MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 682 to the Holy Family

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"This is how the heavens and the worlds come ( Find the latest chapter!

This is Yang Shou's entire impression of the Lord of the Upper Realm so far.

He never appeared in the world, but everything in the world was within his expectations.

Even the Lord of the Black Mist, the tenth-level Venerable at the same time, was directly sealed under his calculations.

Today, Koos is used to deal with the Lord of the Black Mist.


Yang Shou looked at the abyss of cause and effect below with interest.

Now the Lord of the Upper Realm is facing a problem. Everyone already knows his calculations, Yang Shou knows it, the Lord of the Black Mist knows it, and Koos also knows it.

So how did he make the Lord of the Black Mist fight against Koos?

Whether it is the Lord of the Black Mist or Koos, they are all heroes before the ages.

Yang Shou does not believe that those who can reach the top are so willing to be at the mercy of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Sure enough, after realizing that this was a conspiracy, the Lord of the Black Mist sank directly into the bottom of the abyss of karma.

The same is true for Koos, who tried her best to restrain her breath. The power from her true spirit was all contained within the stone statue, and the well water, the Lord of the Black Mist, did not violate the river water.

The two did not fight when they met, as Yang Shou had expected.

On the contrary, they are extremely restrained.

Seeing this scene, Yang Shou instantly understood the plan of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Lead the two into the abyss and seal them together!

In the seal, the two are jealous of each other, and they will never take the lead to break the balance and break the seal.

"Is he doing this because he wants to delay the time until he finds Cang Gu?"

The cold light in Yang Shou's eyes bloomed, and he looked at the abyss of cause and effect that had calmed down again, and understood the conspiracy of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

In the process of looking for Canggu, the Lord of the Upper Realm was worried that Koos and the Lord of Black Mist would block him, so before the ages, he started a calculation.

"He is so eager to seal Koos and the Lord of the Black Mist, he must be about to find Cang Gu."

Thinking about this, Yang Shou's expression sank, and his eyes were fixed on Koos.

The Lord of the Black Mist has two tenth-level avenues with profound background. Even if he is deep in the abyss of karma, he cannot dismantle each other layer by layer through endless karma.

But Koos is different.

Although she is now powerful, far exceeding the power of the ninth-level peak, but... after all, she is not tenth-level, and she has not mastered the tenth-level avenue.

It completely relies on the power of the true spirit to live in Canggu, and to save the energy that has been obtained for countless years.

Yang Shou has every opportunity to use the causal line to dismantle her layer by layer.

Find Canggu!

Thinking of this, Yang Shou sat cross-legged, and the karmic reincarnation indestructible body bloomed with endless karma, pulling the causality of Koos in the causal abyss.

In the abyss of cause and effect.

Koos immediately noticed the abnormality and looked at Yang Shou with a sullen face.

She is no stranger to Yang Shou.

In the memory controlled by the Lord of the Upper Realm, she also entered the wizarding world and personally evolved the wizarding system for him.

Although the person being manipulated was a stone statue, after taking over the stone statue's body, she gained all her memories.

Including the transaction of stone statues and Yang Shou.

"Yang Shou!"

She took a deep look at Yang Shou and knew that he was using that strange new tenth-level avenue to dismantle everything about her.

"My true spirit is in Canggu, and if you want to dismantle my cause and effect, with your current strength, it's too self-aware."

Immediately, she sneered, slowly closed her eyes, and immersed herself in the abyss of karma.

She has successfully recovered, although she has fallen into the calculations of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Moreover, compared to the Lord of the Upper Realm, the Lord of the Black Mist is equally terrifying.

She even suspected that the reason why she appeared here after recovering was just a part of the Lord of the Upper Realm's calculation of the Lord of the Black Mist, and by the way, she was also included in the calculation.

Therefore, she once controlled the avenue of fate, so she knew fate better than anyone else.

Nothing counts!

It's a pity that she calculated the sky and the earth back then, and deliberately calculated whether the Lord of the Upper Realm was sincere, and got the result of absolute sincerity.

It was so easy to be counter-calculated by the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Otherwise, with her realm, she would never have been assassinated by the Lord of the Upper Realm who was only at the eighth level at that time!


Yang Shou, who was dismantling the cause and effect of Koos, was in a big trouble at this time.

Even though Koos does not have a tenth-level avenue, nor does he have a tenth-level realm, but because the true spirit resides in Canggu, the causal line has become extremely chaotic.

He can't figure it out at all!

Countless cause and effect were entangled in her body, and he dismantled it for a long time without getting any substantial clues.

"This chaos has made her entangled with cause and effect. My strength is not enough, but if... the immortal body breaks through to the fifth level, I can definitely destroy this chaos with violence and find the cause and effect!"

Yang Shou murmured and simply gave up temporarily.

Right now, the two are trapped in the abyss of karma and will not come out in a short time.

The two seem to have had grudges before, and they are jealous of each other. Under the restraint of each other, even if they have the power to impact the abyss of cause and effect, no one dares to forcibly attack.

Because... they need to leave some of their strength to deal with each other and Yang Shou after breaking the seal.

That requires their strength to break through at least again to reach the real tenth level!


