MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 740 woven memory

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The blue brilliance on the surface of the dead planet kept shaking, and it was torn apart by Yang Shou's blow, and an incomparably huge soul appeared.

It is as big as a star, and its body exudes an incomparably thick soul.


Its "body" was crushed by Yang Shou's palm, and it began to roar and roar, and a cloud of mist-like things erupted from its blue soul, covering the entire sky.

Of course, the most important energy came towards Yang Shou.

Yang Shou's eyes narrowed, and the mysterious aura emanating from these mist-like energies made him unable to see through it for a while.

But what he is sure is that being contaminated by this energy is definitely not a good thing.


He half-squinted his eyes, and between his palms, the palm of doom shot out.

Solidly slapped on the mist-like energy emanating from this group of souls.


At the moment when the two forces collided, there was an unquestionable voice full of vicissitudes in the blue soul.

Just after that, Yang Shou's violent palm shook its soul into constant turbulence.

"Later tenth grade?"

At the moment of contact, Yang Shou sensed the energy level of the soul in front of him.

Its strength is equivalent to the late tenth level. It is unimaginable that it is the remnant of the sealed state after the fall of the ancient three.

Just seeing this huge soul, Yang Shou can imagine how powerful the three statues in their heyday were!

At least level eleven!

Just now, Yang Shou's palm directly blasted away the blue mist-like energy, and opened a channel from it.

After Yang Shou took a palm, he deceived himself into it and attacked the blue soul.

The purpose of his trip was to suppress the three remnant souls and collect them in the Great Thousand World.

Then use them to elevate your strength to the top ten!

So as to have the qualifications of the game.

"Ant! Your memory is riddled with holes and stitches are patched up. What you think is what others let you think, and what you know is what others let you know. A person who lives in a falsehood is also a match. I do it?!"

Seeing that Yang Shou actually launched an attack, the blue remnant couldn't help sneering.

But Yang Shou is unmoved, his heart is firm, and he will never be shaken by a few words that others say!

This remnant tried to make him doubt himself, cracking his heart.


Yang Shou shouted angrily in a deep voice, his body was turbulent, his strength reached its peak, and he vented towards the remnant soul without reservation.

In the face of the remnant souls left by the three statues, Yang Shou did not dare to hold back.

The three have survived for too long, and even the Lord of the Upper Realm and the three ancestors of the holy clan are their descendants. Yang Shou did not dare to care about it, he suppressed it with all his strength, and fought a battle with this terrifying blue remnant soul.

The two sides were actually evenly matched, and the battle between Yang Shou and this remnant soul lasted for a long time.

He can't have overwhelming power to directly suppress the opponent, so he can only rely on the endless energy of a world to continuously consume the power of the remnant soul.

Unlike him, the remnant soul cannot replenish fresh energy, and cannot keep it flowing.

And he has a world hidden in his body. As long as the world continues to evolve, theoretically, his power is endless.

Especially the indestructible body, smelting the energy that has destroyed so many worlds, gathered in one place, the horror of the stored energy is beyond the imagination of the remnant soul.

After the war came to an end, the shock of the remnant soul became more and more intense.

"How can your power be so deep?"

As its power declined, it felt more and more the boundless power in Yang Shou's body, it was simply indescribable!

Yang Shou remained silent, still throwing his fists, palms, and slaps on its body.

The soul energy in front of it was bleak again and again.


Just when he thought that the suppression was about to be successful, the blue remnant soul as huge as a star actually cracked by itself...

It actually spread out in front of Yang Shou, turning itself into a mist, and in an instant, it enveloped all directions.

Yang Shou accidentally followed its path and was enveloped in this blue fog-like aura.

Then, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

No longer in space, but back in time when he was born.

Yang Shou seemed to be an outsider.

He looked at himself in the picture, just born, he was stared at by a shadow.

A dark shadow covered his eyebrows, as if something had been implanted in his memory.

Since then, from his birth to college, this shadow has accompanied him almost every day.

Constantly instilling something in him.

"Is this my whole life?"

Yang Shou wasn't sure if this was an illusion, anyway...he didn't have this scene in his consciousness.

Everything that happened in this picture had never existed in his memory.

But that black shadow, somehow, he can recognize at a glance, he is the Lord of the Black Mist!

He exudes a cloud of black mist, and it seems that he has been weaving memories for him since childhood.

"Remnant Soul, with this, you can't shake my Dao Heart!"

Yang Shou took a deep breath and, as a bystander, looked up at the sky.

In the sky, a blue face appeared.

It looked indifferent and expressionless, slowly opened its eyes, and said lightly: "Keep watching, you will know what is true and what is false."

