MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 732 Level 11

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In the ruins of World 5.

Yang Shou began to travel through space, walking through countless space interlayers, and soon came to a brand new earth.

It's just that this earth is different from what he expected.

The last Earth has undergone spiritual recovery, but this one has not experienced spiritual recovery, but has entered an era of prosperous technology.

The development of science and technology has gone out of the earth and into space.

As far as the eye can see, there are aircrafts flying through space everywhere.

All kinds, weird.

Humanity has entered the federal era, and the original world view has collapsed. In the rapid development, various combat armors that enhance personal force have appeared.

Yang Shou didn't care about all this.

No matter how prosperous they develop, they cannot escape the fate of being destroyed.

Even if he does not destroy himself, the man in blue will destroy him when he prepares to open a new experimental body in the future.

In the end, Yang Shou quietly used the energy of doom to invade World No. 4, while observing everything that happened in the ruins through the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

And then saw...

The battle between the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Ancestor Spirit.

As soon as Lingzu stepped into the market, he was intercepted by the Lord of the Upper Realm.

And he also suffered a lot of losses, resulting in his strength, which could not be used in half.

Under the gloomy eyes of the ancestors, the Lord of the Upper Realm pursued him furiously, using the infinitely powerful Dao of World Destruction to attack frantically.


The original picturesque ruins were torn apart by the aftermath of the battle between the two, and they were utterly dilapidated.

As for "Yang Shou", he could only hide in an area far away and watch the gods fight.

At this time, he happened to be in a normal state and did not commit suicide.

Otherwise, Ling Zu really couldn't take him into consideration.

And the Lord of the Upper Realm glanced at "Yang Shou" and didn't care.

In his eyes, only Yang Shou from World No. 2 deserves real attention.

"Lord of the Upper Realm, it's really a good plan! I'm afraid you have prepared for this day for a lot of years, right?"

Lingzu spit out a mouthful of turbid blood and stared coldly at the Lord of the Upper Realm.

The Lord of the Upper Realm looked as usual, and in the ethereal changes, he sneered back: "Not much, it was ready 30 million years ago!"

For him, 30 million years is really not much.

In order to find the legendary location of Canggu, he did not know how many years he searched.

"The Avenue of Fate is really amazing. It's a pity that you were a high-ranking player in chess and led my clan to compete with the Lord of the Black Mist, and you got it from it!"

Lingzu sighed, and at the same time, God took a breath, raised his hand, and grabbed "Yang Shou" in the void.

"Yang Shou" was pulled in his palm without any resistance.

"This place is called Ruins, and it is the place where everything returns to Ruins. The five wills in your body can come out!"

Afterwards, Ling Zu took five consecutive shots on "Yang Shou".

And every time he took a shot, a will burst out from "Yang Shou"'s body, exactly the same as "Yang Shou".

Seeing this scene, the expression of the Lord of the Upper Realm changed slightly, and he hurriedly took action, the Dao of Destruction swept the world, and beat this fairyland-like world more and more broken.

In fact, there are countless genius treasures in the ruins, and all kinds of elixir to improve cultivation are planted here.

This place is the place with the most abundant energy in the entire holy world, and it contains countless geniuses and treasures.

But at this moment, it was all ruined by the fight between two immortals.

Through the five declines of heaven and man, Yang Shou observed this scene and felt a little distressed.

If these elixir were given to him...

How much cultivation can he improve for his disciples?

Unfortunately, he can only watch now, watching the Lord of the Upper Realm and the ancestors spoil them.

But what surprised him was... in the space of the ruins that the stone bridge led to, it was possible to extract the five wills of the five declines of heaven and man.

When the five different wills were pulled away, "Yang Shou" finally returned to normal.

He looked around blankly, especially at this time, when Ling Zu was still holding him in the palm of his hand.

"If you don't make sacrifices at this time, when will you wait!"

Lingzu shouted in a deep voice, "Yang Shou" was stunned, and then nodded.

Then started to burn himself, from soul to body, turned into a raging fire.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Upper Realm... was not in a hurry at all, and just watched the ancestor sacrifice "Yang Shou".

"Today is when I hit the eleventh level!"

Even though he was seriously injured by the Lord of the Upper Realm, he still maintained his aura, trying to channel the energy in this space into himself.


The Lord of the Upper Realm looked at this scene with a smile, but his eyes were extremely cold.

When the sacrifice of "Yang Shou" was finished, everything was still the same, nothing strange happened, and the ancestor was suddenly stunned.

"What's going on? He's obviously that person! He's obviously the key to unlocking, and he has also reached the Beginning Realm, why..."

Lingzu couldn't help looking at this world, until "Yang Shou" died completely and turned into ashes, and he still didn't understand it.

The Lord of the Upper Realm stared coldly at the scene in front of him, as if watching a clown.

"Is this what you said?"

Afterwards, he raised his hand, and auras emerged from all over the world.

Various energies formed a channel and poured straight into his body.

