MTL - This Infinite World is Shameless-Chapter 1520

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But out of the idea of ​​wanting to see others lose both sides, Li Changsheng didn't refute it, and just stayed where he was.

At this time, Li Changsheng was actually planning to ponder, how did these two gangs fight before he came forward.

In fact, the best thing to do is to wait until these two gangs have fought and there are not many left, and then Li Changsheng will come forward.

At that time, I will use the excuse of treating illness and saving people to help these little girls one by one.

Oh, after breathing the air of late autumn, I immediately felt that this was probably a harvest season, Li Changsheng thought happily in his heart, and the whole person was smiling happily.

As for the others, seeing Li Changsheng smiling so happily, but 913 breathed a sigh of relief, after all, their task was to guard Li Changsheng this guy.

So, as long as this guy stays there honestly and doesn't cause trouble, then thank God.

Although it is said that they belong to this kind of evil organization, but in fact, it is no different from being a soldier. Isn't being a soldier just for food and pay.

As a soldier, the best thing is to be able to eat and pay, and then not have to go to the front line, which is the best.

There is no doubt that the job of guarding prisoners fully satisfies this requirement, so the dozens of people in charge of guarding Li Changsheng are very happy.

But unfortunately, this beauty did not last for more than 10 minutes.

Because of the close follow, a grenade was thrown into the middle of them, and then there was a burst of machine gun fire.

When Li Chang lived his life, he found that all the dozens of people in charge of guarding him were killed. Oh, the scene is really mosaic.

It's like the kind of red and white picture that is completely restricted. It really needs to be coded!


Chapter 152 Fighting!

After automatically coding the scene in front of him, Li Changsheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the human beings in this world are really unscrupulous.

Because the one who killed dozens of soldiers just now was none other than one of them.

Obviously, according to Li Changsheng's eyes, this is a typical infighting.

When the organization is in internal and external troubles, these people don't want to add bricks and mortar to the organization's construction, but they still have internal strife.

This is really, beautifully done!

After being freed, Li Changsheng looked at the man in combat uniform with a very appreciative look, who seemed to be a little thin.

But the other party seemed to be very urgent, and hurriedly approached Li Changsheng and grabbed his hand.

Then he took off the combat helmet he was wearing, revealing the true face of Mount Lu. I have to say that she is a very cute girl.

"Brother, come with me quickly, and while there is a fight over there, I'll take you out of this place first."

"Well wait a minute, who are you?"

"I'm Zan, and I'm also your sister!"

Hearing this, Li Changsheng had no doubts, he just nodded calmly, after all, this cute little girl in front of her would be a very beautiful beauty in three or five years.

Well! Although now it looks like a primary school student.

Calmly expressing that he is not in a hurry to leave, Li Changsheng looked at the two sides who were fighting over there, and asked, "Did Yuanshan send you here?"

"No, when my sister and the others escaped from the institute, they didn't even know there was my sister!"

Seeing Li Changsheng's calm look, the little girl is really a little anxious, because she is very clear that the people who came to encircle and suppress Li Changsheng this time are really strong!

In fact, in Li Changsheng's opinion, this is indeed the case, because the two sides fighting in the distance also had an obvious contrast of strength and weakness at this time.

The people in the family organization are obviously stronger, especially the little ghost girl called Bamei, who holds a huge mace in her hand, and her combat effectiveness is beyond the table.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, if this trend continues, it is estimated that after another 15 minutes, the family should be able to win.

That can't be done. According to Li Changsheng's idea, it should be a lose-lose no matter what.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and rejected his sister's suggestion at the time, with a sane look on his face.

"No, they came here to save me, how can I leave them and run away alone? I want to fight too!"

Oops, hearing Li Changsheng say this, as a younger sister, of course, I admire him very much. After all, this brother of mine is really a very noble and upright figure!

The little girl didn't bother, she put on her combat helmet, took out two pistols, nodded decisively, and said in a muffled voice.

"Don't worry, brother, I will fight with you!"

"It's great, then we brothers and sisters are united, let's go together! Red duck!"

"Okay! Duck!"

Under Li Changsheng's flickering, the little girl rushed out with this Li Changsheng in a confused manner.

In fact, Li Changsheng was also a little relieved, and he really didn't expect this little sister to be so obedient, so it seems that some people will play in the future.

At the same time, the family organization had the upper hand in the battle, and it was also discovered that Li Changsheng was out of control.

Moreover, this guy Li Changsheng not only escaped his control, but also brought a person to kill him!

But fortunately, all of this is actually within the calculation range of the family organization. After all, they also have a little bit of understanding of Li Changsheng's combat effectiveness.

At that time, under the command, nearly 200 soldiers with guns and live ammunition were separated out, facing Li Changsheng and the others.

At the same time, this also reduced the pressure on Yuanshan to ask them.

In a short period of time, the battle between the two sides seems to have become evenly matched. After all, there are 200 little guys, which is not a small number.

But unfortunately, after Li Changsheng rushed forward, he found out that there were only 200 scumbags coming towards him, so he smiled disdainfully at that time.

With a slight acceleration on his feet, he rushed into the opponent's army formation, and then Li Changsheng, like a cyan streamer, quickly passed through the entire army formation.

As he passed through, more than 200 soldiers fell to more than 100, and the remaining dozens of soldiers were all stopped by Yuan Shanzhao.

At the same time, Li Changsheng rushed to the frontal battlefield without hesitation!

Originally, his purpose was not these little soldiers, his purpose was those beautiful little girls who had not yet been captured by him!

After all, no matter what he said, Li Changsheng was a man who never forgot his original intentions!

After coming to the frontal battlefield, Li Changsheng was obviously a character that could not be ignored by others. After all, his presence and combat effectiveness were no less than Bamei, the king of the ghost clan.

Of course, Li Changsheng's target was also obvious, it was the little girl who was wielding a mace.

Three hits, five divisions, two came to the opponent's side, followed by raising his hand and slamming it directly on the mace in the opponent's hand.