MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 7 survival plan

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In fact, from the first year after the world fell into darkness, some wise men predicted that plants could not be regenerated, and after a few years, animals would not be able to be raised, and humans would die without food.

To solve this problem, we must start from the root cause. So, after 40 years of investigation and careful speculation, countless people of insight have come up with an extremely perfect plan - the artificial sun plan!

It's hard to imagine that this is a plan conceived by a civilization that was still in the city-state era. Even modern civilizations dare not imagine such a thing.

But for the survival of the race, the fish-ape race, that is, the human race, had to constantly demonstrate the theory and feasibility of this plan.

Finally got a 30% chance of success!

30% is enough to make all the races ecstatic, even if it is 10%, countless human races will do it with all their might!

The theoretical basis of this plan is that the chicken blood that Yang Shou spilled in the basement at the beginning, except for three drops that were obtained by Emperor Caesar, a total of more than ten drops were scattered all over the world.

Because whether it is a plant or an animal, it will die on the spot if it touches the divine blood. Therefore, the divine blood from all over the world has been discovered one after another, and all of them have been turned over to the national treasury and placed under the control of Benem.

In the face of the crisis of the survival of the race, no one is greedy for the blood of the gods. After all, in history, only Emperor Caesar drank the blood of gods and did not die!

There are a total of 18 drops of divine blood searched all over the world, but for the tiny human race, there are 18 buckets!

Since then, countless people have carried out crazy research on the blood of God and have come to three conclusions.

Divine blood can bestow extraordinary power on people. Emperor Caesar gained power and speed from it. Then, other people may also gain power from it, provided that they drink the blood and do not die.

Second, divine blood is too domineering, only those with firm will and able to endure endless pain have the opportunity to fuse divine blood.

Third, divine blood cannot stably gain strength. After countless tests of people who have devoted themselves to the race, only less than one percent of them can be strengthened through divine blood, but most of them are in terms of strength and speed.

But there are also a lot of people who survived after drinking the blood of God, and got bonuses in other aspects. For example, a person who appeared once, after drinking the blood of God, was able to breathe flames from his mouth!

But because the power obtained from this fusion was too overbearing, the man died violently on the spot after spitting out flames three times.

It was this experiment that made them come up with a crazy plan - an artificial sun!

Let all those who have obtained the power of fire after fusion gather together and cast it into a new type of sun, glowing and hot, illuminating the world and restoring vitality.

It sounds incredible, but it has been ten years since Benem agreed and implemented it after layers of argumentation.

The palace dungeon is the test site.

This news is open to all ethnic groups. Every day, people come from all over the world to participate in the experiment and voluntarily drink the blood of God.

Fortunately, there are 18 barrels of divine blood, and after they are diluted, they can continue to experiment.

But even the diluted divine blood is still not something that ordinary people can bear. Among the people who participated in the experiment, only one or two survived.

Every day, corpses are carried out from the dungeon, and there is also a person who walks into the dungeon from outside. In the face of the survival of the race, the unyielding and resistance of the human race are concentrated in this small dungeon.

As of the tenth year of the survival plan, forty-seven people have survived after drinking the blood of gods. Among them, 12 have gained power, and 35 have only gained strength.

And the number of people who died in the experiment was 5,000, accounting for half of the existing population!

When Emperor Caesar slaughtered the human race, the number of human races dropped to more than 5,000, which means that in the past forty years, all the human races born have participated in this experiment. Because of the fusion of divine blood, it is best to be young people under the age of forty.

Shocking numbers, however, this is the spirit of the human race! At the beginning, I followed Emperor Caesar to go retrograde and cut the sky, but now I go forward one after another in order to survive!

In the depths of the dungeon, Benem looked at the twelve people in front of him, all of them filled with a dangerous aura, three of them were the focus of attention. One man and two women, both with fiery red hair and bloodshot eyes, are intertwined like cobwebs.

"You, now are all the hope of our human race. After ten years of experiments, the death of five thousand people, only three of you have given birth to the flame ability!"

"Please pay my respects to Benem!"

Benem, now the spiritual leader of the human race, bowed deeply to these three people.

The three hurriedly helped Benem up, not at all arrogant, but bowed to Benem, "I will open up the future for the human race, and save the fire for all eternity!"

"The artificial sun plan has been implemented halfway, but we have only born three flame abilities, which is far from the ten people we expected, so you must strengthen your own strength, as for how to strengthen it, you can only rely on yourself to explore! "

Benem took a deep breath, pointed to the depths of the ground and said, "This is the retreat I have prepared for you. I can support you for another ten years. After ten years, you must meet the standards of our plan and start Artificial Sun Project!"

"Follow the orders of the leader!"

The three nodded solemnly, without any hesitation, stepped into the depths of the ground.

"As long as my human race is not destroyed, no one can disturb you in these ten years!"

Benem solemnly promises that he will still be able to overdraw the last ten years of the world. Ten years later, that is, the 110th year of the Terran Era, the Terran will usher in its demise.

