MTL - This Infinite World is Shameless-Chapter 8

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Chapter 12 Revenge Never Overnight

After having solved the problem of his own strength and familiarized himself with the strength of his lower body, Li Changsheng, the heartless genius, rested and planned to learn more about this villa the next day.

On the other side, Lu Xiaofeng got a little angry at this moment and went to find a rope, but when he came back, he saw that his friend was gone, and the county owner who had been in his way was gone.

For Lu Xiaofeng, if the brain-dead county master is gone, there is no more than one more. Anyway, when the arrest came to ask, he was bitten to death and said that he had never seen that brain-dead county master.

But Li Changsheng was different. After all, he was his friend. In Lu Xiaofeng's heart, Li Changsheng's status was similar to that of Situ Zhaixing, Hua Manlou, and Ximen Chuixue.

Now that a good friend has been captured by an unknown enemy under his nose, Lu Xiaofeng feels that he is not very good, so when he goes back, he will activate the power of Li Yanbei, a local snake, and try his best to find Li Changsheng, and by the way, he will also look for him. Brainless county lord.

He didn't know that because he made a mess of the whole capital, Li Changsheng was still sleeping comfortably in other people's villas. He didn't get up from the kang until it was dawn.

I walked out of my room, opened the door, and in front of me was a small courtyard the size of two or three classrooms. There are water tanks in the yard, and some racks for drying clothes.

Looking up and looking around, I feel that the entire villa is still quite big, at least as big as a few football fields.

The outermost wall of the villa is built very high, it seems to be at least ten meters long, and it is also covered with some rockeries, climbing tigers and other things. At least Li Changsheng thinks that if ordinary people walk closer, I am afraid It's hard to find such a villa in the mountains.

Thinking back carefully, this villa is a bit worse than the one in Ye Gucheng, but fortunately Li Changsheng doesn't want to have any more contact with Ye Gucheng. .

Thinking like this, Li Changsheng began to wander around the villa. To be honest, there were a lot of servants in the villa. After walking for so long, he saw a few healthy women and a few older householders. There are no decent maids and girls, it's just extremely shabby.

After discovering that Li Changsheng had come out, an old man dressed as a butler took the initiative to walk over, bowed respectfully to him, and then raised his head tremblingly to look at him.

"This gentleman, do you want to have breakfast? Cough, if you want to eat, just tell the little one, and I will go and let the cook prepare it for you."

"Thank you so much. I'm really hungry after so long. Please, old man, prepare me some Yangchun noodles, with more meat, more onions, more soup, and less noodles. Hey, just put them in my room. "

The old butler blinked, dazedly seeming to be recalling what Li Changsheng said just now, more meat, more onions, more soup, less noodles, so many requirements, a lot of old butlers really can't remember for a while.

Seeing the confused look of the old butler, Li Changsheng hurriedly continued to ask, "Butler, where is your master now? Is he still in the villa?"

The old butler, who was a little confused, also forgot the county master's instructions at this time, and subconsciously replied: "Oh, my master is seeing guests."

"What kind of guest, is it a handsome guy with gray hair and a sword?"

But unfortunately, the old housekeeper also woke up at this time, realizing that the old housekeeper who was talking too much, looked at Li Changsheng vigilantly, and dealt with it with a strong sense of distance.

"Ahem, I don't know the little man you asked about, so I'll go and prepare a meal for you. Please go back to your room and wait for a while."

Li Changsheng didn't argue too much, nodded, and then turned around obediently and went back to his room. As for this old housekeeper, he should be the second most powerful person in the villa besides the princess, a third-rate warrior.

Back in his room, Li Changsheng thought carefully about what the butler had leaked just now, and realized that the princess girl must be chatting with someone now. If he escaped at this time, with Li Changsheng's current strength, he would definitely be able to escape.

But, after knowing the benefits of Dao Power, Li Changsheng didn't want to leave easily~ Hehe, as long as you get this county master, get 100 points of Dao Power reward, and you can exchange it for 5 years of pure infuriating energy.

Including the previous two years, Li Changsheng had 7 years of infuriating energy, that is, 70 years of inner strength, 70 years of inner strength, in Lu Xiaofeng's world, no matter what, he was considered a congenital master.

