes, not wearing a neck guard, and not abiding by morality, was soon overwhelmed by fans and stepped on. Those who hacked Qiu Yu for the sake of hacking him suddenly discovered that they didn't know when they started to get together.

"This is the competitive circle, strength is paramount, and the strongest is king." Zhou Shu held up his bracelet, triumphantly, "Everyone is convinced by your strength and voluntarily defended you! From now on, you don't have to worry about those sunspots anymore. What a waste!"

Qiu Yu buried his head in his meal, noncommittal to Zhou Shu's optimism.

Where there are people, there is struggle, and he doesn't think he can get everyone to let go of their prejudices. He prefers that those who don't like him are just temporarily suppressed by the general trend. Once he has a major failure, those people will definitely make a comeback and make trouble.

Of course, he didn't care too much.

Halfway through the lunch, another group of people came to the hotel restaurant. It was Eagle Rider's opponent tonight, Endless Team.

Both sides are strong teams in the star region, and they usually play a lot of practice games together, and they once played together in the Star Alliance Cup. The players have a good relationship in private, and they greet each other with a smile when they meet.

"Yo, Fei Bai." Wu Song put one hand on the sitting Mu Feibai's shoulders, raised his eyebrows at him, "Long time no see, you finally have time to be the second child!"

Obviously, it was talking about Mu Feibai being pushed down by Qiu Yu on the challenge list. Everyone in the circle knew that Mu Feibai had a good temper and would not care about such jokes, so there was no pressure to speak up.

Sure enough, Mu Feibai didn't care at all, and counterattacked with a smile: "Then look, why are you still a 'little three' now?"

Qiu Yu squeezed Mu Feibai down, and Wu Song, who was originally ranked second, naturally became third, and Mu Feibai deliberately didn't use good words.

Wu Song has also played in the professional circle for several years, and his face has long been thicker than Mu Feibai. He didn't care about teasing at all. Hearing this, he turned to Qiu Yu and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I'm Wu Song, the current captain of the endless team."

Qiu Yu put down his chopsticks, stood up and shook hands with others: "Hello, Qiu Yu."

Wu Song asked with a smile: "Does the little angel plan to change jobs? Next year we will be endless?"

"Go, go, go," Mu Feibai rushed away, "My brother can't see you endlessly."

"Oh, you recognize your brother?" Wu Song said meanly.

"Yes!" Mu Feibai was still proud, "My brother is so powerful, I am honored!"

Qiu Yu: ...

Zhou Shu whispered loudly to him: "Brother Qiu, don't pay attention to them, be careful not to be infected by sand sculptures."

After all, there was an important semi-final at night. The members of the two teams greeted each other face to face, chatted for a few more words, and then separated. Alpha Liu Ruihan of Team Endless stood at the farthest place from Qiu Yu the whole time. The two of them didn't even hold hands, they just smiled and nodded as a greeting.

"Endless is strong, don't take it lightly."

Before the start of the game in the evening, He Jinxing held a pre-match meeting for the players in the preparation room.

"Wu Song and Liu Ruihan will retire this year after playing. This is their last chance to win the Star League Cup, so they won't collapse so easily. Be prepared for the tug-of-war."

The most basic strategy has been set, Qiu Yu will play in the first, fourth and fifth games, and try his best to win the three games. If one of these rounds is lost, the possibility of winning the whole game is very slim.

And if they stop at the semi-finals, the Hawkrider team will miss this year's Covenant Cup—the Covenant Cup only invites the top two in the summer season of the sixteen star leagues in the East and West.

The game was about to start. Before the players entered the field, He Jinxing patted Qiu Yu with a relaxed smile: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, our team is still young."

Even if they really missed the Star Alliance Cup this year, it would only be a year of delay. Both Mu Feibai and Zhou Shu are only 20 years old, and there are at least five years left to fight. Next year, Liu Jinrong will also come back, and Du Chen, Lin Jinxi, and Lu Cun will also grow up. But... just give up and break the "Star League Cup three consecutive crown curse".

Qiu Yu understood what the coach meant and nodded in response.

If the pressure brought by the game cabin was so great that it could threaten his life, he would naturally not fight recklessly. And if there is no threat to his life, he is not afraid of anything, and he will never be a deserter.

"The admission process is over, and the game has officially started—the players have already entered the game. We saw that the map of the first game was randomly displayed, and it was the Dock Coast Research Institute! The semi-water battle map is very difficult. Let us look forward to the two teams The collision of the teams on this map!" The voice of the commentary was impassioned.

