MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 728 world closed loop

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The terrifying doom energy spreads out, quietly covering the entire earth.

The Spirit of Creation only protected the creatures on Earth from being attacked, but with the fall of the entire World No. 5, those creatures could not help but panic.

In their perception, a destructive force descended on the earth, causing the earth to collapse crazily, and the space became shattered.

"Creator, slow down!"

The Spirit of Creation hurriedly shouted, his face extremely ugly.

But Yang Shou ignored it.

It has no way to protect the entire world, it can only protect all living beings, which is its limit.

It vaguely understood Yang Shou's thoughts, after destroying the earth and causing many creatures to lose their homes...

"Don't worry, this 'Yang Shou' will definitely replace the empty one."

Yang Shou pointed at a miniature version of the little man in his palm, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The spirit of creation shrank his pupils, his body trembled, and he said solemnly: "Does the creator know that the master knows the consequences of this?"

Yang Shou's expression turned cold. What he hated most was when others threatened him.

"With me, he will never recover!"

Yang Shou snorted coldly, and at the same time, the entire earth shook wildly under the influence of doomed energy.

In the end, it completely collapsed, the space cracked into slag, and dissipated into the world.

There is only one spiritual river left circling in the universe.

And all the creatures, under the protection of the ring, are distributed around this huge spiritual river.

They stared blankly at the world around them, their hearts were horrified, and some people even shivered with fear.

Although the spiritual power recovered, the entire earth was wiped out all at once...

They never imagined such a thing.

Not even science fiction movies dare to do this.

And Yang Shou, who destroyed the earth, put away the nine million crystals of doom floating around the sky, and then looked at the spirit of creation.

as well as……

Void Devouring Beast looming in the void.

"Clown, long time no see."

Yang Shou took a casual glance and found the trace of the clown hiding in the void.

That name was given to him back then.

I want to cultivate it into a great force under my command.

Who would have thought that even the Void Devouring Beast was secretly arranged by the Lord of Black Mist.

Later, after many rounds of travel, it was acquired by the Holy Race, erased its memory, and was placed in World No. 5.


For them, there is no difficulty in restoring memory at all.

After being placed in World No. 5, the clown recovered all his memories and hid in the void, waiting for the arrangement behind the Lord of the Black Mist.

"Tell me, how did the Lord of Black Mist calculate? How can he guarantee that you are all put into these template worlds?"

Yang Shou squinted his eyes and asked the question he was most curious about.

The Void Devouring Beast's pupils shrank, but he lowered his head and did not dare to answer.

Yang Shou left a very deep impression in his heart.

It's just... at the beginning of its birth, it was favored by its master, and it can only do things for its master in this life.

Seeing that Good Fortune and the Void Devouring Beast did not answer him, Yang Shouxuan laughed.

The Lord of the Black Mist is not as good as the Lord of the Upper Realm, who has mastered the avenue of fate and cannot deduce all of this.

Therefore... the only possibility is that there is an inner ghost he planted in the holy clan, who helped him and completed all this.

"The situation is really complicated."

Yang Shou rubbed his nose, the situation became more and more complicated, the gods were fighting, and he was just barely qualified.

"Okay, this recovery farce is over."

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, Yang Shou turned his palm and released "Yang Shou" from this world.

Let him enter this huge long, boundless spiritual river.

The spirit of creation drives the ring, and a terrifying aperture erupts, continuing to block "Yang Shou".

Now Cheng Kong is lying in the Spirit River waiting to absorb the fruits of all living beings.

It is about the master's recovery, and he must not take it lightly.

However, Yang Shou didn't care about it and released Xu Mu from the Great Thousand World.

"Master, there is a lack of closed loop, it is at the port of Linghe."

His eyes are like torches, and he has seen through countless eras at a glance.

The Spirit of Creation was even more astonished when he heard the words.

It never imagined that there are people in this world who can see through the defects of closed loops at a glance.

" are definitely not from this era, how would you know the flaws of closed loops?"

It was very terrified, and quickly let the Void Devouring Beast enter the Spirit River, and guarded the entire Spirit River port with it.

It... itself is the port of Linghe, and it is because of the lack of closed loop that it cannot be perfectly sheltered.

Originally, it thought that... Yang Shou became a monk halfway through, and he didn't practice for a long time, maybe he didn't even know what the closed loop was.

Not to mention seeing the flaws of the closed loop.

But who would have thought that Yang Shou had a Xu Mu.

The disciple who was accepted in the future time and space died in the future time and space again. A trace of obsession penetrated through the ages and entered the past, the well-informed Xu Mu.

In fact, after seeing the magical ring, Yang Shou called Xu Mu.

As a result, Xu Mu was shocked at the time, and told that this ring was called the closed world ring, and it was a product left by the three statues...

