MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 4 the development of civilization

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Song Jingxuan, his understanding of her is limited to the usual discussions between his parents. The daughter of the owner of the restaurant downstairs is such an excellent daughter that she was admitted to Yenching University, majoring in biological sciences, with the top score of science in the province.

Later, every time he came back, the owner of the noodle restaurant would share with him how good her daughter was in school, how many scholarships she had won, and which national-level journals and magazines her biological papers were published.

But it was the first time he saw the real person.

"Why don't you give money? You have to give money when you are familiar with it."

Song Jingxuan just stared at Yang Shou, not knowing where the hostility came from.

Yang Shou raised his head and smiled. Before she could speak, Song Jingxuan was pulled away by her mother.

"Xiao Yang, eat slowly, I'll take care of this girl first."

Yang Shou nodded, but he didn't take Song Jingxuan's inexplicable hostility to heart. He is now full of species evolution and wants to find a cure for cancer.

After eating, he returned home, observed the petri dish, and confirmed that no new potential species appeared. When he arrived in the basement, he found that the fish ape family was almost extinct.

The giant beast was originally limited by the space and resources of the petri dish, and there were only a few dozen, but when it reached the basement, the population began to increase sharply, and now there are more than one hundred.

In the same way, they live on plants and animals. After discovering the delicacy of fish apes, they have a soft spot for this humanoid creature and hunt them wildly.

There are only more than 100 of the more than 3,000 fish and monkeys from breeding to their peak, and they are still decreasing.

"I'm going to exterminate my clan."

Too unsatisfactory! It's a shame to your ancestors!

Save, he must save, otherwise his hard work will be wasted. But how to save? It's impossible for him to turn into a giant, go into the basement and crush those giant beasts to death, right?

We can only let them go, add some ancient beast blood to them, and see if they can evolve the ability to challenge giant beasts.

After all, there is still a saying on the earth that chickens evolved from dinosaurs. Although Yang Shou scoffed at this, he also said that chickens are very ancient, and they are several life levels higher than fish and apes.

The chicken blood was taken from the house of the owner of the noodle restaurant. When Yang Shou went there, she was killing chickens, so she took the opportunity to get a small bottle of chicken blood, the pure blood of an old hen of the earth.

"Next, we have to find a way to send them in."

In the basement world, in a forest, the ape clan is running away with the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

"Let those in need go first, and women and children go first!"

The leader was a shirtless man with a circle of animal skins around his crotch. He was the leader of the ape clan, Fang Fang.

Perhaps because of the mutation, his teeth are different from ordinary people, very sharp. He once used this as a weapon to kill the ferocious beast that ravaged the tribe. With this feat, he became the leader of the fish and ape clan.

As for why the women and children were allowed to go first, it was not because he had received the nine-year compulsory education of socialism, but simply because of the need to reproduce the race.

The fish and ape tribe cannot perish. When any race perishes, even a race without wisdom will choose to keep the fire.

Looking at the backs of the child and the woman fleeing, Fang Fang turned around, shouting in a language that Yang Shou could not understand, and led a dozen men to challenge the giant beast more than ten meters behind him.


Seeing that the weak human dared to challenge its majesty, the giant beast roared, opened its **** mouth, stretched out its huge claws, and photographed the group of Fang Fang.

Simple and rude, without...cough...

The giant claw raised a gust of wind, blowing Fang and the others upside down.

Looking at the figure of the giant beast, it was so powerful that it made people desperate. Fang Fang tried to resist, but was knocked down by the strong wind driven by the giant claws.

"Could it be that God wants to stop my tribe here?"

The huge power gap made Fang face ashes, and the last thought crossed his mind, ready to meet death.

"Fortunately we caught up."

A deafening voice spread throughout the world, as if the gods descended from ancient times, as mighty as a prison.

Fang tried his best to open his eyes, but his eyes were burned by the scorching sun hanging high in the sky, and he couldn't see anything at all.

All he could see was a giant pillar that reached the sky, which was thousands of miles long. It suddenly appeared from the sky and poked at the giant beast in front of him...

Compared with this giant pillar, the giant beast was like an ordinary baby. It was directly crushed to death without even struggling, so it remained motionless.

Fang swallowed his saliva and was shocked for a long time before he came to his senses, knelt down suddenly, facing the direction of the giant pillar, and performed the ritual of worship.

"God, it must be a god!"

"Only gods can have such power. What a mighty power this is. The sound runs through the whole world, and a giant pillar is like a heavenly pillar. This is the power only gods have!"

"Great god, now that giant beasts are rampant, our clan is facing the danger of extinction at any time, can you please take action and save our clan from fire and water?"

Fang devoutly crawls on the ground with a frenzied expression, waiting for the oracle.

However, the **** he was looking forward to said that he couldn't understand what he was saying, but from the tone, it was nothing more than to save their family.

"I'll give you some chicken blood, let's grow on your own, don't waste any more."

Fang Fang heard the thunderous words of the gods again. He turned his ears and tried to listen, but he didn't understand anything, but he used his lifelong memory to remember the words of the gods at this moment, and he kept trying to parse them. language.

