MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 694 Chess players are also pawns

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"Master said that you can only climb to the top by stepping on the corpses of all enemies. I am confident that I am invincible, so that I can be truly invincible!"

In the disintegration, the Great Sacrament of Immortality tries to reorganize in the process of collapse.

If the opponent is an ordinary ninth level, Changsheng may have a chance to resist, or even break through and stand up and move towards a new life.

But... this time, the realm gap between the two sides is really too big.

Changsheng has no chance at all to comprehend the Holy Body of a higher realm.


Three words echoed between the heavens and the earth, but it made all living beings feel cold, and an indescribable force enveloped the entire battle space.

In this battle space, the white clothed Qingqiong Xiaobu and the others raised their heads one after another, followed the sound, and looked at the source.

There, a young man in commoner walked out with endless chills in his eyes, staring at Gu Lei who was abusing Changsheng.

"Big Brother..."

Gu Lei also turned his head and noticed Xu Mu's arrival, with a happy look on his face: "You are all dead, and when the senior brother comes, the Changhong Realm will be destroyed! Even if your master comes back, he will surely die—"

However, before his words were finished, a familiar force penetrated his true spirit, turned into an irresistible force, and annihilated his body.

"Eldest brother, you..."

Gu Lei turned his head with difficulty, ran the avenue of rules, and stared at Xu Mu.

He didn't understand why Xu Mu would attack him.

"You, **** it."

Xu Mu's eyes were cold and ruthless, especially when he swept the severely injured Changsheng, his killing intent was even worse.


As soon as his voice fell, five blood flowers suddenly bloomed between heaven and earth.

The five frightening rules lost their master's control in an instant and ran around in the realm of the gods.

"These five rule avenues will cast the realm of the gods and make them sublime!"

Afterwards, Xu Mu skillfully manipulated these five terrifying avenues of rules, refining them in an instant, and integrating them into the God Realm space.


In the perception of everyone, the five rule avenues of the ninth-level peak powerhouse have been smelted, and the space barrier of the gods has become thicker and thicker.

Originally, after Changsheng and others broke through to the peak of the eighth level, they could easily destroy the realm of the gods with a little outpouring of power.

They decided to put the battlefield in the realm of the gods this time, and even expelled the gods in advance.

prevent them from being wiped out in the aftermath of this engagement.

But after getting the integration of the five origins, the barriers of the gods are extremely strong, far from being able to break through.

But... what shocked them even more was the senior brother Gu Lei spoke of.

Xu Mu.

A young man in a blue cloth.

There are also three words that came out of his mouth when he came - big brother.

Who is he calling Big Brother?

Bai Yi and Qing Qiong looked at each other and sensed the terrifying perverted power on Xu Mu's body, and their expressions became more and more solemn.

The two of them were covered in bruises and wounds, and were almost killed by a disciple of the ninth-level peak counter-rebellion sect who descended this time.

If it weren't for Xu Mu's appearance, I'm afraid they, along with the entire God Realm, would have perished!

It's just that Xu Mu's method of beheading five ninth-level peak powerhouses is too strange.

They didn't see Xu Mu's action at all, and the five ninth-level peak powerhouses turned into blood flowers like this, and they were arbitrarily subdued even with the rules.

Such means really shocked them.

"I'm afraid that the master is here, but that's all there is to it, right?"

Bai Yi's heart was bitter, thinking so.

In fact, it wasn't just them, Xue Liuli and Diefeng were also stunned.

After entering, the two women stared blankly at Xu Mu and swallowed.

If they were targeted by Xu Mu just now... they were just at the early ninth level, they couldn't fight at all, and they would die in an instant.

True spirits cannot escape either.

"Just now, what happened?"

As a saint, Xue Liuli, her pretty face was covered with frost at this time, and she looked at Xu Mu with extreme fear.

Fortunately, Xu Mu didn't want to pay attention to them at this time, but looked at Changsheng with a complicated expression.

Then, he actually... bowed to Changsheng.

In the eyes of Xue Liuli and Diefeng, this is more bizarre than his bizarre execution of the five members of the Counter-Rebel Sect.

"He...he...what is his relationship with Yang Shou?"

Xue Liuli's heart sank, she felt that she might not be able to get rid of Changhong Realm in her life.

She seems to be about to know a big secret.

She had already heard about Xu Mu.

Once almost chosen as the Son of God.

But he was rejected.

Originally, the appointment of the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter was not something that anyone could refuse, because the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter had special meanings and were specially set up for the three spiritual ancestors to understand the tenth-level avenue.

There are only two in each generation.

And sometimes, even if the Holy Son or the Holy Daughter dies, it may not necessarily be re-established.

Everything depends on whether there is a tenth-level avenue in the evolved world.

Since ancient times, no one has been entitled to refuse to be the Son of God.

But Xu Mu refused and succeeded. It is said that he compromised with the ancestors of the heavens and the ancestors and decided to worship the ancestors as teachers.

Create a rebel sect, assist the three ancestors, and deal with traitors in all the worlds.

It can even be said that Xu Mu is the oldest generation of saints.

In the holy clan, the years of survival are probably only inferior to the three ancestors.

But such a person, actually... seems to be betraying the Holy Race?