Inside the green beads.

Yang Shou looked at Xue Liuli and Diefeng, both of whom had reached the early ninth level.

"Accept it."

Yang Shou looked indifferent, and handed a white glowing seed in his hand.

This is the doom seed that he condensed from the doom crystal.

It is possible to make an early ninth-level powerhouse die directly with a single thought.

The destructive energy of doom can destroy all laws.

Xue Liuli bit her lower lip tightly, Yingying looked at Yang Shou, I felt pity for her moving appearance, but Yang Shou remained unmoved.

"Eat or die."

His voice was cold, and his tone was extremely stiff.

The first to react was Diefeng, she stepped forward and pressed the seed of doom directly into her forehead.

Then... the seed of doom instantly took over the control of her life and death.

A thought of life and death came to mind.

However, she didn't care. After being captured by Yang Shou for so long, her life and death were already beyond her control.

Seeing Diefeng accept the seed of doom, Xue Liuli sighed with a complicated expression and accepted the seed.

Yang Shou nodded slightly and said solemnly, "You are free now, take me to the Saint Clan."

"Are you going to the Holy Clan?"

There was a hint of surprise in Diefeng's eyes, and she didn't understand what Yang Shou wanted to do.

The same is true for Xue Liuli, her face is full of incredible.

"The strong people in the holy clan are like clouds, and the ninth-level peak people like you are everywhere. You..." Xue Liuli wanted to say that the realm in front of Yang Shou's eyes was really nothing.

But on second thought, in fact, going to the Holy Race is a good thing for them.

At least they have a chance to escape.

In the Saint Clan, if they can contact the ancestors, the ancestors, the ancestors, and any one, they can be rescued.

"You better be honest, the seed of doom is in control of everything, and your life and death are in my mind. Before you do anything, think carefully about the consequences."

Yang Shou snorted coldly, and immediately waved his hand, letting the two women walk out of the green beads, out of the Changhong Continent, and out of the Changhong Realm.

And he, from the beginning to the end, was in the green beads.

This bead is quite magical, and it can help him avoid the calculations of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

According to the calculation of the Lord of the Upper Realm, he is still in the Changhong Realm.

And he... now has to do a big thing, enter the Holy Race, and devour one world after another!

In order to reach the fifth level, the immortal body needs ten million karmic crystals.

According to the average of 10,000 crystals provided by each world, if there are tens of thousands of worlds in the Saint Race, he only needs to destroy one tenth of them, and he can obtain enough doomsday crystals!

Fortunately, the saints appeared, otherwise he would not know where to get 10 million crystals of doom.

After the two women walked out of Changhong Realm, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

The green beads that Yang Shouji was hiding in front of Xue Liuli's chest.

It's very hidden, so you don't have to worry about being discovered by people's eyes.

This is also what Yang Shou requested.

After all, as Xue Liuli, the saint of the saints, no one would take a peek inside her neckline.

Xue Liuli refused this at first, but Yang Shou's cold eyes made her put out the fire, and she could only agree with grievances.

"Go back directly to the saints and take the world map!"

Inside the green beads, Yang Shou gave orders to the two women.

Compared with Koos and the Lord of Black Mist, the causal lines of Xue Liuli and Diefeng have no resistance, and Yang Shou read all the memories they knew.

In the Saint Race, although there are tens of thousands of worlds, only the ancestors know the specific coordinates and locations.

In addition, there is also a world map of Counter Rebellion Sect.

The Saint Clan Sect of is the barbarian ancestor, specially dealing with those powerful creatures that have evolved from the major worlds.

As the world evolves, some creatures will naturally be born to doubt the authenticity of the world in which they live.

There are always some amazing and brilliant creatures that keep popping up, trying to resist the rule of the Holy Race.

Even in many worlds, there have been incidents of saints being killed by natives.

And the role of the anti-rebellion sect is reflected.

Therefore, in the Rebellion Sect, there is a world map about all the world coordinates in the Saint Race, so that they can rush to the Rebellion at any time.

Yang Shou even suspected that the man in blue that he killed in the Black Dragon World in the Great Thousand World was the one who suppressed the rebellion.

"But... we have a special status and cannot enter the Rebellion Sect."

Xue Liuli explained while traveling through the space and heading towards the saints.

Yang Shou's voice came from the green beads: "No, you can, just in the form of reporting the case, saying... There is a rebellion in the Changhong world, and you can't handle it."

Yang Shou only needs an excuse, and then enters the Rebellion Sect to get the world map.

This time, he came to control the two women because of the world map.

In this way, at the strong request of Yang Shou, the two women shuttled through the endless space and finally came to the gate of the Saint Clan.

The coordinates of the saints are extremely strange, very similar to the temple world. If it wasn't for Xue Liuli and the two women to lead the way, Yang Shou himself would not be able to find it.

It must have the bloodline of the saints to open it.

And this door...

Yang Shou saw the scene in front of him through the green beads, and couldn't help but be shocked.

The endless, fairyland-like gate stands at the end of the sky, even at the ninth level, in front of this gate, it seems incomparably small.

The door exudes an ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes, and in the center of the door, there is a mirror hanging on it.

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