MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 707 something is wrong

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The practice of the five declines of heaven and man made Yang Shou's combat power disappear again.

Now he has really become an ordinary person.

And a new character was born smoothly, and it occupied his will and became dominant.

Yang Shou doesn't know what will happen, but now, he must strengthen his strength.

If it really doesn't work, let Xu Mu go out.

In this world, when Yang Shou came, he checked out the highest combat power.

It is not a completely extraordinary world, and the highest combat power has been suppressed by him in the abyss of karma.

Logically speaking, as long as he is not discovered by the ancestor, he can successfully complete the five declines of heaven and man in this world.

However, the development of things completely unexpected Yang Shou.

The day after he lost his cultivation, he was kidnapped by Zhang Yutong.

She is a rich second generation.

He hired more than a dozen bodyguards to drag Yang Shou out of the house and forcibly tied him into a luxury car.

"Hmph, you must attend today's wedding!"

In the luxury car, Zhang Yutong was wearing a white wedding dress, which was extremely stunning, and said angrily.

Yang Shou looked at her coldly and did not speak.

Now the character that controls his body can be said to be perverted.

On the other hand, Yang Shou's main character, in the world of Daqian, frowned, and together with Xu Mu, looked at himself in the outside world.

"Master, this is a murderous personality..."

Xu Mu said worriedly.

He didn't know Master for a long time, and he didn't know how terrible a killing Yang Shou was.

But Yang Shou knew.

When he evolved the world, his heart was as hard as iron, and he destroyed countless creatures under his hands.

And the five declines of heaven and man are to extremeize a certain aspect of personality.

Unfortunately, after the cultivation base was exhausted, a murderous personality appeared.

"I'm afraid this wedding will turn into a funeral."

Yang Shou squinted his eyes and shook his head.

He is now groping, how to survive the five declines of heaven and man.

Bai Yi didn't talk too much about the method of overcoming the five declines of heaven and man.

Because...she didn't study it thoroughly either.

I only know that in the end, if you survive the five declines without dying, you can count as having survived the five declines of heaven and man.

But Yang Shou felt that if he let the murderous personality mess around, he would be killed sooner or later without cultivation.

Sure enough, when Yang Shou and Xu Mu were discussing, the murderous personality of the outside world had already arrived at the wedding scene. When the husband and wife walked the red carpet together and entered the marriage hall, suddenly...

Pulled out a fruit knife.

It stabbed into Zhang Yutong's lower abdomen fiercely.

Zhang Yutong fell into a pool of blood with pain and confusion.


She frowned and asked with difficulty before fainting.

Yang Shou gave her a cold look, his face expressionless: "In my life, I hate others for letting me do things I hate the most."

Zhang Yutong died of anger, and the original wedding became a funeral.

The lively open-air wedding, because of this scene, everyone was frightened.

Fortunately, they didn't provoke Yang Shou, so Yang Shou simply took off the groom's clothes and prepared to leave the wedding scene slowly.

But Zhang Yutong's father had already called the police when he saw his daughter fall to the ground.

Yang Shou was like this, and was imprisoned for committing intentional homicide.

In the Daqian world, Yang Shou saw that the murderous personality played himself off so quickly, and his brows were furrowed again.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't last a hundred years.

That's right, the way to get through the five declines of heaven and man, every hundred years of decline, if you can't survive...

Yang Shou, who has lost his cultivation base, has only one way to go.

In fact, on this earth, even ordinary hot weapons can kill Yang Shou.

But while in prison, the murderous personality did not repent, because an inmate stepped on his shoe, and he was angry and killed, almost strangling the man to death.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and stopped in time.

But because of this...the sentence was extended for three years.

"This should be no problem, right? Thirty years plus three years, that is, thirty-three years, and sixty-seven years can be passed smoothly."

Yang Shou in the Great Thousand World pondered, Xu Mu's mouth twitched after hearing the words.

"Master, I don't think it's that simple."

Xu Mu continued to talk about his own views: "According to the disciples, the real meaning of the five declines of heaven and man is probably to allow the five different emotions to completely control the body, thereby judging the possibility of the five paths."

"Any five personalities, without restraint, in the absence of cultivation, the final end is a dead end."

"So... Master, I think the most important thing is to conquer these five personalities."

Hearing Xu Mu's analysis, Yang Shou nodded slightly, and what he said indeed made sense.

But during the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, he was unable to return to his original body at all, and the slaughter-type personality dominated, and he continued to exclude him from regaining control of his will.

While the two were thinking about it, as expected, Yang Shou from the outside world... murdered again.

In the end, considering that the situation was so bad that it could not be reformed, the sentence was commuted to humane destruction.

Yang Shou: "..."

He had no idea that this murderous personality would be so pitiful.

It took so long before he was played to the point of human destruction.