It is said that the three statues of that year were detached to the eleventh level. In order to pursue higher and get rid of the shackles from the world, the three statues worked together to pull away the entire holy world and make it into a closed loop.

Want to detach.

The later holy world was gradually developed from the broken holy world after the detachment of the three deities.

The closed-loop function has many functions, belonging to the tenth-level treasure level.

It was only that year... It is said that when the three statues were detached, they encountered a great horror, a battle of life and death, and the three statues almost died, and their final whereabouts are unknown.

And the closed loop, also in that battle, was shattered and a gap appeared.

From Xu Mu, Yang Shou heard the legend from the three gods again.

In fact, the higher the practice, the more terrifying Yang Shou heard about the three deities.

Previously, they only knew that the heads of the three evil spirits were left by them.

Its existence is even older, far before the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Now it seems that the years of their existence... are very likely to be before the saints.

Perhaps they have also encountered the great terror between heaven and earth that the saints said.

"Master, this treasure can be repaired, and the black dragon in the world can repair it!"

Looking at this closed loop, Xu Mu suddenly thought of something, and quickly reminded.

Yang Shou's eyes lit up, and he remembered the black dragon that he had made pitch black.

Back then, in that world, Yang Shou... used it to repair the time converter.

Originally thought it was designed to repair the time converter.

I didn't expect it to have so many functions.

"The black dragon was jointly created by the three ancestors of the holy race, and it is similar to the embryonic golden dragon guarding the great world of the holy race, but its function is completely different."

Xu Mu continued to explain: "The black dragon eats whatever it takes to make up for it. It only needs to find the nutrients that the closed loop of the world needs, and the closed loop of the world can be successfully repaired!"

Hearing Xu Mu's words, Yang Shou nodded.

The power of the closed loop is deeply attracted to it.

If it weren't for its flaws, he would probably only be able to look at the closed loop and sigh.

If it is restored to its integrity, Yang Shou estimates that even the strength of the late tenth level may not be enough to break through his defenses.

And... externally, he can use the closed loop of the world to protect himself.

Internally, he can also use the closed loop of the world to imprison the world.

Prevent the creatures inside from escaping.

Anyway, he has integrated the Great Thousand World into his body, the Great Thousand World is him, and he is the Great Thousand World.

At the port of Linghe, Good Fortune and Void Devouring Beast watched Yang Shou walk by and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The defects of the closed loop of this world are seen through at a glance, and they are completely unexpected.

"Making... Creator, Lord... Master..."

The Spirit of Creation also tried to stop it, but Yang Shou didn't give it the chance, and spit out a word: "Go away."


The majestic and extreme power roared out, and countless power bursts and vented at the port of Linghe.

Yang Shou's power suddenly rose to the tenth level.

It is simply not something that the Spirit of Creation can resist.

The Spirit of Creation and the Void Devouring Beast cannot resist no matter how they resist.

Yang Shou knocked them back with a single word, and slid from the port to the lowest end along the Ling River.


Yang Shou turned around and looked at the other "Yang Shou".

For the sake of safety, Yang Shou manipulated his consciousness.

He pulled Cheng Kong out at random.

Let "Yang Shou" lie down.

Cheng Kong woke up from his deep looked at Yang Shou blankly, and then...

After sensing his terrifying breath, his scalp went numb.

"What... what's going on? How can there be such a terrifying existence in this world?"

He roared in his heart, and the whole person was about to despair.

During this period of time, things have gone wrong for him, and he has been experiencing ghost stories.

Seizing Cheng Kong, Yang Shou used the causal line again to carefully probe the depths of his memory, but still couldn't find anything he wanted.

Cheng Kong just looked at Yang Shou blankly. He didn't know that Yang Shou had just unknowingly checked all his memories.

The realm gap is too big for him to perceive at all.

I am afraid it is the same as what the Lord of Black Mist did to Yang Shou.

However, Yang Shou sensed from Cheng Kong the same dusty memory as him.

If you want to open it, Yang Shou feels really need to quickly advance to the source of karma.

If you do not advance, you will never be able to find the truth.

Because of the battle he participated in, this game of chess, involved thousands of years ago.

At that time, the layout of countless bosses was just to collect the net and pick the fruit in his life.


Then, Yang Shou looked coldly at the Spirit of Creation and the Void Devouring Beast.

He has already understood that these two can never betray the Lord of the Black Mist.

Originally, he wanted to rebel.


He did not kill the Spirit of Creation and the Devourer of the Void.

After "Yang Shou" obtained the power of all the creature templates in this world, Yang Shou wanted to try to summon the Lord of the Black Mist, and then...

Give him that all at once.

At this time, the importance of the Spirit of Creation and the Void Devouring Beast was revealed.

They can just stand there and not speak.

Read The Duke's Passion