MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 702 10 worlds

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The Holy Realm has opened!

Yang Shou grasped this point.

Being able to trace back so many reincarnations, Qin Shuang must have reached an incredible state in the future.

At least it's the beginning!

Xu Mu did not let Yang Shou doubt for too long, and then explained: "At that time, Qin Shuang had already reached the peak of the Beginning Realm, but it is a pity that the reincarnation he cultivated was a small reincarnation, and he did not master the real reincarnation avenue, and there was no tenth-level avenue. It is impossible to attack the realm of the tenth-level Venerable."

"And I, when the holy world first opened, was still an obsession. With the world's deduction, after countless years, I was born with consciousness."

Speaking of the past, Xu Mu's eyes became deep and distant.

"Further back, by chance, I met the three ancestors of the holy clan. At that time, they developed a method to comprehend the tenth-level avenue in batches, but they lacked an experimental product to help them carry the tenth-level avenue and then comprehend."

Hearing Xu Mu's sigh, Xue Liuli couldn't help but stand up, lowered her head and glanced at Yang Shou from the corner of her eye, her lips slightly opened: "Xu Mu... is the first holy son in the holy clan, and the only one who did not. Dead Son."

Yang Shou looked at Xu Mu in surprise.


The secretary who died in his hands was also the holy son of the holy race.

Listening to Xue Liuli's words, what significance does the Holy Son seem to have in the Saint Clan?

Xu Mu took a deep breath and explained to Yang Shou: "The three patriarchs of the holy clan need a carrier to understand the tenth-level avenue, and for each tenth-level avenue, a saint son or saintess needs to sacrifice everything so that they can successfully comprehend it. ."

"In the Holy Race, the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden are actually tool people."

Xu Mu's words made Yang Shou instantly understand why Xue Liuli appeared here.

You must know what the identity of the saint represents.

"The disciple was originally obsessed, has successfully cultivated, and was favored by the three ancestors of the holy clan, but more, they favored the disciple's way of reincarnation."

Xu Mu continued to narrate the past events that happened in those ancient years: "In their opinion, the way of complete reincarnation is most likely the tenth-level avenue."

"And as their plan unfolded, at the beginning, the three ancestors created ten worlds."

Listening to Xu Mu's words, Yang Shou's eyes gradually became serious.

"It is the top ten worlds that are not marked on the world map. The ten worlds are in charge of the three ancestors, and only the world number one is jointly managed by the three ancestors."

Hearing this, Yang Shou raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is World No. 1 located?"

If you simply destroy World No. 10, you can get more than five million doomsday crystals. Yang Shou is instantly interested in World No. 1.

This most ancient world must have been devoted to the countless efforts of the three ancestors of the holy clan, and countless years have passed since ancient times. If it is destroyed, the crystal of doom will be an even more terrifying number!

Who knew that Xu Mu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "World No. 1 has been known to only the three ancestors of the Holy Clan since ancient times, and World No. 2 is the earth where Master was born."

"In the process of evolution, there have been three rebellions in World No. 2. The first time was when the ancestors took action and suppressed the rebellion."

"The second time it was Barbarian Ancestor's shot, but this rebellion was extremely terrifying. Barbarian Ancestor fought with him for countless years, and he only severely injured the other party, but he was also seriously injured."

"And now, this is the third time..."

Xu Mu seemed to sense something and looked at Yang Shou with a wry smile.

Yang Shou froze and nodded slightly.

Xu Mu didn't hide what he said, and let go of his defenses, letting Yang Shou check his cause and effect line.

In his causal line, Yang Shou can see that there are three causal lines that are extremely obscure, and it is the connection between the three ancestors of the holy clan and him.

As for the three rebellions he mentioned, they were naturally the Lord of the Black Mist, the Lord of the Upper Realm, and what he initiated.

It's all about getting off the chessboard and becoming a pawn.

Therefore, he was called No. 3 by the Lord of the Black Mist.

However, Xu Mu seemed to have an invisible hand chasing after him, and he had countless words to say: "Later, during the evolution process, the three ancestors of the holy clan discovered the truth that the holy world is the cage of heaven and earth, so they used no The supernatural powers of the upper space have been moved into the space mezzanine, and the ten worlds have been hidden, and I want to study the method of detachment."

"Without a special method, you will never be able to enter these ten worlds."

Having said this, Xu paused and continued: "Among the ten worlds, only World No. 2 has the most accidents, especially in the second rebellion, the rebels used their supreme magic power to forcibly move the space. Mezzanine."

In fact, at this point, Yang Shou already knew what happened later.

The ancestors suppressed the Lord of the Black Mist, and the ancestors suppressed the Lord of the Upper Realm.

However, they cannot be killed, only heavy wounds!

After countless years, the lingering Lord of the Black Mist found himself in order to regain his peak.

Because he is the third trumpet chosen from the earth by the Lord of the Upper Realm.

But he didn't know that all of this was the conspiracy of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

It's just to use myself to plot against them.

"The Lord of the Upper Realm has planned endless years, and his plans are not limited to suppressing the Lord of the Black Mist and Koos, I am afraid..."

Yang Shou murmured, and gradually wanted to understand the plan of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

He wants to inherit all the power of the Lord of Black Mist!

