MTL - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost-Chapter 38 President Zhang (4)

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I swear that I want to forget everything at that moment, concentrate on responding to Xiaoning, and why he is, anyway, Xiaoning kisses me, and I don’t enjoy it at this time.

However, there is a mosquito that keeps whispering in my ear. I am looking for a voice, and I reach out and slammed my face on Xiaoning’s face.

Xiao Ning looked at me with half of his face being beaten, full of shock and heartbreak.

I spread his hand to him: "You see this mosquito, I touched my hand, how much blood did you suck?"

Xiao Ning’s gaze moved from my face to my hand and saw the body of the blood-sucking mosquito.

I feel distressed to touch the face that Xiaoning was bitten. Xiaoning's skin can be white, and it is ugly to have a long bag on his face tomorrow.

"I will go to the pharmacy to buy some ointment for a while," I said. "There is a kind of ointment that is very easy to use. I will recruit mosquitoes and use them often."

As I said, a steady stream of mosquitoes came to attack me. I have been dealing with mosquitoes for more than 20 years. I have rich experience. I don’t have to look at them to know which positions they will attack. I have several corpses of mosquitoes under my palm.

Looking at the blood of the palm, I shook my head and sighed: "It’s still bitten, there are too many mosquitoes, and the two fists are hard to beat."

Visually, there are probably two or three mosquitoes that have filled my blood and I have been lying in my palm.

Xiao Ning said nothing, and turned his face and turned to look at the unit door: "Duan Youlian came out."

A figure wearing a poncho slowly came out of the building. She slowly looked up and looked at the window of the room where her mother lived. She stopped looking back and stood in front of the woods we were hiding: "Go."

I took out the palm of my palm and got out of the woods. It took me ten minutes to see the time: "So fast?"

I thought she hadn't seen her mother for a few more years.

"Life and death are two worlds, ten minutes is already a violation." Xiaoning climbed out and tore off the spell on Duan Youlian. "Have you figured it out?"

Duan Youlian said: "I figured it out, it would be enough to see her."

It is already 4:20 now, and the time is tight. We quickly walked out of the community and took the school bus.

A school bus Liu teacher showed his body shape. He patted his chest and said: "I was really scared to death, so I was afraid that Shen would use a notebook to fight mosquitoes. In the mosquitoes, there was a blood sucking Shen, if it was stuck to me. On the skin... the consequences are unimaginable!"

It seems that the use of this book to fight insects is not going to go to Mr. Liu. I am also very helpless. In college dormitory, it is not normal to use books and notebooks to fight bugs.

"Are you afraid of the blood sucked out by mosquitoes?" I shifted the subject.

"That is nature. Mosquitoes and other creatures will choose the most **** people. The blood they inhale into the body is also the essence of the human body. It is extremely powerful." Teacher Liu said with fear.

I asked Duan Youlian again: "Are you afraid?"

"When Fang Cai came out of the woods, fortunately, he took the mosquito on his hand first. Otherwise, I was suppressed by the spell, and then I met Shen’s pure yang blood. I was afraid that the soul would be damaged and it would be difficult to reincarnate. Duan Youlian is also a face of fear.

I sighed: "So what is the future of ghosts, even mosquitoes are not as good as a small paragraph, have you solved the problem?"

Xiaoning has the most right to speak: "She has resentment, and she can leave the body as long as she brings back the Maoshan faction."

In fact, I have been worried about this matter. In the past eight years, the missing population has disappeared. Suddenly there is a body that has not decayed for eight years. Even if the mother is not pursued, the police will not investigate. This is a human case.

"Bring back to the Maoshan faction, will it not be misunderstood by the police?" I asked with concern.

"That wouldn't be," Ning Tianze smiled confidently. "The Maoshan faction still has a way to do this. Moreover, the person who killed Duan Youlian has already solved it. The police have to check and find out nothing. After the overdose. Then, the body can be returned to the mother, and she is cremated and buried."