They all knew about Yang Shou's identity.

In the evolutionary world of the saints, those ranked in the top ten have the opportunity to give birth to the tenth-level avenue.

And Yang Shou comes from the world number 2.

Since ancient times, the saints have attached great importance to the traitors from the top ten worlds, and have never tolerated them.

There were two traitors in the world number 2. The first time was when Lingzu personally suppressed them and destroyed his body, but the other party succeeded in taking the tenth-level avenue and broke through to the tenth level. Lingzu couldn't kill him completely.

The second time was the ancestor of the barbarian shot personally, this time the battle went on for an unknown number of years.

Anyway, I don't know who wins and who loses in the final result, but the barbarian ancestors who returned to the saints suffered heavy losses, but the rebellion in world number 2 also subsided.

Yang Shou This is the third time.

Originally, they thought that this time the ancestors or the ancestors would make another move, but something seemed to have happened within the saints.

Heavenly Ancestor has been in seclusion, and the avatar handles the affairs of the spiritual hall.

The ancestors ignored Yang Shou directly, and only sent five disciples of the anti-rebellion sect to kill him.

They thought that maybe it was because Yang Shou was not strong enough to let the ancestors or the ancestors take action, but now that they think about it, it is definitely not the case.

"Could it be that Xu Mu was originally from Yang Shou? When was he installed in my holy clan?"

Xue Liuli and Diefeng looked at each other, and the two exchanged their minds, feeling the shock in each other's expressions.

"Maybe things are not as simple as we think."

The two women just watched Xu Mu release the peak energy of the ninth level and poured it into Changsheng's body to help him deal with the injury.

Changsheng frowned and wanted to refuse, but the opponent's strength was simply too strong.

He couldn't do it if he wanted to refuse, he could only let the other party help him heal.

"Who are you?"

Taking a deep breath, Changsheng asked with a frown.

He is not someone who doesn't know good or bad, but at this time, he, such as Xue Liuli and Diefeng, are full of doubts.

"Dead people."

Xu Mu smiled slightly, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

"The only regret in my life is that I was not able to fight side by side with you, and now... it is considered dead."

He spoke words that everyone could not understand, and he was able to call out the names of every one of them.

"Longevity, the generation of Holy Body cultivated by Master himself has infinite potential. If the Holy Body is perfect in the future, there may be a chance to evolve into a brand-new tenth-level avenue. I have seen Senior Brother."

"Bai Yi, Bai Sable became Dao, practiced the Dao of Life, and met Second Senior Sister."

"Qingqiong, the dantian, the acupuncture point, is the most loyal. I have seen the third senior brother."

"Xiao Bu, the way of cause and effect that he cultivates, can see people's hearts, see three worlds, and see Fourth Senior Sister."

"Yu Ping'an, the core of the three thousand avenues is to learn the avenues. In the future, if you can melt the three thousand rules into one, you can instantly achieve the tenth level, and you have seen five senior brothers."

In this way, every time Xu Mu said a word, he had to bow to them.

There was emotion and contentment in his eyes.

"You... who are you?"

Bai Yi frowned, Xu Mu was so familiar with the avenues that each of them cultivated.

Must be related to them.

But they have never heard Master say that they had six junior brothers.

"The dead are also the dying."

Xu Mu shook his head with a cheerful expression. It didn't take long for Chang Sheng to recover from his injuries with his spared no effort to help him.

"Master has accepted you as a disciple?"

Changsheng took a deep breath, UU reading stood in front of Bai Yi and the others, confronting Xu Mu.

Although Xu Mu had saved his life, Xu Mu's identity was too suspicious.

They had heard with their own ears that Gu Lei and others called him senior brother.

Seeing their appearance, Xu Mu shrugged, showing a rather strange expression: "Master has never accepted me."

"Then why do you call yourself a master?" It was Yu Ping'an who spoke.

Although Xu Mu spoke highly of the potential of his Three Thousand Avenues, he still felt that there was something very strange about Xu Mu.

"Master and I are only entangled in countless reincarnations. I am already dead in the real world, and naturally it is impossible to apprentice. All of this must be blamed on the Lord of Black Mist..."

Xu Mu took a long sigh, stood in front of everyone, and explained slowly.

"The Lord of the Black Mist has been suppressed by the Master!" Xiaobu's crisp voice sounded.

Hearing this, Xu Mu showed a wry smile: "People who play chess, whose realm is beyond imagination, everyone thinks... they jumped off the chessboard from the chess piece, but in fact, they are still chess pieces, it's just..."

After a pause, Xu Mu looked at the sky, and when he waved his hands, the situation in the entire God Realm changed.

"It's just that they jumped into a higher chess game and changed from chess pieces to chess players, but these chess players are still... the opponent's chess pieces."

Xu Mu's words were surrounded by twists and turns, causing everyone to fall into contemplation first.

On the contrary, it is Changsheng, who has no contemplation at all, and asks, "What do you mean? Explain clearly."

Xu Mu smiled helplessly: "Senior Brother's personality really remains unchanged for ten thousand years. It's no wonder that the master evaluates you as a child of innocence."

Then he added: "It means that the Saint Race... is just a chess piece! It is also a species created by a higher existence!"

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