MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 700 Heaven and Man 5 Decline

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In the abyss of cause and effect.

Hei Wu started a riot, and was thoroughly angered by the words "Yang Shou".

Not only him, but even Koos couldn't bear it. Being trampled on the ground, she lost her dignity. She didn't care about preserving her strength, she just wanted to fight the other side first.

Yang Shou just watched from the sidelines, watching "Yang Shou" rush into the abyss of karma, and pervertedly used one against two, and suppressed them.

It's just that the Lord of the Black Mist and Koos are not so simple. After the outbreak, they began to beat "Yang Shou" to the point of vomiting blood.

"It's just the beginning, you dare to be mad in front of me!"

The Lord of the Black Mist smiled wickedly, seeing that Yang Shou was very disobedient, because what he used... was his own face.

Seeing the two "selfs" fighting in chaos, "Yang Shou" quickly couldn't bear the full power of the two powerhouses, his face was gloomy, and he wanted to withdraw from the abyss of karma.


When he rushed out of the abyss of karma, Yang Shou restored part of his indestructible body and stopped him ruthlessly.

Then, the Lord of Black Mist also rushed up, looking at the nine rules on "Yang Shou", showing greed.

"Want to go? You can't go!"

In addition to him, Koos also seemed to be attracted by the nine rules on him, and also attacked him, wanting to take a share of the pie.

"Yang Shou! I will never die with you!"

Being kicked back by Yang Shou, this "Yang Shou" fell into a rage, gritted his teeth, opened his mouth and swallowed the nine rules one after another.

As the rules entered the belly, the strength of "Yang Shou" rose again, reaching a realm that made the Lord of Black Mist look at him.

"It's infinitely close to level ten!"

The Lord of Black Mist took a deep breath, but from the realm level, "Yang Shou" had completely crushed him at this time.

However, what he masters is the nine-dao rule, although it is unusual, but it is not the tenth-level avenue.

In terms of power, it is far worse than the Way of Reincarnation and the Way of Creation that he has mastered.

"Forget it, these nine rules cannot be forcibly swallowed."

Seeing that the strength of "Yang Shou" rose wildly, the Lord of the Black Mist gradually had the intention of retreating, as did Koos.

Naturally, they would not be stupid enough to be used as guns by Yang Shou.

And Yang Shou, who was outside the temple world, took a deep breath and looked at "Yang Shou" who was infinitely close to the tenth level, and he was about to come to the Changhong world.

I should be able to hold out until I enter the Changhong Realm.

It was just the next scene that made Yang Shou look stunned.

The Lord of the Black Mist admitted and retreated, but "Yang Shou" took a fancy to his two tenth-level avenues.

"The tenth-level avenue is mine!"

After paying a huge price, "Yang Shou" licked his lips, naturally unwilling to leave the abyss.

He rushed into the abyss again.

Finding out the Lord of the Black Mist and Koos was another mess.

He has been trapped in the Beginning Realm for an unknown number of years.

If it weren't for the absence of the tenth-level avenue, he would not have thought about the nine rules so well and reached the peak.

So this time he saw two tenth-level avenues, and he went completely crazy.

Yang Shou took a fancy to this scene with a strange expression, and I have to say that this "Yang Shou" is extremely domineering.

Soon, under his full strength, the Lord of the Black Mist was hit hard again!

The same goes for Koos.

They maintained a delicate balance in the abyss of karma and restrained each other, but they also secretly recovered a lot of strength.

But in front of this "Yang Shou", the strength of the two people's recovery is being beaten down.

About to fall under the Beginning Realm!

This is a conspiracy.

This "Yang Shou" had never seen the Lord of Black Mist before, and when he saw that he had the same face as Yang Shou, he immediately thought that he was also a helper.

Therefore, the weaker Yang Shou deity was directly ignored by him.

"It's best that the three parties perish together."

Inside the green beads, Yang Shou took a deep breath and accelerated the pace of returning to the Changhong Realm.

The Lord of the Upper Realm has been closely monitoring him, and these things should not be hidden for long.

The deduction of the Avenue of Fate gave him a great threat.


at the same time.

Upper Bound.

Those huge eyes slowly opened, and he finally recaptured what happened to Yang Shou.

"It turned out to be the Holy Spirit Pearl."

He murmured, because the appearance of another "Yang Shou" made him discover the anomaly.

The appearance of this Holy Spirit Pearl is extremely strange.

In the Holy Realm, there is only one Holy Spirit Pearl, which is said to be the residue after the opening of the heavens and the earth.

It contains endless energy, and can directly create a tenth-level Venerable out of thin air!

What is even more mysterious is that being in it can make people invisible and cannot be captured by the enemy.

No one can find it but the real eye.

"Another Yang Shou appeared, and the saints couldn't help being exposed. It seems that I need to speed up. Once I find Cang Gu, I can lock the victory of this chess game!"

After pondering for a while, the eyes closed again.

The entire void has once again become extremely dark and pitch black.


Changhong Realm.

Yang Shou finally arrived here.

Then he made contact with the people in the world, and Changsheng personally came to pick him up into the world.