I didn't ask what the little paragraph said to my mother. This is her privacy. Seeing her face at this time is quiet, no longer grievances, this is enough.

The driver's big brother took advantage of the car in the early morning, he will not be photographed by the traffic lights, all the way to the car quickly, first send Mr. Liu back to the other side of the community, and then take my Xiaoning small section to the hotel, less than half an hour, the last In ten minutes, he also wanted to park in a shaded place.

For the first time in the city, I was sitting in a ghost car with a speed of more than one hundred and fifty. In the same way, I saw the driver’s big brother licking the throttle and smashing the red light. He passed the car with his hand numerous times, and he was afraid to grab the handrail and hold it in one hand. Xiaoning’s arm is afraid that we will be taken out by the car.

When I got off the bus, the driver’s brother pushed the hat with his hand and sneered at me: “Oh, my top speed is only 80? Joke!”

After throwing us off the car, I sneaked on the throttle and flew away. I was pale and supported Xiao Ning Road: "The driver's big brother is a real man. I am not as good as myself. The city is dare to drive high speed and speed!"

Xiaoning no change color: "He drives a ghost car, and the yin and yang are different. It will not collide with other cars. Even if it is hit, it will only pass from the body, it will be fine."

Xiaoning is really powerful, and this speed can be kept calm. Maoshan Tianshi is also very popular...

"Vo..." When I was in a daze, Xiaoning rushed to the garbage bin outside the hotel and spit.


In the end, Xiaoning, who helped me with motion sickness, got on the elevator. After I got back to the room, I helped him sit on the sofa and gave him a cup of warm water to pass it over: "Hip your mouth, hey, what is the car?" I should try to close my eyes as much as possible, so it is good for me to give you a temple."

Xiaoning looked at me silently, and there seemed to be a lot of words in his eyes.

He has always used this kind of look at me, I am used to it.

I went to get a hot towel, sat on the sofa, let Xiaoning lie on my lap, and wiped his face with a hot towel: "Close your eyes, lie quietly for a while, just fall asleep."

After wiping my face, I carefully observed the position of Xiaoning’s face being smashed by mosquitoes. There was no long bag, but some red.

I focused on putting a hot towel on that position, striving to promote blood circulation, so that Xiaoning does not have a long bag, and keeps the handsome value.

Xiao Ning is not very embarrassed. He has never closed his eyes except to wipe his face. He looks at me intently. His line of sight shifts with my hand and does not let me go through every movement.

When I concentrated on helping him apply his face, Xiaoning grabbed my hand and whispered: "Shen teacher..."

My heart panicked and the towel fell.

Xiaoning swallowed a slobber, and the good-looking throat was gently rolled. I didn't dare to look at his face. The line of sight shifted to his throat and there was a bite of impulse.

Although I didn't look at Xiaoning, my ears were always working, waiting quietly for what he was about to say.

Just listen to him...

The huge knock on the door came from outside the door. I immediately recovered my mind and got up to open the door.

"噗通", Xiaoning fell off the sofa, ah! Forgot that he was lying on my lap, I stood up and he...

The knock on the door was very anxious. The Ning, the master’s sleep, walked up and yawned and walked out: “You are not opening the door.”

When Ning’s head is said to open the door, I always feel that something has been forgotten. What is it?

When the door opened, Ning Zhangmen shouted: "What kind of living corpse is so bold, knocking on the hotel where Maoshan sent to stay? Tiance, sacrifice evil swords, see me except this scorpion!"

Ah, I went to the Xiaoning elevator that helped the motion sickness, and forgot the small section downstairs...

The author has something to say: Xiaoning: I picked a moonlight in the beautiful, hidden environment of the trees to my sweetheart confession, I gently kissed him, he ... focused on shooting mosquitoes and hit me a slap... ...

Teacher Shen: Romance is impossible, and it is impossible in this life.

Teacher Liu: The driver Qi brothers are really ghosts and gods. They are so able to make Shen teacher afraid. It is really a model of my ghosts and admire!

Driver big brother: Hey!