MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 734 Goblin Compass

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World 3.

Yang Shou came again.

The first time I found Chen Xuanlin and Chengkong in this world.

However, there is no problem with Chen Xuanlin and Chengkong in this world.

Yang Shou checked the memories in their minds, inside and out, and couldn't find even the dusty traces.

Completely untouched.

Helpless, Yang Shou can only destroy the world first.

"It can be seen that not every creature template has been manipulated."

Yang Shou sighed, the doomsday energy enveloped the entire earth, and with one thought, the whole world began to shatter and tremble violently.

There were two rounds of blue sun hanging high in the sky, and at the same moment, I quickly sensed something was wrong.

"Who is coming? Dare to make trouble!"

One of the men in blue came down with a bang, following the source of the energy fluctuations, and found Yang Shou.



Yang Shou spit out a word, this ninth-level peak powerhouse died instantly.

But after his death, another blue sun also quietly landed, Yang Shou sensed its breath, and found that the other party actually... reached the tenth level!

That's right, this is a strong man who has mastered the tenth-level avenue.

And it has reached the mid-level ten.

His figure changed, and with one step, he appeared in front of Yang Shou.

"Lord of the Great Thousand, you can destroy the rest of the worlds, but you can't destroy the first three worlds."

Wearing a blue robe, he stared at Yang Shou, without the so-called killing intent, but a solemn exhortation.

Yang Shou sneered: "I want to destroy, how can you stop me?"

To be honest, there are ten-level powerhouses in the saints, which is normal.

Otherwise, the saints have evolved for so many years, and it is impossible to have a tenth-level powerhouse.

But even a tenth-level powerhouse has reached the middle tenth level, and Yang Shou is not afraid.

The face of the man in blue changed slightly. He never expected that when he lowered his posture, the other party still dismissed him.

"Yang Shou! You'd better be self-aware. The first three worlds are imprisoned with a remnant soul. If they are released, the entire holy world will be destroyed!"

The man in blue had a gloomy face, pointed to his feet, and said in a cold voice.

On the contrary, Yang Shou's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of light in the deep and boundless pupils.

"What level of remnant soul? Can you destroy the holy world?"

Yang Shou opened his mouth faintly, stomped his right foot sharply, and the world collapsed directly.

"Then I want to know more!"

To tell the truth, in the world after the number 4, there is no tenth-level existence.

But in the world numbered 3, there is actually a mid-level tenth-level powerhouse.

Suffice it to say that this world is extraordinary.

And after listening...after being able to destroy the holy world, Yang Shou wanted to destroy the earth even more.

After destroying it, if the holy world can really be destroyed, then he will be freed.

At least you don't have to continue to be calculated by all the worlds in this so-called holy world, have enough time to develop, and then come back...

Find the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Lord of the Black Mist to take revenge one by one.

"You...just crazy! Even if you have a tenth-level combat power, do you think you can survive in the endless void after the Holy Realm is destroyed?!"

The man in blue roared, his face suddenly changed.

He tried to contact the ancestor of the ancestors, the ancestors of the ancestors, but found that... no one could be contacted.

He has been in the endless space mezzanine, and he does not know everything that is happening outside.

The reason why Yang Shou is so fearless is precisely because... the three ancestors were all restrained.

No matter how scary what the man in blue said, Yang Shou still went his own way.

He seldom gives up on what he believes.

And he has always believed that as long as his strength is enough, there is no place where he cannot survive.

"Endless emptiness?"

Yang Shou murmured these words, watching the earth collapse, and the crystals of doom were born and evolved one by one.


At the same time, the man in blue finally couldn't bear it any longer and moved towards Yang Shou.

Yang Shou was not afraid at all, his combat power rose, and he reached the middle tenth level in an instant.

Hit it with a punch.

The surging power of the immortal body poured into the opponent's arms, causing the opponent's... arms to collapse directly with one punch.

In the same way, Yang Shou was not feeling well. The tenth-level avenue that the other party realized was extremely strange, pouring into his body, as if withering everything in his body.

"Kurong Avenue."

Yang Shou's pupils shrank. To be honest, he never imagined that such a great avenue could actually achieve the tenth level.

"This way, Kurong."

After colliding with Yang Shou, the man in blue realized the strength of Yang Shou's body, so he retreated decisively. Two completely different scenes were reflected in his eyes from a safe distance in the void.

A recovery of all things, the prosperity of heaven and earth.

All things wither, heaven and earth wither.

The completely different scenes merged into one in his eyes, and a dazzling light erupted, covering Yang Shou.

Yang Shou did not dodge, because the speed of this light was too fast.

Locked him in an instant.

He can only passively accept it.


Seeing Yang Shou's move, the man in blue grinned wickedly, continued to cast the avenue, and threw it on Yang Shou.