"What should I do, can I save people?"

Yang Shou looked at Xu Mu, because Xu Mu had been undercover in the Holy Clan and knew a lot about the Holy Clan.

But Xu Mu shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Master, this world is World No. 9, under the strict monitoring of Lingzu, I can't show up, once Lingzu finds out, I'm afraid our plan will fail! "

Yang Shou also knew this truth, but when he saw that he was about to be destroyed by humanity, his mood was complicated.

This is really difficult.

It's completely different from the heartbreak.

"What if I use the power of the curse? Curse myself and let everyone who touches me suffer?"

Yang Shou changed his mind and asked rhetorically.

After hearing this, Xu Mu nodded again and again: "There is no problem with this. The power of the curse is very miraculous, and it is also one of the forces in the evolution of this world. Lingzu will not doubt it."

In the end, Xu Mu opened a hole in Daqian World, guiding the power of the curse to spread to the body.

Countless curses are all released.

During the execution, everyone suddenly got unlucky.

Prison trips, power outages, countless escapes, and even earthquakes.

Everyone was stunned.

In the end, he had no choice but to temporarily give up the humane destruction of Yang Shou.

Xu Mu closed the gap and withdrew the power of the curse.

Yang Shou's body has no cultivation base, so he can only survive in this way.

Later, the person detaining Yang Shou found that all kinds of unfortunate things had disappeared, and prepared to execute again.

But the destruction of humanity has just been carried out, and various changes have occurred again.

Needle blockage, drug failure, inability to inject, etc. occurred one after another.

Humane destruction, once again forced to interrupt.

After repeating this, the group of people tried countless times, and finally came to an incredible conclusion - as long as they try to kill Yang Shou, bad things will happen.

In this way, Yang Shou barely saved his life, but... given that this is a criminal with serious destructive tendencies and several criminal records, he was isolated in isolation.

"With this method, it should be possible to successfully survive the first recession."

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Yang Shou relaxed slightly.

But before he relaxed for too long, he sensed a terrifying aura descending from the sky and appeared in front of Yang Shou's body.

In the prison, Yang Shou stared coldly at the person who came, and snorted: "Who are you?"

In the Great Thousand World, Xu Mu swallowed and said in a low voice, "Ling Ancestor."

Yang Shou's pupils shrank beside him, he didn't expect Lingzu to come so soon.

In the vision he shared, the ancestors were very ordinary.

A middle-aged man in a white gown.

His eyes are calm and his expression is calm, like a middle-aged teacher.

But only a few people know that he is actually the master behind all worlds.

Outside, the dialogue between the ancestor and the killing personality has begun.

"How did you get like this?"

Lingzu looked at Yang Shou, looked around, and couldn't help frowning.

Yang Shou didn't buy it, he snorted coldly, "Lingzu? I've wanted to kill you for a long time!"

Afterwards, his killing intent was revealed, and he rushed towards the ancestor, and he was about to bite with his teeth.

The murderous personality also enjoys all of Yang Shou's past memories.

However, the instinct of the body, but only killing.

In addition, there is nothing like reason, kindness, and honesty, so when he saw the ancestor, he directly started.


With a cold snort from the ancestor Yang Shou flew upside down and slammed into the wall.

"Has Yang Shou killed? What do I want?"

Lingzu stared at him in a deep voice, paying no attention to his abnormal movements, and then his eyes fell on the watch in his hand.

This shows the color of satisfaction.

"You did a good job this time, and the time hub will be stored with you first."

Afterwards, Ling Zu turned around and left the room where Yang Shou was being held.


In a thousand worlds.

Yang Shou took a quick glance, and only had a general impression of Lingzu.

But something always felt wrong.

This ancestor was too lenient towards him.

Trying to kill him, can you be spared?

Or... he already knew that he was not the "Yang Shou" of this world, so he just decided to make a big net out of it?

"It's still not right. I always feel that Yang Shou in these ten worlds is weird, and it is impossible for the ancestors to treat them so favorably!"

Yang Shou took a deep breath and fell into deep thought.

Heaven and man are the first to decline. From the current point of view, as long as Yang Shou does not die, he should not die.

And even if he were to die, with Xu Mu paying attention to the endorsement at any time, he wouldn't be able to die.

The extraordinary power still has a strong dominance over this world.

"I'm in World No. 2, and three rebels including me were born, so what about World No. 1?"

Suddenly, Yang Shou really wanted to go to World No. 1.

He always felt that the truth of the matter was all in World No. 1.

When asked about Xu Mu, Xu Mu replied, "No one has seen the legendary World No. 1 except for the third ancestor."

"The top ten worlds in the past, from No. 2 to No. 10, were separately managed by the three ancestors of the Holy Clan, but World No. 1 was jointly managed by the three ancestors!"

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