MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 10 dark unrest

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"It's too complicated. The development of the characters of the fish and ape tribe is too complete. There are actually eight kinds of voices, and the cadence is ups and downs..."

It's even more difficult than English. If you want to learn it, I'm afraid it will take a while.

And with the flow of time in the basement, thousands of years have passed.

"Try to see if you can speed up time on yourself, consume your time, and speed up your time. Why do you feel like you are killing yourself?"

Right now, he still has three months to go, and he is consuming three times the time every moment, and now he has only eighty-seven days.

"It doesn't matter, speed up the time for a month, study with all your strength, and consume twice the time."

A one-time reduction of 60 days...

Will he die?

Time is really wealth, every inch of time is worth an inch of gold, Yang Shou finally understood the philosophy of this sentence.

But if he doesn't overcome this problem, he is just waiting to die. It is as difficult as going to the sky to learn the cultivation achievements created by the human race.

"The flow of time is accelerating, an hour is faster than a month!"

As soon as he said it, Yang Shou twisted the watch handle, took a deep breath, and hurriedly devoted all his energy to learning foreign languages, staring at the microscope intently.

The crown turned rapidly, Yang Shou turned into a ruthless learning machine at this moment, studying frantically, even if he didn't work so hard in the college entrance examination, it was for his own life.

Eighty-seven minus sixty, how much is it?

He has less than a month to live...

after an hour.

Yang Shou withdrew from the acceleration state, dizzy and dizzy, his eyes were dizzy, and the epic of the human race recorded in the book echoed in his mind.

"Emperor Caesar, for the future of the human race, competed with the heavens, lost to the enemy, and before his death, he was mad at the heavens, and shouted that the human race would never be a slave!"

"Human race, never be a slave!"

"Ha ha-"

Yang Shou's face was expressionless, his heart was not fluctuating, and there was even something MMP wanted to say.

"Caesar, did I provoke you? I made up such a big play, I am a giant beast, and I enslaved your human race. Do you want to create peace for the world? Create a future for the human race?"

However, the deceased has passed away. Yang Shou said that after a month of studying as a ruthless machine, he was too tired. He had to sleep first before going to the world where a large number of wizards were born to find their troubles.

At this time, the people in the wizarding world didn't know that their creator **** was in a bad mood and was planning to find something to do for them.

In the 150th year of the Terran Era, in the city-state of Vulkan, the sun on the Sun Tower suddenly trembled violently, expanding continuously, reaching a diameter of one hundred meters.

One hundred meters also means that Vulkan has broken through the fifth level. On the second day, the sun on the Agni city-state also fissioned and expanded, breaking through to the fifth level.

Loki city-state, on the tower of the sun, Loki quietly looked at the two big suns in the distance, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"Very good, you have all made breakthroughs. In this era, I won't be so boring anymore."

Loki spoke to the world, declaring that in the world, he will enter the royal palace, and there will only be one great emperor in the future, and I will be the only one.

As soon as these words came out, the world was in an uproar.

Benem hasn't died yet, so someone dares to rebel?

Another madman like Caesar, the old people who survived the era of Emperor Caesar were not optimistic about Loki. You must know that on Benem's side are the first wise man of the human race, Koos and the Night Legion.

The Night Legion was the first group of wizards to awaken, and now everyone is a fourth-level, plus Koos, almost no one is optimistic about Loki.

"Ten days later, I will visit the palace in person and invite all the forces in the world to come and watch the ceremony."

Loki spoke again, shocking the world. For a while, the wind was turbulent, and even Koos was stunned for a long time after hearing this.

"He definitely hasn't broken through to the sixth level now. He wants to gather the momentum and use the pressure of the whole world to break through to the sixth level and enter the supreme realm!"

Koos reacted immediately, but he didn't know what to say. Emperor Caesar is a lunatic. What Loki is doing now seems to be no different from Emperor Caesar?

The only difference is that Emperor Caesar is invincible in the world, trying to challenge the gods, and Loki is trying to challenge the entire human race in order to hone himself?

"Notify Vulkan and Agni that they will have a seven-day holiday, and in ten days, come to Tudi!"

Koos issued a secret order and at the same time informed the entire human race in advance that the world would fall into darkness for seven days, but don't panic, the sun will still rise after seven days.

Ten days later, Loki stepped on the fiery red cloud and walked on the cloud, walking towards the palace. Under his feet, endless flames were burning, spreading all the way, forming a fiery cloud in the sky.

The Royal Palace, Benem, Koos, Vulkan, Agni, and the Night Legion were all waiting, looking at Loki slowly approaching, with a very solemn expression.

"The peak of the fifth level is only one step away from the sixth level!"

Koos took a deep breath. Loki's talent was so terrifying, he was about to enter the sixth level after only a few decades.

"I can't let him grow up anymore. This person doesn't obey the etiquette and behaves frivolously. If he is in charge of the development of the human race, our human race will surely fall into darkness and turmoil!"

Benem looked at Loki quietly, the little boy at the time has grown to the point where he is now, the number one in the human race.

"I'm here to take over the throne, the leader of the human race, and those who can live in it. Please also ask the leader, abdicate and let the worthy~"

Loki chuckled lightly, his eyes wandered on the three girls of Koos, Vulkan, and Agni, tsk tsk.

"Dirty and ugly guy, I didn't expect you to dare to come to the palace, today is your day of death!"

Vulkan, who hated evil, stared at Loki and couldn't help but waved her hand. Her famous stunt, the dragon's breath, transformed into a giant dragon and charged towards Loki.