Unlike the local tyrants like the County Master, Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng, and Lu Xiaofeng, who can use money to buy heaven, material and earth treasures to increase their internal strength from a young age, a poor ghost like Li Changsheng can only rely on Dao strength to increase his strength overnight.

"That's right! When I mentioned the princess girl just now, the butler subconsciously looked at the firewood house in the east... That means there must be one there!"

dong dong dong!

"My lord, the villain brought you the noodles, the ones with more meat, more soup, more scallions, and less noodles."

"Oh, okay, wait, I'll open the door right away!"

In the middle of the night, Li Changsheng sneaked out of the room. He was already a quasi-first-class expert. At this time, he was as light as a swallow. He jumped up and down, and silently came to the door of the firewood house.

Then, in the faint moonlight, he took out a package of medicinal powder from his arms, which clearly read "Instructions for use: This medicinal powder can be smoked, blistered, splashed, and has a shelf life of three years. She who makes your heart is at your mercy~"

That's right, this is what Li Changsheng exchanged for 10 points of Taoism. A small packet of medicinal powder is extremely expensive. Li Changsheng, who has been used to hard times since he was a child, certainly wouldn't be so extravagant as to use it all at once!

He carefully took the medicine bag and looked up and down. After looking at it for a long time, he had to curse in a low voice: "Fuck! I don't even write the dosage for this particular time. Isn't this a shame!"

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from not far away. He didn't care about reading the instructions for the use of the powder, and hurriedly jumped to the roof, lowered his body to hide.

With the sound of footsteps, I saw two people walking in the distance, it should be the princess girl and her housekeeper.

"Uncle Fu, did the dead Taoist make trouble today?"

"If you go back to the county master, the Taoist priest is quite calm today, but uh... a little picky eater."

"Bitch just has a lot of things to do. Forget it, Uncle Fu, go back first. I'll go to the secret room to check if the goods are in order today."

"Yes, the old slave will retire first..."

PS: Please collect

Chapter 13 Revenge is cool

Lying on the roof, waiting for the housekeeper to leave and walking away, and after watching the princess girl walk into the room, he continued to stay on the roof for about ten minutes. After making sure that no one else was around, Li Changsheng jumped off the roof. He quietly leaned against the window and watched.

Of course, when he was at the window, he secretly pierced the layer of oil paper, a hole the size of an eye, and Li Changsheng lay there and looked inside.

The small firewood house looks small, only a few dozen square meters, and there are many firewoods neatly placed in it. It seems that most of them are pine wood, the kind that is easier to burn.

Other than that, there's nothing else, it's quiet...

Pushing open the wooden door quietly, Li Changsheng hurriedly walked into the woodshed, and then gently closed the door again. After looking around, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the inside of the house was much safer afterward.

"Huh! Why do I feel like I'm a thief? Forget it, let's find out where the secret door is!"

After speaking, Li Changsheng began to check around. He looked at the east wall for a while, while checking the wall above his head. After tossing around for a stick of incense, he had to admit that the institutions here were too high-end, not his IQ. Can be played.

Since he couldn't figure it out, fortunately, Li Changsheng didn't look for it anymore. He squatted directly in the middle of the firewood, and made up his mind to wait for the rabbits. As long as the princess girl dared to come out, he would sneak attack and sprinkle powder!

After making up his mind, he squatted on the ground and waited while counting the ants, and just like that, time passed minute by minute...

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Li Changsheng suddenly felt that the floor under his feet seemed to want to move! This discovery made him hurriedly jump to the side and look at the floor where he had been squatting for a long time.

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes. When I look back, that person is in the dim light! After a long time, the secret door is under my feet, rely on!"

At this time, the floor moved, and the place in front of Li Changsheng was moved to one side. In the dark doorway with the large table, a woman's figure came up slowly holding an oil lamp.

"Dammit, was the floor held down by pigs just now, why is it so heavy?" Said, the princess turned her head, and suddenly found that behind her, Li Changsheng was smiling at her, and she was shocked and couldn't help being surprised. exclaimed:

"It's you!"

"Hey hey, good evening, show you a baby!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Changsheng didn't care that his medicinal powder was very expensive, and the whole package was photographed on the face of the princess, and a burst of dust flew.

Read The Duke's Passion