Afterwards, the memory picture in front of Yang Shou's eyes turned, and it came to the day when he was seven years old, when he obtained the time converter.

by the reservoir.

This was his original memory, but in this world, Yang Shou discovered... At the age of seven, he actually...

Worship the shadow as a teacher!

He knelt in front of the shadow, and after the apprenticeship, the shadow guided him in the way of cultivation and taught him how to embark on the path of cultivation.

And taught him the way of reincarnation and the way of creation.

And he, living up to Sombra's expectations, learned very fast, and it didn't take long for him to become successful in his practice.

"This is just a memory you made up, don't try to shake me!"

Yang Shou's heart was like a rock, and he looked at himself in the picture coldly, still unmoved.

The person in the picture looks very much like him, but he has never had this memory.

"In the back of your mind, countless memories are sealed in dust. This is just a fragment that I dug up for you."

In the sky, the blue face spoke lightly.

Then, the screen turned again.

Zhang Yutong appeared in front of Yang Shou.

As Yang Shou's girlfriend, she learned that Yang Shou had embarked on the road of cultivation and gained extraordinary power, and prayed to him not to leave for her to stay on earth.

But he... still left without hesitation.

In order to pursue a stronger cultivation, he abandoned Zhang Yutong, went to the stars of the universe, traveled in space, and used the time converter to cultivate civilization crazily.

The first civilization cultivated was the wizarding world!

This civilization was established on the moon by him.

Then, the world attracted a man.

He has the same face as Cheng Kong.

He landed on the moon, stood at the top of the wizarding world, and looked down at the whole world.

"Lord of the Black Mist, it is impossible for you to turn around!"

His eyes were cold and expressionless, he forcibly intervened in this world and created Emperor Caesar.

Emperor Caesar was personally taught by him, and he competed with Yang Shou in a battle of life and death in the wizarding world.

Both of them had reached level seven at this time.

It was just that Yang Shou practiced the Great Way of Creation and the Great Way of Reincarnation, and his strength was even better, beheading Caesar the Great.

A real beheading.

Seeing the blood-stained sky in the wizarding world, such a shocking scene, made Yang Shou feel chills in his heart.

At this moment, the blue face in the sky appeared again.

"Don't you understand yet? You are just a **** created by the Lord of Black Mist!"

Its voice was full of bewitching power, making Yang Shou a little shaken for a moment.

This picture is so codified by it that it is so reasonable.

For a while, he couldn't find any flaws!

He even followed the blue remnant soul's arrangement and began to deny himself, denying the memory in his mind now.

According to what the blue remnant said, all his existing memories were tampered with by that black fog.

He never got cancer.

He never broke up with Zhang Yutong.

It was also that he volunteered to apprentice to that shadow, and the battle with Caesar was also a game between the black mist and that person.

And all the memories he has now are the result of being tampered with.

"Have you ever thought that the reason why people are human beings and the reason why living beings are living beings is precisely because... He has a unique memory, an experience that cannot be replicated, and is all kinds of strange things."

"It's these that determine who you are!"

"Have you ever thought that when you are not you..."

This voice was constantly bewitching, arousing the most primitive desire in Yang Shou's heart, causing Yang Shoudu to begin to doubt himself.

At that moment, Yang Shou's memory became chaotic, intertwined with each other, and intertwined with the "past" events in front of him, and he could no longer distinguish each other.

There was a momentary daze in his expression.


in the void.

In the ruins of the blue dead planet, Yang Shou's body was shrouded in a massive blue mist.

He closed his eyes tightly, as if something had happened, and his body began to tremble.

The most important thing is that his realm... actually began to be unstable, and it was rapidly declining.

The combat power of the late tenth level dropped to the mid tenth level in an instant, and this trend has not stopped, and it is still accelerating.

In a thousand worlds.

Xu Mu, who was born in chaos, also sensed the changes in the world.

The entire Daqian world, the light and dark are uncertain, the light is flickering, as if the end of the world.

But in fact, there is a closed loop of the world, and there is almost no possibility of collapse of the world.

"In the end what happened?"

Xu Mu frowned tightly. He could perceive that the changes in the Great Thousand World had something to do with Master, but he didn't know what it had to do with Master.

"Sixth Junior Brother, what's the situation? Did something happen to Master?"

In the God Realm, Changsheng, who had broken through to the ninth level, rushed out of the chaos and came to Xu Mu.

He was the second to sense the turmoil in the Great Thousand World.

It's an indescribable upheaval, the framework of the world itself is solid, but...

This turmoil is existence, as if the whole world is about to disappear from the world in an instant.

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