The Boundless Avenue roared, and Yang Shou's body changed in an instant. Half of it was prosperous and full of vitality, and the other half was beginning to wither and wither, and it was dead.

"What a strange scene."

Yang Shou sighed sincerely, and then a roar erupted from the world within the body, and the closed loop of the world emerged, directly... dragging these two completely different forces out.

block directly.


The man in blue never thought that Yang Shou actually had such a means, and he was a little stunned, but Yang Shou was not polite to him.

The power that Jiejian burst out instantly reached the middle tenth level, and the combat power exploded.

The void cracked, the space shattered into slag.

In a turbulent space, the man in blue was struggling.

However, his road to prosperity was steadily restrained by the world circle.

Yang Shou was born in an invincible position and has been attacking wildly.

This battle lasted for several days before Yang Shou killed the man in blue.

At the last moment, he even wanted to blow himself up, but unfortunately in the face of the closed loop of the world, his blow up was doomed to be futile.

Yang Shou directly forged the world ring and sealed his self-exploding power in it.

Just watching him turn into ashes, a tenth-level powerhouse, his soul flew away, and disappeared into the world.

"This person... the true spirit should not be placed in Canggu, right?"

Yang Shou frowned and observed for a moment before leaving the ruins of World No. 3.


He was going to go to World 2, where he was born.

The familiar earth he came from.


World 7.

Tianzu frowned slightly, he sensed the fall of a genius in the clan.

To be defined as a genius by him, naturally he has reached the tenth level.

"Yang Shou..."

He murmured Yang Shou's name softly, and he could kill even a mid-tenth-level powerhouse...

He found that Yang Shou's strength was progressing faster and faster.

Perhaps the next Lord of the Black Mist.

At that time, he regretted that because of his own heavy injury, he could not fight against the Lord of the Black Mist, so he asked the eleventh level.

But now, it seems his chance is coming.

In this life, whether it is the Lord of the Upper Realm, the Spiritual Ancestor, or the Barbarian Ancestor, their strength has reached the peak of the tenth level.

All are qualified to knock on the door of the eleventh level.

"Ling Susu."

Thinking of this, he appeared in front of Ling Susu.

"Tianzu." Ling Susu nodded respectfully.

"Yang Shou is about to go to World No. 2. Now that my family has been destroyed by the Lord of the Upper Realm, you might as well follow him."

Tianzu smiled, his eyes were deep, as if he was hiding endless wisdom.

Ling Susu was stunned and said, "Tianzu, I..."

She thought that Tianzu was going to expel her from the holy clan.

Tianzu waved his hand and said: "No need to say more, although this time my holy clan has a high probability of becoming the final winner, but... it is always right to invest in multiple parties. If my holy clan loses in the future, you can join the Great Thousand World, Continue my holy bloodline."

Then, regardless of Ling Susu's willingness or not, he directly took out a door between her eyebrows.

"I have taken out the gate of Canggu, you can go."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and waved it at will.

Ling Susu disappeared in World No. 7.

When he reappeared, Ling Susu found that he had already arrived on Earth.

A familiar and unfamiliar world.

She never came to World 2.

Walking on the crowded streets, her appearance attracted many people to stop and linger.

As she walked aimlessly, she suddenly remembered Tianzu's exhortation.

Start to spread out the to find Yang Shou's home.


In World No. 2, Yang Shou returned to his own home on Earth, and found that there was an unexpected guest in his home.

Ling Susu.

He looked at her coldly, not knowing why she appeared here.

He also helped him clean the inside and outside of the house.

"What do you mean?"

Yang Shou did not intend to kill, after all, she and Fu Nao had a marriage.

Now Fu Nao was unconscious and fell into a deep sleep.

"Tianzu asked me to follow you."

Ling Susu bit her lower lip, and I said with pity.

"Give you three seconds to disappear in front of me."

Yang Shou's tone was very cold. He scanned Ling Susu's body just now and found that there was no Canggu gate.

He thought that Tianzu was using Canggu's gate in exchange for his adoption.

But now that I think about it, that's not the case.

Ling Susu didn't expect Yang Shou to be so inhumane.

But thinking that the two sides are mortal enemies, Yang Shou did not kill her, in fact, he has done his best.

"Tianzu gave me something, saying maybe you can use it."

Gritting her teeth, Ling Susu took out a compass-shaped object from her arms.

A circular compass with three patterns engraved on it.

On each pattern, a devil's head is depicted.

The devil's head was grinning, but two of them were dead silent, with their eyes tightly closed.

Only... one of them, his eyes trembled slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

Its breath is also the strongest among the three heads.

Yang Shou suddenly remembered... World No. 3 that he destroyed not long ago.

At that time, the man in blue also said that World No. 3 suppressed a remnant soul.

"Could it be the remnant of the repressed soul?"

Yang Shou remembered the three who disappeared from the world.

Read The Duke's Passion