Three drops of blood suddenly fell from the sky. It was said to be three drops, but for the tiny fish and ape clan, the volume of one drop of blood was as large as their head.

Fang Fang was ecstatic when he saw this **** chicken blood. In his opinion, it was God's eternal blood that God heard his request and gave him. After drinking it, he would have infinite power.

Yang Shou silently retracted the clothes pole, yes, then go to the giant pillar he used to smash the beast to death.

As for the blood of the gods, cough, chicken blood, he sprinkled it into the basement, but the way he sprinkled it was too extensive, many drops fell into other corners of the basement, and only three fell in front of Fang Fang.

"Quick, save the blood of God!"

Fang gave an order and returned to the tribe with the remaining twenty or so men in the tribe.

In the tribe, the women and children were looking forward to it, and when they saw the return of their leader, they all cried with joy.

"Our fish and ape tribe were able to escape this time because of that great god."

Fang Fang preached the great **** in the tribe, and at the same time confirmed that he was destined to return, and a **** came to save him at the time of life and death, and his prestige suddenly reached its peak.

In the first year of the human race, the clan leader Fang Fang was chased by a giant beast and fled. A **** descended from the Nine Heavens, holding a giant pillar that reached the sky, smashed the giant beast to death, and passed down three drops of immortal blood.

The divine blood was kept by Fang alone, and no one knew whether he used divine blood or not, but in the following decades, Fang led the clan to fight south and north, fought against various beasts on the mainland, and seized a lot of territory. And food, the fish and ape family began to grow.

Thirty years after the human race, the fish and ape tribe, under the leadership of Fang Fang, developed into a large tribe of 3,000 people, and began to attack the hegemonic beasts of the mainland.

A weak human body, holding a 100-pound wooden stick in his hand, fought a giant beast for three days and three nights, and finally returned to the fish and ape clan with the head of the giant beast.

At this moment, Fang's reputation has once again reached its peak. He almost single-handedly saved the Ape Clan, established a city-state, modified the system, and improved weapons, making the Ape Clan the overlord of this land.

"Humans defeated the giant beast, and it didn't disappoint me."

On the edge of the basement, Yang Shou, who was observing secretly, nodded in satisfaction.

The giant beast has no body, no wisdom, and is not the ideal protagonist of his era. It is difficult to create a brilliant civilization and cure his cancer.

There are two development paths for civilization, either through metaphysics that believes in the power of individuals, or through science that believes in the material world, but both require intelligent species to achieve.

In the 50 years since the human race, the fish and ape tribe have incorporated the entire world into the territory and achieved a unified dynasty. Surrounded by countless clansmen, Fang became the king and became the first emperor of the human era, known in history as Emperor Caesar.

Emperor Caesar's personal prestige reached its peak, and the entire dynasty was built around him. One sentence can determine the life and death of all living beings, and can determine the direction of the entire world.

From the tribal leader of more than 100 people back then to the monarch of a country today, the emperor of the world, his talent is unquestionable. You know, an unscrupulous creator **** just dripped chicken blood, and the follow-up depends on it. He unified the whole world.

However, no matter how great a monarch is, he has to face birth, old age, sickness and death, and Julius Caesar was no exception. Although after racial reproduction, the survival of the fittest, the average life expectancy of the fish and ape tribe has reached forty years, but Julius Caesar is over sixty years old this year, and UUkanshu has already entered his twilight years and is dying.

On the throne, Emperor Caesar looked at the sky. The scorching sun was still shining brightly, but he had reached his old age and was about to die.

"The decree is that the third son, Benem, is virtuous and loves the people, and he is gentle and respectful. He will be established as the heir. After my death, he will be the next emperor."

The voice was not loud, but it was full of the breath of a superior. The ministers below were crawling on the ground, not daring to look up at this great emperor at all.

It was he who single-handedly brought the fish and ape tribe from the barbaric era of luxuriant and blood-drinking to the city-state era, and opened up cities belonging to the human race to resist the invasion of giant beasts.

Emperor Caesar looked at the ministers below, and it was rumored that he had met a **** and was given divine blood before he could live to be in his sixties, but only he knew that he did not drink the blood of the gods, but consumed the blood every day. God's blood bath, can be so powerful.

The blood of the gods is something that mortals can drink at will. He has already tested countless people, and all those who drank the blood of gods died without exception.

Therefore, for decades, he could only bathe in divine blood every day, but it also made him incredibly powerful.

He has wondered countless times, what a great being that unspeakable existence above the nine heavens is, capable of possessing such a powerful blood.

Yes, that is life. He came from the wilderness, and he does not believe that it is a god, but a stronger, huge life that he cannot understand.

A life like a giant beast, but in order to rule the world, he can only use the gods to prove his divine authority.

Before, he had never dared to drink the blood of God, worried that the energy would be too large and he would burst himself, but now that he has reached the end of his life, he will no longer need to worry about these.

"Then, today, let me drink the blood of God and see if it's life or death?"