MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 113 calm

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When the ambulance just drove into the hospital, Qiu Yu woke up in a daze.

At first, he only heard anxious shouts and noisy machinery running in his ears, and then the light shone into his eyes, and the lower part of his field of vision was half blocked by some device, as if some kind of structure was making soft noises with his breathing.

Immediately afterwards, the car door in the direction of his feet opened, and the bed under his body was slid down by some force, firmly supported on the ground, and then he was pushed into the pale-lighted corridor by a group of people.

It wasn't until this time that the memories from earlier gradually emerged in Qiu Yu's mind.

He gritted his teeth to prop up his body, pulled off the device covering his mouth and nose, and pulled off the straps tied to his arms and ankles, and then, amidst the exclamation of the medical staff, grabbed the nurse closest to him, dumbfounded. He asked, "Mu—where's the other person?"

The nurse hurriedly pushed him back to the bed: "Lie down first!"

Qiu Yu swayed, holding on to the person stubbornly: "Where is he? Take me there..."

Seeing that he was about to turn over and get out of bed, the nurse shouted anxiously: "Sedative here!"

Qiu Yu jumped off the emergency bed, and felt something wrong as soon as his feet touched the ground. His legs could hardly use any strength now, unable to support his weight, and the whole person fell to the ground in an instant.

Then, he was surrounded by a pair of powerful arms, and he was carried back to the bed and held tightly.

Qi Zhefeng's eyes were red, and his tone was filled with anger: "What are you doing! Lie down!"

Qiu Yu tugged at Qi Zhefeng's sleeve, coughed twice, but still asked persistently, "How is he?"

Qi Zhefeng opened his mouth, but remained strangely silent.

"He..." Qiu Yu's heart sank suddenly.

The surrounding lights seemed to dim suddenly, accompanied by a whirlwind. For some reason, Qiu Yu suddenly felt nauseous. His heart beat so hard that it almost sank into his stomach. Plop, plop, the hot and burning blood was pumped up his throat, stuck in his throat. There, it was difficult for him to breathe.

Qiu Yu tightly clutched Qi Zhefeng's sleeve, ignoring the burning pain in his throat, and asked in a hissing voice, "...are you still alive?"

He was answered by an anxious and chaotic voice.

It seemed that someone was giving orders quickly, and something cold wrapped around his wrists and ankles again, his mouth and nose were covered by something, and the cold air penetrated into his nostrils, finally slowly dispelling the haze in front of him.

Then Qiu Yu heard Qi Zhefeng's voice: "...I will try my best to rescue him, he will be fine, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid... just sleep and wake up. Be obedient..."

Qiu Yu tried to defend himself: "I'm not afraid...I'm calm...I don't want to sleep..."

However, the next moment, the dream came without warning.

Surrounding him was a dark and messy alleyway, the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke filled this narrow space, and the sound of guns and roars of mutant beasts could be heard continuously in his ears.

Qiu Yu felt that he was probably seriously injured. Hearing the approaching footsteps and heavy panting of the mutated beast, he wanted to leave this dangerous area quickly, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move an inch.

Then, a figure stood in front of him.

Mu Feibai set up a weapon beside him, but he refused to turn his face to look at him, and only turned his back to him and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

The scene after that was chaotic.

Qiu Yu leaned against the bottom of the alley, unable to move.

He could only watch the mutated beasts rushing towards him in groups, Mu Feibai shot at him with his back turned, and after defeating a large number of enemies, he finally ran out of ammunition...

No, leave me alone.

run away!

Qiu Yu was anxious, but for some reason he couldn't make a sound.

Mu Feibai picked up the long knife beside him, and rushed towards the herd of beasts without looking back, trying to block them at the other end of the alley, preventing them from getting close to Qiu Yu.

Don't do this, you will die...

I don't want to... can't...

Only you - can not die!

Qiu Yu tried to struggle, but couldn't move the slightest bit.

The powerlessness that seemed to be suffocating became heavier and heavier, and he was so anxious that he almost cried.

...But he never shed tears for the sacrifice of his comrades.

In the wasteland of the last days, such sacrifices happened every day, and he had long since looked past death.

But why... looking at the **** back in front of him... his eyes were burning like burning, which made him unbearable?

Until the tip of the knife crumbles and the blade curls.

Mu Feibai's figure was instantly swallowed by the mutated beasts.

This is clearly a scene he has seen countless times.

Countless times, he would raise his weapon, transform the emotions brought about by the sacrifice of his comrades into hatred and anger, attach them to bullets and blades, and then stab them hard into the enemy's heart.

However, at this moment, Qiu Yu closed his eyes in despair.

Hot liquid slipped from the corners of his eyes, and his heart seemed to be emptied in an instant, falling apart, unable to hold any hatred and anger anymore.

In this case, why not... eat me too.

In the hollow of the heart, such a call appeared faintly.

At least... Let my flesh and blood meet his... Inseparable...

Come on, come on... eat me too... eat.

Something slightly cool caressed his temples and wiped away the falling tears.

Qiu Yu slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the white ceiling, rustling footsteps and chaotic whispers, interspersed with the beeping sound of the machine running.

He could feel that he wasn't wearing anything under the thin quilt, and the trauma didn't hurt anymore, obviously he had been healed. It appeared that he had already been in the treatment bay once after being forcibly anesthetized.