In the depths of the dungeon, the three people who were born with the ability to fire were named Loki, Vulkan and Agni. All three of them were in their twenties and had endured unimaginable pain before they gained their current strength.

Loki looked at the two women, who were graceful and bumpy, and their fiery red hair looked even more sexy, but he saw with his own eyes that some people were burned to death by their flames, especially Vulkan, who was not very good-tempered.

Vulkan glanced at Loki with a sneer, "Sister Agni is innocent, you lowly commoner, stay away from her!"

Agni pursed his lips, looked at Loki cowardly, and stood weakly behind Vulkan.

A flash of anger flashed in Loki's eyes, he tilted his head, looked at Vulkan, and pouted, "Stay away from her, so do you want to be closer?"

Saying that, Loki even put his mouth close to Vulkan's cheek.


A group of flames formed out of thin air between the two of them, burning Loki's fiery red hair, so frightened that Loki threw himself for a long time before extinguishing it, but it had already turned into a dog's gnawing.

But he didn't have time to be angry at all, instead he stared at Vulkan with fear, "You... you have reached this level!"

Most of the newly awakened people breathe fire with their mouths, but this flame is created out of thin air.

"That kind of low-level flame, even Sister Agni doesn't play. Ten years later, if you don't meet the standard, I don't mind letting you sleep with the flame!"

Vulkan sneered, dragged Agni and occupied a closed room, leaving behind a resentful Loki.

"Hmph, you must have researched some way to increase your ability, but do you think I don't have any? Look down on me as a commoner. Ten years from now, the entire human race will be my era!"

Loki looked gloomily at the closed room, calmed down, and began a ten-year retreat.

After Yang Shou turned off the light, he went to sleep. Who knew that he would come together the next day and come to the basement, only to find that the whole basement had completely changed.

"The magic has changed? What about plants? What about animals? Are they all eaten?"

Yang Shou never thought about the serious consequences of his turning off the lights. All species in the world are on the verge of extinction because of his turning off the lights.

"But what the **** is this fire-breathing person? I just slept and the world changed?"

Yang Shou observed it for a while, and was very pleasantly surprised. Except for Emperor Caesar, some extraordinary power was finally born, but compared to Emperor Caesar, their little flame, or little Mars, was too small and insignificant.

You know, Emperor Caesar might have been able to poke him with a toothpick to complain, and finally opened a hole in his knee!

This flame is far too far from Emperor Caesar.

"But what exactly do they want to do? So many people gather in the basement to fight chicken blood?"

Yang Shou is not omnipotent. While sleeping, he did not know what happened in the basement.

However, he knew that the human race could only survive for another ten years before going extinct, and the species resources were only enough for the remaining 5,000 human races to live for ten years.

Another civilization was destroyed in front of him. Even if he witnessed the previous seven mass extinctions, this civilization is a civilization that has been beaten by chicken blood, a civilization with extraordinary power that gave birth to its embryonic form.

Do you want to let them go?

When Yang Shou was thinking about this question, the Terran had already given the answer with his actions. In the 110th year of the Terran era, the only 4,786 people left in the world gathered in the palace square.

Just like sixty years ago, when Caesar the Great went retrograde and attacked the sky, but the principal was changed to Benem, the next great successor appointed by Caesar the Great.

It's just that Benem believes that his talent is not enough to become an emperor, and he insists on not ascending the throne. Humans who survive the catastrophe can only be called leaders.

He did not disappoint the people, and he did his best to govern the world. In political affairs, he was even better than Emperor Caesar. But Emperor Caesar left him a mess, and no matter how hard he tried, he would only prolong the life of the race for decades. UU reading

Now, when everything comes to an end, whether the human race lives or dies, it will all look at the three retreaters in the depths of the dungeon. They will be the hope of the human race!




The palace was filled with shouts, one after another, the door in the depths of the dungeon slowly opened, and the huge flames could not be suppressed, gushing out from the dungeon, turning into a fire dragon, and soaring into the sky.

After a long time, the aftermath of the flames dissipated, and three people with hot breath walked out of the dungeon step by step.

"Loki, Agni, Vulkan, I've seen the leader! I wait, I succeeded!"

"Human race, you shouldn't die!"

Vulcan half-bent his body and saluted Benem, Agni nodded gluttonously behind her, and Loki looked arrogantly at all the people in the square below, with strength around him, he finally understood How great was Caesar the Great.

"Show your cultivation achievements, show people to people, show them to gods, my people, without relying on gods, can still stand in the world!"

"Follow the orders of the leader!"

Vulkan jumped up, just like Emperor Caesar back then, standing on the top of the Forbidden City, the top of the palace.

She opened her arms, and a flame grew out of thin air in front of her chest, gradually growing, ten centimeters in diameter, fifty centimeters, one meter in diameter, and it was rapidly expanding.


A big sun with a diameter of ten meters was just controlled by her in front of her chest, exuding majestic flame power, burning fiercely, spreading light and heat.

"This is the sun belonging to my human race!"

Yang Shou, who was observing secretly, widened his eyes. What did they do? Fire ability? can really grow?

This little fireball is comparable to his family's table tennis.

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