Lingzu's pupils shrank, and he quickly understood the cause and effect of everything.

Only the key can open the energy shackles of this world and lead the energy of this world into the body.

"Yang Shou is not that person, did you find that person?",

He asked in a deep voice, and immediately seemed to think of something, and quickly overturned his conclusion, and said solemnly: "No, this is not right, Lord of the Upper Realm, you have played a big game of chess!"

For a moment, he thought of the scene that happened in ancient times.

The Lord of the Upper Realm led him and the ancestors into World No. 2 to jointly kill the Lord of the Black Mist.

As a result, from that battle, the Lord of the Upper Realm obtained the Dao of Fate.

And he and the barbarian ancestors were severely injured because of the battle with the Lord of the Black Mist, and there was no time to take care of him at all.

Give him plenty of time to develop.

It's just... because of the Lord of Black Mist, they mistook Yang Shou for that person.

So it began to evolve in the top ten worlds.

However, it has evolved countless times, and Yang Shou is very ordinary.

Yang Shou in every world didn't show much brilliance.

They also had doubts, but the precedent of the Lord of the Black Mist is there...

So they are convinced.

However, it now appears that he was wrong.

Deceived by the Lord of the Upper Realm.

"It's also from World No. 2. Since it's not the Lord of the Black Mist, it's only you."

Lingzu said in a cold voice, and instantly figured out the whole story.

There is only one possibility, the Lord of the Upper Realm is that key, that person!

Therefore, he can connect the energy of heaven and earth in the ruins and pour it into the body.

"I've thought about your nine avenues for countless years. Today, I will step on your corpse and ascend to the eleventh level!"

The Lord of the Upper Realm stared at the ancestor and said word by word.

At the same time, countless powers in the sky were poured into his body, making his tenth-level peak realm rise again.

Want to hit the eleventh level!

In World No. 4, Yang Shou, who saw this scene through the will of the five gods and five degenerates, couldn't help swallowing.

He was still playing mud at level ten, but the Lord of the Upper Realm is about to reach level eleven?

His pressure, unknowingly, was getting bigger and bigger.

"I hope the ancestors can give me some strength."

Yang Shou took a deep breath, and then discovered... the power in his body actually began to increase wildly.

The source of cause and effect, which has not progressed, is also accumulating and growing.

"The Five Decays of Heaven and Man, it's coming to an end!"

In this special space, the five wills of heaven and man... actually began to merge with each other.

No one came to dominate, they were influenced by heaven and earth, they merged independently, and gradually formed a brand new Yang Shou.

At the same time, Yang Shou discovered that...

He spanned endless distances, and after the five wills merged into one, he could actually control them.

Taking advantage of the battle between the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Spirit Ancestor, Yang Shou slowly opened his eyes and began to explore this space using the new will formed by the fusion of the five wills.

He wants to find out, what exactly is this Ruins!

Why did Lingzu try his best to enter it and hit the eleventh level.

The same is true for the Lord of the Upper Realm.

All have to hit level 11 here.


However, the integration of his will was finally discovered by the Lord of the Upper Realm.

His perception was extremely sharp, and the moment Yang Shou's familiar will fluctuations appeared, he noticed the abnormality.

He turned around slowly and stared at Yang Shou, "Is that you?"

To be honest, this was the first time he and Yang Shou looked at each other.

Yang Shou's body was He didn't expect that he would be discovered so quickly.

However, he did not panic.

Although he can enter the ruins by virtue of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, but... he can also leave at any time.

Now his five calamities have passed, and these five wills, as the residues discharged from the body, no longer need to be recycled.

He can abandon them at any time.

"How did you get in?"

The Lord of the Upper Realm was not in a hurry. This time, it was his turn to be puzzled.

If you want to open the market, you must have the strength of the tenth peak. need to wait for the moment.

Ruins open every 10,000,000 years.

If he missed it, even he would not be able to enter it again.

Unless... wait another 10 million years.

Yang Shou calmed down and began to look at the two in front of him.

The Lord of the Upper Realm pointed at the sky with one finger at this time, and attracted countless turbulent energy into the body, and his strength was soaring.

Lingzu was more uncomfortable, and wanted to stop it, but was unable to do so.

After he entered this place, he was first plotted, and later found out that "Yang Shou" was not the key.

suffered a great blow.

Since ancient times, he has been in charge of the holy clan, evolved living beings, and opened up countless worlds, but he never thought that one day, he would be calculated like this.

"This place is a ruin, could it be the place where the three fallen?"

Yang Shou did not answer the question of the Lord of the Upper Realm. Although he could not stop the Lord of the Upper Realm, the Lord of the Upper Realm could not stop him from leaving.

If he wanted to, he could leave in an instant.

The eyes of the Lord of the Upper Realm flickered, but in the change of nothingness, Yang Shou could not see his true expression.

"There is a fortune that goes straight to the eleventh level, I wonder if you want it?"

Afterwards, he pointed to the sky and showed a smile, and all the killing intent in his heart dissipated.

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