"Sure enough, the Eagle Cavalry's jungle area was given to Qiu Yu, and Wu Song, the captain of the Endless Team, took the jungler. The water battle route is a double-A confrontation between Mu Feibai and Liu Ruihan."

The first round of the game was a fierce battle in a complex map. Endless and Eagle Riders also had a dual-core lineup. The most exciting confrontation was concentrated on the waterway near the cave, surrounding Mu Feibai, Qiu Yu, Liu Ruihan and Wu Song. I have been going back and forth for a long time, but I still can't see a very obvious tilt in victory or defeat.

Until Qiu Yu took down the special crystal nucleus of the water lizard after a fierce melee, and was assassinated on the way to **** him back to the base, he realized very clearly that his combat style was almost studied by his opponent.

This is the difference between the game world and real war.

After a war, only those who actually participated in it and survived can conduct the most profound review, and it is limited to the part they participated in.

But after a game, the brains of the team can take the video, enter the perspective of each opponent, replay it hundreds of times, observe every detail that the opponent may not even notice, and analyze the opponent's Get used to it and design a style of play against the opponent.

The Eagle Cavalry team is doing this, and the Eagle Cavalry opponents must also be doing it.

Qiu Yu watched the enemy who came to assassinate dissipate into light spots in front of his eyes, and swung the dagger.

Fortunately, one force will drop ten meetings.

As long as the combat strength can be crushed, there is no need to be afraid of any targeted tactics.

This tug-of-war lasted for forty-three minutes, and the Eagle Riders finally won the final victory under the advantage brought by the base's energy snowball.

The intensity of the competition was much higher than expected. When Qiu Yu was carried out of the game cabin by Dr. Qi, his whole body seemed to have been soaked in water, and his face was as pale as a ghost that might dissipate at any time.

"Captain." Before being carried out of the game room door, Qiu Yu suppressed the pain and called out.

Mu Feibai quickened his pace and ran forward, only to see Qiu Yuzhuozhuo staring at him, his breath trembling slightly, but his tone could not refuse: "Ninety minutes."

"It's enough." Mu Feibai said seriously.

Qi Zhefeng took Qiu Yu straight to the infirmary of the venue.

Entering the room and closing the door, Dr. Qi just put Qiu Yu on the treatment bed when he saw him sit up on his own, raised his hand and began to undress.

Qi Zhefeng raised his eyebrows: "Act again?"

Qiu Yu's tone was light: "I've practiced for such a long time, and it can't be worse than before."

Qi Zhefeng put on the pulse gloves: "Let him delay for 90 minutes, is it digging a hole for endless?"

Qiu Yu took off his competition suit and lay down on the treatment bed: "I also want them to play as hard as possible. Don't play too relaxed with the idea that you will lose in these two rounds."

The two rounds are 90 minutes long, minus the ten-minute break between each round, plus the ten-minute timeout for each round, and the rest, just wait for half an hour within the game.

Qiu Yu has watched all the official matches and practice matches between Eagle Rider and Endless in half a year. Without him, with the current Eagle Rider team lineup, once the players have no belief in winning, the game is likely to be shut down within 25 minutes. Take it endlessly... Although one hour is enough for him to complete the treatment, it is too ugly.

However, what to be afraid of.

In the second game, Lu Cun, who was newly replaced by the Eagle Cavalry team, seemed a little nervous. He made a major mistake not long after the start, which directly led to Mu Feibai being besieged and killed, and then endlessly played a beautiful wipeout.

Even though Mu Feibai quickly called a timeout, the second game came to an end at 32 minutes - Yingqi lost.

"Sorry, my question!" Lu Cun cried out of breath, "I shouldn't have..."

"Don't cry." Mu Feibai's face was not very good. "It's also my fault that I didn't control the rhythm well. You didn't feel hot when you first played. I was negligent. Wipe away your tears, adjust your mentality, and don't affect the next game."

In the next game, even if he still can't win, he still has to wait for 48 minutes.

The endless team is coming in menacingly, and the Eagle Rider lacks a powerful carry point, so he has to carry it alone.

It’s already very disappointing not to win the game. If he can’t even delay the time, how can he be worthy of the fans who have supported him for so long, how can he be worthy of the title of "God of War" that the fans put on his head, and how can he be worthy of the coach’s two years of hard work? to cultivate?

...How can I be worthy of the person who is facing the public opinion and carrying the pain without flinching?

Read The Duke's Passion