"Level five, not bad, you... you are qualified to be my wife and rule the world with me."

Loki's eyes lit up, and he didn't even make a move, letting the giant dragon attack him, but when the giant dragon touched him ten feet, the giant dragon suddenly annihilated, turning into flames and disappearing without a trace.

Vulkan's pupils shrank, and his face was a little ugly. This is the domain ability that evolved naturally after being promoted to the fifth level. Within ten feet, as long as the energy level is lower than his, it will be annihilated.

It can be said that after reaching the fifth level, the passive defense power will be greatly improved, and it is almost invincible.

"Fire God Beast!"

Agni immediately shot, summoning the scorching sun behind him, and in the fiery red color, a roaring scarlet beast was born.

"The way of flame transformation, your talent is much stronger than Vulkan, and you are also qualified to enter my harem.

Loki's eyes lit up, showing shock, without the slightest fear, he was just afraid that his opponent was not strong enough.

"Those who believe in me, enter my temple, those who don't believe in me, enter my abyss."

Facing the Fire God Beast, Loki took a step forward, two extremely distinct breaths were as distinct as Jing Wei, rising together, the pure white flame turned into Loki, sitting like a god.

And another breath, full of tyrannical and negative emotions, turned into a dark red Loki, sinking into the ground, swallowing all the light and heat, and it was bottomless.


Koos saw with his own eyes a hand stretched out from the abyss and grabbed the Vulcan beast that Agni had condensed into it, and then the Vulcan beast roared a few times, and then stopped moving.

"What kind of technique is this?"

Even though Koos is well-informed and knowledgeable, he still does not recognize this exercise. One side is sacred and the other is evil, but the evil aura is strong, and the divine aura is almost imperceptible.

"This is my self-created exercise, the Vientiane Suppressing Prison Art."

Loki didn't seem to want to kill. Looking at the people in the palace, he explained slowly.

"This... belongs to my era. I don't want to start killing people. As long as the leader abdicates and leaves the palace, you can all leave alive."

"Don't even think about it!"

Vulkan shouted angrily, and a huge sun with a diameter of 100 meters rose from the ground, exuding a terrifying aura, melting everything in the palace.

Immediately afterwards, Agni also summoned the great sun of 100 meters, which rose together for two days, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Stop! You will destroy the palace like this!"

Koos hurriedly stopped drinking. The palace couldn't bear the barbecue of the two suns so close, and it would turn into fly ash in a short time.

However, Vulkan and Agni, who had made a real fire, did not take back the sun, but wanted to quickly resolve the battle and attacked Loki directly.

"Well, let's settle it quickly. If you lose this battle, you will be my 100-year princess."

After all, regardless of whether Vulkan and Agni agreed or not, from the abyss under his feet, he stretched out two hands at a time and grabbed the terrifying two-wheeled sun.

"It's too much! I want to see if you can swallow the sun in the abyss!"

Vulkan sneered, holding up the sun and smashing it at Loki.

"To have power without knowing how to use it, this is the difference between you and me."

Loki didn't change his face, didn't move a bit, the giant hand in the abyss seemed to be able to capture the sky and the sun, stabbed into the two big suns, and the violent collision began.

The entire human race is watching this battle at this time. In the battle between the three emperors, who will win and who will lose?

A quarter of an hour later, Vulcan and Agni were all exhausted, and half-knelt in front of Loki, staring at Loki's feet in disbelief.

Those two giant hands dragged the two suns into the abyss...

"No... It's impossible, the breath of the sun is so terrifying, nothing can swallow it! What the **** did you do?"

Vulkan gritted his teeth and stared at Loki.

"Nothing is impossible, it can even swallow my sun, let alone yours."

Loki walked up to Vulkan, pinched her chin, and rubbed gently.

Immediately afterwards, a more terrifying sun rose slowly from the abyss, with a diameter of... 300 meters.

Larger than Vulcan and Agni combined.

"You, who came out of the dungeon retreat back then, are far from being so powerful. I didn't expect that you would develop such an evil exercise. UUkanshu tortures human beings with human fear, despair, pain, hope, etc. All kinds of emotions create an abyss that can devour everything."

"Your ability was born in flames, but you are beyond the flame practice. Vulkan and Agni will never catch up with you in their entire lives."

Koos looked at Loki and said word by word.

"Master Wise, the foreplay is over, so now, can you make a move?"

Loki showed a dignified look, Koos and the Night Legion behind her were the key forces that decided the victory.

Koos was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"I won't make a move. If I make a move, I only have a 60% chance of winning. With a 40% chance, you can break through and enter the sixth level."

"In the past hundred years, the human race is under your control. I hope you will treat the human race kindly."

Loki was relieved, his expression could not be said to be relaxed or disappointed, but he still looked at Benem, after all, Benem is the leader of the human race.

Benem sighed. Although he was only level 3, he could see that the 60% confidence that Koos said could only be achieved at the cost of most of the destruction of the Night Legion.

Human race, no one can stop Loki.

Benem agreed with Koos' choice, and gave up the palace. Before leaving, he said to Loki, "You are from a human race, and I hope you can treat the human race kindly."

Loki smiled, "That's natural. Compared to you, in fact... I am the successor of Emperor Caesar."

Benem's body froze, and as Koos and others left the palace, they walked to the edge of the world.

In the 150th year of the Terran Era, seven consecutive days of darkness, Loki forced the palace, the Three Emperors fought, and Benem moved to the edge of the world, which is called darkness and turmoil in history.

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