Take control of the Avenue of Creation and the Avenue of Reincarnation that he possesses.

If these two extremely extraordinary tenth-level avenues are obtained by the Lord of the Upper Realm, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

In this way, he has more qualifications to challenge the three ancestors of the holy clan!


Yang Shou remembered the world number 10, and couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why is the world that was moved into the interlayer of space exactly the same as the earth?"

Xu Mu explained with a wry smile, "It's like this, when the three ancestors created the ten worlds, they were created in batches, and the models are all the earth..."

"And what Shizun really doubts is why Yang Shou is among them?"

Yang Shou nodded, this is what he is struggling with now.

He captured Yang Shou's soul in World No. 10, and in the abyss of karma, there was another Yang Shou who was restraining each other with the Lord of Black Mist.

They have nothing to do with themselves.

Yang Shou has used the causal line to investigate, whether it is Yang Shou in World No. 10 or Yang Shou in the abyss of cause and effect, it has nothing to do with him.

"The disciple can't explain this matter. The disciple only knows that every time the ten worlds start to evolve, they will throw a batch of sentient beings templates into them, so the creatures in the ten worlds have something in common."

Yang Shou couldn't help frowning and said, "Isn't that there are also ten Lords of the Upper Realm and Lord of the Black Mist?"

Hearing the words, Xu Mu explained: "Breaking through to the tenth level is the only one in the heavens. All existences related to him will be wiped out by mighty force in an instant. The Lord of the Upper Realm and the Lord of the Black Mist were both level ten, so only one."

Xu Mu's words made Yang Shou nodded slightly, but Yang Shou felt that the truth was definitely not that simple.

At least this time, "Yang Shou", who carried the Holy Spirit Pearl to hunt him down, was not so simple.

After asking everything, Yang Shou really trusted Xu Mu.

And officially accept him as a disciple.

At the moment of accepting the apprentice, Xu Mu had tears in his eyes. He cultivated and attained Taoism as an obsession, and waited for this day, I don't know how many years he had waited.

For this reason, he even betrayed the saints and the barbarian ancestors.

After Changsheng and others learned about Xu Mu's past, they felt more pity for this youngest junior brother, even though... his strength was enough to crush them all.

"Master, there are still hundreds of years, there will be a catastrophe in Changhong Realm, please make plans early..."

After proving his identity, Xu Mu, who was kneeling in front of Yang Shou, cupped his hands and said, "This time the disciple came here because he saw a scene in the corner of Samsara."

Then Xu Mu's guess made Yang Shou's expression solemn.

"Barbarian ancestors descended!"

This made Yang Shou feel an extremely strong crisis.

"Barbarian ancestors rarely make shots, but they are extremely powerful, and they are tenth-level venerables."

Xu Mu's expression was also extremely solemn.

If he hadn't captured this scene through the corner of Samsara, the Changhong Realm would have been directly destroyed by the barbarian ancestor's attack.

"There are still hundreds of years, enough!"

Yang Shou half-squinted his eyes, motioned Xu Mu to stay, and asked the disciples to retire to practice.

After everyone left, he took out the abyss of karma, and Xu Mu saw the three powerful men at a glance.

Every breath is no weaker than him!

And two of the faces are exactly the same as the master.

Seeing this, Xu Mu's expression changed slightly, and he also sensed something was wrong.

"It will take thousands of years for the three to fight, I am afraid that it will take thousands of years to decide the Yang Shou saw this and said with emotion: "There is a lack of barbarian ancestors now, so we can put together a table of mahjong. "

His idea is very simple, when the barbarian ancestors come, he will also be locked into the abyss of karma!

Xu Mu's mouth twitched twice when he heard the words.

This idea is too far-fetched and almost impossible to realize.

The Lord of the Black Mist was hit hard by the ancestors before, and he has not recovered for countless years.

Therefore, it will be calculated by the Lord of the Upper Realm.

But... barbarian ancestors are completely different.

It is a genuine tenth-level Venerable!

The gap between the tenth-level venerable and the Beginning Realm is completely different, unimaginable.

And his master is not even the beginning realm...

At this time, Yang Shou was looking at the three people in the abyss of cause and effect, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This "Yang Shou" was extremely crazy, and when he saw the tenth-level avenue of the Lord of Black Mist, he was moved to kill and capture treasures.

It is impossible to reconcile with the two.

That is to say, in a short period of time, they will not rush out of the abyss.

And with Xu Mu on his side, Yang Shou is actually no longer worried.

After all, Xu Mu is also the beginning.

It is enough to suppress the abyss of karma and prevent them from rushing out of the abyss of karma when they fight!

"As a teacher, you need to condense the law of cause and effect, so during this time, the abyss of cause and effect will be guarded by you."

Yang Shou left him alone just to deliver the task,

Among all the disciples, Xu Mu currently has the highest realm.

Only he can complete this task and suppress the existence of the three deities.

Xu Mu nodded solemnly: "Master, don't worry, as long as the disciples don't die, the three of them will never be able to get out of trouble!"

This is the first time Yang Shou has issued a mission to him.

Xu Mu was extremely happy in his heart. The obsession of countless years has finally been included in the gate wall and stands under the master's gate today.