"Master, is that Xu Mu really the sixth junior brother?"

As soon as they met, Changsheng couldn't help but ask this question.

Yang Shou pondered a little and nodded slowly.

In fact, in World No. 1111 where he was fighting with the Secretary, he sensed the aura of the Little Reincarnation on Xu Mu.

And as far as he knows, in the whole world, apart from the Lord of Black Mist and himself, no one else knows the way of reincarnation.

After discovering that the way of reincarnation was manipulated by the Lord of Black Mist, Yang Shou made a decisive decision and gave up his practice related to reincarnation.

So Yang Shou suspected that this Xu Mu was Qin Shuang.

But now he is full of doubts.

According to what Caesar said to himself, Qin Shuang died in a very tragic state.

In the Daqian world, he found all the disciples, but he couldn't find Qin Shuang.

So how did he become the great disciple of the Saint Clan Counter-Rebel Sect?

How did you reach the Beginning Realm?

That's right, with the realization of the realm after the ninth level peak, Yang Shou can already be sure that Xu Mu has definitely reached the beginning realm.

The realm of the starting point of the legendary practice.

Only then can we truly practice cultivation, and we can truly grasp the freedom of our own body and not be bound by all things in the universe.

Moreover, he actually guided himself into the world number 10 and saw a living self!

Thinking back to the soul of "Yang Shou" in World No. 10 that he arranged in the green beads, after solving the problem of "Yang Shou" in the abyss of karma, he needed Xu Mu to give him an explanation.

Under the guidance of Changsheng, Yang Shou entered the realm of the gods.

Before entering the realm of the gods, Yang Shou discovered that the barriers of this world were so condensed.

It seems that rules go a long way towards the stability of the world.


In a large manor in the realm of the gods.

Xue Liuli and Diefeng were obediently serving Xu Mu, and because of Yang Shou's return, Baiyi Qingqiong and other disciples were called here.

"You will enjoy it."

Yu Ping'an looked at Xu Mu, then glanced at Xue Liuli and Diefeng, and said quietly.

Whether it is Diefeng or Xue Liuli, they are all stunning.

She was actually used by Xu Mu as a maid.

Xu Mu smiled when he heard the words: "Five senior brothers don't know something, our master... devotes himself to the Dao, which is far more than what I have done."

When the two women heard the words, their pretty faces blushed.

They remembered the time when Zeng and Yang Shou spent in green beads.

During that long period of time, Yang Shou didn't even look at them.

Almost made them doubt their own charm.

Fortunately, this time they came to the realm of the gods, and the aesthetic vision of Yang Shou's disciples was normal.

The two women were indignant, but Xu Mu suddenly stood up.

The casual smile on his face just now disappeared, replaced by an extremely complicated expression.

He raised his head and looked towards the sky.

There, Changsheng, who had stepped into the ninth level, walked a thousand miles and walked at a high speed.

The rest of the disciples also sensed something, their bodies trembled, and they looked up at the sky.

Xue Liuli and Diefeng pursed their lower lips, also realizing what happened.

The only man who could make Xu Mu and the group of people in front of him lose their temper.

He is back!

"Meet Master!"

When Changsheng came to the manor, everyone bowed and saluted, stood in front of them, and looked up at the sky.

And Yang Shou's figure also walked out of the green beads and walked down from the sky.

Thousands of years have passed since he left Changhong Realm to obtain the Crystal of Doom.

He has not returned for thousands of He glanced at the realm of the disciples and nodded slightly.

Longevity, condensed into the Holy Body of Perfection, entered the ninth level.

As long as you go one step further and comprehend the rules of the Eucharist, your combat power will increase by leaps and bounds!

Bai Yi, relying on the source of life, has entered the eighth level.

And once again created a method of transcending tribulation that condensed the law.

"Crossing the calamity of human hearts, condensing the origin, transcending the five declines of heaven and man, condensing the laws."

Looking at Bai Yi, Yang Shou was filled with emotion.

After she was driven out of the mountain gate because of a promise, she practiced hard in the prehistoric world and became an enemy of the world.

I vowed not to suppress the entire flood and never return to the mountain gate.

Even more so, with his own strength, he realized the origin and created the method of transcending the calamity of people's hearts.

And this time, it took thousands of years to realize the method of condensing the law out of thin air.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man!

All because Yang Shou had a conversation with her before leaving Changhong Realm.

Although Yang Shou's causal avenue has been condensed into the source, it will take an extremely long time to turn it into a law.

Because the source of his karma was only condensed when the world tree had 1.298 billion world fruits.

If the law wants to be formed, it is too difficult to follow the conventional path.

So Yang Shou just mentioned to her, whether he can create a new method like a human heart, so that he can understand the law without going through the law mountain.

Bai Yi agreed at that time.

Yang Shouben didn't take it to heart, but how could she know that she succeeded.

Among the many brothers and sisters, Bai Yi's realm is not high, but when it comes to loyalty, she is by no means worse than anyone else.

"Master, this is the method of the five declines of heaven and man to overcome the calamity."

Bai Yi stepped forward and took out a roll of bamboo slips, which recorded all her insights over the past thousand years.

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