Qi Zhefeng folded the tissue in his hand in half, and pressed it to the corner of Qiu Yu's eyes again.

Qiu Yu closed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "How long have I been asleep?"

Qi Zhefeng: "Two hours."

Qiu Yu asked again: "What about him?"

Qi Zhefeng: "Still in rescue."

There was another lengthy silence.

Qiu Yu suddenly asked, "Where is it?"

Qi Zhefeng was stunned for a moment, and replied: "...the emergency room."

Qiu Yu: "Take me there."

Qi Zhefeng frowned: "You are very weak now and need to rest. You couldn't help much in the past, and you will be notified when the rescue is over..."

"Take me there." Qiu Yu interrupted him, "I want to wait at the place closest to him."

His tone was steady and calm, without any violent mood swings, as if he was stating a common thing: "No matter what the result is, I want to be the first to know."

Qi Zhefeng didn't make any move.

Qiu Yu called out coldly: "Qi Zhefeng."

Then he continued: "If your lover's life or death is unknown in the emergency room, can you still lie here safely?"

Qi Zhefeng grabbed the tear-soaked tissue into his palm. He looked at Qiu Yu's bloodshot eyes. After a long time, his heart softened.

He leaned over and unlocked the wheels of the hospital bed, greeted the head nurse in the emergency room, pushed Qiu Yu's bed, and sent him to the corridor outside the emergency room.

He Jinxing and Yuan Lu, who were waiting outside the rescue room, jumped up immediately upon seeing this.

"Why did you push him here?" He Jinxing asked anxiously, "Isn't this nonsense!"

"That's right, Doctor Qi, how can we let him—" Yuan Lu rushed to the bedside, seeing Qiu Yu's pale face but red eyes, obviously crying, his heart tightened for a while, "This can't be done, hurry up!" Send him back to the ward, Doctor Qi!"

If... the rescue result is not good... Yuan Lu can't even imagine what will happen to Qiu Yu who looks so fragile in front of him!

"I want to wait here." Qiu Yu lowered his eyelashes and spoke calmly, "Dr. Qi, I want to sit for a while and...look at him."

Qi Zhefeng put Qiu Yu's hospital bed against the wall of the corridor to stabilize it. Hearing his words, he silently shook the head of the bed a little, and put two pillows on Qiu Yu's back.

Seeing this, He Jinxing gave a heavy "tsk", and stared at Qi Zhefeng accusingly, if it wasn't for the prohibition of making noise here, he wished to scold the guy in front of him severely!

And the doctor!

Is there a doctor who is so used to patients? !

Fortunately, after being satisfied with the requirements, the patient himself behaved immediately.

Qi Zhefeng brought various portable monitoring instruments for Qiu Yu to put on. Qiu Yu didn't refuse, just sat there, his eyes fell on the door of the emergency room not far in front of him, quietly, without saying a word.

I didn't cry anymore.

On the screen of the ECG monitor, dots of light drew broken lines, following the rhythm of Qiu Yu's heartbeat, there was a soft beep that was not harsh.

It was surprisingly stable.

Qi Zhefeng's eyes fell on Qiu Yu's face again, and his brows frowned slightly.

how come?

Isn't Qiu Yu's calm just pretending?

As the rescue time got longer and longer, He Jinxing and Yuan Lu were obviously restless, and Qi Zhefeng himself could feel the anxiety in his heart.

On the other hand, Qiu Yu, except for the request to wait in the rescue room, has been very calm since then.

It was as calm as...he was used to seeing life and death.

Calm as if he didn't care about the imminent outcome, he was just waiting for an outcome.

Only Qiu Yu knew that it was actually different.

He has faced life and death countless times.

There are his seniors, his comrades-in-arms, his students, some old men who volunteered to help out with a hoe, some women who resolutely died in order to protect their children, and some young children who were unfortunately caught in the beast tide just for a bite of food. Tong... also has close friends who have fought side by side with him for a long time, smiled and imagined a stable life with him in the future.

But that's all different.

Mu Feibai is different from them.

After those people died, he would be sad, miss them, and recall their faces and smiles. Then he would pick up his weapon and carry the expectations and hopes of those people on his shoulders, carrying their ideals Continue fighting.

And Mu Feibai...

If it was Mu Feibai who died...

Qiu Yu knew that he would lose the motivation to fight for this world for a long time.

He will undergo surgery immediately and leave the team, no matter what kind of waves will be caused behind it, he won't care anymore. He didn't even know where the road ahead would lead, or how long it would take him to reaccept the world.

He may still have a little bit of regret, regret not letting Mu Feibai mark him thoroughly, leaving him a... child.

The thought was fleeting.

But Qiu Yu admitted that it really did appear.

This is love.

The love between nature and reason.

It can make him give up some obsessions that he once thought would never be shaken.

I don't know where it started, and it goes deep.

Qiu Yu stared at the undecorated white gate in front of him, neither sad nor happy.

He now only wished that this moment of knowing love... hadn't come too late.

The sky could not be seen in the corridor outside the emergency room, and Qiu Yu could not feel the flow of time.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, the white door hummed and slowly opened.

Qiu Yu's calm eyes fell on the tired doctor.

The ECG monitor attached to his wrist suddenly issued a warning, announcing his excessively rapid heartbeat to the public.

He saw the doctor take off his mask, with a relieved smile on his sweaty face—

"Out of danger."

Read The Duke's Passion